chore: Update translations
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing

This commit is contained in:
kieran 2024-09-11 20:43:07 +00:00
parent 4c80fb78ec
commit f217ca7e64
22 changed files with 88 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "غير متصل",
"7YkSA2": "قائد المجتمع",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "إعادة النشر ({n})",
"89q5wc": "تأكيد إعادة النشر",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "نسخ بصيغة JSON",
"P7FD0F": "مطابق لاعدادات جهازك",
"P7nJT9": "الإجمالي اليوم (بالتوقيت العالمي ): {amount} ساتوشي",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "التفضيلات",
"PXQ0z0": "الاستلام إلى <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "عنوان الملف غير معروف: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "ماذا يجب أن نسميك؟",
"Ss0sWu": "ادفع الآن",
"StKzTE": "وضع المؤلف علامة على هذه المذكرة كموضوع حساس <i></i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "الوسائط في الملاحظات ستظهر تلقائياً للأشخاص المختارين، وإلا فإن الرابط فقط سيظهر",
"TH1fFo": "برقية",
"TJo5E6": "معاينة",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "مدفوعة {amount} ساتس، الرسوم {fee} ساتس",
"aSGz4J": "الاتصال بعقدة LND الخاصة بك باستخدام Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "عرض المزيد",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "سماعة",
"b5vAk0": "سيكون معرفك بمثابة عنوان برق وستتم اعادة التوجيه الى عنوان البرق أو LNURL الذي تختاره",
"bF1MYT": "أنت قائد المجتمع وتكسب <b>{percent}</b> من اشتراكات المستخدمين المحالين!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Offline",
"7YkSA2": "Community-Anführer",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Reposts ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Reposts bestätigen",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Event JSON kopieren",
"P7FD0F": "System (Standard)",
"P7nJT9": "Gesamt heute (UTC): {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Einstellungen",
"PXQ0z0": "Auf <b>{wallet}</b> empfangen",
"PamNxw": "Unbekannter Datei-Header: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Wie sollen wir dich nennen?",
"Ss0sWu": "Jetzt bezahlen",
"StKzTE": "Der Autor hat diese Note als ein <i>sensibles Thema</i> markiert",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Medien in Notes werden für ausgewählte Personen automatisch angezeigt, ansonsten wird nur der Link angezeigt",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Vorschau",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "{amount} Sats bezahlt, {fee} Sats Gebühr",
"aSGz4J": "Verbindung zu deiner eigenen LND-Node mit Lightning-Node-Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Mehr anzeigen",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemonik",
"b5vAk0": "Dein Handle ist wie eine Lightning-Adresse und leitet dich zu deiner gewählten LNURL oder Lightning-Adresse weiter",
"bF1MYT": "Du bist ein Community-Anführer und verdienst <b>{percent}</b> an den Abonnements der angeworbenen Nutzer!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Fuera de línea",
"7YkSA2": "Líder comunitario",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Reposts ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Confirmar reposts",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Copiar JSON",
"P7FD0F": "Sistema (por defecto)",
"P7nJT9": "Total hoy (UTC): {amount} sáb",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Preferencias",
"PXQ0z0": "Recepción a <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Encabezado de archivo desconocido: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "¿Cómo deberíamos llamarle?",
"Ss0sWu": "Paga Ahora",
"StKzTE": "El autor ha marcado esta nota como tema sensible <i></i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Los medios de comunicación en las notas se mostrarán automáticamente para las personas seleccionadas, de lo contrario sólo se mostrará el enlace",
"TH1fFo": "Telegrama",
"TJo5E6": "Vista previa",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "De pago {amount} sats, de pago {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Conéctate a tu propio nodo LND con Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Mostrar más",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemotécnico",
"b5vAk0": "Tu usuario actuará como una dirección de relámpago y redirigirá a tu LNURL o dirección de relámpago seleccionada",
"bF1MYT": "Usted es un líder de la comunidad y está ganando <b>{percent}</b> de las suscripciones de los usuarios recomendados.",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "آفلاین",
"7YkSA2": "Community Leader",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "({n}) بازنشر",
"89q5wc": "تایید بازنشر",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "کپی رویداد JSON",
"P7FD0F": "سیستم (پیش فرض)",
"P7nJT9": "جمع امروز (UTC): {amount} ساتوشی",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "ترجیحات",
"PXQ0z0": "Receiving to <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "سرفایل ناشناس: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "شما را چی صدا بزنیم؟",
"Ss0sWu": "همین الان پرداخت کنید",
