import * as secp from "@noble/curves/secp256k1"; import * as utils from "@noble/curves/abstract/utils"; import { getPublicKey, sha256, unixNow } from "@snort/shared"; import { EventKind, HexKey, NostrEvent, NotSignedNostrEvent } from "."; import { minePow } from "./pow-util"; import { findTag } from "./utils"; export interface Tag { key: string; value?: string; relay?: string; marker?: string; // NIP-10 } export interface Thread { root?: Tag; replyTo?: Tag; mentions: Array; pubKeys: Array; } export const enum EventType { Regular, Replaceable, ParameterizedReplaceable, } export abstract class EventExt { /** * Get the pub key of the creator of this event NIP-26 */ static getRootPubKey(e: NostrEvent): HexKey { const delegation = e.tags.find(a => a[0] === "delegation"); if (delegation?.[1]) { // todo: verify sig return delegation[1]; } return e.pubkey; } /** * Sign this message with a private key */ static sign(e: NostrEvent, key: HexKey) { e.pubkey = getPublicKey(key); = this.createId(e); const sig = secp.schnorr.sign(, key); e.sig = utils.bytesToHex(sig); if (!secp.schnorr.verify(e.sig,, e.pubkey)) { throw new Error("Signing failed"); } return e; } /** * Check the signature of this message * @returns True if valid signature */ static verify(e: NostrEvent) { if ((e.sig?.length ?? 0) < 64) return false; const id = this.createId(e); const result = secp.schnorr.verify(e.sig, id, e.pubkey); return result; } static createId(e: NostrEvent | NotSignedNostrEvent) { const payload = [0, e.pubkey, e.created_at, e.kind, e.tags, e.content]; return sha256(JSON.stringify(payload)); } /** * Mine POW for an event (NIP-13) */ static minePow(e: NostrEvent, target: number) { return minePow(e, target); } /** * Create a new event for a specific pubkey */ static forPubKey(pk: HexKey, kind: EventKind) { return { pubkey: pk, kind: kind, created_at: unixNow(), content: "", tags: [], id: "", sig: "", } as NostrEvent; } static parseTag(tag: Array) { if (tag.length < 1) { throw new Error("Invalid tag, must have more than 2 items"); } const ret = { key: tag[0], value: tag[1], } as Tag; switch (ret.key) { case "a": case "e": { ret.relay = tag.length > 2 ? tag[2] : undefined; ret.marker = tag.length > 3 ? tag[3] : undefined; break; } } return ret; } static extractThread(ev: NostrEvent) { const ret = { mentions: [], pubKeys: [], } as Thread; const replyTags = ev.tags.filter(a => a[0] === "e" || a[0] === "a").map(a => EventExt.parseTag(a)); if (replyTags.length > 0) { const marked = replyTags.some(a => a.marker); if (!marked) { ret.root = replyTags[0]; ret.root.marker = "root"; if (replyTags.length > 1) { ret.replyTo = replyTags[replyTags.length - 1]; ret.replyTo.marker = "reply"; } if (replyTags.length > 2) { ret.mentions = replyTags.slice(1, -1); ret.mentions.forEach(a => (a.marker = "mention")); } } else { const root = replyTags.find(a => a.marker === "root"); const reply = replyTags.find(a => a.marker === "reply"); ret.root = root; ret.replyTo = reply; ret.mentions = replyTags.filter(a => a.marker === "mention"); } } else { return undefined; } ret.pubKeys = Array.from(new Set(ev.tags.filter(a => a[0] === "p").map(a => a[1]))); return ret; } /** * Assign props if undefined */ static fixupEvent(e: NostrEvent) { e.tags ??= []; e.created_at ??= 0; e.content ??= ""; ??= ""; e.kind ??= 0; e.pubkey ??= ""; e.sig ??= ""; } static getType(kind: number) { const legacyReplaceable = [0, 3, 41]; if (kind >= 30_000 && kind < 40_000) { return EventType.ParameterizedReplaceable; } else if (kind >= 10_000 && kind < 20_000) { return EventType.Replaceable; } else if (legacyReplaceable.includes(kind)) { return EventType.Replaceable; } else { return EventType.Regular; } } static isValid(ev: NostrEvent) { const type = EventExt.getType(ev.kind); if (type === EventType.ParameterizedReplaceable) { if (!findTag(ev, "d")) return false; } return ev.sig !== undefined; } }