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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
supported Input formats: YV12, I420/IYUV, YUY2, UYVY, BGR32, BGR32_1, BGR24, BGR16, BGR15, RGB32, RGB32_1, RGB24, Y8/Y800, YVU9/IF09, PAL8
supported output formats: YV12, I420/IYUV, YUY2, UYVY, {BGR,RGB}{1,4,8,15,16,24,32}, Y8/Y800, YVU9/IF09
{BGR,RGB}{1,4,8,15,16} support dithering
unscaled special converters (YV12=I420=IYUV, Y800=Y8)
YV12 -> {BGR,RGB}{1,4,8,12,15,16,24,32}
x -> x
YUV9 -> YV12
YUV9/YV12 -> Y800
Y800 -> YUV9/YV12
BGR24 -> BGR32 & RGB24 -> RGB32
BGR32 -> BGR24 & RGB32 -> RGB24
BGR15 -> BGR16
tested special converters (most are tested actually, but I did not write it down ...)
YV12 -> BGR12/BGR16
YV12 -> YV12
BGR15 -> BGR16
BGR16 -> BGR16
YVU9 -> YV12
untested special converters
YV12/I420 -> BGR15/BGR24/BGR32 (it is the yuv2rgb stuff, so it should be OK)
YV12/I420 -> YV12/I420
YUY2/BGR15/BGR24/BGR32/RGB24/RGB32 -> same format
BGR24 -> BGR32 & RGB24 -> RGB32
BGR32 -> BGR24 & RGB32 -> RGB24
BGR24 -> YV12
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "swscale.h"
#include "swscale_internal.h"
#include "rgb2rgb.h"
#include "libavutil/avassert.h"
#include "libavutil/intreadwrite.h"
#include "libavutil/cpu.h"
#include "libavutil/avutil.h"
#include "libavutil/mathematics.h"
#include "libavutil/bswap.h"
#include "libavutil/pixdesc.h"
#define RGB2YUV_SHIFT 15
#define BY ( (int)(0.114*219/255*(1<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT)+0.5))
#define BV (-(int)(0.081*224/255*(1<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT)+0.5))
#define BU ( (int)(0.500*224/255*(1<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT)+0.5))
#define GY ( (int)(0.587*219/255*(1<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT)+0.5))
#define GV (-(int)(0.419*224/255*(1<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT)+0.5))
#define GU (-(int)(0.331*224/255*(1<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT)+0.5))
#define RY ( (int)(0.299*219/255*(1<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT)+0.5))
#define RV ( (int)(0.500*224/255*(1<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT)+0.5))
#define RU (-(int)(0.169*224/255*(1<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT)+0.5))
Special versions: fast Y 1:1 scaling (no interpolation in y direction)
more intelligent misalignment avoidance for the horizontal scaler
write special vertical cubic upscale version
optimize C code (YV12 / minmax)
add support for packed pixel YUV input & output
add support for Y8 output
optimize BGR24 & BGR32
add BGR4 output support
write special BGR->BGR scaler
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, static const uint8_t, dither_2x2_4)[2][8]={
{ 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, },
{ 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, },
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, static const uint8_t, dither_2x2_8)[2][8]={
{ 6, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2, },
{ 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, },
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, dither_4x4_16)[4][8]={
{ 8, 4, 11, 7, 8, 4, 11, 7, },
{ 2, 14, 1, 13, 2, 14, 1, 13, },
{ 10, 6, 9, 5, 10, 6, 9, 5, },
{ 0, 12, 3, 15, 0, 12, 3, 15, },
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, dither_8x8_32)[8][8]={
{ 17, 9, 23, 15, 16, 8, 22, 14, },
{ 5, 29, 3, 27, 4, 28, 2, 26, },
{ 21, 13, 19, 11, 20, 12, 18, 10, },
{ 0, 24, 6, 30, 1, 25, 7, 31, },
{ 16, 8, 22, 14, 17, 9, 23, 15, },
{ 4, 28, 2, 26, 5, 29, 3, 27, },
{ 20, 12, 18, 10, 21, 13, 19, 11, },
{ 1, 25, 7, 31, 0, 24, 6, 30, },
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, dither_8x8_73)[8][8]={
{ 0, 55, 14, 68, 3, 58, 17, 72, },
{ 37, 18, 50, 32, 40, 22, 54, 35, },
{ 9, 64, 5, 59, 13, 67, 8, 63, },
{ 46, 27, 41, 23, 49, 31, 44, 26, },
{ 2, 57, 16, 71, 1, 56, 15, 70, },
{ 39, 21, 52, 34, 38, 19, 51, 33, },
{ 11, 66, 7, 62, 10, 65, 6, 60, },
{ 48, 30, 43, 25, 47, 29, 42, 24, },
#if 1
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, dither_8x8_220)[8][8]={
{117, 62, 158, 103, 113, 58, 155, 100, },
{ 34, 199, 21, 186, 31, 196, 17, 182, },
{144, 89, 131, 76, 141, 86, 127, 72, },
{ 0, 165, 41, 206, 10, 175, 52, 217, },
{110, 55, 151, 96, 120, 65, 162, 107, },
{ 28, 193, 14, 179, 38, 203, 24, 189, },
{138, 83, 124, 69, 148, 93, 134, 79, },
{ 7, 172, 48, 213, 3, 168, 45, 210, },
#elif 1
// tries to correct a gamma of 1.5
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, dither_8x8_220)[8][8]={
{ 0, 143, 18, 200, 2, 156, 25, 215, },
{ 78, 28, 125, 64, 89, 36, 138, 74, },
{ 10, 180, 3, 161, 16, 195, 8, 175, },
{109, 51, 93, 38, 121, 60, 105, 47, },
{ 1, 152, 23, 210, 0, 147, 20, 205, },
{ 85, 33, 134, 71, 81, 30, 130, 67, },
{ 14, 190, 6, 171, 12, 185, 5, 166, },
{117, 57, 101, 44, 113, 54, 97, 41, },
#elif 1
// tries to correct a gamma of 2.0
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, dither_8x8_220)[8][8]={
{ 0, 124, 8, 193, 0, 140, 12, 213, },
{ 55, 14, 104, 42, 66, 19, 119, 52, },
{ 3, 168, 1, 145, 6, 187, 3, 162, },
{ 86, 31, 70, 21, 99, 39, 82, 28, },
{ 0, 134, 11, 206, 0, 129, 9, 200, },
{ 62, 17, 114, 48, 58, 16, 109, 45, },
{ 5, 181, 2, 157, 4, 175, 1, 151, },
{ 95, 36, 78, 26, 90, 34, 74, 24, },
// tries to correct a gamma of 2.5
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, dither_8x8_220)[8][8]={
{ 0, 107, 3, 187, 0, 125, 6, 212, },
{ 39, 7, 86, 28, 49, 11, 102, 36, },
{ 1, 158, 0, 131, 3, 180, 1, 151, },
{ 68, 19, 52, 12, 81, 25, 64, 17, },
{ 0, 119, 5, 203, 0, 113, 4, 195, },
{ 45, 9, 96, 33, 42, 8, 91, 30, },
{ 2, 172, 1, 144, 2, 165, 0, 137, },
{ 77, 23, 60, 15, 72, 21, 56, 14, },
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, dither_8x8_128)[8][8] = {
{ 36, 68, 60, 92, 34, 66, 58, 90,},
{ 100, 4,124, 28, 98, 2,122, 26,},
{ 52, 84, 44, 76, 50, 82, 42, 74,},
{ 116, 20,108, 12,114, 18,106, 10,},
{ 32, 64, 56, 88, 38, 70, 62, 94,},
{ 96, 0,120, 24,102, 6,126, 30,},
{ 48, 80, 40, 72, 54, 86, 46, 78,},
{ 112, 16,104, 8,118, 22,110, 14,},
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, ff_sws_pb_64)[8] =
{ 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 };
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint8_t, dithers)[8][8][8]={
{ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,},
{ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,},
{ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,},
{ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,},
{ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,},
{ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,},
{ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,},
{ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,},
{ 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2,},
{ 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0,},
{ 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2,},
{ 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0,},
{ 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2,},
{ 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0,},
{ 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2,},
{ 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0,},
{ 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5,},
{ 6, 0, 7, 1, 6, 0, 7, 1,},
{ 3, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4,},
{ 7, 1, 6, 0, 7, 1, 6, 0,},
{ 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5,},
{ 6, 0, 7, 1, 6, 0, 7, 1,},
{ 3, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4,},
{ 7, 1, 6, 0, 7, 1, 6, 0,},
{ 4, 8, 7, 11, 4, 8, 7, 11,},
{ 12, 0, 15, 3, 12, 0, 15, 3,},
{ 6, 10, 5, 9, 6, 10, 5, 9,},
{ 14, 2, 13, 1, 14, 2, 13, 1,},
{ 4, 8, 7, 11, 4, 8, 7, 11,},
{ 12, 0, 15, 3, 12, 0, 15, 3,},
{ 6, 10, 5, 9, 6, 10, 5, 9,},
{ 14, 2, 13, 1, 14, 2, 13, 1,},
{ 9, 17, 15, 23, 8, 16, 14, 22,},
{ 25, 1, 31, 7, 24, 0, 30, 6,},
{ 13, 21, 11, 19, 12, 20, 10, 18,},
{ 29, 5, 27, 3, 28, 4, 26, 2,},
{ 8, 16, 14, 22, 9, 17, 15, 23,},
{ 24, 0, 30, 6, 25, 1, 31, 7,},
{ 12, 20, 10, 18, 13, 21, 11, 19,},
{ 28, 4, 26, 2, 29, 5, 27, 3,},
{ 18, 34, 30, 46, 17, 33, 29, 45,},
{ 50, 2, 62, 14, 49, 1, 61, 13,},
{ 26, 42, 22, 38, 25, 41, 21, 37,},
{ 58, 10, 54, 6, 57, 9, 53, 5,},
{ 16, 32, 28, 44, 19, 35, 31, 47,},
{ 48, 0, 60, 12, 51, 3, 63, 15,},
{ 24, 40, 20, 36, 27, 43, 23, 39,},
{ 56, 8, 52, 4, 59, 11, 55, 7,},
{ 18, 34, 30, 46, 17, 33, 29, 45,},
{ 50, 2, 62, 14, 49, 1, 61, 13,},
{ 26, 42, 22, 38, 25, 41, 21, 37,},
{ 58, 10, 54, 6, 57, 9, 53, 5,},
{ 16, 32, 28, 44, 19, 35, 31, 47,},
{ 48, 0, 60, 12, 51, 3, 63, 15,},
{ 24, 40, 20, 36, 27, 43, 23, 39,},
{ 56, 8, 52, 4, 59, 11, 55, 7,},
{ 36, 68, 60, 92, 34, 66, 58, 90,},
{ 100, 4,124, 28, 98, 2,122, 26,},
{ 52, 84, 44, 76, 50, 82, 42, 74,},
{ 116, 20,108, 12,114, 18,106, 10,},
{ 32, 64, 56, 88, 38, 70, 62, 94,},
{ 96, 0,120, 24,102, 6,126, 30,},
{ 48, 80, 40, 72, 54, 86, 46, 78,},
{ 112, 16,104, 8,118, 22,110, 14,},
static const uint8_t flat64[8]={64,64,64,64,64,64,64,64};
const uint16_t dither_scale[15][16]={
