import * as secp from "@noble/secp256k1"; import { sha256 as hash } from "@noble/hashes/sha256"; import { hmac } from "@noble/hashes/hmac"; import { bytesToHex } from "@noble/hashes/utils"; import { decode as invoiceDecode } from "light-bolt11-decoder"; import { bech32 } from "bech32"; import base32Decode from "base32-decode"; import { HexKey, TaggedRawEvent, u256, EventKind, encodeTLV, NostrPrefix, decodeTLV, TLVEntryType, RawEvent, } from "@snort/nostr"; import { MetadataCache } from "Cache"; export const sha256 = (str: string | Uint8Array): u256 => { return secp.utils.bytesToHex(hash(str)); }; export async function openFile(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { const elm = document.createElement("input"); elm.type = "file"; elm.onchange = (e: Event) => { const elm = as HTMLInputElement; if (elm.files) { resolve(elm.files[0]); } else { resolve(undefined); } };; }); } /** * Parse bech32 ids * * @param id bech32 id */ export function parseId(id: string) { const hrp = ["note", "npub", "nsec"]; try { if (hrp.some(a => id.startsWith(a))) { return bech32ToHex(id); } } catch (e) { // Ignore the error. } return id; } export function bech32ToHex(str: string) { try { const nKey = bech32.decode(str, 1_000); const buff = bech32.fromWords(nKey.words); return secp.utils.bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from(buff)); } catch { return str; } } /** * Decode bech32 to string UTF-8 * @param str bech32 encoded string * @returns */ export function bech32ToText(str: string) { try { const decoded = bech32.decode(str, 1000); const buf = bech32.fromWords(decoded.words); return new TextDecoder().decode(Uint8Array.from(buf)); } catch { return ""; } } /** * Convert hex note id to bech32 link url * @param hex * @returns */ export function eventLink(hex: u256, relays?: Array | string) { const encoded = relays ? encodeTLV(hex, NostrPrefix.Event, Array.isArray(relays) ? relays : [relays]) : hexToBech32(NostrPrefix.Note, hex); return `/e/${encoded}`; } /** * Convert hex pubkey to bech32 link url */ export function profileLink(hex: HexKey, relays?: Array | string) { const encoded = relays ? encodeTLV(hex, NostrPrefix.Profile, Array.isArray(relays) ? relays : [relays]) : hexToBech32(NostrPrefix.PublicKey, hex); return `/p/${encoded}`; } /** * Convert hex to bech32 */ export function hexToBech32(hrp: string, hex?: string) { if (typeof hex !== "string" || hex.length === 0 || hex.length % 2 !== 0) { return ""; } try { if (hrp === NostrPrefix.Note || hrp === NostrPrefix.PrivateKey || hrp === NostrPrefix.PublicKey) { const buf = secp.utils.hexToBytes(hex); return bech32.encode(hrp, bech32.toWords(buf)); } else { return encodeTLV(hex, hrp as NostrPrefix); } } catch (e) { console.warn("Invalid hex", hex, e); return ""; } } /** * Reaction types */ export const Reaction = { Positive: "+", Negative: "-", }; /** * Return normalized reaction content */ export function normalizeReaction(content: string) { switch (content) { case "-": return Reaction.Negative; case "👎": return Reaction.Negative; default: return Reaction.Positive; } } /** * Get reactions to a specific event (#e + kind filter) */ export function getReactions(notes: readonly TaggedRawEvent[] | undefined, id: u256, kind?: EventKind) { return notes?.filter(a => a.kind === (kind ?? a.kind) && a.tags.some(a => a[0] === "e" && a[1] === id)) || []; } export function getAllReactions(notes: readonly TaggedRawEvent[] | undefined, ids: Array, kind?: EventKind) { return notes?.filter(a => a.kind === (kind ?? a.kind) && a.tags.some(a => a[0] === "e" && ids.includes(a[1]))) || []; } export function unixNow() { return Math.floor(unixNowMs() / 1000); } export function unixNowMs() { return new Date().getTime(); } export function deepClone(obj: T) { if ("structuredClone" in window) { return structuredClone(obj); } else { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); } } /** * Simple debounce */ export function debounce(timeout: number, fn: () => void) { const t = setTimeout(fn, timeout); return () => clearTimeout(t); } export function dedupeByPubkey(events: TaggedRawEvent[]) { const deduped = events.reduce( ({ list, seen }: { list: TaggedRawEvent[]; seen: Set }, ev) => { if (seen.has(ev.pubkey)) { return { list, seen }; } seen.add(ev.pubkey); return { seen, list: [...list, ev], }; }, { list: [], seen: new Set([]) } ); return deduped.list as TaggedRawEvent[]; } export function dedupeById(events: Array) { const deduped = events.reduce( ({ list, seen }: { list: Array; seen: Set }, ev) => { if (seen.has( { return { list, seen }; } seen.add(; return { seen, list: [...list, ev], }; }, { list: [], seen: new Set([]) } ); return deduped.list as Array; } /** * Return newest event by pubkey * @param events List of all notes to filter from * @returns */ export function getLatestByPubkey(events: TaggedRawEvent[]): Map { const deduped = events.reduce((results: Map, ev) => { if (!results.has(ev.pubkey)) { const latest = getNewest(events.filter(a => a.pubkey === ev.pubkey)); if (latest) { results.set(ev.pubkey, latest); } } return results; }, new Map()); return deduped; } export function getLatestProfileByPubkey(profiles: MetadataCache[]): Map { const deduped = profiles.reduce((results: Map, ev) => { if (!results.has(ev.pubkey)) { const latest = getNewestProfile(profiles.filter(a => a.pubkey === ev.pubkey)); if (latest) { results.set(ev.pubkey, latest); } } return results; }, new Map()); return deduped; } export function dedupe(v: Array) { return [ Set(v)]; } export function appendDedupe(a?: Array, b?: Array) { return dedupe([...(a ?? []), ...(b ?? [])]); } export function unwrap(v: T | undefined | null): T { if (v === undefined || v === null) { throw new Error("missing value"); } return v; } export function randomSample(coll: T[], size: number) { const random = [...coll]; return random.sort(() => (Math.random() >= 0.5 ? 1 : -1)).slice(0, size); } export function getNewest(rawNotes: readonly TaggedRawEvent[]) { const notes = [...rawNotes]; notes.sort((a, b) => b.created_at - a.created_at); if (notes.length > 0) { return notes[0]; } } export function getNewestProfile(rawNotes: MetadataCache[]) { const notes = [...rawNotes]; notes.sort((a, b) => b.created - a.created); if (notes.length > 0) { return notes[0]; } } export function getNewestEventTagsByKey(evs: TaggedRawEvent[], tag: string) { const newest = getNewest(evs); if (newest) { const keys = newest.tags.filter(p => p && p.length === 2 && p[0] === tag).map(p => p[1]); return { keys, createdAt: newest.created_at, }; } } export function tagFilterOfTextRepost(note: TaggedRawEvent, id?: u256): (tag: string[], i: number) => boolean { return (tag, i) => tag[0] === "e" && tag[3] === "mention" && note.content === `#[${i}]` && (id ? tag[1] === id : true); } export function groupByPubkey(acc: Record, user: MetadataCache) { return { ...acc, [user.pubkey]: user }; } export function splitByUrl(str: string) { const urlRegex = /((?:http|ftp|https|nostr|web\+nostr|magnet):\/?\/?(?:[\w+?.\w+])+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9~!@#$%^&*()_\-=+\\/?.:;',]*)?(?:[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]))/i; return str.split(urlRegex); } export const delay = (t: number) => { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, t); }); }; export interface InvoiceDetails { amount?: number; expire?: number; timestamp?: number; description?: string; descriptionHash?: string; paymentHash?: string; expired: boolean; } export function decodeInvoice(pr: string): InvoiceDetails | undefined { try { const parsed = invoiceDecode(pr); const amountSection = parsed.sections.find(a => === "amount"); const amount = amountSection ? Number(amountSection.value as number | string) : undefined; const timestampSection = parsed.sections.find(a => === "timestamp"); const timestamp = timestampSection ? Number(timestampSection.value as number | string) : undefined; const expirySection = parsed.sections.find(a => === "expiry"); const expire = expirySection ? Number(expirySection.value as number | string) : undefined; const descriptionSection = parsed.sections.find(a => === "description")?.value; const descriptionHashSection = parsed.sections.find(a => === "description_hash")?.value; const paymentHashSection = parsed.sections.find(a => === "payment_hash")?.value; const ret = { amount: amount, expire: timestamp && expire ? timestamp + expire : undefined, timestamp: timestamp, description: descriptionSection as string | undefined, descriptionHash: descriptionHashSection ? bytesToHex(descriptionHashSection as Uint8Array) : undefined, paymentHash: paymentHashSection ? bytesToHex(paymentHashSection as Uint8Array) : undefined, expired: false, }; if (ret.expire) { ret.expired = ret.expire < new Date().getTime() / 1000; } return ret; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } export interface Magnet { dn?: string | string[]; tr?: string | string[]; xs?: string | string[]; as?: string | string[]; ws?: string | string[]; kt?: string[]; ix?: number | number[]; xt?: string | string[]; infoHash?: string; raw?: string; } /** * Parse a magnet URI and return an object of keys/values */ export function magnetURIDecode(uri: string): Magnet | undefined { try { const result: Record = { raw: uri, }; // Support 'magnet:' and 'stream-magnet:' uris const data = uri.trim().split("magnet:?")