"StKzTE": "نویسنده این یادداشت را به عنوان <i>موضوع حساس</i> علامت گذاری کرده",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "رسانه درون یادداشت به طور خودکار برای افراد منتخب نمایش داده می شود، وگرنه فقط لینک نشان داده می شود",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "پیش‌نمایش",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Paid {amount} sats, fee {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Connect to your own LND node with Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "نمایش بیشتر",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "یادسپارها",
"b5vAk0": "شناسه شما به عنوان آدرس لایتنینگ عمل نموده و به LNURL انتخابی و آدرس لایتنینگ ارجاع خواهد داد",
"bF1MYT": "You are a community leader and are earning <b>{percent}</b> of referred users subscriptions!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Offline",
"7YkSA2": "Yhteisön johtaja",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Uudelleenjakoja ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Vahvista uudelleenjaot",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Kopioi tapahtuman JSON",
"P7FD0F": "Järjestelmä (oletus)",
"P7nJT9": "Tänään yhteensä (UTC): {amount} satsia",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Asetukset",
"PXQ0z0": "Vastaanotto osoitteeseen <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Tuntematon tiedostotunniste: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Miksi meidän pitäisi kutsua sinua?",
"Ss0sWu": "Maksa nyt",
"StKzTE": "Kirjoittaja on merkinnyt tämän huomautuksen <i>arkaluontoiseksi aiheeksi.</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Viestien mediasisältö näytetään automaattisesti valituille henkilöille, muille näytetään vain linkki",
"TH1fFo": "Telegrammi",
"TJo5E6": "Esikatselu",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Maksettu {amount} satsia, maksu {fee} satsia",
"aSGz4J": "Yhdistä omaan LND-solmuun Lightning Node Connectin avulla",
"aWpBzj": "Näytä lisää",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemonic-lause",
"b5vAk0": "Käyttäjätunnuksesi toimii kuin lightning-osoite ja uudelleenohjaa valitsemaasi LNURLiin tai lightning-osoitteeseen",
"bF1MYT": "Olet yhteisön johtaja ja ansaitset <b>{percent}</b> viitattujen käyttäjien tilauksista!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Hors ligne",
"7YkSA2": "Leader de la communauté",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Reposte ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Confirmer la republication",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Copier l'événement JSON",
"P7FD0F": "Système (Défaut)",
"P7nJT9": "Total aujourd'hui (UTC) : {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Préférences",
"PXQ0z0": "Réception vers <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "En-tête du fichier inconnu : {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Comment devrions-nous vous appeler ?",
"Ss0sWu": "Payer maintenant",
"StKzTE": "L'auteur a marqué cette note comme étant un sujet sensible <i></i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Les médias dans les notes seront automatiquement affichés pour les personnes sélectionnées, sinon seul le lien sera affiché",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Avant-première",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Payé {amount} sats, frais {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Connectez-vous à votre propre nœud LND avec Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Montrer plus",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnémonique",
"b5vAk0": "Votre identifiant agira comme une adresse Lightning et redirigera vers l'adresse LNURL ou Lightning de votre choix",
"bF1MYT": "Vous êtes un leader de la communauté et vous gagnez <b>{percent}</b> des abonnements des utilisateurs parrainés !",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Offline",
"7YkSA2": "Community Leader",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Ponovna dijeljenja ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Potvrdi ponovno dijeljenje",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Kopiraj JSON događaj",
"P7FD0F": "Sustav (zadano)",
"P7nJT9": "Ukupno danas (UTC): {amount} sati",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Postavke",
"PXQ0z0": "Receiving to <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Nepoznati header file-a: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "What should we call you?",
"Ss0sWu": "Plati Odmah",
"StKzTE": "The author has marked this note as a <i>sensitive topic</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Media in notes will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Preview",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Paid {amount} sats, fee {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Connect to your own LND node with Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Prikaži više",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemonički",
"b5vAk0": "Vaš nadimak će se ponašati kao lightning adresa i preusmjerit će Vas na odabrani LNURL ili Lightning adresu",
