import * as secp from "@noble/secp256k1" import base64 from "base64-js" import { bech32 } from "bech32" // TODO Use toHex as well as toString? Might be more explicit // Or maybe replace toString with toHex // TODO Or maybe always store Uint8Array and properly use the format parameter passed into toString /** * A lowercase hex string. */ export type Hex = string /** * A public key encoded as hex. */ export type PublicKey = string /** * A private key encoded as hex or bech32 with the "nsec" prefix. */ export type HexOrBechPublicKey = string /** * A private key encoded as hex. */ export type PrivateKey = string /** * A private key encoded as hex or bech32 with the "nsec" prefix. */ export type HexOrBechPrivateKey = string /** * Get a public key corresponding to a private key. */ export function getPublicKey(priv: HexOrBechPrivateKey): PublicKey { priv = parsePrivateKey(priv) return toHex(secp.schnorr.getPublicKey(priv)) } /** * Convert the data to lowercase hex. */ function toHex(data: Uint8Array): Hex { return secp.utils.bytesToHex(data).toLowerCase() } /** * Convert the public key to hex. Accepts a hex or bech32 string with the "npub" prefix. */ export function parsePublicKey(key: HexOrBechPublicKey): PublicKey { return parseKey(key, "npub") } /** * Convert the private key to hex. Accepts a hex or bech32 string with the "nsec" prefix. */ export function parsePrivateKey(key: HexOrBechPrivateKey): PrivateKey { return parseKey(key, "nsec") } /** * Convert a public or private key into its hex representation. */ function parseKey(key: string, bechPrefix: string): Hex { // If the key is bech32-encoded, decode it. if (key.startsWith(bechPrefix)) { const { words } = bech32.decode(key) const bytes = Uint8Array.from(bech32.fromWords(words)) return toHex(bytes) } return key } /** * Get the SHA256 hash of the data, in hex format. */ export async function sha256(data: Uint8Array): Promise { return toHex(await secp.utils.sha256(data)) } /** * Sign the data using elliptic curve cryptography. */ export async function schnorrSign(data: Hex, priv: PrivateKey): Promise { return toHex(await secp.schnorr.sign(data, priv)) } /** * Verify that the elliptic curve signature is correct. */ export function schnorrVerify( sig: Hex, data: Hex, key: PublicKey ): Promise { return secp.schnorr.verify(sig.toString(), data.toString(), key.toString()) } export async function aesEncryptBase64( sender: PrivateKey, recipient: PublicKey, plaintext: string ): Promise { const sharedPoint = secp.getSharedSecret(sender, "02" + recipient) const sharedKey = sharedPoint.slice(1, 33) if (typeof window === "object") { const key = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", sharedKey, { name: "AES-CBC" }, false, ["encrypt"] ) const iv = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)) const data = new TextEncoder().encode(plaintext) const encrypted = await window.crypto.subtle.encrypt( { name: "AES-CBC", iv, }, key, data ) return { data: base64.fromByteArray(new Uint8Array(encrypted)), iv: base64.fromByteArray(iv), } } else { const crypto = await import("crypto") const iv = crypto.randomFillSync(new Uint8Array(16)) const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv( "aes-256-cbc", Buffer.from(sharedKey), iv ) let encrypted = cipher.update(plaintext, "utf8", "base64") encrypted +="base64") return { data: encrypted, iv: Buffer.from(iv.buffer).toString("base64"), } } } export async function aesDecryptBase64( sender: PublicKey, recipient: PrivateKey, { data, iv }: AesEncryptedBase64 ): Promise { const sharedPoint = secp.getSharedSecret(recipient, "02" + sender) const sharedKey = sharedPoint.slice(1, 33) if (typeof window === "object") { const decodedData = base64.toByteArray(data) const decodedIv = base64.toByteArray(iv) const importedKey = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", sharedKey, { name: "AES-CBC" }, false, ["decrypt"] ) const plaintext = await window.crypto.subtle.decrypt( { name: "AES-CBC", iv: decodedIv, }, importedKey, decodedData ) return new TextDecoder().decode(plaintext) } else { const crypto = await import("crypto") const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv( "aes-256-cbc", Buffer.from(sharedKey), base64.toByteArray(iv) ) const plaintext = decipher.update(data, "base64", "utf8") return plaintext + } } interface AesEncryptedBase64 { data: string iv: string }