New Crowdin updates #508

v0l merged 43 commits from l10n_main into main 2023-04-13 09:00:09 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit ae331d1fce - Show all commits

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@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
"+D82kt": "Är du säker på att du vill dela vidare:{id}",
"+aZY2h": "Zap Typ",
"+vIQlC": "Se till att spara följande lösenord för att hantera din profil i framtiden",
"+vVZ/G": "Anslut",
"/4tOwT": "Hoppa över",
"/JE/X+": "Konto Support",
"/PCavi": "Publik",
"/RD0e2": "Nostr använder digital signatur teknik för att ge manipuleringssäkra anteckningar som säkert kan replikeras till många reläer för att ge redundant lagring av ditt innehåll.",
"/d6vEc": "Gör din profil enklare att hitta och dela",
"/n5KSF": "{n} ms",
"0BUTMv": "Sök...",
"0jOEtS": "Ogiltig LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "namnet har otillåtna tecken",
"0yO7wF": "{n} secs",
"1A7TZk": "Vad är Snort och hur fungerar det?",
"1Mo59U": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort den här anteckningen från bokmärken?",
"1c4YST": "Ansluten till: {node}🎉",
"1iQ8GN": "Växla Förhandsvisning",
"1nYUGC": "{n} Följer",
"1udzha": "Konversationer",
"2/2yg+": "Lägg till",
"25V4l1": "Banner",
"2IFGap": "Donera",
"2LbrkB": "Ange lösenord",
"2a2YiP": "{n} Bokmärken",
"2k0Cv+": "Gillar inte ({n})",
"3Rx6Qo": "Avancerad",
"3cc4Ct": "Ljust",
"3gOsZq": "Översättare",
"3t3kok": "{n,plural,=1{{n} ny anteckning} other{{n} nya anteckningar}}",
"3tVy+Z": "{n} Följare",
"3xCwbZ": "ELLER",
"3yk8fB": "Plånbok",
"450Fty": "Ingen",
"47FYwb": "Avbryt",
"4IPzdn": "Primära Utvecklare",
"4L2vUY": "Din nya NIP-05 är:",
"4OB335": "Ogilla",
"4Vmpt4": "Nostr Plebs är en av de första NIP-05 leverantörerna och erbjuder en bra samling domäner till rimliga priser",
"4Z3t5i": "Använd imgproxy för att komprimera bilder",
"4rYCjn": "Anteckning till mig själv",
"5rOdPG": "När du har konfigurerat din nyckelmanagers tillägg och genererat en nyckel, du kan följa vårat nya användarflöde för att ställa in din profil och hjälpa dig att hitta några intressanta personer på Nostr att följa.",
"5u6iEc": "Överför till Pubkey",
"5ykRmX": "Skicka zap",
"6ewQqw": "Gillar ({n})",
"6tUqAb": "Skapa ett offentligt/privat nyckelpar. Dela inte din privata nyckel med någon, denna fungerar som ditt lösenord. Tappar du bort den, kan den inte återställas eller återskapas. Håll den säker!",
"7+Domh": "Anteckningar",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7xzTiH": "{action} till {target}",
"8/vBbP": "Delningar ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Bekräfta Dela vidare",
"8E9muH": "Importera personerna du följer på Twitter (valfritt)",
"8QDesP": "Zap {n} sats",
"8g2vyB": "namnet är för långt",
"8v1NN+": "Parnings fras",
"9+Ddtu": "Nästa",
"9HU8vw": "Svara",
"9SvQep": "Följer {n}",
"9WRlF4": "Skicka",
"9gqH2W": "Inloggning",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Adress",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning-faktura",
"ADmfQT": "Förälder",
"ALT9tB": "Du röstar med {amount} sats",
"ASRK0S": "Denna författare har tystats",
"Adk34V": "Ställ in din profil",
"AkCxS/": "Anledning",
"AnLrRC": "Non-Zap",
"AyGauy": "Inloggning",
"B4C47Y": "namnet är för kort",
"B6+XJy": "zappad",
"BOUMjw": "Inga nostr användare hittades för {twitterUsername}",
"BOr9z/": "Snort är ett projekt med öppen källkod byggt av passionerade människor på deras fritid",
"BcGMo+": "Notes hold text content, the most popular usage of these notes is to store \"tweet like\" messages.",
