import "./Layout.css"; import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux"; import { Outlet, useLocation, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; import { randomSample } from "Util"; import Envelope from "Icons/Envelope"; import Bell from "Icons/Bell"; import Search from "Icons/Search"; import { RootState } from "State/Store"; import { init, setRelays } from "State/Login"; import { System } from "System"; import ProfileImage from "Element/ProfileImage"; import useLoginFeed from "Feed/LoginFeed"; import { totalUnread } from "Pages/MessagesPage"; import { SearchRelays, SnortPubKey } from "Const"; import useEventPublisher from "Feed/EventPublisher"; import useModeration from "Hooks/useModeration"; import { IndexedUDB } from "State/Users/Db"; import { bech32ToHex } from "Util"; import { NoteCreator } from "Element/NoteCreator"; import Plus from "Icons/Plus"; import { RelaySettings } from "@snort/nostr"; import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"; import messages from "./messages"; export default function Layout() { const location = useLocation(); const [show, setShow] = useState(false); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const navigate = useNavigate(); const { loggedOut, publicKey, relays, latestNotification, readNotifications, dms, preferences, newUserKey, dmInteraction, } = useSelector((s: RootState) => s.login); const { isMuted } = useModeration(); const [pageClass, setPageClass] = useState("page"); const pub = useEventPublisher(); useLoginFeed(); const shouldHideNoteCreator = useMemo(() => { const hideOn = ["/settings", "/messages", "/new", "/login", "/donate", "/p/"]; return hideOn.some(a => location.pathname.startsWith(a)); }, [location]); const shouldHideHeader = useMemo(() => { const hideOn = ["/login", "/new"]; return hideOn.some(a => location.pathname.startsWith(a)); }, [location]); useEffect(() => { if (location.pathname.startsWith("/login")) { setPageClass(""); } else { setPageClass("page"); } }, [location]); const hasNotifications = useMemo( () => latestNotification > readNotifications, [latestNotification, readNotifications] ); const unreadDms = useMemo( () => publicKey ? totalUnread( dms.filter(a => !isMuted(a.pubkey)), publicKey ) : 0, [dms, publicKey, dmInteraction] ); useEffect(() => { System.HandleAuth = pub.nip42Auth; }, [pub]); useEffect(() => { if (relays) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(relays)) { System.ConnectToRelay(k, v); } for (const [k] of System.Sockets) { if (!relays[k] && !SearchRelays.has(k)) { System.DisconnectRelay(k); } } } }, [relays]); function setTheme(theme: "light" | "dark") { const elm = document.documentElement; if (theme === "light" && !elm.classList.contains("light")) { elm.classList.add("light"); } else if (theme === "dark" && elm.classList.contains("light")) { elm.classList.remove("light"); } } useEffect(() => { const osTheme = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: light)"); setTheme( preferences.theme === "system" && osTheme.matches ? "light" : preferences.theme === "light" ? "light" : "dark" ); osTheme.onchange = e => { if (preferences.theme === "system") { setTheme(e.matches ? "light" : "dark"); } }; return () => { osTheme.onchange = null; }; }, [preferences.theme]); useEffect(() => { // check DB support then init IndexedUDB.isAvailable().then(async a => { const dbType = a ? "indexdDb" : "redux"; // cleanup on load if (dbType === "indexdDb") { IndexedUDB.ready = true; } console.debug(`Using db: ${dbType}`); dispatch(init(dbType)); try { if ("registerProtocolHandler" in window.navigator) { window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler( "web+nostr", `${window.location.protocol}//${}/handler/%s` );"Registered protocol handler for 'web+nostr'"); } } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to register protocol handler", e); } }); }, []); async function handleNewUser() { let newRelays: Record = {}; try { const rsp = await fetch(""); if (rsp.ok) { const online: string[] = await rsp.json(); const pickRandom = randomSample(online, 4); const relayObjects = => [a, { read: true, write: true }]); newRelays = Object.fromEntries(relayObjects); dispatch( setRelays({ relays: newRelays, createdAt: 1, }) ); } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } const ev = await pub.addFollow(bech32ToHex(SnortPubKey), newRelays); pub.broadcast(ev); } useEffect(() => { if (newUserKey === true) { handleNewUser().catch(console.warn); } }, [newUserKey]); async function goToNotifications(e: React.MouseEvent) { e.stopPropagation(); // request permissions to send notifications if ("Notification" in window) { try { if (Notification.permission !== "granted") { const res = await Notification.requestPermission(); console.debug(res); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } navigate("/notifications"); } function accountHeader() { return (
navigate("/messages")}> {unreadDms > 0 && }
{hasNotifications && }
); } if (typeof loggedOut !== "boolean") { return null; } return (
{!shouldHideHeader && (
navigate("/")}> Snort
{publicKey ? ( accountHeader() ) : ( )}
)} {!shouldHideNoteCreator && ( <> )}
); }