{ 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,},
{ 2, 3, 7, 7, 13, 13, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,},
{ 3, 3, 4, 15, 15, 29, 57, 57, 57, 113, 113, 113, 113, 113, 113, 113,},
{ 3, 4, 4, 5, 31, 31, 61, 121, 241, 241, 241, 241, 481, 481, 481, 481,},
{ 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 63, 63, 125, 249, 497, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 1985,},
{ 3, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 127, 127, 253, 505, 1009, 2017, 4033, 4033, 4033, 4033,},
{ 3, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 255, 255, 509, 1017, 2033, 4065, 8129,16257,16257,},
{ 3, 5, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 511, 511, 1021, 2041, 4081, 8161,16321,32641,},
{ 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 1023, 1023, 2045, 4089, 8177,16353,32705,},
{ 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 2047, 2047, 4093, 8185,16369,32737,},
{ 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 4095, 4095, 8189,16377,32753,},
{ 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 8191, 8191,16381,32761,},
{ 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14,16383,16383,32765,},
{ 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15,32767,32767,},
{ 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16,65535,},
#define output_pixel(pos, val, bias, signedness) \
if (big_endian) { \
AV_WB16(pos, bias + av_clip_ ## signedness ## 16(val >> shift)); \
} else { \
AV_WL16(pos, bias + av_clip_ ## signedness ## 16(val >> shift)); \
static av_always_inline void
yuv2plane1_16_c_template(const int32_t *src, uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int big_endian, int output_bits)
int i;
int shift = 3;
av_assert0(output_bits == 16);
for (i = 0; i < dstW; i++) {
int val = src[i] + (1 << (shift - 1));
output_pixel(&dest[i], val, 0, uint);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2planeX_16_c_template(const int16_t *filter, int filterSize,
const int32_t **src, uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int big_endian, int output_bits)
int i;
int shift = 15;
av_assert0(output_bits == 16);
for (i = 0; i < dstW; i++) {
int val = 1 << (shift - 1);
int j;
/* range of val is [0,0x7FFFFFFF], so 31 bits, but with lanczos/spline
* filters (or anything with negative coeffs, the range can be slightly
* wider in both directions. To account for this overflow, we subtract
* a constant so it always fits in the signed range (assuming a
* reasonable filterSize), and re-add that at the end. */
val -= 0x40000000;
for (j = 0; j < filterSize; j++)
val += src[j][i] * filter[j];
output_pixel(&dest[i], val, 0x8000, int);
#undef output_pixel
#define output_pixel(pos, val) \
if (big_endian) { \
AV_WB16(pos, av_clip_uintp2(val >> shift, output_bits)); \
} else { \
AV_WL16(pos, av_clip_uintp2(val >> shift, output_bits)); \
static av_always_inline void
yuv2plane1_10_c_template(const int16_t *src, uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int big_endian, int output_bits)
int i;
int shift = 15 - output_bits;
for (i = 0; i < dstW; i++) {
int val = src[i] + (1 << (shift - 1));
output_pixel(&dest[i], val);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2planeX_10_c_template(const int16_t *filter, int filterSize,
const int16_t **src, uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int big_endian, int output_bits)
int i;
int shift = 11 + 16 - output_bits;
for (i = 0; i < dstW; i++) {
int val = 1 << (shift - 1);
int j;
for (j = 0; j < filterSize; j++)
val += src[j][i] * filter[j];
output_pixel(&dest[i], val);
#undef output_pixel
#define yuv2NBPS(bits, BE_LE, is_be, template_size, typeX_t) \
static void yuv2plane1_ ## bits ## BE_LE ## _c(const int16_t *src, \
uint8_t *dest, int dstW, \
const uint8_t *dither, int offset)\
{ \
yuv2plane1_ ## template_size ## _c_template((const typeX_t *) src, \
(uint16_t *) dest, dstW, is_be, bits); \
static void yuv2planeX_ ## bits ## BE_LE ## _c(const int16_t *filter, int filterSize, \
const int16_t **src, uint8_t *dest, int dstW, \
const uint8_t *dither, int offset)\
{ \
yuv2planeX_## template_size ## _c_template(filter, \
filterSize, (const typeX_t **) src, \
(uint16_t *) dest, dstW, is_be, bits); \
yuv2NBPS( 9, BE, 1, 10, int16_t);
yuv2NBPS( 9, LE, 0, 10, int16_t);
yuv2NBPS(10, BE, 1, 10, int16_t);
yuv2NBPS(10, LE, 0, 10, int16_t);
yuv2NBPS(16, BE, 1, 16, int32_t);
yuv2NBPS(16, LE, 0, 16, int32_t);
static void yuv2planeX_8_c(const int16_t *filter, int filterSize,
const int16_t **src, uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
const uint8_t *dither, int offset)
int i;
for (i=0; i<dstW; i++) {
int val = dither[(i + offset) & 7] << 12;
int j;
for (j=0; j<filterSize; j++)
val += src[j][i] * filter[j];
dest[i]= av_clip_uint8(val>>19);
static void yuv2plane1_8_c(const int16_t *src, uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
const uint8_t *dither, int offset)
int i;
for (i=0; i<dstW; i++) {
int val = (src[i] + dither[(i + offset) & 7]) >> 7;
dest[i]= av_clip_uint8(val);
static void yuv2nv12cX_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *chrFilter, int chrFilterSize,
const int16_t **chrUSrc, const int16_t **chrVSrc,
uint8_t *dest, int chrDstW)
enum PixelFormat dstFormat = c->dstFormat;
const uint8_t *chrDither = c->chrDither8;
int i;
if (dstFormat == PIX_FMT_NV12)
for (i=0; i<chrDstW; i++) {
int u = chrDither[i & 7] << 12;
int v = chrDither[(i + 3) & 7] << 12;
int j;
for (j=0; j<chrFilterSize; j++) {
u += chrUSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
v += chrVSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
dest[2*i]= av_clip_uint8(u>>19);
dest[2*i+1]= av_clip_uint8(v>>19);
for (i=0; i<chrDstW; i++) {
int u = chrDither[i & 7] << 12;
int v = chrDither[(i + 3) & 7] << 12;
int j;
for (j=0; j<chrFilterSize; j++) {
u += chrUSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
v += chrVSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
dest[2*i]= av_clip_uint8(v>>19);
dest[2*i+1]= av_clip_uint8(u>>19);
#define output_pixel(pos, val) \
if (target == PIX_FMT_GRAY16BE) { \
AV_WB16(pos, val); \
} else { \
AV_WL16(pos, val); \
static av_always_inline void
yuv2gray16_X_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *lumFilter,
const int32_t **lumSrc, int lumFilterSize,
const int16_t *chrFilter, const int32_t **chrUSrc,
const int32_t **chrVSrc, int chrFilterSize,
const int32_t **alpSrc, uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int y, enum PixelFormat target)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int j;
int Y1 = 1 << 14;
int Y2 = 1 << 14;
for (j = 0; j < lumFilterSize; j++) {
Y1 += lumSrc[j][i * 2] * lumFilter[j];
Y2 += lumSrc[j][i * 2 + 1] * lumFilter[j];
Y1 >>= 15;
Y2 >>= 15;
if ((Y1 | Y2) & 0x10000) {
Y1 = av_clip_uint16(Y1);
Y2 = av_clip_uint16(Y2);
output_pixel(&dest[i * 2 + 0], Y1);
output_pixel(&dest[i * 2 + 1], Y2);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2gray16_2_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int32_t *buf[2],
const int32_t *ubuf[2], const int32_t *vbuf[2],
const int32_t *abuf[2], uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int yalpha, int uvalpha, int y,
enum PixelFormat target)
int yalpha1 = 4095 - yalpha;
int i;
const int32_t *buf0 = buf[0], *buf1 = buf[1];
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = (buf0[i * 2 ] * yalpha1 + buf1[i * 2 ] * yalpha) >> 15;
int Y2 = (buf0[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha1 + buf1[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha) >> 15;
output_pixel(&dest[i * 2 + 0], Y1);
output_pixel(&dest[i * 2 + 1], Y2);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2gray16_1_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int32_t *buf0,
const int32_t *ubuf[2], const int32_t *vbuf[2],
const int32_t *abuf0, uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int uvalpha, int y, enum PixelFormat target)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
2011-07-02 22:33:23 +00:00
int Y1 = (buf0[i * 2 ]+4)>>3;
int Y2 = (buf0[i * 2 + 1]+4)>>3;
output_pixel(&dest[i * 2 + 0], Y1);
output_pixel(&dest[i * 2 + 1], Y2);
#undef output_pixel
#define YUV2PACKED16WRAPPER(name, base, ext, fmt) \
static void name ## ext ## _X_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *lumFilter, \
const int16_t **_lumSrc, int lumFilterSize, \
const int16_t *chrFilter, const int16_t **_chrUSrc, \
const int16_t **_chrVSrc, int chrFilterSize, \
const int16_t **_alpSrc, uint8_t *_dest, int dstW, \
int y) \
{ \
const int32_t **lumSrc = (const int32_t **) _lumSrc, \
**chrUSrc = (const int32_t **) _chrUSrc, \
**chrVSrc = (const int32_t **) _chrVSrc, \
**alpSrc = (const int32_t **) _alpSrc; \
uint16_t *dest = (uint16_t *) _dest; \
name ## base ## _X_c_template(c, lumFilter, lumSrc, lumFilterSize, \
chrFilter, chrUSrc, chrVSrc, chrFilterSize, \
alpSrc, dest, dstW, y, fmt); \
} \
static void name ## ext ## _2_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *_buf[2], \
const int16_t *_ubuf[2], const int16_t *_vbuf[2], \
const int16_t *_abuf[2], uint8_t *_dest, int dstW, \
