{ "+D82kt": "Are you sure you want to repost: {id}", "+aZY2h": "Zap Type", "+vIQlC": "Please make sure to save the following password in order to manage your handle in the future", "+vVZ/G": "Connect", "/4tOwT": "Skip", "/JE/X+": "Account Support", "/PCavi": "Public", "/RD0e2": "Nostr uses digital signature technology to provide tamper proof notes which can safely be replicated to many relays to provide redundant storage of your content.", "/d6vEc": "Make your profile easier to find and share", "/n5KSF": "{n} ms", "0BUTMv": "Search...", "0jOEtS": "Invalid LNURL", "0mch2Y": "name has disallowed characters", "0yO7wF": "{n} secs", "1A7TZk": "What is Snort and how does it work?", "1Mo59U": "Are you sure you want to remove this note from bookmarks?", "1c4YST": "Connected to: {node} 🎉", "1iQ8GN": "Toggle Preview", "1nYUGC": "{n} Following", "1udzha": "Conversations", "2/2yg+": "Add", "25V4l1": "Banner", "2IFGap": "Donate", "2LbrkB": "Enter password", "2a2YiP": "{n} Bookmarks", "2k0Cv+": "Dislikes ({n})", "3Rx6Qo": "Advanced", "3cc4Ct": "Light", "3gOsZq": "Translators", "3t3kok": "{n,plural,=1{{n} new note} other{{n} new notes}}", "3tVy+Z": "{n} Followers", "3xCwbZ": "OR", "3yk8fB": "Wallet", "450Fty": "None", "47FYwb": "Cancel", "4IPzdn": "Primary Developers", "4L2vUY": "Your new NIP-05 handle is:", "4OB335": "Dislike", "4Vmpt4": "Nostr Plebs is one of the first NIP-05 providers in the space and offers a good collection of domains at reasonable prices", "4Z3t5i": "Use imgproxy to compress images", "4rYCjn": "Note to Self", "5rOdPG": "Once you setup your key manager extension and generated a key, you can follow our new users flow to setup your profile and help you find some interesting people on Nostr to follow.", "5u6iEc": "Transfer to Pubkey", "5ykRmX": "Send zap", "6ewQqw": "Likes ({n})", "6tUqAb": "Generate a public / private key pair. Do not share your private key with anyone, this acts as your password. Once lost, it cannot be “reset” or recovered. Keep safe!", "7+Domh": "Notes", "7hp70g": "NIP-05", "7xzTiH": "{action} to {target}", "8/vBbP": "Reposts ({n})", "89q5wc": "Confirm Reposts", "8E9muH": "Import Twitter Follows (optional)", "8QDesP": "Zap {n} sats", "8g2vyB": "name too long", "8v1NN+": "Pairing phrase", "9+Ddtu": "Next", "9HU8vw": "Reply", "9SvQep": "Follows {n}", "9WRlF4": "Send", "9gqH2W": "Login", "9pMqYs": "Nostr Address", "9wO4wJ": "Lightning Invoice", "ADmfQT": "Parent", "ALT9tB": "Your are voting with {amount} sats", "ASRK0S": "This author has been muted", "Adk34V": "Setup your Profile", "AkCxS/": "Reason", "AnLrRC": "Non-Zap", "AyGauy": "Login", "B4C47Y": "name too short", "B6+XJy": "zapped", "BOUMjw": "No nostr users found for {twitterUsername}", "BOr9z/": "Snort is an open source project built by passionate people in their free time", "BcGMo+": "Notes hold text content, the most popular usage of these notes is to store \"tweet like\" messages.", "C81/uG": "Logout", "CHTbO3": "Failed to load invoice", "CmZ9ls": "{n} Muted", "Cu/K85": "Translated from {lang}", "D+KzKd": "Automatically zap every note when loaded", "D3idYv": "Settings", "DKnriN": "Send sats", "DZzCem": "Show latest {n} notes", "Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap", "Dt/Zd5": "Media in posts will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show", "DtYelJ": "Transfer", "E8a4yq": "Follow some popular