"bF1MYT": "You are a community leader and are earning <b>{percent}</b> of referred users subscriptions!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Offline",
"7YkSA2": "Közösségi Vezető",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Megosztva ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Megosztás megerősítése",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "JSON eset",
"P7FD0F": "Rendszer (Alapértelmezett)",
"P7nJT9": "Összesen ma (UTC): {amount} sat",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Preferenciák",
"PXQ0z0": "Fogadás a <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Ismeretlen fejléc: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Hogy hívjunk téged?",
"Ss0sWu": "Fizetés Most",
"StKzTE": "A szerző ezt a bejegyzést <i>kényes témaként</i> jelölte meg",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "A bejegyzésekben található média bizonyos emberek számára automatikusan megjelenik, másoknak pedig egy link lesz helyette",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Előnézet",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Fizetve {amount} sats, díj {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Csatlakozásd a saját LND csomópontodat a Lightning Node Connect segítségével",
"aWpBzj": "Mutass többet",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Emlékezeterősítő",
"b5vAk0": "Az azonosító mint egy Lightning cím fog működni, és a kiválasztott LNURL- vagy Lightning-címre irányít át",
"bF1MYT": "Közösségi vezető vagy, és keres <b>{percent}</b> az ajánlott felhasználók előfizetéseiből!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Offline",
"7YkSA2": "Tokoh Masyarakat",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Posting ulang ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Konfirmasi Posting Ulang",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Salin Event JSON",
"P7FD0F": "Sistem (Bawaan)",
"P7nJT9": "Total hari ini (UTC): {amount} sat",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Preferensi",
"PXQ0z0": "Menerima ke <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Header file tidak dikenal: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Kami harus memanggilmu dengan sebutan apa?",
"Ss0sWu": "Bayar Sekarang",
"StKzTE": "Penulis telah menandai catatan ini sebagai topik sensitif <i></i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Media di catatan akan secara otomatis ditampilkan untuk orang yang dipilih, jika tidak, hanya tautan yang akan ditampilkan",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Pratinjau",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Berbayar {amount} sats, gratis {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Sambungkan ke node LND Anda sendiri dengan Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Tampilkan lebih banyak",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemonic",
"b5vAk0": "Pegangan Anda akan bertindak seperti alamat kilat dan akan mengarahkan ke LNURL atau alamat Lightning yang Anda pilih",
"bF1MYT": "Anda adalah pemimpin komunitas dan mendapatkan <b>{percent}</b> dari langganan pengguna yang direferensikan!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Non in linea",
"7YkSA2": "Leader della comunità",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Riposta ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Conferma Riposta",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Copia evento JSON",
"P7FD0F": "Sistema (Predefinito)",
"P7nJT9": "Totale oggi (UTC): {amount} sat",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Preferenze",
"PXQ0z0": "Ricezione a <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Intestazione del file sconosciuta: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Come dovremmo chiamarla?",
"Ss0sWu": "Paga ora",
"StKzTE": "L'autore ha contrassegnato questa nota come argomento sensibile <i></i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "I media nelle note verranno mostrati automaticamente per le persone selezionate, altrimenti verrà mostrato solo il link.",
"TH1fFo": "Telegramma",
"TJo5E6": "Anteprima",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "A pagamento {amount} sats, a pagamento {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Collegarsi al proprio nodo LND con Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Mostra altro",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemonico",
"b5vAk0": "Il tuo handle si comporterà come un indirizzo lightning e reindirizzerà al LNURL o all'indirizzo Lightning selezionato",
"bF1MYT": "Sei un leader della comunità e stai guadagnando <b>{percent}</b> con gli abbonamenti degli utenti segnalati!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "オフライン",
"7YkSA2": "コミュニティーリーダー",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "リポスト ({n})",
"89q5wc": "リポストの確認",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "イベントJSONをコピー",
"P7FD0F": "システム (デフォルト)",
"P7nJT9": "本日の合計額 (UTC): {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "ユーザー設定",
"PXQ0z0": "<b>{wallet}</b> に受信中",
