import * as secp from "@noble/secp256k1"; import { sha256 as hash } from "@noble/hashes/sha256"; import { bech32 } from "bech32"; import { HexKey, RawEvent, TaggedRawEvent, u256 } from "Nostr"; import EventKind from "Nostr/EventKind"; import { MessageDescriptor } from "react-intl"; export const sha256 = (str: string) => { return secp.utils.bytesToHex(hash(str)); }; export async function openFile(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let elm = document.createElement("input"); elm.type = "file"; elm.onchange = (e: Event) => { let elm = as HTMLInputElement; if (elm.files) { resolve(elm.files[0]); } else { resolve(undefined); } };; }); } /** * Parse bech32 ids * * @param id bech32 id */ export function parseId(id: string) { const hrp = ["note", "npub", "nsec"]; try { if (hrp.some((a) => id.startsWith(a))) { return bech32ToHex(id); } } catch (e) {} return id; } export function bech32ToHex(str: string) { let nKey = bech32.decode(str); let buff = bech32.fromWords(nKey.words); return secp.utils.bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from(buff)); } /** * Decode bech32 to string UTF-8 * @param str bech32 encoded string * @returns */ export function bech32ToText(str: string) { let decoded = bech32.decode(str, 1000); let buf = bech32.fromWords(decoded.words); return new TextDecoder().decode(Uint8Array.from(buf)); } /** * Convert hex note id to bech32 link url * @param hex * @returns */ export function eventLink(hex: u256) { return `/e/${hexToBech32("note", hex)}`; } /** * Convert hex to bech32 * @param {string} hex */ export function hexToBech32(hrp: string, hex: string) { if (typeof hex !== "string" || hex.length === 0 || hex.length % 2 !== 0) { return ""; } try { let buf = secp.utils.hexToBytes(hex); return bech32.encode(hrp, bech32.toWords(buf)); } catch (e) { console.warn("Invalid hex", hex, e); return ""; } } /** * Convert hex pubkey to bech32 link url * @param {string} hex * @returns */ export function profileLink(hex: HexKey) { return `/p/${hexToBech32("npub", hex)}`; } /** * Reaction types */ export const Reaction = { Positive: "+", Negative: "-", }; /** * Return normalized reaction content * @param {string} content * @returns */ export function normalizeReaction(content: string) { switch (content) { case "": return Reaction.Positive; case "🤙": return Reaction.Positive; case "❤️": return Reaction.Positive; case "👍": return Reaction.Positive; case "💯": return Reaction.Positive; case "+": return Reaction.Positive; case "-": return Reaction.Negative; case "👎": return Reaction.Negative; } return content; } /** * Get reactions to a specific event (#e + kind filter) */ export function getReactions( notes: TaggedRawEvent[], id: u256, kind = EventKind.Reaction ) { return ( notes?.filter( (a) => a.kind === kind && a.tags.some((a) => a[0] === "e" && a[1] === id) ) || [] ); } /** * Converts LNURL service to LN Address * @param lnurl * @returns */ export function extractLnAddress(lnurl: string) { // some clients incorrectly set this to LNURL service, patch this if (lnurl.toLowerCase().startsWith("lnurl")) { let url = bech32ToText(lnurl); if (url.startsWith("http")) { let parsedUri = new URL(url); // is lightning address if (parsedUri.pathname.startsWith("/.well-known/lnurlp/")) { let pathParts = parsedUri.pathname.split("/"); let username = pathParts[pathParts.length - 1]; return `${username}@${parsedUri.hostname}`; } } } return lnurl; } export function unixNow() { return Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); } /** * Simple debounce * @param timeout Time until falling edge * @param fn Callack to run on falling edge * @returns Cancel timeout function */ export function debounce(timeout: number, fn: () => void) { let t = setTimeout(fn, timeout); return () => clearTimeout(t); } export function addIdAndDefaultMessageToMessages( messages: Record, messageIdPrefix: string ) { const result: Record = {}; for (const key in messages) { result[key] = { id: `${messageIdPrefix}.${key}`, defaultMessage: messages[key], }; } return result; }