import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { FormattedMessage, useIntl } from "react-intl"; import { HexKey, NostrLink, NostrPrefix, TaggedNostrEvent } from "@snort/system"; import { Menu, MenuItem } from "@szhsin/react-menu"; import Icon from "Icons/Icon"; import { setPinned, setBookmarked } from "Login"; import messages from "Element/messages"; import useLogin from "Hooks/useLogin"; import useModeration from "Hooks/useModeration"; import useEventPublisher from "Hooks/useEventPublisher"; import { ReBroadcaster } from "../ReBroadcaster"; import SnortApi from "External/SnortApi"; import { SubscriptionType, getCurrentSubscription } from "Subscription"; export interface NoteTranslation { text: string; fromLanguage: string; confidence: number; } interface NosteContextMenuProps { ev: TaggedNostrEvent; setShowReactions(b: boolean): void; react(content: string): Promise; onTranslated?: (t: NoteTranslation) => void; } export function NoteContextMenu({ ev, ...props }: NosteContextMenuProps) { const { formatMessage } = useIntl(); const login = useLogin(); const { mute, block } = useModeration(); const { publisher, system } = useEventPublisher(); const [showBroadcast, setShowBroadcast] = useState(false); const lang = window.navigator.language; const langNames = new Intl.DisplayNames([...window.navigator.languages], { type: "language", }); const isMine = ev.pubkey === login.publicKey; async function deleteEvent() { if (window.confirm(formatMessage(messages.ConfirmDeletion, { id:, 8) })) && publisher) { const evDelete = await publisher.delete(; system.BroadcastEvent(evDelete); } } async function share() { const link = NostrLink.fromEvent(ev).encode(CONFIG.eventLinkPrefix); const url = `${window.location.protocol}//${}/${link}`; if ("share" in window.navigator) { await window.navigator.share({ title: "Snort", url: url, }); } else { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(url); } } async function translate() { const api = new SnortApi(); const targetLang = lang.split("-")[0].toUpperCase(); const result = await api.translate({ text: [ev.content], target_lang: targetLang, }); if ("translations" in result) { if ( typeof props.onTranslated === "function" && result.translations.length > 0 && targetLang != result.translations[0].detected_source_language ) { props.onTranslated({ text: result.translations[0].text, fromLanguage: langNames.of(result.translations[0].detected_source_language), confidence: 1, } as NoteTranslation); } } } useEffect(() => { const sub = getCurrentSubscription(login.subscriptions); if (sub?.type === SubscriptionType.Premium && (login.preferences.autoTranslate ?? true)) { translate(); } }, []); async function copyId() { const link = NostrLink.fromEvent(ev).encode(CONFIG.eventLinkPrefix); await navigator.clipboard.writeText(link); } async function pin(id: HexKey) { if (publisher) { const es = [...login.pinned.item, id]; const ev = await publisher.pinned( => new NostrLink(NostrPrefix.Note, a))); system.BroadcastEvent(ev); setPinned(login, es, ev.created_at * 1000); } } async function bookmark(id: string) { if (publisher) { const es = [...login.bookmarked.item, id]; const ev = await publisher.bookmarks( => new NostrLink(NostrPrefix.Note, a)), "bookmark", ); system.BroadcastEvent(ev); setBookmarked(login, es, ev.created_at * 1000); } } async function copyEvent() { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(ev, undefined, " ")); } const handleReBroadcastButtonClick = () => { setShowBroadcast(true); }; function menuItems() { return ( <>
{/* This menu item serves as a "close menu" button; it allows the user to click anywhere nearby the menu to close it. */}
props.setShowReactions(true)}> share()}> {!login.pinned.item.includes( && !login.readonly && ( pin(}> )} {!login.bookmarked.item.includes( && !login.readonly && ( bookmark(}> )} copyId()}> {!login.readonly && ( mute(ev.pubkey)}> )} {login.preferences.enableReactions && !login.readonly && ( props.react("-")}> )} {ev.pubkey !== login.publicKey && !login.readonly && ( block(ev.pubkey)}> )} translate()}> {login.preferences.showDebugMenus && ( copyEvent()}> )} {isMine && !login.readonly && ( deleteEvent()}> )} ); } return ( <>
} menuClassName="ctx-menu"> {menuItems()} {showBroadcast && setShowBroadcast(false)} />} ); }