2023-11-27 21:33:23 +00:00

239 lines
4.3 KiB

import { EventKind } from "@snort/system";
* @constant {number} - Size of 1 kiB
export const kiB = Math.pow(1024, 1);
* @constant {number} - Size of 1 MiB
export const MiB = Math.pow(1024, 2);
* @constant {number} - Size of 1 GiB
export const GiB = Math.pow(1024, 3);
* @constant {number} - Size of 1 TiB
export const TiB = Math.pow(1024, 4);
* @constant {number} - Size of 1 PiB
export const PiB = Math.pow(1024, 5);
* @constant {number} - Size of 1 EiB
export const EiB = Math.pow(1024, 6);
* @constant {number} - Size of 1 ZiB
export const ZiB = Math.pow(1024, 7);
* @constant {number} - Size of 1 YiB
export const YiB = Math.pow(1024, 8);
export interface Category {
name: string;
tag: string;
sub_category?: Array<Category>;
export const Categories = [
name: "Video",
tag: "video",
sub_category: [
name: "Movies",
tag: "movie",
sub_category: [
name: "Movies DVDR",
tag: "dvdr",
name: "HD Movies",
tag: "hd",
name: "4k Movies",
tag: "4k",
name: "TV",
tag: "tv",
sub_category: [
name: "HD TV",
tag: "hd",
name: "4k TV",
tag: "4k",
name: "Audio",
tag: "audio",
sub_category: [
name: "Music",
tag: "music",
sub_category: [
name: "FLAC",
tag: "flac",
name: "Audio Books",
tag: "audio-book",
name: "Applications",
tag: "application",
sub_category: [
name: "Windows",
tag: "windows",
name: "Mac",
tag: "mac",
name: "UNIX",
tag: "unix",
name: "iOS",
tag: "ios",
name: "Android",
tag: "android",
name: "Games",
tag: "game",
sub_category: [
name: "PC",
tag: "pc",
name: "Mac",
tag: "mac",
name: "PSx",
tag: "psx",
name: "XBOX",
tag: "xbox",
name: "Wii",
tag: "wii",
name: "iOS",
tag: "ios",
name: "Android",
tag: "android",
name: "Porn",
tag: "porn",
sub_category: [
name: "Movies",
tag: "movie",
sub_category: [
name: "Movies DVDR",
tag: "dvdr",
name: "HD Movies",
tag: "hd",
name: "4k Movies",
tag: "4k",
name: "Pictures",
tag: "picture",
name: "Games",
tag: "game",
name: "Other",
tag: "other",
sub_category: [
name: "Archives",
tag: "archive",
name: "E-Books",
tag: "e-book",
name: "Comics",
tag: "comic",
name: "Pictures",
tag: "picture",
] as Array<Category>;
export const TorrentKind = 2003 as EventKind;
export function FormatBytes(b: number, f?: number) {
f ??= 2;
if (b >= YiB) return (b / YiB).toFixed(f) + " YiB";
if (b >= ZiB) return (b / ZiB).toFixed(f) + " ZiB";
if (b >= EiB) return (b / EiB).toFixed(f) + " EiB";
if (b >= PiB) return (b / PiB).toFixed(f) + " PiB";
if (b >= TiB) return (b / TiB).toFixed(f) + " TiB";
if (b >= GiB) return (b / GiB).toFixed(f) + " GiB";
if (b >= MiB) return (b / MiB).toFixed(f) + " MiB";
if (b >= kiB) return (b / kiB).toFixed(f) + " KiB";
return b.toFixed(f) + " B";
export const Trackers = [