import sqlite3InitModule, { Database, Sqlite3Static } from ""; import { EventEmitter } from "eventemitter3"; import { NostrEvent, RelayHandler, RelayHandlerEvents, ReqFilter, unixNowMs } from "./types"; export class SqliteRelay extends EventEmitter implements RelayHandler { #sqlite?: Sqlite3Static; #log = (...args: any[]) => console.debug(...args); #db?: Database; #seenInserts = new Set(); /** * Initialize the SQLite driver */ async init(path: string) { if (this.#sqlite) return; this.#sqlite = await sqlite3InitModule(); this.#log(`Got SQLite version: ${this.#sqlite.version.libVersion}`); await this.#open(path); this.#migrate(); } /** * Open the database from its path */ async #open(path: string) { if (!this.#sqlite) throw new Error("Must call init first"); if (this.#db) return; if ("opfs" in this.#sqlite) { try { this.#db = new this.#sqlite.oo1.OpfsDb(path, "cw"); this.#log(`Opened ${this.#db.filename}`); this.#db.exec( `PRAGMA cache_size=${ 32 * 1024 }; PRAGMA page_size=8192; PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY; PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY;`, ); } catch (e) { // wipe db console.error(e); } } else { throw new Error("OPFS not supported!"); } } close() { this.#db?.close(); this.#db = undefined; } /** * Do database migration */ #migrate() { if (!this.#db) throw new Error("DB must be open"); this.#db.exec( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "__migration" (version INTEGER,migrated NUMERIC, CONSTRAINT "__migration_PK" PRIMARY KEY (version))', ); const res = this.#db.exec("select max(version) from __migration", { returnValue: "resultRows", }); const version = (res[0][0] as number | undefined) ?? 0; this.#log(`Starting migration from: v${version}`); if (version < 1) { this.#migrate_v1(); this.#log("Migrated to v1"); } if (version < 2) { this.#migrate_v2(); this.#log("Migrated to v2"); } if (version < 3) { this.#migrate_v3(); this.#log("Migrated to v3"); } } /** * Insert an event to the database */ event(ev: NostrEvent) { if (this.#insertEvent(this.#db!, ev)) { this.#log(`Inserted: kind=${ev.kind},authors=${ev.pubkey},id=${}`); this.emit("event", [ev]); return true; } return false; } sql(sql: string, params: Array) { return this.#db?.selectArrays(sql, params) as Array>; } /** * Write multiple events */ eventBatch(evs: Array) { const start = unixNowMs(); let eventsInserted: Array = []; this.#db?.transaction(db => { for (const ev of evs) { if (this.#insertEvent(db, ev)) { eventsInserted.push(ev); } } }); if (eventsInserted.length > 0) { this.#log(`Inserted Batch: ${eventsInserted.length}/${evs.length}, ${(unixNowMs() - start).toLocaleString()}ms`); this.emit("event", eventsInserted); } return eventsInserted.length > 0; } #deleteById(db: Database, ids: Array) { db.exec(`delete from events where id in (${this.#repeatParams(ids.length)})`, { bind: ids, }); db.exec(`delete from search_content where id in (${this.#repeatParams(ids.length)})`, { bind: ids, }); this.#log("Deleted", ids, db.changes()); } #insertEvent(db: Database, ev: NostrEvent) { if (this.#seenInserts.has( return false; const legacyReplacable = [0, 3, 41]; if (legacyReplacable.includes(ev.kind) || (ev.kind >= 10_000 && ev.kind < 20_000)) { const oldEvents = db.selectValues("select id from events where kind = ? and pubkey = ? and created <= ?", [ ev.kind, ev.pubkey, ev.created_at, ]) as Array; if (oldEvents.includes( { // we already have this event, return this.#seenInserts.add(; if (oldEvents.length > 1) { const toDelete = oldEvents.filter(a => a !==; this.#deleteById(db, toDelete); } return false; } } if (ev.kind >= 30_000 && ev.kind < 40_000) { const dTag = ev.tags.find(a => a[0] === "d")![1]; const oldEvents = db.selectValues( "select id from events where id in (select id from events, tags where = tags.event_id and tags.key = ? and tags.value = ?)", ["d", dTag], ) as Array; if (oldEvents.includes( { // we have this version this.#seenInserts.add(; if (oldEvents.length > 1) { const toDelete = oldEvents.filter(a => a !==; this.#deleteById(db, toDelete); } return false; } } db.exec("insert or ignore into events(id, pubkey, created, kind, json) values(?,?,?,?,?)", { bind: [, ev.pubkey, ev.created_at, ev.kind, JSON.stringify(ev)], }); let eventInserted = (this.#db?.changes() as number) > 0; if (eventInserted) { for (const t of ev.tags.filter(a => a[0].length === 1)) { db.exec("insert into tags(event_id, key, value) values(?, ?, ?)", { bind: [, t[0], t[1]], }); } this.#insertSearchIndex(db, ev); } this.#seenInserts.add(; return eventInserted; } /** * Query relay by nostr filter */ req(id: string, req: ReqFilter) { const start = unixNowMs(); const [sql, params] = this.#buildQuery(req); const res = this.#db?.selectArrays(sql, params); const results = res?.map(a => JSON.parse(a[0] as string) as NostrEvent) ?? []; const time = unixNowMs() - start; this.