[1]; const params = data && data.length > 0 ? data.split("&") : []; params.forEach(param => { const split = param.split("="); const key = split[0]; const val = decodeURIComponent(split[1]); if (!result[key]) { result[key] = []; } switch (key) { case "dn": { (result[key] as string[]).push(val.replace(/\+/g, " ")); break; } case "kt": { val.split("+").forEach(e => { (result[key] as string[]).push(e); }); break; } case "ix": { (result[key] as number[]).push(Number(val)); break; } case "so": { // todo: not implemented yet break; } default: { (result[key] as string[]).push(val); break; } } }); // Convenience properties for parity with `parse-torrent-file` module let m; if (result.xt) { const xts = Array.isArray(result.xt) ? result.xt : [result.xt]; xts.forEach(xt => { if (typeof xt === "string") { if ((m = xt.match(/^urn:btih:(.{40})/))) { result.infoHash = [m[1].toLowerCase()]; } else if ((m = xt.match(/^urn:btih:(.{32})/))) { const decodedStr = base32Decode(m[1], "RFC4648-HEX"); result.infoHash = [bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(decodedStr))]; } else if ((m = xt.match(/^urn:btmh:1220(.{64})/))) { result.infoHashV2 = [m[1].toLowerCase()]; } } }); } if (result.xs) { const xss = Array.isArray(result.xs) ? result.xs : [result.xs]; xss.forEach(xs => { if (typeof xs === "string" && (m = xs.match(/^urn:btpk:(.{64})/))) { if (!result.publicKey) { result.publicKey = []; } (result.publicKey as string[]).push(m[1].toLowerCase()); } }); } for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(result)) { if (Array.isArray(v)) { if (v.length === 1) { result[k] = v[0]; } else if (v.length === 0) { result[k] = undefined; } } } return result; } catch (e) { console.warn("Failed to parse magnet link", e); } } export function chunks(arr: T[], length: number) { const result = []; let idx = 0; let n = arr.length / length; while (n > 0) { result.push(arr.slice(idx, idx + length)); idx += length; n -= 1; } return result; } export function findTag(e: RawEvent, tag: string) { const maybeTag = e.tags.find(evTag => { return evTag[0] === tag; }); return maybeTag && maybeTag[1]; } export function hmacSha256(key: Uint8Array, ...messages: Uint8Array[]) { return hmac(hash, key, secp.utils.concatBytes(...messages)); } export function getRelayName(url: string) { const parsedUrl = new URL(url); return +; } export interface NostrLink { type: NostrPrefix; id: string; kind?: number; author?: string; relays?: Array; encode(): string; } export function validateNostrLink(link: string): boolean { try { const parsedLink = parseNostrLink(link); if (!parsedLink) { return false; } if (parsedLink.type === NostrPrefix.PublicKey || parsedLink.type === NostrPrefix.Note) { return === 64; } return true; } catch { return false; } } export function parseNostrLink(link: string, prefixHint?: NostrPrefix): NostrLink | undefined { const entity = link.startsWith("web+nostr:") || link.startsWith("nostr:") ? link.split(":")[1] : link; const isPrefix = (prefix: NostrPrefix) => { return entity.startsWith(prefix) || prefix === prefixHint; }; if (isPrefix(NostrPrefix.PublicKey)) { const id = bech32ToHex(entity); return { type: NostrPrefix.PublicKey, id: id, encode: () => hexToBech32(NostrPrefix.PublicKey, id), }; } else if (isPrefix(NostrPrefix.Note)) { const id = bech32ToHex(entity); return { type: NostrPrefix.Note, id: id, encode: () => hexToBech32(NostrPrefix.Note, id), }; } else if (isPrefix(NostrPrefix.Profile) || isPrefix(NostrPrefix.Event) || isPrefix(NostrPrefix.Address)) { const decoded = decodeTLV(entity); const id = decoded.find(a => a.type === TLVEntryType.Special)?.value as string; const relays = decoded.filter(a => a.type === TLVEntryType.Relay).map(a => a.value as string); const author = decoded.find(a => a.type === TLVEntryType.Author)?.value as string; const kind = decoded.find(a => a.type === TLVEntryType.Kind)?.value as number; const encode = () => { return entity; // return original }; if (isPrefix(NostrPrefix.Profile)) { return { type: NostrPrefix.Profile, id, relays, kind, author, encode, }; } else if (isPrefix(NostrPrefix.Event)) { return { type: NostrPrefix.Event, id, relays, kind, author, encode, }; } else if (isPrefix(NostrPrefix.Address)) { return { type: NostrPrefix.Address, id, relays, kind, author, encode, }; } } } export function sanitizeRelayUrl(url: string) { try { return new URL(url).toString(); } catch { // ignore } }