int yalpha, int uvalpha, int y) \
{ \
const int32_t **buf = (const int32_t **) _buf, \
**ubuf = (const int32_t **) _ubuf, \
**vbuf = (const int32_t **) _vbuf, \
**abuf = (const int32_t **) _abuf; \
uint16_t *dest = (uint16_t *) _dest; \
name ## base ## _2_c_template(c, buf, ubuf, vbuf, abuf, \
dest, dstW, yalpha, uvalpha, y, fmt); \
} \
static void name ## ext ## _1_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *_buf0, \
const int16_t *_ubuf[2], const int16_t *_vbuf[2], \
const int16_t *_abuf0, uint8_t *_dest, int dstW, \
int uvalpha, int y) \
{ \
const int32_t *buf0 = (const int32_t *) _buf0, \
**ubuf = (const int32_t **) _ubuf, \
**vbuf = (const int32_t **) _vbuf, \
*abuf0 = (const int32_t *) _abuf0; \
uint16_t *dest = (uint16_t *) _dest; \
name ## base ## _1_c_template(c, buf0, ubuf, vbuf, abuf0, dest, \
dstW, uvalpha, y, fmt); \
#define output_pixel(pos, acc) \
if (target == PIX_FMT_MONOBLACK) { \
pos = acc; \
} else { \
pos = ~acc; \
static av_always_inline void
yuv2mono_X_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *lumFilter,
const int16_t **lumSrc, int lumFilterSize,
const int16_t *chrFilter, const int16_t **chrUSrc,
const int16_t **chrVSrc, int chrFilterSize,
const int16_t **alpSrc, uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
int y, enum PixelFormat target)
const uint8_t * const d128=dither_8x8_220[y&7];
uint8_t *g = c->table_gU[128] + c->table_gV[128];
int i;
unsigned acc = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dstW - 1; i += 2) {
int j;
int Y1 = 1 << 18;
int Y2 = 1 << 18;
for (j = 0; j < lumFilterSize; j++) {
Y1 += lumSrc[j][i] * lumFilter[j];
Y2 += lumSrc[j][i+1] * lumFilter[j];
Y1 >>= 19;
Y2 >>= 19;
if ((Y1 | Y2) & 0x100) {
Y1 = av_clip_uint8(Y1);
Y2 = av_clip_uint8(Y2);
acc += acc + g[Y1 + d128[(i + 0) & 7]];
acc += acc + g[Y2 + d128[(i + 1) & 7]];
if ((i & 7) == 6) {
output_pixel(*dest++, acc);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2mono_2_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf[2],
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2],
const int16_t *abuf[2], uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
int yalpha, int uvalpha, int y,
enum PixelFormat target)
const int16_t *buf0 = buf[0], *buf1 = buf[1];
const uint8_t * const d128 = dither_8x8_220[y & 7];
uint8_t *g = c->table_gU[128] + c->table_gV[128];
int yalpha1 = 4095 - yalpha;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dstW - 7; i += 8) {
int acc = g[((buf0[i ] * yalpha1 + buf1[i ] * yalpha) >> 19) + d128[0]];
acc += acc + g[((buf0[i + 1] * yalpha1 + buf1[i + 1] * yalpha) >> 19) + d128[1]];
acc += acc + g[((buf0[i + 2] * yalpha1 + buf1[i + 2] * yalpha) >> 19) + d128[2]];
acc += acc + g[((buf0[i + 3] * yalpha1 + buf1[i + 3] * yalpha) >> 19) + d128[3]];
acc += acc + g[((buf0[i + 4] * yalpha1 + buf1[i + 4] * yalpha) >> 19) + d128[4]];
acc += acc + g[((buf0[i + 5] * yalpha1 + buf1[i + 5] * yalpha) >> 19) + d128[5]];
acc += acc + g[((buf0[i + 6] * yalpha1 + buf1[i + 6] * yalpha) >> 19) + d128[6]];
acc += acc + g[((buf0[i + 7] * yalpha1 + buf1[i + 7] * yalpha) >> 19) + d128[7]];
output_pixel(*dest++, acc);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2mono_1_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf0,
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2],
const int16_t *abuf0, uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
int uvalpha, int y, enum PixelFormat target)
const uint8_t * const d128 = dither_8x8_220[y & 7];
uint8_t *g = c->table_gU[128] + c->table_gV[128];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dstW - 7; i += 8) {
int acc = g[(buf0[i ] >> 7) + d128[0]];
acc += acc + g[(buf0[i + 1] >> 7) + d128[1]];
acc += acc + g[(buf0[i + 2] >> 7) + d128[2]];
acc += acc + g[(buf0[i + 3] >> 7) + d128[3]];
acc += acc + g[(buf0[i + 4] >> 7) + d128[4]];
acc += acc + g[(buf0[i + 5] >> 7) + d128[5]];
acc += acc + g[(buf0[i + 6] >> 7) + d128[6]];
acc += acc + g[(buf0[i + 7] >> 7) + d128[7]];
output_pixel(*dest++, acc);
#undef output_pixel
#define YUV2PACKEDWRAPPER(name, base, ext, fmt) \
static void name ## ext ## _X_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *lumFilter, \
const int16_t **lumSrc, int lumFilterSize, \
const int16_t *chrFilter, const int16_t **chrUSrc, \
const int16_t **chrVSrc, int chrFilterSize, \
const int16_t **alpSrc, uint8_t *dest, int dstW, \
int y) \
{ \
name ## base ## _X_c_template(c, lumFilter, lumSrc, lumFilterSize, \
chrFilter, chrUSrc, chrVSrc, chrFilterSize, \
alpSrc, dest, dstW, y, fmt); \
} \
static void name ## ext ## _2_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf[2], \
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2], \
const int16_t *abuf[2], uint8_t *dest, int dstW, \
int yalpha, int uvalpha, int y) \
{ \
name ## base ## _2_c_template(c, buf, ubuf, vbuf, abuf, \
dest, dstW, yalpha, uvalpha, y, fmt); \
} \
static void name ## ext ## _1_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf0, \
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2], \
const int16_t *abuf0, uint8_t *dest, int dstW, \
int uvalpha, int y) \
{ \
name ## base ## _1_c_template(c, buf0, ubuf, vbuf, \
abuf0, dest, dstW, uvalpha, \
y, fmt); \
#define output_pixels(pos, Y1, U, Y2, V) \
if (target == PIX_FMT_YUYV422) { \
dest[pos + 0] = Y1; \
dest[pos + 1] = U; \
dest[pos + 2] = Y2; \
dest[pos + 3] = V; \
} else { \
dest[pos + 0] = U; \
dest[pos + 1] = Y1; \
dest[pos + 2] = V; \
dest[pos + 3] = Y2; \
static av_always_inline void
yuv2422_X_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *lumFilter,
const int16_t **lumSrc, int lumFilterSize,
const int16_t *chrFilter, const int16_t **chrUSrc,
const int16_t **chrVSrc, int chrFilterSize,
const int16_t **alpSrc, uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
int y, enum PixelFormat target)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int j;
int Y1 = 1 << 18;
int Y2 = 1 << 18;
int U = 1 << 18;
int V = 1 << 18;
for (j = 0; j < lumFilterSize; j++) {
Y1 += lumSrc[j][i * 2] * lumFilter[j];
Y2 += lumSrc[j][i * 2 + 1] * lumFilter[j];
for (j = 0; j < chrFilterSize; j++) {
U += chrUSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
V += chrVSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
Y1 >>= 19;
Y2 >>= 19;
U >>= 19;
V >>= 19;
if ((Y1 | Y2 | U | V) & 0x100) {
Y1 = av_clip_uint8(Y1);
Y2 = av_clip_uint8(Y2);
U = av_clip_uint8(U);
V = av_clip_uint8(V);
output_pixels(4*i, Y1, U, Y2, V);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2422_2_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf[2],
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2],
const int16_t *abuf[2], uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
int yalpha, int uvalpha, int y,
enum PixelFormat target)
const int16_t *buf0 = buf[0], *buf1 = buf[1],
*ubuf0 = ubuf[0], *ubuf1 = ubuf[1],
*vbuf0 = vbuf[0], *vbuf1 = vbuf[1];
int yalpha1 = 4095 - yalpha;
int uvalpha1 = 4095 - uvalpha;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = (buf0[i * 2] * yalpha1 + buf1[i * 2] * yalpha) >> 19;
int Y2 = (buf0[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha1 + buf1[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha) >> 19;
int U = (ubuf0[i] * uvalpha1 + ubuf1[i] * uvalpha) >> 19;
int V = (vbuf0[i] * uvalpha1 + vbuf1[i] * uvalpha) >> 19;
output_pixels(i * 4, Y1, U, Y2, V);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2422_1_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf0,
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2],
const int16_t *abuf0, uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
int uvalpha, int y, enum PixelFormat target)
const int16_t *ubuf0 = ubuf[0], *ubuf1 = ubuf[1],
*vbuf0 = vbuf[0], *vbuf1 = vbuf[1];
int i;
if (uvalpha < 2048) {
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = buf0[i * 2] >> 7;
int Y2 = buf0[i * 2 + 1] >> 7;
int U = ubuf1[i] >> 7;
int V = vbuf1[i] >> 7;
output_pixels(i * 4, Y1, U, Y2, V);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = buf0[i * 2] >> 7;
int Y2 = buf0[i * 2 + 1] >> 7;
int U = (ubuf0[i] + ubuf1[i]) >> 8;
int V = (vbuf0[i] + vbuf1[i]) >> 8;
output_pixels(i * 4, Y1, U, Y2, V);
#undef output_pixels
YUV2PACKEDWRAPPER(yuv2, 422, yuyv422, PIX_FMT_YUYV422);
YUV2PACKEDWRAPPER(yuv2, 422, uyvy422, PIX_FMT_UYVY422);
#define R_B ((target == PIX_FMT_RGB48LE || target == PIX_FMT_RGB48BE) ? R : B)
#define B_R ((target == PIX_FMT_RGB48LE || target == PIX_FMT_RGB48BE) ? B : R)
#define output_pixel(pos, val) \
if (isBE(target)) { \
AV_WB16(pos, val); \
} else { \
AV_WL16(pos, val); \
static av_always_inline void
yuv2rgb48_X_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *lumFilter,
const int32_t **lumSrc, int lumFilterSize,
const int16_t *chrFilter, const int32_t **chrUSrc,
const int32_t **chrVSrc, int chrFilterSize,
const int32_t **alpSrc, uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int y, enum PixelFormat target)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int j;
int Y1 = 0;
int Y2 = 0;
int U = -128 << 23; // 19
int V = -128 << 23;
int R, G, B;
for (j = 0; j < lumFilterSize; j++) {
Y1 += lumSrc[j][i * 2] * lumFilter[j];
