import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import { u256 } from "@snort/nostr"; import { EventKind, Subscriptions } from "@snort/nostr"; import { unixNow, unwrap } from "Util"; import useSubscription from "Feed/Subscription"; import { useSelector } from "react-redux"; import { RootState } from "State/Store"; import { UserPreferences } from "State/Login"; export interface TimelineFeedOptions { method: "TIME_RANGE" | "LIMIT_UNTIL"; window?: number; relay?: string; } export interface TimelineSubject { type: "pubkey" | "hashtag" | "global" | "ptag" | "keyword"; discriminator: string; items: string[]; } export default function useTimelineFeed(subject: TimelineSubject, options: TimelineFeedOptions) { const now = unixNow(); const [window] = useState(options.window ?? 60 * 60); const [until, setUntil] = useState(now); const [since, setSince] = useState(now - window); const [trackingEvents, setTrackingEvent] = useState([]); const [trackingParentEvents, setTrackingParentEvents] = useState([]); const pref = useSelector(s => s.login.preferences); const createSub = useCallback(() => { if (subject.type !== "global" && subject.items.length === 0) { return null; } const sub = new Subscriptions(); sub.Id = `timeline:${subject.type}:${subject.discriminator}`; sub.Kinds = new Set([EventKind.TextNote, EventKind.Repost]); switch (subject.type) { case "pubkey": { sub.Authors = new Set(subject.items); break; } case "hashtag": { sub.HashTags = new Set(subject.items); break; } case "ptag": { sub.PTags = new Set(subject.items); break; } case "keyword": { sub.Kinds.add(EventKind.SetMetadata); sub.Search = subject.items[0]; break; } } return sub; }, [subject.type, subject.items, subject.discriminator, options.relay]); const sub = useMemo(() => { const sub = createSub(); if (sub) { if (options.method === "LIMIT_UNTIL") { sub.Until = until; sub.Limit = 10; } else { sub.Since = since; sub.Until = until; if (since === undefined) { sub.Limit = 50; } } if (pref.autoShowLatest) { // copy properties of main sub but with limit 0 // this will put latest directly into main feed const latestSub = new Subscriptions(); latestSub.Authors = sub.Authors; latestSub.HashTags = sub.HashTags; latestSub.PTags = sub.PTags; latestSub.Kinds = sub.Kinds; latestSub.Search = sub.Search; latestSub.Limit = 1; latestSub.Since = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); sub.AddSubscription(latestSub); } } return sub; }, [until, since, options.method, pref, createSub]); const main = useSubscription(sub, { leaveOpen: true, cache: subject.type !== "global", relay: options.relay }); const subRealtime = useMemo(() => { const subLatest = createSub(); if (subLatest && !pref.autoShowLatest) { subLatest.Id = `${subLatest.Id}:latest`; subLatest.Limit = 1; subLatest.Since = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); } return subLatest; }, [pref, createSub]); const latest = useSubscription(subRealtime, { leaveOpen: true, cache: false, relay: options.relay, }); useEffect(() => { // clear store if chaning relays main.clear(); latest.clear(); }, [options.relay]); const subNext = useMemo(() => { let sub: Subscriptions | undefined; if (trackingEvents.length > 0 && pref.enableReactions) { sub = new Subscriptions(); sub.Id = `timeline-related:${subject.type}`; sub.Kinds = new Set([EventKind.Reaction, EventKind.Repost, EventKind.Deletion, EventKind.ZapReceipt]); sub.ETags = new Set(trackingEvents); } return sub ?? null; }, [trackingEvents, pref, subject.type]); const others = useSubscription(subNext, { leaveOpen: true, cache: subject.type !== "global", relay: options.relay }); const subParents = useMemo(() => { if (trackingParentEvents.length > 0) { const parents = new Subscriptions(); parents.Id = `timeline-parent:${subject.type}`; parents.Ids = new Set(trackingParentEvents); return parents; } return null; }, [trackingParentEvents, subject.type]); const parent = useSubscription(subParents, { leaveOpen: false, cache: false, relay: options.relay }); useEffect(() => { if ( > 0) { setTrackingEvent(s => { const ids = =>; if (ids.some(a => !s.includes(a))) { return Array.from(new Set([...s, ...ids])); } return s; }); const reposts = .filter(a => a.kind === EventKind.Repost && a.content === "") .map(a => a.tags.find(b => b[0] === "e")) .filter(a => a) .map(a => unwrap(a)[1]); if (reposts.length > 0) { setTrackingParentEvents(s => { if (reposts.some(a => !s.includes(a))) { const temp = new Set([...s, ...reposts]); return Array.from(temp); } return s; }); } } }, []); return { main:, related:, latest:, parent:, loadMore: () => { console.debug("Timeline load more!"); if (options.method === "LIMIT_UNTIL") { const oldest =, v) => (acc = v.created_at < acc ? v.created_at : acc), unixNow()); setUntil(oldest); } else { setUntil(s => s - window); setSince(s => s - window); } }, showLatest: () => { main.append(; latest.clear(); }, }; }