extern crate ffmpeg_the_third as ffmpeg; use std::env; fn main() { ffmpeg::init().unwrap(); match ffmpeg::format::input(&env::args().nth(1).expect("missing input file name")) { Ok(ictx) => { println!("Nb chapters: {}", ictx.nb_chapters()); for chapter in ictx.chapters() { println!("chapter id {}:", chapter.id()); println!("\ttime_base: {}", chapter.time_base()); println!("\tstart: {}", chapter.start()); println!("\tend: {}", chapter.end()); for (k, v) in chapter.metadata().iter() { println!("\t{}: {}", k, v); } } let mut octx = ffmpeg::format::output(&"test.mkv").expect("Couldn't open test file"); for chapter in ictx.chapters() { let title = match chapter.metadata().get("title") { Some(title) => String::from(title), None => String::new(), }; match octx.add_chapter( chapter.id(), chapter.time_base(), chapter.start(), chapter.end(), &title, ) { Ok(chapter) => println!("Added chapter with id {} to output", chapter.id()), Err(error) => { println!("Error adding chapter with id: {} - {}", chapter.id(), error) } } } println!("\nOuput: nb chapters: {}", octx.nb_chapters()); for chapter in octx.chapters() { println!("chapter id {}:", chapter.id()); println!("\ttime_base: {}", chapter.time_base()); println!("\tstart: {}", chapter.start()); println!("\tend: {}", chapter.end()); for (k, v) in chapter.metadata().iter() { println!("\t{}: {}", k, v); } } } Err(error) => println!("error: {}", error), } }