Y2 += lumSrc[j][i * 2 + 1] * lumFilter[j];
for (j = 0; j < chrFilterSize; j++) {
U += chrUSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
V += chrVSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
// 8bit: 12+15=27; 16-bit: 12+19=31
Y1 >>= 14; // 10
Y2 >>= 14;
U >>= 14;
V >>= 14;
// 8bit: 27 -> 17bit, 16bit: 31 - 14 = 17bit
Y1 -= c->yuv2rgb_y_offset;
Y2 -= c->yuv2rgb_y_offset;
Y1 *= c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff;
Y2 *= c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff;
Y1 += 1 << 13; // 21
Y2 += 1 << 13;
// 8bit: 17 + 13bit = 30bit, 16bit: 17 + 13bit = 30bit
R = V * c->yuv2rgb_v2r_coeff;
G = V * c->yuv2rgb_v2g_coeff + U * c->yuv2rgb_u2g_coeff;
B = U * c->yuv2rgb_u2b_coeff;
// 8bit: 30 - 22 = 8bit, 16bit: 30bit - 14 = 16bit
output_pixel(&dest[0], av_clip_uintp2(R_B + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[1], av_clip_uintp2( G + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[2], av_clip_uintp2(B_R + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[3], av_clip_uintp2(R_B + Y2, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[4], av_clip_uintp2( G + Y2, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[5], av_clip_uintp2(B_R + Y2, 30) >> 14);
dest += 6;
static av_always_inline void
yuv2rgb48_2_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int32_t *buf[2],
const int32_t *ubuf[2], const int32_t *vbuf[2],
const int32_t *abuf[2], uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int yalpha, int uvalpha, int y,
enum PixelFormat target)
const int32_t *buf0 = buf[0], *buf1 = buf[1],
*ubuf0 = ubuf[0], *ubuf1 = ubuf[1],
*vbuf0 = vbuf[0], *vbuf1 = vbuf[1];
int yalpha1 = 4095 - yalpha;
int uvalpha1 = 4095 - uvalpha;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = (buf0[i * 2] * yalpha1 + buf1[i * 2] * yalpha) >> 14;
int Y2 = (buf0[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha1 + buf1[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha) >> 14;
int U = (ubuf0[i] * uvalpha1 + ubuf1[i] * uvalpha + (-128 << 23)) >> 14;
int V = (vbuf0[i] * uvalpha1 + vbuf1[i] * uvalpha + (-128 << 23)) >> 14;
int R, G, B;
Y1 -= c->yuv2rgb_y_offset;
Y2 -= c->yuv2rgb_y_offset;
Y1 *= c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff;
Y2 *= c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff;
Y1 += 1 << 13;
Y2 += 1 << 13;
R = V * c->yuv2rgb_v2r_coeff;
G = V * c->yuv2rgb_v2g_coeff + U * c->yuv2rgb_u2g_coeff;
B = U * c->yuv2rgb_u2b_coeff;
output_pixel(&dest[0], av_clip_uintp2(R_B + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[1], av_clip_uintp2( G + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[2], av_clip_uintp2(B_R + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[3], av_clip_uintp2(R_B + Y2, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[4], av_clip_uintp2( G + Y2, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[5], av_clip_uintp2(B_R + Y2, 30) >> 14);
dest += 6;
static av_always_inline void
yuv2rgb48_1_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int32_t *buf0,
const int32_t *ubuf[2], const int32_t *vbuf[2],
const int32_t *abuf0, uint16_t *dest, int dstW,
int uvalpha, int y, enum PixelFormat target)
const int32_t *ubuf0 = ubuf[0], *ubuf1 = ubuf[1],
*vbuf0 = vbuf[0], *vbuf1 = vbuf[1];
int i;
if (uvalpha < 2048) {
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = (buf0[i * 2] ) >> 2;
int Y2 = (buf0[i * 2 + 1]) >> 2;
int U = (ubuf0[i] + (-128 << 11)) >> 2;
int V = (vbuf0[i] + (-128 << 11)) >> 2;
int R, G, B;
Y1 -= c->yuv2rgb_y_offset;
Y2 -= c->yuv2rgb_y_offset;
Y1 *= c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff;
Y2 *= c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff;
Y1 += 1 << 13;
Y2 += 1 << 13;
R = V * c->yuv2rgb_v2r_coeff;
G = V * c->yuv2rgb_v2g_coeff + U * c->yuv2rgb_u2g_coeff;
B = U * c->yuv2rgb_u2b_coeff;
output_pixel(&dest[0], av_clip_uintp2(R_B + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[1], av_clip_uintp2( G + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[2], av_clip_uintp2(B_R + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[3], av_clip_uintp2(R_B + Y2, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[4], av_clip_uintp2( G + Y2, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[5], av_clip_uintp2(B_R + Y2, 30) >> 14);
dest += 6;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = (buf0[i * 2] ) >> 2;
int Y2 = (buf0[i * 2 + 1]) >> 2;
2011-07-02 21:30:14 +00:00
int U = (ubuf0[i] + ubuf1[i] + (-128 << 12)) >> 3;
int V = (vbuf0[i] + vbuf1[i] + (-128 << 12)) >> 3;
int R, G, B;
Y1 -= c->yuv2rgb_y_offset;
Y2 -= c->yuv2rgb_y_offset;
Y1 *= c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff;
Y2 *= c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff;
Y1 += 1 << 13;
Y2 += 1 << 13;
R = V * c->yuv2rgb_v2r_coeff;
G = V * c->yuv2rgb_v2g_coeff + U * c->yuv2rgb_u2g_coeff;
B = U * c->yuv2rgb_u2b_coeff;
output_pixel(&dest[0], av_clip_uintp2(R_B + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[1], av_clip_uintp2( G + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[2], av_clip_uintp2(B_R + Y1, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[3], av_clip_uintp2(R_B + Y2, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[4], av_clip_uintp2( G + Y2, 30) >> 14);
output_pixel(&dest[5], av_clip_uintp2(B_R + Y2, 30) >> 14);
dest += 6;
#undef output_pixel
#undef r_b
#undef b_r
YUV2PACKED16WRAPPER(yuv2, rgb48, rgb48be, PIX_FMT_RGB48BE);
YUV2PACKED16WRAPPER(yuv2, rgb48, rgb48le, PIX_FMT_RGB48LE);
YUV2PACKED16WRAPPER(yuv2, rgb48, bgr48be, PIX_FMT_BGR48BE);
YUV2PACKED16WRAPPER(yuv2, rgb48, bgr48le, PIX_FMT_BGR48LE);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2rgb_write(uint8_t *_dest, int i, int Y1, int Y2,
int U, int V, int A1, int A2,
const void *_r, const void *_g, const void *_b, int y,
enum PixelFormat target, int hasAlpha)
if (target == PIX_FMT_ARGB || target == PIX_FMT_RGBA ||
target == PIX_FMT_ABGR || target == PIX_FMT_BGRA) {
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t *) _dest;
const uint32_t *r = (const uint32_t *) _r;
const uint32_t *g = (const uint32_t *) _g;
const uint32_t *b = (const uint32_t *) _b;
int sh = hasAlpha ? ((target == PIX_FMT_RGB32_1 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR32_1) ? 0 : 24) : 0;
dest[i * 2 + 0] = r[Y1] + g[Y1] + b[Y1] + (hasAlpha ? A1 << sh : 0);
dest[i * 2 + 1] = r[Y2] + g[Y2] + b[Y2] + (hasAlpha ? A2 << sh : 0);
if (hasAlpha) {
int sh = (target == PIX_FMT_RGB32_1 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR32_1) ? 0 : 24;
dest[i * 2 + 0] = r[Y1] + g[Y1] + b[Y1] + (A1 << sh);
dest[i * 2 + 1] = r[Y2] + g[Y2] + b[Y2] + (A2 << sh);
} else {
dest[i * 2 + 0] = r[Y1] + g[Y1] + b[Y1];
dest[i * 2 + 1] = r[Y2] + g[Y2] + b[Y2];
} else if (target == PIX_FMT_RGB24 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR24) {
uint8_t *dest = (uint8_t *) _dest;
const uint8_t *r = (const uint8_t *) _r;
const uint8_t *g = (const uint8_t *) _g;
const uint8_t *b = (const uint8_t *) _b;
#define r_b ((target == PIX_FMT_RGB24) ? r : b)
#define b_r ((target == PIX_FMT_RGB24) ? b : r)
dest[i * 6 + 0] = r_b[Y1];
dest[i * 6 + 1] = g[Y1];
dest[i * 6 + 2] = b_r[Y1];
dest[i * 6 + 3] = r_b[Y2];
dest[i * 6 + 4] = g[Y2];
dest[i * 6 + 5] = b_r[Y2];
#undef r_b
#undef b_r
} else if (target == PIX_FMT_RGB565 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR565 ||
target == PIX_FMT_RGB555 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR555 ||
target == PIX_FMT_RGB444 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR444) {
uint16_t *dest = (uint16_t *) _dest;
const uint16_t *r = (const uint16_t *) _r;
const uint16_t *g = (const uint16_t *) _g;
const uint16_t *b = (const uint16_t *) _b;
int dr1, dg1, db1, dr2, dg2, db2;
if (target == PIX_FMT_RGB565 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR565) {
dr1 = dither_2x2_8[ y & 1 ][0];
dg1 = dither_2x2_4[ y & 1 ][0];
db1 = dither_2x2_8[(y & 1) ^ 1][0];
dr2 = dither_2x2_8[ y & 1 ][1];
dg2 = dither_2x2_4[ y & 1 ][1];
db2 = dither_2x2_8[(y & 1) ^ 1][1];
} else if (target == PIX_FMT_RGB555 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR555) {
dr1 = dither_2x2_8[ y & 1 ][0];
dg1 = dither_2x2_8[ y & 1 ][1];
db1 = dither_2x2_8[(y & 1) ^ 1][0];
dr2 = dither_2x2_8[ y & 1 ][1];
dg2 = dither_2x2_8[ y & 1 ][0];
db2 = dither_2x2_8[(y & 1) ^ 1][1];
} else {
dr1 = dither_4x4_16[ y & 3 ][0];
dg1 = dither_4x4_16[ y & 3 ][1];
db1 = dither_4x4_16[(y & 3) ^ 3][0];
dr2 = dither_4x4_16[ y & 3 ][1];
dg2 = dither_4x4_16[ y & 3 ][0];
db2 = dither_4x4_16[(y & 3) ^ 3][1];
dest[i * 2 + 0] = r[Y1 + dr1] + g[Y1 + dg1] + b[Y1 + db1];
dest[i * 2 + 1] = r[Y2 + dr2] + g[Y2 + dg2] + b[Y2 + db2];
} else /* 8/4-bit */ {
uint8_t *dest = (uint8_t *) _dest;
const uint8_t *r = (const uint8_t *) _r;
const uint8_t *g = (const uint8_t *) _g;
const uint8_t *b = (const uint8_t *) _b;
int dr1, dg1, db1, dr2, dg2, db2;
if (target == PIX_FMT_RGB8 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR8) {
const uint8_t * const d64 = dither_8x8_73[y & 7];
const uint8_t * const d32 = dither_8x8_32[y & 7];
dr1 = dg1 = d32[(i * 2 + 0) & 7];