#log(`Query ${id} results took ${time.toLocaleString()}ms`); return results; } /** * Count results by nostr filter */ count(req: ReqFilter) { const start = unixNowMs(); const [sql, params] = this.#buildQuery(req, true); const rows = this.#db?.exec(sql, { bind: params, returnValue: "resultRows", }); const results = (rows?.at(0)?.at(0) as number | undefined) ?? 0; const time = unixNowMs() - start; this.#log(`Query count results took ${time.toLocaleString()}ms`); return results; } /** * Get a summary about events table */ summary() { const res = this.#db?.exec("select kind, count(*) from events group by kind", { returnValue: "resultRows", }); return Object.fromEntries(res?.map(a => [String(a[0]), a[1] as number]) ?? []); } /** * Dump the database file */ async dump() { const filePath = String(this.#db?.filename ?? ""); try { this.#db?.close(); this.#db = undefined; const dir = await; // @ts-expect-error for await (const [name, file] of dir) { if (`/${name}` === filePath) { const fh = await (file as FileSystemFileHandle).getFile(); const ret = new Uint8Array(await fh.arrayBuffer()); return ret; } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } finally { await this.#open(filePath); } return new Uint8Array(); } #buildQuery(req: ReqFilter, count = false): [string, Array] { const conditions: Array = []; const params: Array = []; let sql = `select ${count ? "count(json)" : "json"} from events`; const tags = Object.entries(req).filter(([k]) => k.startsWith("#")); for (const [key, values] of tags) { const vArray = values as Array; sql += ` inner join tags on = tags.event_id and tags.key = ? and tags.value in (${this.#repeatParams( vArray.length, )})`; params.push(key.slice(1)); params.push(...vArray); } if ( { sql += " inner join search_content on ="; conditions.push("search_content match ?"); params.push(".", "+").replaceAll("@", "+")); } if (req.ids) { conditions.push(`id in (${this.#repeatParams(req.ids.length)})`); params.push(...req.ids); } if (req.authors) { conditions.push(`pubkey in (${this.#repeatParams(req.authors.length)})`); params.push(...req.authors); } if (req.kinds) { conditions.push(`kind in (${this.#repeatParams(req.kinds.length)})`); params.push(...req.kinds); } if (req.since) { conditions.push("created >= ?"); params.push(req.since); } if (req.until) { conditions.push("created < ?"); params.push(req.until); } if (conditions.length > 0) { sql += ` where ${conditions.join(" and ")}`; } if (req.limit) { sql += ` order by created desc limit ${req.limit}`; } return [sql, params]; } #repeatParams(n: number) { const ret: Array = []; for (let x = 0; x < n; x++) { ret.push("?"); } return ret.join(", "); } #replaceParamsDebug(sql: string, params: Array) { let res = ""; let cIdx = 0; for (const chr of sql) { if (chr === "?") { const px = params[cIdx++]; if (typeof px === "number") { res += px.toString(); } else if (typeof px === "string") { res += `'${px}'`; } } else { res += chr; } } return res; } #migrate_v1() { this.#db?.transaction(db => { db.exec( "CREATE TABLE events (\ id TEXT(64) PRIMARY KEY, \ pubkey TEXT(64), \ created INTEGER, \ kind INTEGER, \ json TEXT \ )", ); db.exec( "CREATE TABLE tags (\ event_id TEXT(64), \ key TEXT, \ value TEXT, \ CONSTRAINT tags_FK FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events(id) ON DELETE CASCADE \ )", ); db.exec("CREATE INDEX tags_key_IDX ON tags (key,value)"); db.exec("insert into __migration values(1, ?)", { bind: [new Date().getTime() / 1000], }); }); } #migrate_v2() { this.#db?.transaction(db => { db.exec("CREATE INDEX pubkey_kind_IDX ON events (pubkey,kind)"); db.exec("CREATE INDEX pubkey_created_IDX ON events (pubkey,created)"); db.exec("insert into __migration values(2, ?)", { bind: [new Date().getTime() / 1000], }); }); } #insertSearchIndex(db: Database, ev: NostrEvent) { if (ev.kind === 0) { const profile = JSON.parse(ev.content) as { name?: string; display_name?: string; lud16?: string; nip05?: string; website?: string; about?: string; }; if (profile) { const indexContent = [, profile.display_name, profile.about,, profile.lud16, profile.nip05, ].join(" "); db.exec("insert into search_content values(?,?)", { bind: [, indexContent], }); } } else if (ev.kind === 1) { db.exec("insert into search_content values(?,?)", { bind: [, ev.content], }); } } #migrate_v3() { this.#db?.transaction(db => { db.exec("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE search_content using fts5(id UNINDEXED, content)"); const events = db.selectArrays("select json from events where kind in (?,?)", [0, 1]); for (const json of events) { const ev = JSON.parse(json[0] as string) as NostrEvent; if (ev) { this.#insertSearchIndex(db, ev); } } db.exec("insert into __migration values(3, ?)", { bind: [new Date().getTime() / 1000], }); }); } }