
163 lines
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import { removeUndefined, sanitizeRelayUrl, unwrap } from "@snort/shared";
import debug from "debug";
import { EventEmitter } from "eventemitter3";
import { Connection, RelaySettings } from "./connection";
import { NostrEvent, OkResponse, TaggedNostrEvent } from "./nostr";
import { SystemInterface } from ".";
export interface NostrConnectionPoolEvents {
connected: (address: string, wasReconnect: boolean) => void;
connectFailed: (address: string) => void;
event: (address: string, sub: string, e: TaggedNostrEvent) => void;
eose: (address: string, sub: string) => void;
disconnect: (address: string, code: number) => void;
auth: (address: string, challenge: string, relay: string, cb: (ev: NostrEvent) => void) => void;
notice: (address: string, msg: string) => void;
export type ConnectionPool = {
getConnection(id: string): Connection | undefined;
connect(address: string, options: RelaySettings, ephemeral: boolean): Promise<Connection | undefined>;
disconnect(address: string): void;
broadcast(ev: NostrEvent, cb?: (rsp: OkResponse) => void): Promise<OkResponse[]>;
broadcastTo(address: string, ev: NostrEvent): Promise<OkResponse>;
} & EventEmitter<NostrConnectionPoolEvents> &
Iterable<[string, Connection]>;
* Simple connection pool containing connections to multiple nostr relays
export class DefaultConnectionPool extends EventEmitter<NostrConnectionPoolEvents> implements ConnectionPool {
#system: SystemInterface;
#log = debug("NostrConnectionPool");
* All currently connected websockets
#sockets = new Map<string, Connection>();
constructor(system: SystemInterface) {
this.#system = system;
* Get a connection object from the pool
getConnection(id: string) {
const addr = unwrap(sanitizeRelayUrl(id));
return this.#sockets.get(addr);
* Add a new relay to the pool
async connect(address: string, options: RelaySettings, ephemeral: boolean) {
const addr = unwrap(sanitizeRelayUrl(address));
try {
const existing = this.#sockets.get(addr);
if (!existing) {
const c = new Connection(addr, options, ephemeral);
this.#sockets.set(addr, c);
c.on("event", (s, e) => {
if (this.#system.checkSigs && !this.#system.optimizer.schnorrVerify(e)) {
this.#log("Reject invalid event %o", e);
this.emit("event", addr, s, e);
c.on("eose", s => this.emit("eose", addr, s));
c.on("disconnect", code => this.emit("disconnect", addr, code));
c.on("connected", r => this.emit("connected", addr, r));
c.on("auth", (cx, r, cb) => this.emit("auth", addr, cx, r, cb));
await c.connect();
return c;
} else {
// update settings if already connected
existing.Settings = options;
// upgrade to non-ephemeral, never downgrade
if (existing.Ephemeral && !ephemeral) {
existing.Ephemeral = ephemeral;
return existing;
} catch (e) {
this.#log("%O", e);
this.emit("connectFailed", addr);
* Remove relay from pool
disconnect(address: string) {
const addr = unwrap(sanitizeRelayUrl(address));
const c = this.#sockets.get(addr);
if (c) {
* Broadcast event to all write relays.
* @remarks Also write event to read relays of those who are `p` tagged in the event (Inbox model)
async broadcast(ev: NostrEvent, cb?: (rsp: OkResponse) => void) {
const writeRelays = [...this.#sockets.values()].filter(a => !a.Ephemeral && a.Settings.write);
const replyRelays = (await this.#system.requestRouter?.forReply(ev)) ?? [];
const oks = await Promise.all([ s => {
try {
const rsp = await s.sendEventAsync(ev);
return rsp;
} catch (e) {
...replyRelays?.filter(a => !this.#sockets.has(unwrap(sanitizeRelayUrl(a)))).map(a => this.broadcastTo(a, ev)),
return removeUndefined(oks);
* Send event to specific relay
async broadcastTo(address: string, ev: NostrEvent): Promise<OkResponse> {
const addrClean = sanitizeRelayUrl(address);
if (!addrClean) {
throw new Error("Invalid relay address");
const existing = this.#sockets.get(addrClean);
if (existing) {
return await existing.sendEventAsync(ev);
} else {
return await new Promise<OkResponse>((resolve, reject) => {
const c = new Connection(address, { write: true, read: true }, true);
const t = setTimeout(reject, 10_000);
c.once("connected", async () => {
const rsp = await c.sendEventAsync(ev);
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (const kv of this.#sockets) {
yield kv;