import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux"; import { useIntl, FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"; import { Menu, MenuItem } from "@szhsin/react-menu"; import { useLongPress } from "use-long-press"; import { TaggedRawEvent, HexKey, u256, encodeTLV, NostrPrefix, Lists } from "@snort/nostr"; import Icon from "Icons/Icon"; import Spinner from "Icons/Spinner"; import { formatShort } from "Number"; import useEventPublisher from "Feed/EventPublisher"; import { bech32ToHex, delay, normalizeReaction, unwrap } from "Util"; import { NoteCreator } from "Element/NoteCreator"; import { ReBroadcaster } from "Element/ReBroadcaster"; import Reactions from "Element/Reactions"; import SendSats from "Element/SendSats"; import { ParsedZap, ZapsSummary } from "Element/Zap"; import { useUserProfile } from "Hooks/useUserProfile"; import { RootState } from "State/Store"; import { setReplyTo, setShow, reset } from "State/NoteCreator"; import { setNote as setReBroadcastNote, setShow as setReBroadcastShow, reset as resetReBroadcast, } from "State/ReBroadcast"; import useModeration from "Hooks/useModeration"; import { SnortPubKey, TranslateHost } from "Const"; import { LNURL } from "LNURL"; import { DonateLNURL } from "Pages/DonatePage"; import { useWallet } from "Wallet"; import useLogin from "Hooks/useLogin"; import { setBookmarked, setPinned } from "Login"; import { useInteractionCache } from "Hooks/useInteractionCache"; import messages from "./messages"; let isZapperBusy = false; const barrierZapper = async (then: () => Promise): Promise => { while (isZapperBusy) { await delay(100); } isZapperBusy = true; try { return await then(); } finally { isZapperBusy = false; } }; export interface Translation { text: string; fromLanguage: string; confidence: number; } export interface NoteFooterProps { reposts: TaggedRawEvent[]; zaps: ParsedZap[]; positive: TaggedRawEvent[]; negative: TaggedRawEvent[]; showReactions: boolean; setShowReactions(b: boolean): void; ev: TaggedRawEvent; onTranslated?: (content: Translation) => void; } export default function NoteFooter(props: NoteFooterProps) { const { ev, showReactions, setShowReactions, positive, negative, reposts, zaps } = props; const dispatch = useDispatch(); const { formatMessage } = useIntl(); const login = useLogin(); const { pinned, bookmarked, publicKey, preferences: prefs, relays } = login; const { mute, block } = useModeration(); const author = useUserProfile(ev.pubkey); const interactionCache = useInteractionCache(publicKey,; const publisher = useEventPublisher(); const showNoteCreatorModal = useSelector((s: RootState) =>; const showReBroadcastModal = useSelector((s: RootState) =>; const reBroadcastNote = useSelector((s: RootState) => s.reBroadcast.note); const replyTo = useSelector((s: RootState) => s.noteCreator.replyTo); const willRenderNoteCreator = showNoteCreatorModal && replyTo?.id ===; const willRenderReBroadcast = showReBroadcastModal && reBroadcastNote && reBroadcastNote?.id ===; const [tip, setTip] = useState(false); const [zapping, setZapping] = useState(false); const walletState = useWallet(); const wallet = walletState.wallet; const isMine = ev.pubkey === publicKey; const lang = window.navigator.language; const langNames = new Intl.DisplayNames([...window.navigator.languages], { type: "language", }); const zapTotal = zaps.reduce((acc, z) => acc + z.amount, 0); const didZap = || zaps.some(a => a.sender === publicKey); const longPress = useLongPress( e => { e.stopPropagation(); setTip(true); }, { captureEvent: true, } ); function hasReacted(emoji: string) { return ( || positive?.some(({ pubkey, content }) => normalizeReaction(content) === emoji && pubkey === publicKey) ); } function hasReposted() { return || reposts.some(a => a.pubkey === publicKey); } async function react(content: string) { if (!hasReacted(content) && publisher) { const evLike = await publisher.react(ev, content); publisher.broadcast(evLike); await interactionCache.react(); } } async function deleteEvent() { if (window.confirm(formatMessage(messages.ConfirmDeletion, { id:, 8) })) && publisher) { const evDelete = await publisher.delete(; publisher.broadcast(evDelete); } } async function repost() { if (!hasReposted() && publisher) { if (!prefs.confirmReposts || window.confirm(formatMessage(messages.ConfirmRepost, { id: }))) { const evRepost = await publisher.repost(ev); publisher.broadcast(evRepost); await interactionCache.repost(); } } } function getLNURL() { return ev.tags.find(a => a[0] === "zap")?.[1] || author?.lud16 || author?.lud06; } function getTargetName() { const zapTarget = ev.tags.find(a => a[0] === "zap")?.