import { TaggedRawEvent } from "@snort/nostr"; import { useState } from "react"; import { FormattedMessage, FormattedNumber, useIntl } from "react-intl"; import { ParsedZap } from "Element/Zap"; import Text from "Element/Text"; import useEventPublisher from "Feed/EventPublisher"; import { useWallet } from "Wallet"; import { useUserProfile } from "Hooks/useUserProfile"; import { LNURL } from "LNURL"; import { unwrap } from "Util"; import { formatShort } from "Number"; import Spinner from "Icons/Spinner"; import SendSats from "Element/SendSats"; import useLogin from "Hooks/useLogin"; interface PollProps { ev: TaggedRawEvent; zaps: Array; } export default function Poll(props: PollProps) { const { formatMessage } = useIntl(); const publisher = useEventPublisher(); const { wallet } = useWallet(); const { preferences: prefs, publicKey: myPubKey } = useLogin(); const pollerProfile = useUserProfile(props.ev.pubkey); const [error, setError] = useState(""); const [invoice, setInvoice] = useState(""); const [voting, setVoting] = useState(); const didVote = props.zaps.some(a => a.sender === myPubKey); const isMyPoll = props.ev.pubkey === myPubKey; const showResults = didVote || isMyPoll; const options = props.ev.tags.filter(a => a[0] === "poll_option").sort((a, b) => Number(a[1]) - Number(b[1])); async function zapVote(ev: React.MouseEvent, opt: number) { ev.stopPropagation(); if (voting) return; const amount = prefs.defaultZapAmount; try { if (amount <= 0) { throw new Error( formatMessage( { defaultMessage: "Can't vote with {amount} sats, please set a different default zap amount", }, { amount, } ) ); } setVoting(opt); const zap = await publisher.zap(amount * 1000, props.ev.pubkey,, undefined, [ ["poll_option", opt.toString()], ]); if (!zap) { throw new Error( formatMessage({ defaultMessage: "Can't create vote, maybe you're not logged in?", }) ); } const lnurl = props.ev.tags.find(a => a[0] === "zap")?.[1] || pollerProfile?.lud16 || pollerProfile?.lud06; if (!lnurl) return; const svc = new LNURL(lnurl); await svc.load(); if (!svc.canZap) { throw new Error( formatMessage({ defaultMessage: "Can't vote because LNURL service does not support zaps", }) ); } const invoice = await svc.getInvoice(amount, undefined, zap); if (wallet?.isReady()) { await wallet?.payInvoice(unwrap(; } else { setInvoice(unwrap(; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error) { setError(e.message); } else { setError( formatMessage({ defaultMessage: "Failed to send vote", }) ); } } finally { setVoting(undefined); } } const allTotal = props.zaps.filter(a => a.pollOption !== undefined).reduce((acc, v) => (acc += v.amount), 0); return ( <>
{ => { const opt = Number(a[1]); const desc = a[2]; const zapsOnOption = props.zaps.filter(b => b.pollOption === opt); const total = zapsOnOption.reduce((acc, v) => (acc += v.amount), 0); const weight = allTotal === 0 ? 0 : total / allTotal; return (
zapVote(e, opt)}>
{opt === voting ? : }
{showResults && ( <>
%   ({formatShort(total)})
); })} {error && {error}}
setInvoice("")} invoice={invoice} /> ); }