import * as secp from "@noble/secp256k1"; import { HexKey, RelaySettings } from "@snort/nostr"; import { DefaultRelays } from "Const"; import ExternalStore from "ExternalStore"; import { LoginSession } from "Login"; import { deepClone, sanitizeRelayUrl, unwrap } from "Util"; import { DefaultPreferences, UserPreferences } from "./Preferences"; const AccountStoreKey = "sessions"; const LoggedOut = { preferences: DefaultPreferences, tags: { item: [], timestamp: 0, }, follows: { item: [], timestamp: 0, }, muted: { item: [], timestamp: 0, }, blocked: { item: [], timestamp: 0, }, bookmarked: { item: [], timestamp: 0, }, pinned: { item: [], timestamp: 0, }, relays: { item: Object.fromEntries([...DefaultRelays.entries()].map(a => [unwrap(sanitizeRelayUrl(a[0])), a[1]])), timestamp: 0, }, latestNotification: 0, readNotifications: 0, subscriptions: [], } as LoginSession; const LegacyKeys = { PrivateKeyItem: "secret", PublicKeyItem: "pubkey", NotificationsReadItem: "notifications-read", UserPreferencesKey: "preferences", RelayListKey: "last-relays", FollowList: "last-follows", }; export class MultiAccountStore extends ExternalStore { #activeAccount?: HexKey; #accounts: Map; constructor() { super(); const existing = window.localStorage.getItem(AccountStoreKey); if (existing) { this.#accounts = new Map((JSON.parse(existing) as Array).map(a => [unwrap(a.publicKey), a])); } else { this.#accounts = new Map(); } this.#migrate(); if (!this.#activeAccount) { this.#activeAccount = this.#accounts.keys().next().value; } } getSessions() { return [...this.#accounts.keys()]; } loginWithPubkey(key: HexKey, relays?: Record) { if (this.#accounts.has(key)) { throw new Error("Already logged in with this pubkey"); } const initRelays = relays ?? Object.fromEntries(DefaultRelays.entries()); const newSession = { ...LoggedOut, publicKey: key, relays: { item: initRelays, timestamp: 1, }, preferences: deepClone(DefaultPreferences), } as LoginSession; this.#accounts.set(key, newSession); this.#activeAccount = key; this.#save(); return newSession; } loginWithPrivateKey(key: HexKey, entropy?: string, relays?: Record) { const pubKey = secp.utils.bytesToHex(secp.schnorr.getPublicKey(key)); if (this.#accounts.has(pubKey)) { throw new Error("Already logged in with this pubkey"); } const initRelays = relays ?? Object.fromEntries(DefaultRelays.entries()); const newSession = { ...LoggedOut, privateKey: key, publicKey: pubKey, generatedEntropy: entropy, relays: { item: initRelays, timestamp: 1, }, preferences: deepClone(DefaultPreferences), } as LoginSession; this.#accounts.set(pubKey, newSession); this.#activeAccount = pubKey; this.#save(); return newSession; } updateSession(s: LoginSession) { const pk = unwrap(s.publicKey); if (this.#accounts.has(pk)) { this.#accounts.set(pk, s); this.#save(); } } removeSession(k: string) { if (this.#accounts.delete(k)) { this.#save(); } } takeSnapshot(): LoginSession { const s = this.#activeAccount ? this.#accounts.get(this.#activeAccount) : undefined; if (!s) return LoggedOut; return deepClone(s); } #migrate() { let didMigrate = false; const oldPreferences = window.localStorage.getItem(LegacyKeys.UserPreferencesKey); const pref: UserPreferences = oldPreferences ? JSON.parse(oldPreferences) : deepClone(DefaultPreferences); window.localStorage.removeItem(LegacyKeys.UserPreferencesKey); const privKey = window.localStorage.getItem(LegacyKeys.PrivateKeyItem); if (privKey) { const pubKey = secp.utils.bytesToHex(secp.schnorr.getPublicKey(privKey)); this.#accounts.set(pubKey, { ...LoggedOut, privateKey: privKey, publicKey: pubKey, preferences: pref, } as LoginSession); window.localStorage.removeItem(LegacyKeys.PrivateKeyItem); window.localStorage.removeItem(LegacyKeys.PublicKeyItem); didMigrate = true; } const pubKey = window.localStorage.getItem(LegacyKeys.PublicKeyItem); if (pubKey) { this.#accounts.set(pubKey, { ...LoggedOut, publicKey: pubKey, preferences: pref, } as LoginSession); window.localStorage.removeItem(LegacyKeys.PublicKeyItem); didMigrate = true; } window.localStorage.removeItem(LegacyKeys.RelayListKey); window.localStorage.removeItem(LegacyKeys.FollowList); window.localStorage.removeItem(LegacyKeys.NotificationsReadItem); if (didMigrate) { console.debug("Finished migration to MultiAccountStore"); this.#save(); } } #save() { if (!this.#activeAccount && this.#accounts.size > 0) { this.#activeAccount = [...this.#accounts.keys()][0]; } window.localStorage.setItem(AccountStoreKey, JSON.stringify([...this.#accounts.values()])); this.notifyChange(); } }