[1]; if (zapTarget) { return new LNURL(zapTarget).name; } else { return author?.display_name || author?.name; } } async function fastZap(e?: React.MouseEvent) { if (zapping || e?.isPropagationStopped()) return; const lnurl = getLNURL(); if (wallet?.isReady() && lnurl) { setZapping(true); try { await fastZapInner(lnurl, prefs.defaultZapAmount, ev.pubkey,; fastZapDonate(); } catch (e) { console.warn("Fast zap failed", e); if (!(e instanceof Error) || e.message !== "User rejected") { setTip(true); } } finally { setZapping(false); } } else { setTip(true); } } async function fastZapInner(lnurl: string, amount: number, key: HexKey, id?: u256) { // only allow 1 invoice req/payment at a time to avoid hitting rate limits await barrierZapper(async () => { const handler = new LNURL(lnurl); await handler.load(); const zr = Object.keys(relays.item); const zap = handler.canZap && publisher ? await publisher.zap(amount * 1000, key, zr, id) : undefined; const invoice = await handler.getInvoice(amount, undefined, zap); await wallet?.payInvoice(unwrap(; await interactionCache.zap(); }); } function fastZapDonate() { queueMicrotask(async () => { if (prefs.fastZapDonate > 0) { // spin off donate const donateAmount = Math.floor(prefs.defaultZapAmount * prefs.fastZapDonate); if (donateAmount > 0) { console.debug(`Donating ${donateAmount} sats to ${DonateLNURL}`); fastZapInner(DonateLNURL, donateAmount, bech32ToHex(SnortPubKey)) .then(() => console.debug("Donation sent! Thank You!")) .catch(() => console.debug("Failed to donate")); } } }); } useEffect(() => { if (prefs.autoZap && !didZap && !isMine && !zapping) { const lnurl = getLNURL(); if (wallet?.isReady() && lnurl) { setZapping(true); queueMicrotask(async () => { try { await fastZapInner(lnurl, prefs.defaultZapAmount, ev.pubkey,; fastZapDonate(); } catch { // ignored } finally { setZapping(false); } }); } } }, [prefs.autoZap, author, zapping]); function tipButton() { const service = getLNURL(); if (service) { return ( <>
fastZap(e)}> {zapping ? : wallet?.isReady() ? : } {zapTotal > 0 &&
); } return null; } function repostIcon() { return (
repost()}> {reposts.length > 0 &&
); } function reactionIcons() { if (!prefs.enableReactions) { return null; } return ( <>
); } async function share() { const link = encodeTLV(NostrPrefix.Event,, ev.relays); const url = `${window.location.protocol}//${}/e/${link}`; if ("share" in window.navigator) { await window.navigator.share({ title: "Snort", url: url, }); } else { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(url); } } async function translate() { const res = await fetch(`${TranslateHost}/translate`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ q: ev.content, source: "auto", target: lang.split("-")[0], }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }); if (res.ok) { const result = await res.json(); if (typeof props.onTranslated === "function" && result) { props.onTranslated({ text: result.translatedText, fromLanguage: langNames.of(result.detectedLanguage.language), confidence: result.detectedLanguage.confidence, } as Translation); } } } async function copyId() { const link = encodeTLV(NostrPrefix.Event,, ev.relays); await navigator.clipboard.writeText(link); } async function pin(id: HexKey) { if (publisher) { const es = [...pinned.item, id]; const ev = await publisher.noteList(es, Lists.Pinned); publisher.broadcast(ev); setPinned(login, es, ev.created_at * 1000); } } async function bookmark(id: HexKey) { if (publisher) { const es = [...bookmarked.item, id]; const ev = await publisher.noteList(es, Lists.Bookmarked); publisher.broadcast(ev); setBookmarked(login, es, ev.created_at * 1000); } } async function copyEvent() { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(ev, undefined, " ")); } function menuItems() { return ( <>
{/* This menu item serves as a "close menu" button; it allows the user to click anywhere nearby the menu to close it. */}
setShowReactions(true)}> share()}> {!pinned.item.includes( && ( pin(}> )} {!bookmarked.item.includes( && ( bookmark(}> )} copyId()}> mute(ev.pubkey)}> {prefs.enableReactions && ( react("-")}> )} {ev.pubkey === publicKey && ( )} {ev.pubkey !== publicKey && ( block(ev.pubkey)}> )} translate()}> {prefs.showDebugMenus && ( copyEvent()}> )} {isMine && ( deleteEvent()}> )} ); } const handleReplyButtonClick = () => { if (replyTo?.id !== { dispatch(reset()); } dispatch(setReplyTo(ev)); dispatch(setShow(!showNoteCreatorModal)); }; const handleReBroadcastButtonClick = () => { if (reBroadcastNote?.id !== { dispatch(resetReBroadcast()); } dispatch(setReBroadcastNote(ev)); dispatch(setReBroadcastShow(!showReBroadcastModal)); }; return ( <>
{tipButton()} {reactionIcons()} {repostIcon()}
} menuClassName="ctx-menu"> {menuItems()}
{willRenderNoteCreator && } {willRenderReBroadcast && } setTip(false)} show={tip} author={author?.pubkey} target={getTargetName()} note={} />
); }