accounts", "EPYwm7": "Your private key is your password. If you lose this key, you will lose access to your account! Copy it and keep it in a safe place. There is no way to reset your private key.", "EWyQH5": "Global", "Ebl/B2": "Translate to {lang}", "EcglP9": "Key", "EnCOBJ": "Buy", "Eqjl5K": "Only Snort and our integration partner identifier gives you a colorful domain name, but you are welcome to use other services too.", "F+B3x1": "We have also partnered with nostrplebs.com to give you more options", "FDguSC": "{n} Zaps", "FP+D3H": "LNURL to forward zaps to", "FS3b54": "Done!", "FfYsOb": "An error has occured!", "FmXUJg": "follows you", "FpxElY": "Verification", "G/yZLu": "Remove", "G1BGCg": "Select Wallet", "GFOoEE": "Salt", "GL8aXW": "Bookmarks ({n})", "Gcn9NQ": "Magnet Link", "GspYR7": "{n} Dislike", "H+vHiz": "Hex Key..", "H0JBH6": "Log Out", "H6/kLh": "Order Paid!", "HAlOn1": "Name", "HFls6j": "name will be available later", "HOzFdo": "Muted", "HbefNb": "Open Wallet", "IEwZvs": "Are you sure you want to unpin this note?", "IKOPx/": "Donate Page", "INSqIz": "Twitter username...", "IUZC+0": "This means that nobody can modify notes which you have created and everybody can easily verify that the notes they are reading are created by you.", "Iwm6o2": "NIP-05 Shop", "JCIgkj": "Username", "JHEHCk": "Zaps ({n})", "JXtsQW": "Fast Zap Donation", "JkLHGw": "Website", "K3r6DQ": "Delete", "K7AkdL": "Show", "KAhAcM": "Enter LNDHub config", "KLo3SP": "Reason: {reason}", "KQvWvD": "Deleted", "KWuDfz": "I have saved my keys, continue", "KahimY": "Unknown event kind: {kind}", "L7SZPr": "For more information about donations see {link}.", "LF5kYT": "Other Connections", "LQahqW": "Manage Nostr Adddress (NIP-05)", "LXxsbk": "Anonymous", "LgbKvU": "Comment", "LxY9tW": "Generate Key", "M3Oirc": "Debug Menus", "MBAYRO": "Shows \"Copy ID\" and \"Copy Event JSON\" in the context menu on each message", "MI2jkA": "Not available:", "MP54GY": "Wallet password", "MRp6Ly": "Twitter username", "MWTx65": "Default Page", "MzRYWH": "Buying {item}", "N2IrpM": "Confirm", "NdOYJJ": "Hmm nothing here.. Checkout {newUsersPage} to follow some recommended nostrich's!", "NepkXH": "Can't vote with {amount} sats, please set a different default zap amount", "NfNk2V": "Your private key", "NndBJE": "New users page", "OEW7yJ": "Zaps", "OKhRC6": "Share", "OLEm6z": "Unknown login error", "P04gQm": "All zaps sent to this note will be received by the following LNURL", "P61BTu": "Copy Event JSON", "P7FD0F": "System (Default)", "P7nJT9": "Total today (UTC): {amount} sats", "PCSt5T": "Preferences", "PLSbmL": "Your mnemonic phrase", "Pe0ogR": "Theme", "PrsIg7": "Reactions will be shown on every page, if disabled no reactions will be shown", "QDFTjG": "{n} Relays", "QTdJfH": "Create an Account", "QawghE": "You can change your username at any point.", "QxCuTo": "Art by {name}", "R1fEdZ": "Forward Zaps", "R2OqnW": "Delete Account", "RDZVQL": "Check", "RahCRH": "Expired", "RfhLwC": "By: {author}", "RhDAoS": "Are you sure you want to delete {id}", "RoOyAh": "Relays", "Rs4kCE": "Bookmark", "Sjo1P4": "Custom", "TpgeGw": "Hex Salt..", "UDYlxu": "Pending Subscriptions", "UQ3pOC": "On Nostr, many people have the same username. User names and identity are separate things. You can get a unique identifier in the next step.", "UUPFlt": "Users must accept the content warning to show