db1 = d64[(i * 2 + 0) & 7];
dr2 = dg2 = d32[(i * 2 + 1) & 7];
db2 = d64[(i * 2 + 1) & 7];
} else {
const uint8_t * const d64 = dither_8x8_73 [y & 7];
const uint8_t * const d128 = dither_8x8_220[y & 7];
dr1 = db1 = d128[(i * 2 + 0) & 7];
dg1 = d64[(i * 2 + 0) & 7];
dr2 = db2 = d128[(i * 2 + 1) & 7];
dg2 = d64[(i * 2 + 1) & 7];
if (target == PIX_FMT_RGB4 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR4) {
dest[i] = r[Y1 + dr1] + g[Y1 + dg1] + b[Y1 + db1] +
((r[Y2 + dr2] + g[Y2 + dg2] + b[Y2 + db2]) << 4);
} else {
dest[i * 2 + 0] = r[Y1 + dr1] + g[Y1 + dg1] + b[Y1 + db1];
dest[i * 2 + 1] = r[Y2 + dr2] + g[Y2 + dg2] + b[Y2 + db2];
static av_always_inline void
yuv2rgb_X_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *lumFilter,
const int16_t **lumSrc, int lumFilterSize,
const int16_t *chrFilter, const int16_t **chrUSrc,
const int16_t **chrVSrc, int chrFilterSize,
const int16_t **alpSrc, uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
int y, enum PixelFormat target, int hasAlpha)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int j;
int Y1 = 1 << 18;
int Y2 = 1 << 18;
int U = 1 << 18;
int V = 1 << 18;
int av_unused A1, A2;
const void *r, *g, *b;
for (j = 0; j < lumFilterSize; j++) {
Y1 += lumSrc[j][i * 2] * lumFilter[j];
Y2 += lumSrc[j][i * 2 + 1] * lumFilter[j];
for (j = 0; j < chrFilterSize; j++) {
U += chrUSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
V += chrVSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
Y1 >>= 19;
Y2 >>= 19;
U >>= 19;
V >>= 19;
if ((Y1 | Y2 | U | V) & 0x100) {
Y1 = av_clip_uint8(Y1);
Y2 = av_clip_uint8(Y2);
U = av_clip_uint8(U);
V = av_clip_uint8(V);
if (hasAlpha) {
A1 = 1 << 18;
A2 = 1 << 18;
for (j = 0; j < lumFilterSize; j++) {
A1 += alpSrc[j][i * 2 ] * lumFilter[j];
A2 += alpSrc[j][i * 2 + 1] * lumFilter[j];
A1 >>= 19;
A2 >>= 19;
if ((A1 | A2) & 0x100) {
A1 = av_clip_uint8(A1);
A2 = av_clip_uint8(A2);
/* FIXME fix tables so that clipping is not needed and then use _NOCLIP*/
r = c->table_rV[V];
g = (c->table_gU[U] + c->table_gV[V]);
b = c->table_bU[U];
yuv2rgb_write(dest, i, Y1, Y2, U, V, hasAlpha ? A1 : 0, hasAlpha ? A2 : 0,
r, g, b, y, target, hasAlpha);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2rgb_2_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf[2],
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2],
const int16_t *abuf[2], uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
int yalpha, int uvalpha, int y,
enum PixelFormat target, int hasAlpha)
const int16_t *buf0 = buf[0], *buf1 = buf[1],
*ubuf0 = ubuf[0], *ubuf1 = ubuf[1],
*vbuf0 = vbuf[0], *vbuf1 = vbuf[1],
*abuf0 = hasAlpha ? abuf[0] : NULL,
*abuf1 = hasAlpha ? abuf[1] : NULL;
int yalpha1 = 4095 - yalpha;
int uvalpha1 = 4095 - uvalpha;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = (buf0[i * 2] * yalpha1 + buf1[i * 2] * yalpha) >> 19;
int Y2 = (buf0[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha1 + buf1[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha) >> 19;
int U = (ubuf0[i] * uvalpha1 + ubuf1[i] * uvalpha) >> 19;
int V = (vbuf0[i] * uvalpha1 + vbuf1[i] * uvalpha) >> 19;
int A1, A2;
const void *r = c->table_rV[V],
*g = (c->table_gU[U] + c->table_gV[V]),
*b = c->table_bU[U];
if (hasAlpha) {
A1 = (abuf0[i * 2 ] * yalpha1 + abuf1[i * 2 ] * yalpha) >> 19;
A2 = (abuf0[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha1 + abuf1[i * 2 + 1] * yalpha) >> 19;
yuv2rgb_write(dest, i, Y1, Y2, U, V, hasAlpha ? A1 : 0, hasAlpha ? A2 : 0,
r, g, b, y, target, hasAlpha);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2rgb_1_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf0,
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2],
const int16_t *abuf0, uint8_t *dest, int dstW,
int uvalpha, int y, enum PixelFormat target,
int hasAlpha)
const int16_t *ubuf0 = ubuf[0], *ubuf1 = ubuf[1],
*vbuf0 = vbuf[0], *vbuf1 = vbuf[1];
int i;
if (uvalpha < 2048) {
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = buf0[i * 2] >> 7;
int Y2 = buf0[i * 2 + 1] >> 7;
int U = ubuf1[i] >> 7;
int V = vbuf1[i] >> 7;
int A1, A2;
const void *r = c->table_rV[V],
*g = (c->table_gU[U] + c->table_gV[V]),
*b = c->table_bU[U];
if (hasAlpha) {
A1 = abuf0[i * 2 ] >> 7;
A2 = abuf0[i * 2 + 1] >> 7;
yuv2rgb_write(dest, i, Y1, Y2, U, V, hasAlpha ? A1 : 0, hasAlpha ? A2 : 0,
r, g, b, y, target, hasAlpha);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < (dstW >> 1); i++) {
int Y1 = buf0[i * 2] >> 7;
int Y2 = buf0[i * 2 + 1] >> 7;
int U = (ubuf0[i] + ubuf1[i]) >> 8;
int V = (vbuf0[i] + vbuf1[i]) >> 8;
int A1, A2;
const void *r = c->table_rV[V],
*g = (c->table_gU[U] + c->table_gV[V]),
*b = c->table_bU[U];
if (hasAlpha) {
A1 = abuf0[i * 2 ] >> 7;
A2 = abuf0[i * 2 + 1] >> 7;
yuv2rgb_write(dest, i, Y1, Y2, U, V, hasAlpha ? A1 : 0, hasAlpha ? A2 : 0,
r, g, b, y, target, hasAlpha);
#define YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(name, base, ext, fmt, hasAlpha) \
static void name ## ext ## _X_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *lumFilter, \
const int16_t **lumSrc, int lumFilterSize, \
const int16_t *chrFilter, const int16_t **chrUSrc, \
const int16_t **chrVSrc, int chrFilterSize, \
const int16_t **alpSrc, uint8_t *dest, int dstW, \
int y) \
{ \
name ## base ## _X_c_template(c, lumFilter, lumSrc, lumFilterSize, \
chrFilter, chrUSrc, chrVSrc, chrFilterSize, \
alpSrc, dest, dstW, y, fmt, hasAlpha); \
#define YUV2RGBWRAPPER(name, base, ext, fmt, hasAlpha) \
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(name, base, ext, fmt, hasAlpha) \
static void name ## ext ## _2_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf[2], \
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2], \
const int16_t *abuf[2], uint8_t *dest, int dstW, \
int yalpha, int uvalpha, int y) \
{ \
name ## base ## _2_c_template(c, buf, ubuf, vbuf, abuf, \
dest, dstW, yalpha, uvalpha, y, fmt, hasAlpha); \
} \
static void name ## ext ## _1_c(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *buf0, \
const int16_t *ubuf[2], const int16_t *vbuf[2], \
const int16_t *abuf0, uint8_t *dest, int dstW, \
int uvalpha, int y) \
{ \
name ## base ## _1_c_template(c, buf0, ubuf, vbuf, abuf0, dest, \
dstW, uvalpha, y, fmt, hasAlpha); \
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, 32_1, PIX_FMT_RGB32_1, CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && c->alpPixBuf);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, a32_1, PIX_FMT_RGB32_1, 1);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, a32, PIX_FMT_RGB32, 1);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, x32_1, PIX_FMT_RGB32_1, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, x32, PIX_FMT_RGB32, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2, rgb, rgb24, PIX_FMT_RGB24, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2, rgb, bgr24, PIX_FMT_BGR24, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, 16, PIX_FMT_RGB565, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, 15, PIX_FMT_RGB555, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, 12, PIX_FMT_RGB444, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, 8, PIX_FMT_RGB8, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPER(yuv2rgb,, 4, PIX_FMT_RGB4, 0);
static av_always_inline void
yuv2rgb_full_X_c_template(SwsContext *c, const int16_t *lumFilter,
const int16_t **lumSrc, int lumFilterSize,
const int16_t *chrFilter, const int16_t **chrUSrc,
const int16_t **chrVSrc, int chrFilterSize,
const int16_t **alpSrc, uint8_t *dest,
int dstW, int y, enum PixelFormat target, int hasAlpha)
int i;
int step = (target == PIX_FMT_RGB24 || target == PIX_FMT_BGR24) ? 3 : 4;
for (i = 0; i < dstW; i++) {
int j;
Merge remote-tracking branch 'qatar/master' * qatar/master: (21 commits) swscale: Add Doxygen for hyscale_fast/hScale. fate: enable lavfi-pixmt tests on big endian systems PPC: swscale: disable altivec functions for unsupported formats fate: merge identical pixdesc_be/le tests swscale: Add Doxygen for yuv2planar*/yuv2packed* functions. build: call texi2pod.pl with full path instead of symlink build: include sub-makefiles using full path instead of symlinks swscale: update big endian reference values after dff5a835. wavpack: skip blocks with no samples cosmetics: remove outdated comment that is no longer true build: replace some addprefix/addsuffix with substitution refs avutil: Remove unused arbitrary precision integer code. configure: Drop check for availability of ten assembler operands. aacenc: Save channel configuration for later use. aacenc: Fix codebook trellising for zeroed bands. swscale: change prototypes of scaled YUV output functions. swscale: re-add support for non-native endianness. swscale: disentangle yuv2rgbX_c_full() into small functions. swscale: split yuv2packed[12X]_c() remainders into small functions. swscale: split yuv2packedX_altivec in smaller functions. ... Conflicts: Makefile configure libavcodec/x86/dsputil_mmx.c libavfilter/Makefile libavformat/Makefile libavutil/integer.c libavutil/integer.h libswscale/swscale.c libswscale/swscale_internal.h libswscale/x86/swscale_template.c tests/ref/lavfi/pixdesc_le tests/ref/lavfi/pixfmts_scale Merged-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
