
225 lines
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import { EventKind, NostrEvent, ReqFilter, RequestBuilder, SystemInterface } from "..";
import { appendDedupe, dedupe, removeUndefined, unixNowMs, unwrap } from "@snort/shared";
import { FlatReqFilter } from "../query-optimizer";
import { RelayListCacheExpire } from "../const";
import { AuthorsRelaysCache, EventFetcher, PickedRelays, DefaultPickNRelays, parseRelaysFromKind } from ".";
import debug from "debug";
import { BaseRequestRouter } from "../request-router";
* Simple outbox model using most popular relays
export class OutboxModel extends BaseRequestRouter {
#log = debug("OutboxModel");
#relays: AuthorsRelaysCache;
#fetcher: EventFetcher;
constructor(relays: AuthorsRelaysCache, fetcher: EventFetcher) {
this.#relays = relays;
this.#fetcher = fetcher;
static fromSystem(system: SystemInterface) {
return new OutboxModel(system.relayCache, system);
* Pick top relays for each user
* @param authors The authors whos relays will be picked
* @param pickN Number of relays to pick per pubkey
* @param type Read/Write relays
* @returns
pickTopRelays(authors: Array<string>, pickN: number, type: "write" | "read"): Array<PickedRelays> {
// map of pubkey -> [write relays]
const allRelays = => {
return {
key: a,
relays: this.#relays
?.relays?.filter(a => (type === "write" ? a.settings.write :
.sort(() => (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1)),
const missing = allRelays.filter(a => a.relays === undefined || a.relays.length === 0);
const hasRelays = allRelays.filter(a => a.relays !== undefined && a.relays.length > 0);
// map of relay -> [pubkeys]
const relayUserMap = hasRelays.reduce((acc, v) => {
for (const r of unwrap(v.relays)) {
if (!acc.has(r.url)) {
acc.set(r.url, new Set([v.key]));
} else {
return acc;
}, new Map<string, Set<string>>());
// selection algo will just pick relays with the most users
const topRelays = [...relayUserMap.entries()].sort(([, v], [, v1]) => v1.size - v.size);
if (missing.length > 0) {
this.#log("No relay metadata found, outbox model will not work for %O", missing);
// <relay, key[]> - count keys per relay
// <key, relay[]> - pick n top relays
// <relay, key[]> - map keys per relay (for subscription filter)
return hasRelays
.map(k => {
// pick top N relays for this key
const relaysForKey = topRelays
.filter(([, v]) => v.has(k.key))
.slice(0, pickN)
.map(([k]) => k);
return { key: k.key, relays: relaysForKey };
.concat( => {
return {
key: a.key,
relays: [],
* Split a request filter by authors
* @param filter Filter to split
* @param pickN Number of relays to pick per author
* @returns
forRequest(filter: ReqFilter, pickN?: number): Array<ReqFilter> {
// when sending a request prioritize the #p filter over authors
const pattern = filter["#p"] !== undefined ? "inbox" : "outbox";
const key = filter["#p"] !== undefined ? "#p" : "authors";
const authors = filter[key];
if ((authors?.length ?? 0) === 0) {
return [filter];
const topWriteRelays = this.pickTopRelays(
pickN ?? DefaultPickNRelays,
pattern === "inbox" ? "read" : "write",
const pickedRelays = dedupe(topWriteRelays.flatMap(a => a.relays));
const picked = => {
const keysOnPickedRelay = dedupe(topWriteRelays.filter(b => b.relays.includes(a)).map(b => b.key));
return {
[key]: keysOnPickedRelay,
relays: appendDedupe(filter.relays, [a]),
} as ReqFilter;
const noRelays = dedupe(topWriteRelays.filter(a => a.relays.length === 0).map(a => a.key));
if (noRelays.length > 0) {
[key]: noRelays,
} as ReqFilter);
this.#log("Picked: pattern=%s, input=%O, output=%O", pattern, filter, picked);
return picked;
* Split a flat request filter by authors
* @param filter Filter to split
* @param pickN Number of relays to pick per author
* @returns
forFlatRequest(input: Array<FlatReqFilter>, pickN?: number): Array<FlatReqFilter> {
const authors = removeUndefined(input.flatMap(a => a.authors));
if (authors.length === 0) {
return input;
const topRelays = this.pickTopRelays(authors, pickN ?? DefaultPickNRelays, "write");
const pickedRelays = dedupe(topRelays.flatMap(a => a.relays));
const picked = pickedRelays.flatMap(a => {
const authorsOnRelay = new Set(topRelays.filter(v => v.relays.includes(a)).map(v => v.key));
return input
.filter(v => v.authors && authorsOnRelay.has(v.authors))
.flatMap(b => {
// if flat filter isnt already relay tagged, set relay tag or
// create a duplicate filter with the authors picked relay
if (!b.relay) {
b.relay = a;
return [b];
} else {
return [b, { ...b, relay: a }];
const noRelays = new Set(topRelays.filter(v => v.relays.length === 0).map(v => v.key));
if (noRelays.size > 0) {
picked.push(...input.filter(v => !v.authors || noRelays.has(v.authors)));
this.#log("Picked: pattern=%s, input=%O, output=%O", "outbox", input, picked);
return picked;
* Pick relay inboxs for replies
* @param ev The reply event to send
* @param system Nostr system interface
* @param pickN Number of relays to pick per recipient
* @returns
async forReply(ev: NostrEvent, pickN?: number) {
const recipients = dedupe([ev.pubkey, ...ev.tags.filter(a => a[0] === "p").map(a => a[1])]);
await this.updateRelayLists(recipients);
const relays = this.pickTopRelays(recipients, pickN ?? DefaultPickNRelays, "read");
const ret = removeUndefined(dedupe( => a.relays).flat()));
this.#log("Picked: pattern=%s, input=%O, output=%O", "inbox", ev, ret);
return ret;
async forReplyTo(pk: string, pickN?: number | undefined): Promise<string[]> {
const recipients = [pk];
await this.updateRelayLists(recipients);
const relays = this.pickTopRelays(recipients, pickN ?? DefaultPickNRelays, "read");
const ret = removeUndefined(dedupe( => a.relays).flat()));
this.#log("Picked: pattern=%s, input=%s, output=%O", "inbox", pk, ret);
return ret;
* Update relay cache with latest relay lists
* @param authors The authors to update relay lists for
async updateRelayLists(authors: Array<string>) {
await this.#relays.buffer(authors);
const expire = unixNowMs() - RelayListCacheExpire;
const expired = authors.filter(a => (this.#relays.getFromCache(a)?.loaded ?? 0) < expire);
if (expired.length > 0) {
this.#log("Updating relays for authors: %O", expired);
const rb = new RequestBuilder("system-update-relays-for-outbox");
rb.withFilter().authors(expired).kinds([EventKind.Relays, EventKind.ContactList]);
const relayLists = await this.#fetcher.Fetch(rb);
await this.#relays.bulkSet(
removeUndefined( => {
const relays = parseRelaysFromKind(a);
if (!relays) return;
return {
relays: relays,
pubkey: a.pubkey,
created: a.created_at,
loaded: unixNowMs(),