import { db } from "Db"; import { Table } from "dexie"; import { unixNowMs, unwrap } from "Util"; type HookFn = () => void; interface HookFilter { key: string; fn: HookFn; } export default abstract class FeedCache { #name: string; #table: Table; #hooks: Array = []; #snapshot: Readonly> = []; #changed = true; #hits = 0; #miss = 0; protected onTable: Set = new Set(); protected cache: Map = new Map(); constructor(name: string, table: Table) { this.#name = name; this.#table = table; setInterval(() => { console.debug( `[${this.#name}] ${this.cache.size} loaded, ${this.onTable.size} on-disk, ${this.#hooks.length} hooks, ${( (this.#hits / (this.#hits + this.#miss)) * 100 ).toFixed(1)} % hit` ); }, 5_000); } async preload() { if (db.ready) { const keys = await this.#table.toCollection().primaryKeys(); this.onTable = new Set( => a as string)); } } hook(fn: HookFn, key: string | undefined) { if (!key) { return () => { //noop }; } this.#hooks.push({ key, fn, }); return () => { const idx = this.#hooks.findIndex(a => a.fn === fn); if (idx >= 0) { this.#hooks.splice(idx, 1); } }; } getFromCache(key?: string) { if (key) { const ret = this.cache.get(key); if (ret) { this.#hits++; } else { this.#miss++; } return ret; } } async get(key?: string) { if (key && !this.cache.has(key) && db.ready) { const cached = await this.#table.get(key); if (cached) { this.cache.set(this.key(cached), cached); this.notifyChange([key]); return cached; } } return key ? this.cache.get(key) : undefined; } async bulkGet(keys: Array) { const missing = keys.filter(a => !this.cache.has(a)); if (missing.length > 0 && db.ready) { const cached = await this.#table.bulkGet(missing); cached.forEach(a => { if (a) { this.cache.set(this.key(a), a); } }); } return keys .map(a => this.cache.get(a)) .filter(a => a) .map(a => unwrap(a)); } async set(obj: TCached) { const k = this.key(obj); this.cache.set(k, obj); if (db.ready) { await this.#table.put(obj); this.onTable.add(k); } this.notifyChange([k]); } async bulkSet(obj: Array) { if (db.ready) { await this.#table.bulkPut(obj); obj.forEach(a => this.onTable.add(this.key(a))); } obj.forEach(v => this.cache.set(this.key(v), v)); this.notifyChange( => this.key(a))); } /** * Loads a list of rows from disk cache * @param keys List of ids to load * @returns Keys that do not exist on disk cache */ async buffer(keys: Array): Promise> { const needsBuffer = keys.filter(a => !this.cache.has(a)); if (db.ready && needsBuffer.length > 0) { const mapped = => ({ has: this.onTable.has(a), key: a, })); const start = unixNowMs(); const fromCache = await this.#table.bulkGet(mapped.filter(a => a.has).map(a => a.key)); const fromCacheFiltered = fromCache.filter(a => a !== undefined).map(a => unwrap(a)); fromCacheFiltered.forEach(a => { this.cache.set(this.key(a), a); }); this.notifyChange( => this.key(a))); console.debug( `[${this.#name}] Loaded ${fromCacheFiltered.length}/${keys.length} in ${( unixNowMs() - start ).toLocaleString()} ms` ); return mapped.filter(a => !a.has).map(a => a.key); } // no IndexdDB always return all keys return needsBuffer; } async clear() { await this.#table.clear(); this.cache.clear(); this.onTable.clear(); } snapshot() { if (this.#changed) { this.#snapshot = this.takeSnapshot(); this.#changed = false; } return this.#snapshot; } protected notifyChange(keys: Array) { this.#changed = true; this.#hooks.filter(a => keys.includes(a.key) || a.key === "*").forEach(h => h.fn()); } abstract key(of: TCached): string; abstract takeSnapshot(): Array; }