2011-06-29 02:08:31 +00:00
int Y = 1<<9;
int U = (1<<9)-(128 << 19);
int V = (1<<9)-(128 << 19);
int av_unused A;
int R, G, B;
for (j = 0; j < lumFilterSize; j++) {
Y += lumSrc[j][i] * lumFilter[j];
for (j = 0; j < chrFilterSize; j++) {
U += chrUSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
V += chrVSrc[j][i] * chrFilter[j];
Y >>= 10;
U >>= 10;
V >>= 10;
if (hasAlpha) {
Merge remote-tracking branch 'qatar/master' * qatar/master: (21 commits) swscale: Add Doxygen for hyscale_fast/hScale. fate: enable lavfi-pixmt tests on big endian systems PPC: swscale: disable altivec functions for unsupported formats fate: merge identical pixdesc_be/le tests swscale: Add Doxygen for yuv2planar*/yuv2packed* functions. build: call texi2pod.pl with full path instead of symlink build: include sub-makefiles using full path instead of symlinks swscale: update big endian reference values after dff5a835. wavpack: skip blocks with no samples cosmetics: remove outdated comment that is no longer true build: replace some addprefix/addsuffix with substitution refs avutil: Remove unused arbitrary precision integer code. configure: Drop check for availability of ten assembler operands. aacenc: Save channel configuration for later use. aacenc: Fix codebook trellising for zeroed bands. swscale: change prototypes of scaled YUV output functions. swscale: re-add support for non-native endianness. swscale: disentangle yuv2rgbX_c_full() into small functions. swscale: split yuv2packed[12X]_c() remainders into small functions. swscale: split yuv2packedX_altivec in smaller functions. ... Conflicts: Makefile configure libavcodec/x86/dsputil_mmx.c libavfilter/Makefile libavformat/Makefile libavutil/integer.c libavutil/integer.h libswscale/swscale.c libswscale/swscale_internal.h libswscale/x86/swscale_template.c tests/ref/lavfi/pixdesc_le tests/ref/lavfi/pixfmts_scale Merged-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
2011-06-29 02:08:31 +00:00
A = 1 << 18;
for (j = 0; j < lumFilterSize; j++) {
A += alpSrc[j][i] * lumFilter[j];
A >>= 19;
if (A & 0x100)
A = av_clip_uint8(A);
Y -= c->yuv2rgb_y_offset;
Y *= c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff;
Y += 1 << 21;
R = Y + V*c->yuv2rgb_v2r_coeff;
G = Y + V*c->yuv2rgb_v2g_coeff + U*c->yuv2rgb_u2g_coeff;
B = Y + U*c->yuv2rgb_u2b_coeff;
if ((R | G | B) & 0xC0000000) {
R = av_clip_uintp2(R, 30);
G = av_clip_uintp2(G, 30);
B = av_clip_uintp2(B, 30);
switch(target) {
dest[0] = hasAlpha ? A : 255;
dest[1] = R >> 22;
dest[2] = G >> 22;
dest[3] = B >> 22;
case PIX_FMT_RGB24:
dest[0] = R >> 22;
dest[1] = G >> 22;
dest[2] = B >> 22;
dest[0] = R >> 22;
dest[1] = G >> 22;
dest[2] = B >> 22;
dest[3] = hasAlpha ? A : 255;
dest[0] = hasAlpha ? A : 255;
dest[1] = B >> 22;
dest[2] = G >> 22;
dest[3] = R >> 22;
case PIX_FMT_BGR24:
dest[0] = B >> 22;
dest[1] = G >> 22;
dest[2] = R >> 22;
dest[0] = B >> 22;
dest[1] = G >> 22;
dest[2] = R >> 22;
dest[3] = hasAlpha ? A : 255;
dest += step;
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, bgra32_full, PIX_FMT_BGRA, CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && c->alpPixBuf);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, abgr32_full, PIX_FMT_ABGR, CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && c->alpPixBuf);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, rgba32_full, PIX_FMT_RGBA, CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && c->alpPixBuf);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, argb32_full, PIX_FMT_ARGB, CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && c->alpPixBuf);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, bgra32_full, PIX_FMT_BGRA, 1);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, abgr32_full, PIX_FMT_ABGR, 1);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, rgba32_full, PIX_FMT_RGBA, 1);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, argb32_full, PIX_FMT_ARGB, 1);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, bgrx32_full, PIX_FMT_BGRA, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, xbgr32_full, PIX_FMT_ABGR, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, rgbx32_full, PIX_FMT_RGBA, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, xrgb32_full, PIX_FMT_ARGB, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, bgr24_full, PIX_FMT_BGR24, 0);
YUV2RGBWRAPPERX(yuv2, rgb_full, rgb24_full, PIX_FMT_RGB24, 0);
static av_always_inline void fillPlane(uint8_t* plane, int stride,
int width, int height,
int y, uint8_t val)
int i;
uint8_t *ptr = plane + stride*y;
for (i=0; i<height; i++) {
memset(ptr, val, width);
ptr += stride;
#define input_pixel(pos) (isBE(origin) ? AV_RB16(pos) : AV_RL16(pos))
#define r ((origin == PIX_FMT_BGR48BE || origin == PIX_FMT_BGR48LE) ? b_r : r_b)
#define b ((origin == PIX_FMT_BGR48BE || origin == PIX_FMT_BGR48LE) ? r_b : b_r)
static av_always_inline void
rgb48ToY_c_template(uint16_t *dst, const uint16_t *src, int width,
enum PixelFormat origin)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
unsigned int r_b = input_pixel(&src[i*3+0]);
unsigned int g = input_pixel(&src[i*3+1]);
unsigned int b_r = input_pixel(&src[i*3+2]);
dst[i] = (RY*r + GY*g + BY*b + (0x2001<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1))) >> RGB2YUV_SHIFT;
static av_always_inline void
rgb48ToUV_c_template(uint16_t *dstU, uint16_t *dstV,
const uint16_t *src1, const uint16_t *src2,
int width, enum PixelFormat origin)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int r_b = input_pixel(&src1[i*3+0]);
int g = input_pixel(&src1[i*3+1]);
int b_r = input_pixel(&src1[i*3+2]);
dstU[i] = (RU*r + GU*g + BU*b + (0x10001<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1))) >> RGB2YUV_SHIFT;
dstV[i] = (RV*r + GV*g + BV*b + (0x10001<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1))) >> RGB2YUV_SHIFT;
static av_always_inline void
rgb48ToUV_half_c_template(uint16_t *dstU, uint16_t *dstV,
const uint16_t *src1, const uint16_t *src2,
int width, enum PixelFormat origin)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int r_b = (input_pixel(&src1[6 * i + 0]) + input_pixel(&src1[6 * i + 3]) + 1) >> 1;
int g = (input_pixel(&src1[6 * i + 1]) + input_pixel(&src1[6 * i + 4]) + 1) >> 1;
int b_r = (input_pixel(&src1[6 * i + 2]) + input_pixel(&src1[6 * i + 5]) + 1) >> 1;
dstU[i]= (RU*r + GU*g + BU*b + (0x10001<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1))) >> RGB2YUV_SHIFT;
dstV[i]= (RV*r + GV*g + BV*b + (0x10001<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1))) >> RGB2YUV_SHIFT;
#undef r
#undef b
#undef input_pixel
#define rgb48funcs(pattern, BE_LE, origin) \
static void pattern ## 48 ## BE_LE ## ToY_c(uint8_t *_dst, const uint8_t *_src, const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *unused1,\
int width, uint32_t *unused) \
{ \
const uint16_t *src = (const uint16_t *) _src; \
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *) _dst; \
rgb48ToY_c_template(dst, src, width, origin); \
} \
static void pattern ## 48 ## BE_LE ## ToUV_c(uint8_t *_dstU, uint8_t *_dstV, \
const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *_src1, const uint8_t *_src2, \
int width, uint32_t *unused) \
{ \
const uint16_t *src1 = (const uint16_t *) _src1, \
*src2 = (const uint16_t *) _src2; \
uint16_t *dstU = (uint16_t *) _dstU, *dstV = (uint16_t *) _dstV; \
rgb48ToUV_c_template(dstU, dstV, src1, src2, width, origin); \
} \
static void pattern ## 48 ## BE_LE ## ToUV_half_c(uint8_t *_dstU, uint8_t *_dstV, \
const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *_src1, const uint8_t *_src2, \
int width, uint32_t *unused) \
{ \
const uint16_t *src1 = (const uint16_t *) _src1, \
*src2 = (const uint16_t *) _src2; \
uint16_t *dstU = (uint16_t *) _dstU, *dstV = (uint16_t *) _dstV; \
rgb48ToUV_half_c_template(dstU, dstV, src1, src2, width, origin); \
rgb48funcs(rgb, LE, PIX_FMT_RGB48LE);
rgb48funcs(rgb, BE, PIX_FMT_RGB48BE);
rgb48funcs(bgr, LE, PIX_FMT_BGR48LE);
rgb48funcs(bgr, BE, PIX_FMT_BGR48BE);
#define input_pixel(i) ((origin == PIX_FMT_RGBA || origin == PIX_FMT_BGRA || \
origin == PIX_FMT_ARGB || origin == PIX_FMT_ABGR) ? AV_RN32A(&src[(i)*4]) : \
(isBE(origin) ? AV_RB16(&src[(i)*2]) : AV_RL16(&src[(i)*2])))
static av_always_inline void
rgb16_32ToY_c_template(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src,
int width, enum PixelFormat origin,
int shr, int shg, int shb, int shp,
int maskr, int maskg, int maskb,
int rsh, int gsh, int bsh, int S)
const int ry = RY << rsh, gy = GY << gsh, by = BY << bsh,
rnd = (32<<((S)-1)) + (1<<(S-7));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int px = input_pixel(i) >> shp;
int b = (px & maskb) >> shb;
int g = (px & maskg) >> shg;
int r = (px & maskr) >> shr;
dst[i] = (ry * r + gy * g + by * b + rnd) >> ((S)-6);
static av_always_inline void
rgb16_32ToUV_c_template(int16_t *dstU, int16_t *dstV,
const uint8_t *src, int width,
enum PixelFormat origin,
int shr, int shg, int shb, int shp,
