import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { TidalRegex } from "Const"; // Re-use dom parser across instances of TidalEmbed const domParser = new DOMParser(); async function oembedLookup(link: string) { // Regex + re-construct to handle both and links. const regexResult = TidalRegex.exec(link); if (!regexResult) { return Promise.reject("Not a TIDAL link."); } const [, productType, productId] = regexResult; const oembedApi = `${productType}/${productId}`; const apiResponse = await fetch(oembedApi); const json = await apiResponse.json(); const doc = domParser.parseFromString(json.html, "text/html"); const iframe = doc.querySelector("iframe"); if (!iframe) { return Promise.reject("No iframe delivered."); } return { source: iframe.getAttribute("src"), height: json.height, }; } const TidalEmbed = ({ link }: { link: string }) => { const [source, setSource] = useState(); const [height, setHeight] = useState(); const extraStyles = link.includes("video") ? { aspectRatio: "16 / 9" } : { height }; useEffect(() => { oembedLookup(link) .then(data => { setSource(data.source || undefined); setHeight(data.height); }) .catch(console.error); }, [link]); if (!source) return ( e.stopPropagation()} className="ext"> {link} ); return