"C81/uG": "Logout",
"CHTbO3": "Failed to load invoice",
"CmZ9ls": "{n} Muted",
"Cu/K85": "Translated from {lang}",
"D+KzKd": "Automatically zap every note when loaded",
"D3idYv": "Settings",
"DKnriN": "Send sats",
"DZzCem": "Show latest {n} notes",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"Dt/Zd5": "Media in posts will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show",
"DtYelJ": "Transfer",
"E8a4yq": "Follow some popular accounts",
"EPYwm7": "Your private key is your password. If you lose this key, you will lose access to your account! Copy it and keep it in a safe place. There is no way to reset your private key.",
"EWyQH5": "Global",
"Ebl/B2": "Translate to {lang}",
"EcglP9": "Key",
"EnCOBJ": "Buy",
"Eqjl5K": "Only Snort and our integration partner identifier gives you a colorful domain name, but you are welcome to use other services too.",
"F+B3x1": "We have also partnered with to give you more options",
"FDguSC": "{n} Zaps",
"FP+D3H": "LNURL to forward zaps to",
"FS3b54": "Done!",
"FfYsOb": "An error has occured!",
"FmXUJg": "follows you",
"FpxElY": "Verification",
"G/yZLu": "Remove",
"G1BGCg": "Select Wallet",
"GFOoEE": "Salt",
"GL8aXW": "Bookmarks ({n})",
"Gcn9NQ": "Magnet Link",
"GspYR7": "{n} Dislike",
"H+vHiz": "Hex Key..",
"H0JBH6": "Log Out",
"H6/kLh": "Order Paid!",
"HAlOn1": "Name",
"HFls6j": "name will be available later",
"HOzFdo": "Muted",
"HbefNb": "Open Wallet",
"IEwZvs": "Are you sure you want to unpin this note?",
"IKOPx/": "Donate Page",
"INSqIz": "Twitter username...",
"IUZC+0": "This means that nobody can modify notes which you have created and everybody can easily verify that the notes they are reading are created by you.",
"Iwm6o2": "NIP-05 Shop",
"JCIgkj": "Username",
"JHEHCk": "Zaps ({n})",
"JXtsQW": "Fast Zap Donation",
"JkLHGw": "Website",
"K3r6DQ": "Delete",
"K7AkdL": "Show",
"KAhAcM": "Enter LNDHub config",
"KLo3SP": "Reason: {reason}",
"KQvWvD": "Deleted",
"KWuDfz": "I have saved my keys, continue",
"KahimY": "Unknown event kind: {kind}",
"L7SZPr": "For more information about donations see {link}.",
"LF5kYT": "Other Connections",
"LQahqW": "Manage Nostr Adddress (NIP-05)",
"LXxsbk": "Anonymous",
"LgbKvU": "Comment",
"LxY9tW": "Generate Key",
"M3Oirc": "Debug Menus",
"MBAYRO": "Shows \"Copy ID\" and \"Copy Event JSON\" in the context menu on each message",
"MI2jkA": "Not available:",
"MP54GY": "Wallet password",
"MRp6Ly": "Twitter username",
"MWTx65": "Default Page",
"MzRYWH": "Buying {item}",
"N2IrpM": "Confirm",
"NdOYJJ": "Hmm nothing here.. Checkout {newUsersPage} to follow some recommended nostrich's!",
"NepkXH": "Can't vote with {amount} sats, please set a different default zap amount",
"NfNk2V": "Your private key",
"NndBJE": "New users page",
"OEW7yJ": "Zaps",
"OKhRC6": "Share",
"OLEm6z": "Unknown login error",
"P04gQm": "All zaps sent to this note will be received by the following LNURL",
"P61BTu": "Copy Event JSON",
"P7FD0F": "System (Default)",
"P7nJT9": "Total today (UTC): {amount} sats",
"PCSt5T": "Preferences",
"PLSbmL": "Your mnemonic phrase",
"Pe0ogR": "Theme",
"PrsIg7": "Reactions will be shown on every page, if disabled no reactions will be shown",
"QDFTjG": "{n} Relays",
"QTdJfH": "Create an Account",
"QawghE": "You can change your username at any point.",
"QxCuTo": "Art by {name}",
"R1fEdZ": "Forward Zaps",
"R2OqnW": "Delete Account",
"RDZVQL": "Check",
"RahCRH": "Expired",
"RfhLwC": "By: {author}",
"RhDAoS": "Are you sure you want to delete {id}",