int maskr, int maskg, int maskb,
int rsh, int gsh, int bsh, int S)
const int ru = RU << rsh, gu = GU << gsh, bu = BU << bsh,
rv = RV << rsh, gv = GV << gsh, bv = BV << bsh,
rnd = (256<<((S)-1)) + (1<<(S-7));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int px = input_pixel(i) >> shp;
int b = (px & maskb) >> shb;
int g = (px & maskg) >> shg;
int r = (px & maskr) >> shr;
dstU[i] = (ru * r + gu * g + bu * b + rnd) >> ((S)-6);
dstV[i] = (rv * r + gv * g + bv * b + rnd) >> ((S)-6);
static av_always_inline void
rgb16_32ToUV_half_c_template(int16_t *dstU, int16_t *dstV,
const uint8_t *src, int width,
enum PixelFormat origin,
int shr, int shg, int shb, int shp,
int maskr, int maskg, int maskb,
int rsh, int gsh, int bsh, int S)
const int ru = RU << rsh, gu = GU << gsh, bu = BU << bsh,
rv = RV << rsh, gv = GV << gsh, bv = BV << bsh,
rnd = (256U<<(S)) + (1<<(S-6)), maskgx = ~(maskr | maskb);
int i;
maskr |= maskr << 1; maskb |= maskb << 1; maskg |= maskg << 1;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int px0 = input_pixel(2 * i + 0) >> shp;
int px1 = input_pixel(2 * i + 1) >> shp;
int b, r, g = (px0 & maskgx) + (px1 & maskgx);
int rb = px0 + px1 - g;
b = (rb & maskb) >> shb;
if (shp || origin == PIX_FMT_BGR565LE || origin == PIX_FMT_BGR565BE ||
origin == PIX_FMT_RGB565LE || origin == PIX_FMT_RGB565BE) {
g >>= shg;
} else {
g = (g & maskg) >> shg;
r = (rb & maskr) >> shr;
dstU[i] = (ru * r + gu * g + bu * b + (unsigned)rnd) >> ((S)-6+1);
dstV[i] = (rv * r + gv * g + bv * b + (unsigned)rnd) >> ((S)-6+1);
#undef input_pixel
#define rgb16_32_wrapper(fmt, name, shr, shg, shb, shp, maskr, \
maskg, maskb, rsh, gsh, bsh, S) \
static void name ## ToY_c(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, \
int width, uint32_t *unused) \
{ \
rgb16_32ToY_c_template((int16_t*)dst, src, width, fmt, \
shr, shg, shb, shp, \
maskr, maskg, maskb, rsh, gsh, bsh, S); \
} \
static void name ## ToUV_c(uint8_t *dstU, uint8_t *dstV, \
const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *dummy, \
int width, uint32_t *unused) \
{ \
rgb16_32ToUV_c_template((int16_t*)dstU, (int16_t*)dstV, src, width, fmt, \
shr, shg, shb, shp, \
maskr, maskg, maskb, rsh, gsh, bsh, S); \
} \
static void name ## ToUV_half_c(uint8_t *dstU, uint8_t *dstV, \
const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *dummy, \
int width, uint32_t *unused) \
{ \
rgb16_32ToUV_half_c_template((int16_t*)dstU, (int16_t*)dstV, src, width, fmt, \
shr, shg, shb, shp, \
maskr, maskg, maskb, rsh, gsh, bsh, S); \
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_BGR32, bgr32, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0x00FF, 8, 0, 8, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+8);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_BGR32_1, bgr321, 16, 0, 0, 8, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0x00FF, 8, 0, 8, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+8);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_RGB32, rgb32, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0x00FF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000, 8, 0, 8, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+8);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_RGB32_1, rgb321, 0, 0, 16, 8, 0x00FF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000, 8, 0, 8, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+8);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_BGR565LE, bgr16le, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x001F, 0x07E0, 0xF800, 11, 5, 0, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+8);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_BGR555LE, bgr15le, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x001F, 0x03E0, 0x7C00, 10, 5, 0, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+7);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_RGB565LE, rgb16le, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xF800, 0x07E0, 0x001F, 0, 5, 11, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+8);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_RGB555LE, rgb15le, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x7C00, 0x03E0, 0x001F, 0, 5, 10, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+7);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_BGR565BE, bgr16be, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x001F, 0x07E0, 0xF800, 11, 5, 0, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+8);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_BGR555BE, bgr15be, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x001F, 0x03E0, 0x7C00, 10, 5, 0, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+7);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_RGB565BE, rgb16be, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xF800, 0x07E0, 0x001F, 0, 5, 11, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+8);
rgb16_32_wrapper(PIX_FMT_RGB555BE, rgb15be, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x7C00, 0x03E0, 0x001F, 0, 5, 10, RGB2YUV_SHIFT+7);
static void gbr24pToUV_half_c(uint16_t *dstU, uint16_t *dstV,
const uint8_t *gsrc, const uint8_t *bsrc, const uint8_t *rsrc,
int width, enum PixelFormat origin)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
unsigned int g = gsrc[2*i] + gsrc[2*i+1];
unsigned int b = bsrc[2*i] + bsrc[2*i+1];
unsigned int r = rsrc[2*i] + rsrc[2*i+1];
dstU[i] = (RU*r + GU*g + BU*b + (0x4001<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6))) >> (RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6+1);
dstV[i] = (RV*r + GV*g + BV*b + (0x4001<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6))) >> (RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6+1);
static void abgrToA_c(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
dst[i]= src[4*i]<<6;
static void rgbaToA_c(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
dst[i]= src[4*i+3]<<6;
static void palToA_c(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, int width, uint32_t *pal)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
int d= src[i];
dst[i]= (pal[d] >> 24)<<6;
static void palToY_c(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, long width, uint32_t *pal)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
int d= src[i];
dst[i]= (pal[d] & 0xFF)<<6;
static void palToUV_c(uint16_t *dstU, int16_t *dstV,
const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src1, const uint8_t *src2,
int width, uint32_t *pal)
int i;
assert(src1 == src2);
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
int p= pal[src1[i]];
dstU[i]= (uint8_t)(p>> 8)<<6;
dstV[i]= (uint8_t)(p>>16)<<6;
static void monowhite2Y_c(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<width/8; i++) {
int d= ~src[i];
for(j=0; j<8; j++)
dst[8*i+j]= ((d>>(7-j))&1)*16383;
int d= ~src[i];
for(j=0; j<(width&7); j++)
dst[8*i+j]= ((d>>(7-j))&1)*16383;
static void monoblack2Y_c(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<width/8; i++) {
int d= src[i];
for(j=0; j<8; j++)
dst[8*i+j]= ((d>>(7-j))&1)*16383;
int d= src[i];
for(j=0; j<(width&7); j++)
dst[8*i+j]= ((d>>(7-j))&1)*16383;
//FIXME yuy2* can read up to 7 samples too much
Merge swscale bloatup This will be cleaned up in the next merge Authorship / merged commits: commit f668afd4896ee65683619b6f165dda4cdd46766f Author: Janne Grunau <janne-libav@jannau.net> Date: Fri Apr 15 09:12:34 2011 +0200 swscale: fix "ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code" warning only hit with --enable-runtime-cpudetect commit 7f2ae5c7af374dfe254195a9375974a2ff9395a7 Author: Janne Grunau <janne-libav@jannau.net> Date: Fri Apr 15 02:09:44 2011 +0200 swscale: fix compilation with --enable-runtime-cpudetect commit b6cad3df822969b31bb93eaf677e52a72416bc97 Author: Janne Grunau <janne-libav@jannau.net> Date: Fri Apr 15 00:31:04 2011 +0200 swscale: correct include path to fix ppc altivec build commit 6216fc70b74e01a5272085329aa92f5ac797f9cf Author: Luca Barbato <lu_zero@gentoo.org> Date: Thu Apr 14 22:03:45 2011 +0200 swscale: simplify rgb2rgb templating MMX is always built. Drop the ifdefs commit 33a0421bbaa64f4e9c3d852b7f225ede8dad1388 Author: Josh Allmann <joshua.allmann@gmail.com> Date: Wed Apr 13 20:57:32 2011 +0200 swscale: simplify initialization code Simplify the fallthrough case when no accelerated functions can be initialized. commit 735bf1951171a1e0ee4292e84a1b1beac45dd0ab Author: Josh Allmann <joshua.allmann@gmail.com> Date: Wed Apr 13 20:57:31 2011 +0200 swscale: further cleanup swscale.c Move x86-specific constants out of swscale.c commit 86330b4c9258d5e583c0db033d1e68f46443307c Author: Luca Barbato <lu_zero@gentoo.org> Date: Wed Apr 13 20:57:30 2011 +0200 swscale: partially move the arch specific code left PPC and x86 code is split off from swscale_template.c. Lots of code is still duplicated and should be removed later. Again uniformize the init system to be more similar to the dsputil one. Unset h*scale_fast in the x86 init in order to make the output consistent with the previous status. Thanks to Josh for spotting it. commit c0038328830d7b341c28d7c99b0236a33617fd21 Author: Luca Barbato <lu_zero@gentoo.org> Date: Wed Apr 13 20:57:29 2011 +0200 swscale: move away x86 specific code from rgb2rgb Keep only the plain C code in the main rgb2rgb.c and move the x86 specific optimizations to x86/rgb2rgb.c Change the initialization pattern a little so some of it can be factorized to behave more like dsputils. Conflicts: libswscale/rgb2rgb.c libswscale/swscale_template.c
