import "./index.css"; import "@szhsin/react-menu/dist/index.css"; import "./fonts/inter.css"; import { compress, expand_filter, flat_merge, get_diff, pow, default as wasmInit } from "@snort/system-wasm"; import WasmPath from "@snort/system-wasm/pkg/system_wasm_bg.wasm"; import { StrictMode } from "react"; import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom/client"; import { createBrowserRouter, RouteObject, RouterProvider } from "react-router-dom"; import { NostrSystem, ProfileLoaderService, QueryOptimizer, FlatReqFilter, ReqFilter, PowMiner, NostrEvent, mapEventToProfile, PowWorker, encodeTLVEntries, socialGraphInstance, } from "@snort/system"; import PowWorkerURL from "@snort/system/src/pow-worker.ts?worker&url"; import { SnortContext } from "@snort/system-react"; import { removeUndefined, throwIfOffline } from "@snort/shared"; import * as serviceWorkerRegistration from "@/serviceWorkerRegistration"; import { IntlProvider } from "@/IntlProvider"; import { getCountry, unwrap } from "@/SnortUtils"; import Layout from "@/Pages/Layout"; import ProfilePage from "@/Pages/Profile/ProfilePage"; import { RootRoutes, RootTabRoutes } from "@/Pages/Root"; import NotificationsPage from "@/Pages/Notifications/Notifications"; import SettingsPage, { SettingsRoutes } from "@/Pages/SettingsPage"; import ErrorPage from "@/Pages/ErrorPage"; import NostrAddressPage from "@/Pages/NostrAddressPage"; import MessagesPage from "@/Pages/Messages/MessagesPage"; import DonatePage from "@/Pages/DonatePage"; import SearchPage from "@/Pages/SearchPage"; import HelpPage from "@/Pages/HelpPage"; import { WalletRoutes } from "@/Pages/WalletPage"; import NostrLinkHandler from "@/Pages/NostrLinkHandler"; import { ThreadRoute } from "@/Element/Event/Thread"; import { SubscribeRoutes } from "@/Pages/subscribe"; import ZapPoolPage from "@/Pages/ZapPool"; import { db } from "@/Db"; import { preload, RelayMetrics, SystemDb, UserCache, UserRelays } from "@/Cache"; import { LoginStore } from "@/Login"; import { SnortDeckLayout } from "@/Pages/DeckLayout"; import FreeNostrAddressPage from "@/Pages/FreeNostrAddressPage"; import { ListFeedPage } from "@/Pages/ListFeedPage"; import { updateRelayConnections } from "@/Hooks/useLoginRelays"; import { AboutPage } from "@/Pages/About"; import { OnboardingRoutes } from "@/Pages/onboarding"; import { setupWebLNWalletConfig } from "@/Wallet/WebLN"; import { Wallets } from "@/Wallet"; import Fuse from "fuse.js"; import NetworkGraph from "@/Pages/NetworkGraph"; declare global { interface Window { plausible?: (tag: string) => void; } } const WasmQueryOptimizer = { expandFilter: (f: ReqFilter) => { return expand_filter(f) as Array; }, getDiff: (prev: Array, next: Array) => { return get_diff(prev, next) as Array; }, flatMerge: (all: Array) => { return flat_merge(all) as Array; }, compress: (all: Array) => { return compress(all) as Array; }, } as QueryOptimizer; export class WasmPowWorker implements PowMiner { minePow(ev: NostrEvent, target: number): Promise { const res = pow(ev, target); return Promise.resolve(res); } } const hasWasm = "WebAssembly" in globalThis; const DefaultPowWorker = hasWasm ? undefined : new PowWorker(PowWorkerURL); export const GetPowWorker = () => (hasWasm ? new WasmPowWorker() : unwrap(DefaultPowWorker)); /** * Singleton nostr system */ const System = new NostrSystem({ relayCache: UserRelays, profileCache: UserCache, relayMetrics: RelayMetrics, queryOptimizer: hasWasm ? WasmQueryOptimizer : undefined, db: SystemDb, }); System.on("auth", async (c, r, cb) => { const { id } = LoginStore.snapshot(); const pub = LoginStore.getPublisher(id); if (pub) { cb(await pub.nip42Auth(c, r)); } }); export type FuzzySearchResult = { pubkey: string; name?: string; display_name?: string; nip05?: string; }; export const fuzzySearch = new Fuse([], { keys: ["name", "display_name", { name: "nip05", weight: 0.5 }], threshold: 0.3, // sortFn here? }); const profileTimestamps = new Map(); // how to also add entries from ProfileCache? System.on("event", ev => { if (ev.kind === 0) { const existing = profileTimestamps.get(ev.pubkey); if (existing) { if (existing > ev.created_at) { return; } fuzzySearch.remove(doc => doc.pubkey === ev.pubkey); } profileTimestamps.set(ev.pubkey, ev.created_at); try { const data = JSON.parse(ev.content); if (ev.pubkey && ( || data.display_name || data.nip05)) { data.pubkey = ev.pubkey; fuzzySearch.add(data); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } if (ev.kind === 3) { socialGraphInstance.handleFollowEvent(ev); } }); async function fetchProfile(key: string) { try { throwIfOffline(); const rsp = await fetch(`${CONFIG.httpCache}/profile/${key}`); if (rsp.ok) { const data = (await rsp.json()) as NostrEvent; if (data) { return mapEventToProfile(data); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } /** * Add profile loader fn */ if (CONFIG.httpCache) { System.ProfileLoader.loaderFn = async (keys: Array) => { return removeUndefined(await Promise.all( => fetchProfile(a)))); }; } /** * Singleton user profile loader */ export const ProfileLoader = new ProfileLoaderService(System, UserCache); serviceWorkerRegistration.register(); async function initSite() { console.debug(getCountry()); if (hasWasm) { await wasmInit(WasmPath); } const login = LoginStore.takeSnapshot(); db.ready = await db.isAvailable(); if (db.ready) { await preload(login.follows.item); } updateRelayConnections(System, login.relays.item).catch(console.error); try { if ("registerProtocolHandler" in window.navigator) { window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler("web+nostr", `${window.location.protocol}//${}/%s`);"Registered protocol handler for 'web+nostr'"); } } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to register protocol handler", e); } // inject analytics script // if ( && (login.appData.item.preferences.telemetry ?? true)) { const sc = document.createElement("script"); sc.src = ""; sc.defer = true; sc.setAttribute("data-domain", CONFIG.hostname); document.head.appendChild(sc); } setupWebLNWalletConfig(Wallets); return null; } let didInit = false; const mainRoutes = [ ...RootRoutes, { path: "/help", element: , }, { path: "/e/:id", element: , }, { path: "/p/:id", element: , }, { path: "/notifications", element: , }, { path: "/settings", element: , children: SettingsRoutes, }, { path: "/free-nostr-address", element: , }, { path: "/nostr-address", element: , }, { path: "/messages/:id?", element: , }, { path: "/donate", element: , }, { path: "/search/:keyword?", element: , }, { path: "/list-feed/:id", element: , }, { path: "/about", element: , }, { path: "/graph", element: , }, ...OnboardingRoutes, ...WalletRoutes, ] as Array; if (CONFIG.features.zapPool) { mainRoutes.push({ path: "/zap-pool", element: , }); } if (CONFIG.features.subscriptions) { mainRoutes.push(...SubscribeRoutes); } // add catch all route mainRoutes.push({ path: "/*", element: , }); const routes = [ { element: , errorElement: , loader: async () => { if (!didInit) { didInit = true; return await initSite(); } return null; }, children: mainRoutes, }, ] as Array; if (CONFIG.features.deck) { routes.push({ path: "/deck", element: , loader: async () => { if (!didInit) { didInit = true; return await initSite(); } return null; }, children: RootTabRoutes, } as RouteObject); } export const router = createBrowserRouter(routes); const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(unwrap(document.getElementById("root"))); root.render( , ); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore window.encodeTLV = encodeTLVEntries; // Use react-helmet instead? document.title = CONFIG.appTitle; document.querySelector('link[rel="apple-touch-icon"]')?.setAttribute("href", CONFIG.appleTouchIconUrl);