the content of your note.", "Up5U7K": "Block", "VBadwB": "Hmm, can't find a key manager extension.. try reloading the page.", "VN0+Fz": "Balance: {amount} sats", "VOjC1i": "Pick which upload service you want to upload attachments to", "VR5eHw": "Public key (npub/nprofile)", "VlJkSk": "{n} muted", "VnXp8Z": "Avatar", "VtPV/B": "Login with Extension (NIP-07)", "Vx7Zm2": "How do keys work?", "W2PiAr": "{n} Blocked", "W9355R": "Unmute", "WONP5O": "Find your twitter follows on nostr (Data provided by {provider})", "WxthCV": "e.g. Jack", "X7xU8J": "nsec, npub, nip-05, hex, mnemonic", "XgWvGA": "Reactions", "XzF0aC": "Key manager extensions are more secure and allow you to easily login to any Nostr client, here are some well known extensions:", "Y31HTH": "Help fund the development of Snort", "YDURw6": "Service URL", "YXA3AH": "Enable reactions", "Z4BMCZ": "Enter pairing phrase", "ZKORll": "Activate Now", "ZLmyG9": "Contributors", "ZUZedV": "Lightning Donation:", "a5UPxh": "Fund developers and platforms providing NIP-05 verification services", "aJEO/4": "Can't create vote, maybe you're not logged in?", "aWpBzj": "Show more", "bQdA2k": "Sensitive Content", "brAXSu": "Pick a username", "bxv59V": "Just now", "c+oiJe": "Install Extension", "c35bj2": "If you have an enquiry about your NIP-05 order please DM {link}", "cPIKU2": "Following", "cQfLWb": "URL..", "cWx9t8": "Mute all", "cg1VJ2": "Connect Wallet", "cuV2gK": "name is registered", "cyR7Kh": "Back", "d6CyG5": "History", "d7d0/x": "LN Address", "dOQCL8": "Display name", "e7qqly": "Mark All Read", "eHAneD": "Reaction emoji", "eJj8HD": "Get Verified", "eR3YIn": "Posts", "fOksnD": "Can't vote because LNURL service does not support zaps", "fWZYP5": "Pinned", "filwqD": "Read", "flnGvv": "What's on your mind?", "fsB/4p": "Saved", "g5pX+a": "About", "g985Wp": "Failed to send vote", "gBdUXk": "Save your keys!", "gDZkld": "Snort is a Nostr UI, nostr is a decentralised protocol for saving and distributing \"notes\".", "gDzDRs": "Emoji to send when reactiong to a note", "gXgY3+": "Not all clients support this yet", "gjBiyj": "Loading...", "h8XMJL": "Badges", "hCUivF": "Notes will stream in real time into global and posts tab", "hK5ZDk": "the world", "hMzcSq": "Messages", "hY4lzx": "Supports", "hicxcO": "Show replies", "iCqGww": "Reactions ({n})", "iDGAbc": "Get a Snort identifier", "iGT1eE": "Prevent fake accounts from imitating you", "iNWbVV": "Handle", "iXPL0Z": "Can't login with private key on an insecure connection, please use a Nostr key manager extension instead", "ieGrWo": "Follow", "itPgxd": "Profile", "izWS4J": "Unfollow", "jA3OE/": "{n,plural,=1{{n} sat} other{{n} sats}}", "jCA7Cw": "Preview on snort", "jfV8Wr": "Back", "juhqvW": "Improve login security with browser extensions", "jvo0vs": "Save", "jzgQ2z": "{n} Reactions", "k2veDA": "Write", "k7sKNy": "Our very own NIP-05 verification service, help support the development of this site and get a shiny special badge on our site!", "kaaf1E": "now", "lBboHo": "If you want to try out some others, check out {link} for more!", "lCILNz": "Buy Now", "lD3+8a": "Pay", "lTbT3s": "Wallet password", "lgg1KN": "account page", "ll3xBp": "Image proxy service", "lnaT9F": "Following {n}", "lsNFM1": "Click to load content from {link}", "lvlPhZ": "Pay Invoice", "mErPop": "It looks like you dont have any, check {link} to buy one!", "mH91FY": "Each