"RoOyAh": "Relays",
"Rs4kCE": "Bookmark",
"Sjo1P4": "Custom",
"TpgeGw": "Hex Salt..",
"UDYlxu": "Pending Subscriptions",
"UQ3pOC": "On Nostr, many people have the same username. User names and identity are separate things. You can get a unique identifier in the next step.",
"UUPFlt": "Users must accept the content warning to show the content of your note.",
"Up5U7K": "Block",
"VBadwB": "Hmm, can't find a key manager extension.. try reloading the page.",
"VN0+Fz": "Balance: {amount} sats",
"VOjC1i": "Pick which upload service you want to upload attachments to",
"VR5eHw": "Public key (npub/nprofile)",
"VlJkSk": "{n} muted",
"VnXp8Z": "Avatar",
"VtPV/B": "Login with Extension (NIP-07)",
"Vx7Zm2": "How do keys work?",
"W2PiAr": "{n} Blocked",
"W9355R": "Unmute",
"WONP5O": "Find your twitter follows on nostr (Data provided by {provider})",
"WxthCV": "e.g. Jack",
"X7xU8J": "nsec, npub, nip-05, hex, mnemonic",
"XgWvGA": "Reactions",
"XzF0aC": "Key manager extensions are more secure and allow you to easily login to any Nostr client, here are some well known extensions:",
"Y31HTH": "Help fund the development of Snort",
"YDURw6": "Service URL",
"YXA3AH": "Enable reactions",
"Z4BMCZ": "Enter pairing phrase",
"ZKORll": "Activate Now",
"ZLmyG9": "Contributors",
"ZUZedV": "Lightning Donation:",
"a5UPxh": "Fund developers and platforms providing NIP-05 verification services",
"aJEO/4": "Can't create vote, maybe you're not logged in?",
"aWpBzj": "Show more",
"bQdA2k": "Sensitive Content",
"brAXSu": "Pick a username",
"bxv59V": "Just now",
"c+oiJe": "Install Extension",
"c35bj2": "If you have an enquiry about your NIP-05 order please DM {link}",
"cPIKU2": "Following",
"cQfLWb": "URL..",
"cWx9t8": "Mute all",
"cg1VJ2": "Connect Wallet",
"cuV2gK": "name is registered",
"cyR7Kh": "Back",
"d6CyG5": "History",
"d7d0/x": "LN Address",
"dOQCL8": "Display name",
"e7qqly": "Mark All Read",
"eHAneD": "Reaction emoji",
"eJj8HD": "Get Verified",
"eR3YIn": "Posts",
"fOksnD": "Can't vote because LNURL service does not support zaps",
"fWZYP5": "Pinned",
"filwqD": "Read",
"flnGvv": "What's on your mind?",
"fsB/4p": "Saved",
"g5pX+a": "About",
"g985Wp": "Failed to send vote",
"gBdUXk": "Save your keys!",
"gDZkld": "Snort is a Nostr UI, nostr is a decentralised protocol for saving and distributing \"notes\".",
"gDzDRs": "Emoji to send when reactiong to a note",
"gXgY3+": "Not all clients support this yet",
"gjBiyj": "Loading...",
"h8XMJL": "Badges",
"hCUivF": "Notes will stream in real time into global and posts tab",
"hK5ZDk": "the world",
"hMzcSq": "Messages",
"hY4lzx": "Supports",
"hicxcO": "Show replies",
"iCqGww": "Reactions ({n})",
"iDGAbc": "Get a Snort identifier",
"iGT1eE": "Prevent fake accounts from imitating you",
"iNWbVV": "Handle",
"iXPL0Z": "Can't login with private key on an insecure connection, please use a Nostr key manager extension instead",
"ieGrWo": "Follow",
"itPgxd": "Profile",
"izWS4J": "Unfollow",
"jA3OE/": "{n,plural,=1{{n} sat} other{{n} sats}}",
"jCA7Cw": "Preview on snort",
"jfV8Wr": "Back",
"juhqvW": "Improve login security with browser extensions",
"jvo0vs": "Save",
"jzgQ2z": "{n} Reactions",
"k2veDA": "Write",
"k7sKNy": "Our very own NIP-05 verification service, help support the development of this site and get a shiny special badge on our site!",
"kaaf1E": "now",
"lBboHo": "If you want to try out some others, check out {link} for more!",
"lCILNz": "Buy Now",
"lD3+8a": "Pay",
"lTbT3s": "Wallet password",
"lgg1KN": "account page",
"ll3xBp": "Image proxy service",
