import * as secp from "@noble/secp256k1"; import { bech32 } from "bech32"; export async function openFile() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let elm = document.createElement("input"); elm.type = "file"; elm.onchange = (e) => { resolve([0]); };; }); } /** * Parse bech32 ids * @param {string} id bech32 id */ export function parseId(id) { const hrp = ["note1", "npub", "nsec"]; try { if (hrp.some(a => id.startsWith(a))) { return bech32ToHex(id); } } catch (e) { } return id; } export function bech32ToHex(str) { let nKey = bech32.decode(str); let buff = bech32.fromWords(nKey.words); return secp.utils.bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from(buff)); } /** * Convert hex note id to bech32 link url * @param {string} hex * @returns */ export function eventLink(hex) { let buf = secp.utils.hexToBytes(hex); return `/e/${bech32.encode("note1", bech32.toWords(buf))}`; } /** * Convert hex pubkey to bech32 link url * @param {string} hex * @returns */ export function profileLink(hex) { let buf = secp.utils.hexToBytes(hex); return `/p/${bech32.encode("npub", bech32.toWords(buf))}`; }