2023-09-19 13:04:19 +01:00

156 lines
3.9 KiB

import * as secp from "@noble/curves/secp256k1";
import * as utils from "@noble/curves/abstract/utils";
import { getPublicKey, sha256, unixNow } from "@snort/shared";
import { EventKind, HexKey, NostrEvent, NotSignedNostrEvent } from ".";
import { minePow } from "./pow-util";
export interface Tag {
key: string;
value?: string;
relay?: string;
marker?: string; // NIP-10
export interface Thread {
root?: Tag;
replyTo?: Tag;
mentions: Array<Tag>;
pubKeys: Array<HexKey>;
export abstract class EventExt {
* Get the pub key of the creator of this event NIP-26
static getRootPubKey(e: NostrEvent): HexKey {
const delegation = e.tags.find(a => a[0] === "delegation");
if (delegation?.[1]) {
// todo: verify sig
return delegation[1];
return e.pubkey;
* Sign this message with a private key
static sign(e: NostrEvent, key: HexKey) {
e.pubkey = getPublicKey(key);
e.id = this.createId(e);
const sig = secp.schnorr.sign(e.id, key);
e.sig = utils.bytesToHex(sig);
if (!secp.schnorr.verify(e.sig, e.id, e.pubkey)) {
throw new Error("Signing failed");
return e;
* Check the signature of this message
* @returns True if valid signature
static verify(e: NostrEvent) {
const id = this.createId(e);
const result = secp.schnorr.verify(e.sig, id, e.pubkey);
return result;
static createId(e: NostrEvent | NotSignedNostrEvent) {
const payload = [0, e.pubkey, e.created_at, e.kind, e.tags, e.content];
return sha256(JSON.stringify(payload));
* Mine POW for an event (NIP-13)
static minePow(e: NostrEvent, target: number) {
return minePow(e, target);
* Create a new event for a specific pubkey
static forPubKey(pk: HexKey, kind: EventKind) {
return {
pubkey: pk,
kind: kind,
created_at: unixNow(),
content: "",
tags: [],
id: "",
sig: "",
} as NostrEvent;
static parseTag(tag: Array<string>) {
if (tag.length < 1) {
throw new Error("Invalid tag, must have more than 2 items");
const ret = {
key: tag[0],
value: tag[1],
} as Tag;
switch (ret.key) {
case "a":
case "e": {
ret.relay = tag.length > 2 ? tag[2] : undefined;
ret.marker = tag.length > 3 ? tag[3] : undefined;
return ret;
static extractThread(ev: NostrEvent) {
const shouldWriteMarkers = ev.kind === EventKind.TextNote;
const ret = {
mentions: [],
pubKeys: [],
} as Thread;
const replyTags = ev.tags.filter(a => a[0] === "e" || a[0] === "a").map(a => EventExt.parseTag(a));
if (replyTags.length > 0) {
const marked = replyTags.some(a => a.marker);
if (!marked) {
ret.root = replyTags[0];
ret.root.marker = shouldWriteMarkers ? "root" : undefined;
if (replyTags.length > 1) {
ret.replyTo = replyTags[replyTags.length - 1];
ret.replyTo.marker = shouldWriteMarkers ? "reply" : undefined;
if (replyTags.length > 2) {
ret.mentions = replyTags.slice(1, -1);
if (shouldWriteMarkers) {
ret.mentions.forEach(a => (a.marker = "mention"));
} else {
const root = replyTags.find(a => a.marker === "root");
const reply = replyTags.find(a => a.marker === "reply");
ret.root = root;
ret.replyTo = reply;
ret.mentions = replyTags.filter(a => a.marker === "mention");
} else {
return undefined;
ret.pubKeys = Array.from(new Set(ev.tags.filter(a => a[0] === "p").map(a => a[1])));
return ret;
* Assign props if undefined
static fixupEvent(e: NostrEvent) {
e.tags ??= [];
e.created_at ??= 0;
e.content ??= "";
e.id ??= "";
e.kind ??= 0;
e.pubkey ??= "";
e.sig ??= "";