"lnaT9F": "Following {n}",
"lsNFM1": "Click to load content from {link}",
"lvlPhZ": "Pay Invoice",
"mErPop": "It looks like you dont have any, check {link} to buy one!",
"mH91FY": "Each contributor will get paid a percentage of all donations and NIP-05 orders, you can see the split amounts below",
"mKAr6h": "Follow all",
"mKh2HS": "File upload service",
"mKhgP9": "{n,plural,=0{} =1{zapped} other{zapped}}",
"mfe8RW": "Option: {n}",
"n1xHAH": "Get an identifier (optional)",
"nDejmx": "Unblock",
"nGBrvw": "Bookmarks",
"nN9XTz": "Share your thoughts with {link}",
"nOaArs": "Setup Profile",
"nn1qb3": "Your donations are greatly appreciated",
"nwZXeh": "{n} blocked",
"o6Uy3d": "Only the secret key can be used to publish (sign events), everything else logs you in read-only mode.",
"o7e+nJ": "{n} followers",
"oJ+JJN": "Nothing found :/",
"odFwjL": "Follows only",
"odhABf": "Login",
"osUr8O": "You can also use these extensions to login to most Nostr sites.",
"oxCa4R": "Getting an identifier helps confirm the real you to people who know you. Many people can have a username @jack, but there is only one",
"p85Uwy": "Active Subscriptions",
"puLNUJ": "Pin",
"pzTOmv": "Followers",
"qDwvZ4": "Unknown error",
"qMx1sA": "Default Zap amount",
"qUJTsT": "Blocked",
"qdGuQo": "Your Private Key Is (do not share this with anyone)",
"qkvYUb": "Add to Profile",
"qmJ8kD": "Translation failed",
"r3C4x/": "Software",
"r5srDR": "Enter wallet password",
"rT14Ow": "Add Relays",
"reJ6SM": "It is recommended to use one of the following browser extensions if you are on a desktop computer to secure your key:",
"rfuMjE": "(Default)",
"rrfdTe": "This is the same technology which is used by Bitcoin and has been proven to be extremely secure.",
"rudscU": "Failed to load follows, please try again later",
"sBz4+I": "For each Fast Zap an additional {percentage}% ({amount} sats) of the zap amount will be sent to the Snort developers as a donation.",
"sWnYKw": "Snort is designed to have a similar experience to Twitter.",
"svOoEH": "Name-squatting and impersonation is not allowed. Snort and our partners reserve the right to terminate your handle (not your account - nobody can take that away) for violating this rule.",
"tOdNiY": "Dark",
"thnRpU": "Getting NIP-05 verified can help:",
"u/vOPu": "Paid",
"u4bHcR": "Check out the code here: {link}",
"uD/N6c": "Zap {target} {n} sats",
"uSV4Ti": "Reposts need to be manually confirmed",
"usAvMr": "Edit Profile",
"ut+2Cd": "Get a partner identifier",
"vOKedj": "{n,plural,=1{& {n} other} other{& {n} others}}",
"vU71Ez": "Paying with {wallet}",
"vZ4quW": "NIP-05 is a DNS based verification spec which helps to validate you as a real user.",
"vhlWFg": "Poll Options",
"vrTOHJ": "{amount} sats",
"wEQDC6": "Edit",
"wLtRCF": "Your key",
"wWLwvh": "Anon",
"wih7iJ": "name is blocked",
"wqyN/i": "Find out more info about {service} at {link}",
"wtLjP6": "Copy ID",
"wvFw6Y": "Hey, it looks like you dont have a NIP-05 handle yet, you should get one! Check out {link}",
"x/q8d5": "This note has been marked as sensitive, click here to reveal",
"x82IOl": "Mute",
"xIoGG9": "Go to",
"xJ9n2N": "Your public key",
"xKdNPm": "Send",
"xKflGN": "{username}''s Follows on Nostr",
"xQtL3v": "Unlock",
"xbVgIm": "Automatically load media",
"xmcVZ0": "Search",
"y1Z3or": "Language",
"yCmnnm": "Read global from",
"zFegDD": "Contact",
"zINlao": "Owner",
"zQvVDJ": "All",
"zcaOTs": "Zap amount in sats",
"zjJZBd": "You're ready!",
"zonsdq": "Failed to load LNURL service",
"zvCDao": "Automatically show latest notes"