contributor will get paid a percentage of all donations and NIP-05 orders, you can see the split amounts below", "mKAr6h": "Follow all", "mKh2HS": "File upload service", "mKhgP9": "{n,plural,=0{} =1{zapped} other{zapped}}", "mfe8RW": "Option: {n}", "n1xHAH": "Get an identifier (optional)", "nDejmx": "Unblock", "nGBrvw": "Bookmarks", "nN9XTz": "Share your thoughts with {link}", "nOaArs": "Setup Profile", "nn1qb3": "Your donations are greatly appreciated", "nwZXeh": "{n} blocked", "o6Uy3d": "Only the secret key can be used to publish (sign events), everything else logs you in read-only mode.", "o7e+nJ": "{n} followers", "oJ+JJN": "Nothing found :/", "odFwjL": "Follows only", "odhABf": "Login", "osUr8O": "You can also use these extensions to login to most Nostr sites.", "oxCa4R": "Getting an identifier helps confirm the real you to people who know you. Many people can have a username @jack, but there is only one jack@cash.app.", "p85Uwy": "Active Subscriptions", "puLNUJ": "Pin", "pzTOmv": "Followers", "qDwvZ4": "Unknown error", "qMx1sA": "Default Zap amount", "qUJTsT": "Blocked", "qdGuQo": "Your Private Key Is (do not share this with anyone)", "qkvYUb": "Add to Profile", "qmJ8kD": "Translation failed", "r3C4x/": "Software", "r5srDR": "Enter wallet password", "rT14Ow": "Add Relays", "reJ6SM": "It is recommended to use one of the following browser extensions if you are on a desktop computer to secure your key:", "rfuMjE": "(Default)", "rrfdTe": "This is the same technology which is used by Bitcoin and has been proven to be extremely secure.", "rudscU": "Failed to load follows, please try again later", "sBz4+I": "For each Fast Zap an additional {percentage}% ({amount} sats) of the zap amount will be sent to the Snort developers as a donation.", "sWnYKw": "Snort is designed to have a similar experience to Twitter.", "svOoEH": "Name-squatting and impersonation is not allowed. Snort and our partners reserve the right to terminate your handle (not your account - nobody can take that away) for violating this rule.", "tOdNiY": "Dark", "thnRpU": "Getting NIP-05 verified can help:", "u/vOPu": "Paid", "u4bHcR": "Check out the code here: {link}", "uD/N6c": "Zap {target} {n} sats", "uSV4Ti": "Reposts need to be manually confirmed", "usAvMr": "Edit Profile", "ut+2Cd": "Get a partner identifier", "vOKedj": "{n,plural,=1{& {n} other} other{& {n} others}}", "vU71Ez": "Paying with {wallet}", "vZ4quW": "NIP-05 is a DNS based verification spec which helps to validate you as a real user.", "vhlWFg": "Poll Options", "vrTOHJ": "{amount} sats", "wEQDC6": "Edit", "wLtRCF": "Your key", "wWLwvh": "Anon", "wih7iJ": "name is blocked", "wqyN/i": "Find out more info about {service} at {link}", "wtLjP6": "Copy ID", "wvFw6Y": "Hey, it looks like you dont have a NIP-05 handle yet, you should get one! Check out {link}", "x/q8d5": "This note has been marked as sensitive, click here to reveal", "x82IOl": "Mute", "xIoGG9": "Go to", "xJ9n2N": "Your public key", "xKdNPm": "Send", "xKflGN": "{username}''s Follows on Nostr", "xQtL3v": "Unlock", "xbVgIm": "Automatically load media", "xmcVZ0": "Search", "y1Z3or": "Language", "yCmnnm": "Read global from", "zFegDD": "Contact", "zINlao": "Owner", "zQvVDJ": "All", "zcaOTs": "Zap amount in sats", "zjJZBd": "You're ready!", "zonsdq": "Failed to load LNURL service", "zvCDao": "Automatically show latest notes" }