"PamNxw": "不明なファイルヘッダー: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "何て呼べばいい?",
"Ss0sWu": "今すぐ支払う",
"StKzTE": "筆者はこのノートを <i>センシティブ・トピック</i>としている。",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "選択したユーザーの投稿ではメディアが自動的に表示され、それ以外はリンクのみが表示されます",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "プレビュー",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "{amount} satsの支払い、手数料 {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Lightning Node Connectで自分のLNDードに接続する",
"aWpBzj": "もっと見る",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "ニーモニック",
"b5vAk0": "あなたのハンドルはライトニングアドレスのように動作し、選択したLNURLまたはライトニングアドレスに転送されます",
"bF1MYT": "あなたはコミュニティリーダーであり、紹介されたユーザーのサブスクリプションの <b>{percent}</b> を獲得しています!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "오프라인",
"7YkSA2": "커뮤니티 리더",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "리포스트 ({n})",
"89q5wc": "리포스트 확인",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "이벤트 JSON 복사",
"P7FD0F": "시스템(기본값)",
"P7nJT9": "오늘 합계(UTC): {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "기본 설정",
"PXQ0z0": "<b>{wallet}</b>으로 수신",
"PamNxw": "알 수 없는 파일 헤더: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "당신을 어떻게 부를까요?",
"Ss0sWu": "지금 결제",
"StKzTE": "작성자는 이 메모를 <i>민감한 주제로 표시했습니다.</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "선택한 사람에게는 노트의 미디어가 자동으로 표시되고, 그렇지 않으면 링크만 표시됩니다.",
"TH1fFo": "텔레그램",
"TJo5E6": "미리보기",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "유료 {amount} 수능, 유료 {fee} 수능",
"aSGz4J": "라이트닝 노드 커넥트로 자체 LND 노드에 연결하기",
"aWpBzj": "자세히 보기",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "니모닉",
"b5vAk0": "핸들은 라이트닝 주소처럼 작동하며 선택한 LNURL 또는 라이트닝 주소로 리디렉션됩니다.",
"bF1MYT": "귀하는 커뮤니티 리더이며 추천 사용자 구독을 <b>{percent}</b> 받고 있습니다!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Offline",
"7YkSA2": "Community Leader",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Reposts ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Confirm Reposts",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Salin 'Event' JSON",
"P7FD0F": "Sistem (Default)",
"P7nJT9": "Total hari ini (UTC): {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Prefs",
"PXQ0z0": "Receiving to <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Header file tidak dikenal: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Kami memanggilmu dengan nama apa?",
"Ss0sWu": "Bayar Sekarang",
"StKzTE": "The author has marked this note as a <i>sensitive topic</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Media in notes will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Preview",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Paid {amount} sats, fee {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Connect to your own LND node with Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Minta Lebih",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemo",
"b5vAk0": "Your handle will act like a lightning address and will redirect to your chosen LNURL or Lightning address",
"bF1MYT": "You are a community leader and are earning <b>{percent}</b> of referred users subscriptions!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Offline",
"7YkSA2": "Leider Gemeenschap",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Reposts ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Bevestig Reposts",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Kopieer JSON event",
"P7FD0F": "Systeem (Standaard)",
"P7nJT9": "Totaal vandaag (UTC): {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Voorkeuren",
"PXQ0z0": "Ontvangen naar <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Onbekende bestandsheader: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Hoe moeten we je noemen?",
"Ss0sWu": "Nu betalen",
"StKzTE": "De auteur heeft deze opmerking gemarkeerd als een <i>gevoelig onderwerp</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Media in notities wordt automatisch getoond voor de geselecteerde personen, anders wordt alleen de link getoond",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Voorbeeld",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Betaald {amount} sats, vergoeding {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Maak verbinding met je eigen LND-knooppunt met Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Toon meer",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemonic",
"b5vAk0": "Uw Nostr adres gedraagt zich als een Lightning adres en stuurt zaps door naar uw gekozen LNURL/Lightning adres",
"bF1MYT": "Je bent een gemeenschapsleider en verdient <b>{percent}</b> van doorverwezen gebruikersabonnementen!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Off-line",
"7YkSA2": "Líder de Comunidade",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Repostagens ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Confirmar Republicações",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Copiar JSON do Evento",
"P7FD0F": "Sistema (Padrão)",
"P7nJT9": "Total hoje (UTC): {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Preferências",
"PXQ0z0": "Recebimento para <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Cabeçalho de arquivo desconhecido: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Como devemos chamá-lo?",
