2024-02-02 16:40:26 +00:00

191 lines
7.1 KiB

using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
using FASTER.core;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Nostr.Client.Json;
using Nostr.Client.Keys;
using Nostr.Client.Messages;
using NostrRelay;
using NostrServices.Client;
using EventSession =
FASTER.core.ClientSession<byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], FASTER.core.Empty, FASTER.core.SimpleFunctions<byte[], byte[]>>;
namespace PayForReactions;
public class ReactionQueue
public readonly BufferBlock<NostrEvent> Queue = new();
public class ReactionQueueWorker : BackgroundService
private readonly ILogger<ReactionQueueWorker> _logger;
private readonly ReactionQueue _queue;
private readonly IMemoryCache _cache;
private readonly Config _config;
private readonly Lnurl _lnurl;
private readonly AlbyApi _albyApi;
private readonly NostrServicesClient _nostrServices;
private readonly EventSession _session;
public ReactionQueueWorker(ILogger<ReactionQueueWorker> logger, ReactionQueue queue, IMemoryCache cache, Config config, Lnurl lnurl,
AlbyApi albyApi, NostrServicesClient nostrServices, NostrStore store)
_logger = logger;
_queue = queue;
_cache = cache;
_config = config;
_lnurl = lnurl;
_albyApi = albyApi;
_nostrServices = nostrServices;
_session = store.MainStore.For(new SimpleFunctions<byte[], byte[]>()).NewSession<SimpleFunctions<byte[], byte[]>>();
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var target = NostrPublicKey.FromBech32(_config.Target).Hex;
var ev = await _queue.Queue.ReceiveAsync(stoppingToken);
if (ev.Pubkey == target)
var id = Convert.FromHexString(ev.Id!);
var obj = NostrBuf.Encode(ev);
(await _session.UpsertAsync(ref id, ref obj, token: stoppingToken)).Complete();
_logger.LogInformation("Got targets event, saving {ev}", NostrJson.Serialize(ev));
var amount = MapKindToAmount(ev.Kind);
if (amount == default) continue;
_logger.LogInformation("Got reaction {json}", NostrJson.Serialize(ev));
var eTag = ev.Tags?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.TagIdentifier == "e");
var pTag = ev.Tags?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.TagIdentifier == "p" && a.AdditionalData[0] == target);
if (pTag == default || eTag == default)
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: must be a reaction to {target}", target);
var idBytes = Convert.FromHexString(eTag.AdditionalData[0]);
var refEventResult = (await _session.ReadAsync(ref idBytes)).Complete();
if (refEventResult.status.NotFound)
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: parent event not found");
var seenId = Convert.FromHexString(ev.Id!);
var seenIdResult = (await _session.ReadAsync(ref seenId)).Complete();
if (seenIdResult.status.Found)
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: already zapped this one, how dare you!");
var refEvent = NostrBuf.Decode(refEventResult.output);
if (refEvent == default)
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: parent event not found");
if (refEvent.Pubkey != target)
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: parent event not posted by {target}", target);
var sender = ev.Pubkey!;
var senderProfile = await _nostrServices.Profile(NostrPublicKey.FromHex(sender).Bech32);
if (senderProfile == default)
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: couldn't find your profile anon!");
var parsedTarget = Lnurl.ParseLnUrl(senderProfile.Lud16 ?? "");
if (parsedTarget == default)
"blocked: so sad... couldn't send a zap because you don't have a lightning address in your profile {name}!",
_logger.LogInformation("Starting payment for {name} - {addr}", senderProfile.Name, senderProfile.Lud16);
var svc = await _lnurl.LoadAsync(parsedTarget.ToString());
if (svc == default)
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: wallet is down, no zap for you!");
var keyEventWalletSeen = $"zapaped:{refEvent.Id}:{parsedTarget}";
var eventWalletZapTry = _cache.Get<int>(keyEventWalletSeen);
if (eventWalletZapTry > 0)
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: hey i already zapped you! (count={count})", eventWalletZapTry);
_cache.Set(keyEventWalletSeen, ++eventWalletZapTry);
var key = NostrPrivateKey.FromBech32(_config.PrivateKey);
var myPubkey = key.DerivePublicKey().Hex;
var zap = new NostrEvent
Kind = NostrKind.ZapRequest,
Content = "Thanks for your interaction!",
CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
Pubkey = myPubkey,
Tags = new NostrEventTags(
new NostrEventTag("e", ev.Id!),
new NostrEventTag("p", sender),
new NostrEventTag("relays", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://"),
new NostrEventTag("amount", (amount.Value * 1000).ToString())
var zapSigned = zap.Sign(key);
var invoice = await _lnurl.GetInvoiceAsync(svc, amount.Value, "Thanks for your interaction!", zapSigned);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.Pr))
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: failed to get invoice from {target}", parsedTarget);
_logger.LogInformation("Paying invoice {pr}", invoice.Pr);
if (!await _albyApi.PayInvoice(invoice.Pr))
_logger.LogInformation("blocked: failed to pay invoice!");
var seenEvent = NostrBuf.Encode(ev);
(await _session.UpsertAsync(ref seenId, ref seenEvent, token: stoppingToken)).Complete();
_logger.LogInformation("Zapped {name}!", senderProfile.Name);
catch (Exception e)
private int? MapKindToAmount(NostrKind k)
switch (k)
case NostrKind.Reaction: return 50;
case NostrKind.GenericRepost: return 100;
return default;