A bitcoin-core docker image
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A bitcoind docker image.

seegno/bitcoind seegno/bitcoind seegno/bitcoind seegno/bitcoind

What is bitcoind?

from bitcoinwiki

bitcoind is a program that implements the Bitcoin protocol for remote procedure call (RPC) use. It is also the second Bitcoin client in the network's history.


How to use this image

This image contains the main binaries from the Bitcoin Core project - bitcoind, bitcoin-cli and bitcoin-tx. It behaves like a binary, so you can pass any arguments to the image and they will be forwarded to the bitcoind binary:

$ docker run --rm -it seegno/bitcoind \
  -printtoconsole \
  -regtest=1 \
  -rpcallowip= \
  -rpcpassword=bar \

By default, bitcoind will run as as user bitcoin for security reasons and with its default data dir (~/.bitcoin). If you'd like to customize where bitcoind stores its data, you must use the BITCOIN_DATA environment variable. The directory will be automatically created with the correct permissions for the bitcoin user and bitcoind automatically configured to use it.

$ docker run --env BITCOIN_DATA=/var/lib/bitcoind --rm -it seegno/bitcoind \
  -printtoconsole \

You can also mount a directory it in a volume under /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin in case you want to access it on the host:

$ docker run -v ${PWD}/data:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin -it --rm seegno/bitcoind \
  -printtoconsole \

You can optionally create a Dockerfile in the root of your application directory:

FROM seegno/bitcoind

Then simply run:

$ docker build -t my/bitcoind
$ docker run --rm -it my/bitcoind

Or with docker-compose:

  image: seegno/bitcoind

Image variants

The seegno/bitcoind image comes in multiple flavors:


Points to the latest release available of Bitcoin Core. Occasionally pre-release versions will be included.


Based on a slim Debian image, targets a specific version branch or release of Bitcoin Core (e.g. 0.12.0rc5, 0.12).


Based on Alpine Linux with Berkeley DB 4.8 (cross-compatible build), targets a specific version branch or release of Bitcoin Core (e.g. 0.12.0rc5, 0.12).

Supported Docker versions

This image is officially supported on Docker version 1.10, with support for older versions provided on a best-effort basis.


License information for the software contained in this image.

License information for the seegno/docker-bitcoind docker project.