"Ss0sWu": "Pagar agora",
"StKzTE": "O autor marcou esta nota como um tópico sensível <i></i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "A mídia nas notas será mostrada automaticamente para os usuários selecionados, caso contrário apenas o link será mostrado",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Prévia",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Pago {amount} sats, taxa {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Conecte-se ao seu próprio nó LND com o Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Mostrar mais",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemônica",
"b5vAk0": "Seu identificador atuará como um endereço lightning e redirecionará para a LNURL escolhida ou endereço Lightning",
"bF1MYT": "Você é um líder da comunidade e está ganhando <b>{percent}</b> de assinaturas de usuários referidos!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Offline",
"7YkSA2": "Общественный лидер",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Репосты ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Подтверждать репосты",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Копировать JSON события",
"P7FD0F": "Системный (по умолчанию)",
"P7nJT9": "Всего сегодня (UTC): {amount} сат",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Настройки",
"PXQ0z0": "Получение на <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Неизвестный заголовок файла: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Как мы должны вас называть?",
"Ss0sWu": "Оплатить сейчас",
"StKzTE": "Автор пометил эту заметку как <i>чувствительную тему</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Медиафайлы в заметках будут автоматически показаны для выбранных людей, в противном случае будет показана только ссылка",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Предварительный просмотр",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Платно {amount} sats, платно {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Подключение к собственному узлу LND с помощью Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Развернуть",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Мнемоническая фраза",
"b5vAk0": "Ваш хэндл будет выступать в качестве лайтнинг-адреса и перенаправлять запы на выбранный вами LNURL или LN адрес",
"bF1MYT": "Вы являетесь лидером сообщества и зарабатываете <b>{percent}</b> от подписок привлеченных пользователей!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Frånkopplad",
"7YkSA2": "Gemenskapens ledare",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Delningar ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Bekräfta Dela vidare",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Kopiera händelse JSON",
"P7FD0F": "System (standard)",
"P7nJT9": "Totalt idag (UTC): {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Inställningar",
"PXQ0z0": "Tar emot till <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Okänd filrubrik: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Vad ska vi kalla dig?",
"Ss0sWu": "Betala nu",
"StKzTE": "Författaren har markerat denna anteckning som ett <i>känsligt ämne</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Media i anteckningar visas automatiskt för valda personer, annars visas endast länken",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Förhandsvisning",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Betald {amount} sats, avgift {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Anslut till din egen LND-nod med Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "Visa mer",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemonic",
"b5vAk0": "Ditt namn kommer att fungera som en Lightning adress och kommer att omdirigeras till din valda LNURL eller Lightning adress",
"bF1MYT": "Du är en community leader och tjänar <b>{percent}</b> på hänvisade användares prenumerationer!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Nje ya mtandao",
"7YkSA2": "Kiongozi wa Jamii",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "Machapisho upya ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Thibitisha Reposts",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "Nakili Tukio JSON",
"P7FD0F": "Mfumo (Chaguo-msingi)",
"P7nJT9": "Jumla ya leo (UTC): {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "Mapendeleo",
"PXQ0z0": "Inapokea kwa <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "Kijajuu cha faili kisichojulikana: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "Utaitwa nini?",
"Ss0sWu": "Lipa Sasa",
"StKzTE": "Mwandishi ametaja madokezo haya kama <i>mada nyeti</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Maudhui katika madokezo yataonyeshwa kiotomatiki kwa watu waliochaguliwa, vinginevyo kiungo pekee ndicho kitakachoonyeshwa",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Onesha Mapema",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Imelipwa {amount} sats, ada {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Unganisha kwa nodi yako ya LND na Uunganisho wa Njia ya Umeme",
"aWpBzj": "Onyesha Zaidi",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemoniki",
"b5vAk0": "Nchi yako itafanya kama anwani ya umeme na itaelekeza kwenye LNURL uliyochagua au anwani ya Umeme",
"bF1MYT": "Wewe ni kiongozi wa jamii na unapata <b>{percent}</b> ya michango ya watumiaji waliotajwa!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "அகல்நிலை",
"7YkSA2": "Community Leader",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "மறுபதிவுகள் ({n})",
"89q5wc": "மறுப்பதிவுகளை உறுதி செய்யவும்",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "நிகழ்வு JSONஐ நகலெடு",
"P7FD0F": "கணினி (இயல்புநிலை)",
"P7nJT9": "இன்றைய (UTC) மொத்தம்: {amount} சாட்கள்",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "விருப்பங்கள்",
"PXQ0z0": "Receiving to <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "தெரியாத கோப்புத் தலைப்பு: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "What should we call you?",
"Ss0sWu": "தொகை செலுத்தவும்",
"StKzTE": "The author has marked this note as a <i>sensitive topic</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "Media in notes will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Preview",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Paid {amount} sats, fee {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Connect to your own LND node with Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "மேலும் காட்டு",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "நினைவூட்டி",
"b5vAk0": "உங்கள் பயனர் அடையாளம் மின்னல் முகவரிபோல் செயல்படும் மற்றும் நீங்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுத்த LNURL அல்லது மின்னல் முகவரிக்குத் திருப்பிவிடும்",
"bF1MYT": "You are a community leader and are earning <b>{percent}</b> of referred users subscriptions!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "Offline",
"7YkSA2": "Community Leader",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "รีโพสต์ ({n})",
"89q5wc": "ยืนยันรีโพสต์",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "คัดลอก Event JSON",
"P7FD0F": "ระบบ (ค่าเริ่มต้น)",
"P7nJT9": "ยอดรวมวันนี้ (UTC): {amount} sats",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "การตั้งค่า",
"PXQ0z0": "Receiving to <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "ส่วนต้นของไฟล์ที่ไม่รู้จัก: {name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "What should we call you?",
"Ss0sWu": "ชำระเงินทันที",
"StKzTE": "The author has marked this note as a <i>sensitive topic</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "สื่อในโน้ตจะแสดงโดยอัตโนมัติสำหรับบุคคลที่เลือกเท่านั้น คนอื่น ๆ จะแสดงเฉพาะลิงก์",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "Preview",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "Paid {amount} sats, fee {fee} sats",
"aSGz4J": "Connect to your own LND node with Lightning Node Connect",
"aWpBzj": "ดูเพิ่มเติม",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "Mnemonic",
"b5vAk0": "สิ่งนี้เหมือนกับ Lightning Address และจะเปลี่ยนการเชื่อมต่อไปที่ LNURL หรือ Lightning Addresses ที่คุณเลือก",
"bF1MYT": "You are a community leader and are earning <b>{percent}</b> of referred users subscriptions!",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "离线",
"7YkSA2": "社区领袖",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "转发 ({n})",
"89q5wc": "确认转发",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "复制事件 JSON",
"P7FD0F": "系统(默认)",
"P7nJT9": "今天总计 (UTC){amount} 聪",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "选项",
"PXQ0z0": "接收至 <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "未知文件标头:{name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "我们该怎么称呼你?",
"Ss0sWu": "立即支付",
"StKzTE": "作者已将此笔记标记为<i>敏感主题</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "笔记中的媒体将自动显示给选定的人,否则只会显示链接",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "预览",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "支付 {amount} 聪,付费 {fee} 聪",
"aSGz4J": "使用 Lightning Node Connect 连接你自己的 LND 节点",
"aWpBzj": "显示更多",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "助记词",
"b5vAk0": "你的代号将像闪电地址一样重定向至你所选的 LNURL 或闪电地址",
"bF1MYT": "你已成为社区领袖,并可从邀请用户的订阅中赚取 <b>{percent}</b>",

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
"7UOvbT": "離線",
"7YkSA2": "社區領袖",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7pFGAQ": "Close Relays",
"8/vBbP": "轉發({n}",
"89q5wc": "確認轉發",
"8BDFvJ": "Conventions for clients' use of e and p tags in text events",
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@
"P61BTu": "複製事件 JSON",
"P7FD0F": "系統(默認)",
"P7nJT9": "今天總計UTC{amount} 聰",
"P8JC58": "Distance",
"PCSt5T": "選項",
"PXQ0z0": "接收至 <b>{wallet}</b>",
"PamNxw": "未知文件標頭:{name}",
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@
"SmuYUd": "我們應該怎麼樣稱呼你?",
"Ss0sWu": "立即支付",
"StKzTE": "作者已將此筆記標記為<i>敏感主題</i>",
"T83nqf": "Relays close to your geographic location.",
"TDR5ge": "帖子中的媒體將自動顯示給選定的人,否則只會顯示鏈接",
"TH1fFo": "Telegram",
"TJo5E6": "預覽",
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
"aRex7h": "支付 {amount} 聰,付費 {fee} 聰",
"aSGz4J": "使用 Lightning Node Connect 連接你自己的 LND 節點",
"aWpBzj": "顯示更多",
"abbGKq": "{n} km",
"b12Goz": "助記詞",
"b5vAk0": "你的代號將像閃電地址一樣重定向至你所選的 LNURL 或閃電地址",
"bF1MYT": "你已成爲社區領袖,並可從邀請用戶的訂閱中賺取<b>{percent}</b>",