2011-05-25 03:23:39 +00:00
static void yuy2ToY_c(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, int width,
uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++)
dst[i]= src[2*i];
static void yuy2ToUV_c(uint8_t *dstU, uint8_t *dstV, const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src1,
const uint8_t *src2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
dstU[i]= src1[4*i + 1];
dstV[i]= src1[4*i + 3];
assert(src1 == src2);
static void bswap16Y_c(uint8_t *_dst, const uint8_t *_src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
const uint16_t *src = (const uint16_t *) _src;
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *) _dst;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
dst[i] = av_bswap16(src[i]);
static void bswap16UV_c(uint8_t *_dstU, uint8_t *_dstV, const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *_src1,
const uint8_t *_src2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
const uint16_t *src1 = (const uint16_t *) _src1,
*src2 = (const uint16_t *) _src2;
uint16_t *dstU = (uint16_t *) _dstU, *dstV = (uint16_t *) _dstV;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
dstU[i] = av_bswap16(src1[i]);
dstV[i] = av_bswap16(src2[i]);
/* This is almost identical to the previous, end exists only because
* yuy2ToY/UV)(dst, src+1, ...) would have 100% unaligned accesses. */
static void uyvyToY_c(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, int width,
uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++)
dst[i]= src[2*i+1];
static void uyvyToUV_c(uint8_t *dstU, uint8_t *dstV, const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src1,
const uint8_t *src2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
dstU[i]= src1[4*i + 0];
dstV[i]= src1[4*i + 2];
assert(src1 == src2);
static av_always_inline void nvXXtoUV_c(uint8_t *dst1, uint8_t *dst2,
const uint8_t *src, int width)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
dst1[i] = src[2*i+0];
dst2[i] = src[2*i+1];
static void nv12ToUV_c(uint8_t *dstU, uint8_t *dstV,
const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src1, const uint8_t *src2,
int width, uint32_t *unused)
nvXXtoUV_c(dstU, dstV, src1, width);
static void nv21ToUV_c(uint8_t *dstU, uint8_t *dstV,
const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src1, const uint8_t *src2,
int width, uint32_t *unused)
nvXXtoUV_c(dstV, dstU, src1, width);
#define input_pixel(pos) (isBE(origin) ? AV_RB16(pos) : AV_RL16(pos))
static void bgr24ToY_c(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2,
int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
int b= src[i*3+0];
int g= src[i*3+1];
int r= src[i*3+2];
dst[i]= ((RY*r + GY*g + BY*b + (32<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1)) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-7)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6));
static void bgr24ToUV_c(int16_t *dstU, int16_t *dstV, const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src1,
const uint8_t *src2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
int b= src1[3*i + 0];
int g= src1[3*i + 1];
int r= src1[3*i + 2];
dstU[i]= (RU*r + GU*g + BU*b + (256<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1)) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-7)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6);
dstV[i]= (RV*r + GV*g + BV*b + (256<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1)) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-7)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6);
assert(src1 == src2);
static void bgr24ToUV_half_c(int16_t *dstU, int16_t *dstV, const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src1,
const uint8_t *src2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
int b= src1[6*i + 0] + src1[6*i + 3];
int g= src1[6*i + 1] + src1[6*i + 4];
int r= src1[6*i + 2] + src1[6*i + 5];
dstU[i]= (RU*r + GU*g + BU*b + (256<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-5);
dstV[i]= (RV*r + GV*g + BV*b + (256<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-5);
assert(src1 == src2);
static void rgb24ToY_c(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *unused1, const uint8_t *unused2, int width,
uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
int r= src[i*3+0];
int g= src[i*3+1];
int b= src[i*3+2];
dst[i]= ((RY*r + GY*g + BY*b + (32<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1)) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-7)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6));
static void rgb24ToUV_c(int16_t *dstU, int16_t *dstV, const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src1,
const uint8_t *src2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
int r= src1[3*i + 0];
int g= src1[3*i + 1];
int b= src1[3*i + 2];
dstU[i]= (RU*r + GU*g + BU*b + (256<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1)) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-7)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6);
dstV[i]= (RV*r + GV*g + BV*b + (256<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-1)) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-7)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6);
static void rgb24ToUV_half_c(int16_t *dstU, int16_t *dstV, const uint8_t *unused0, const uint8_t *src1,
const uint8_t *src2, int width, uint32_t *unused)
int i;
for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
int r= src1[6*i + 0] + src1[6*i + 3];
int g= src1[6*i + 1] + src1[6*i + 4];
int b= src1[6*i + 2] + src1[6*i + 5];
dstU[i]= (RU*r + GU*g + BU*b + (256<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-5);
dstV[i]= (RV*r + GV*g + BV*b + (256<<RGB2YUV_SHIFT) + (1<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6)))>>(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-5);
static void planar_rgb_to_y(uint16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src[4], int width)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int g = src[0][i];
int b = src[1][i];
int r = src[2][i];
dst[i] = (RY*r + GY*g + BY*b + (0x801<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-7))) >> (RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6);
static void planar_rgb16le_to_y(uint8_t *_dst, const uint8_t *_src[4], int width)
int i;
const uint16_t **src = (const uint16_t **) _src;
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *) _dst;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int g = AV_RL16(src[0] + i);
int b = AV_RL16(src[1] + i);
int r = AV_RL16(src[2] + i);
dst[i] = ((RY * r + GY * g + BY * b + (33 << (RGB2YUV_SHIFT - 1))) >> RGB2YUV_SHIFT);
static void planar_rgb16be_to_y(uint8_t *_dst, const uint8_t *_src[4], int width)
int i;
const uint16_t **src = (const uint16_t **) _src;
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *) _dst;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int g = AV_RB16(src[0] + i);
int b = AV_RB16(src[1] + i);
int r = AV_RB16(src[2] + i);
dst[i] = ((RY * r + GY * g + BY * b + (33 << (RGB2YUV_SHIFT - 1))) >> RGB2YUV_SHIFT);
static void planar_rgb_to_uv(uint16_t *dstU, uint16_t *dstV, const uint8_t *src[4], int width)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int g = src[0][i];
int b = src[1][i];
int r = src[2][i];
dstU[i] = (RU*r + GU*g + BU*b + (0x4001<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-7))) >> (RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6);
dstV[i] = (RV*r + GV*g + BV*b + (0x4001<<(RGB2YUV_SHIFT-7))) >> (RGB2YUV_SHIFT-6);
static void planar_rgb16le_to_uv(uint8_t *_dstU, uint8_t *_dstV, const uint8_t *_src[4], int width)
int i;
const uint16_t **src = (const uint16_t **) _src;
uint16_t *dstU = (uint16_t *) _dstU;
uint16_t *dstV = (uint16_t *) _dstV;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int g = AV_RL16(src[0] + i);
int b = AV_RL16(src[1] + i);
int r = AV_RL16(src[2] + i);
dstU[i] = (RU * r + GU * g + BU * b + (257 << RGB2YUV_SHIFT)) >> (RGB2YUV_SHIFT + 1);
dstV[i] = (RV * r + GV * g + BV * b + (257 << RGB2YUV_SHIFT)) >> (RGB2YUV_SHIFT + 1);
static void planar_rgb16be_to_uv(uint8_t *_dstU, uint8_t *_dstV, const uint8_t *_src[4], int width)
int i;
const uint16_t **src = (const uint16_t **) _src;
uint16_t *dstU = (uint16_t *) _dstU;
uint16_t *dstV = (uint16_t *) _dstV;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int g = AV_RB16(src[0] + i);
int b = AV_RB16(src[1] + i);
int r = AV_RB16(src[2] + i);
dstU[i] = (RU * r + GU * g + BU * b + (257 << RGB2YUV_SHIFT)) >> (RGB2YUV_SHIFT + 1);
dstV[i] = (RV * r + GV * g + BV * b + (257 << RGB2YUV_SHIFT)) >> (RGB2YUV_SHIFT + 1);
static void hScale16To19_c(SwsContext *c, int16_t *_dst, int dstW, const uint8_t *_src,
const int16_t *filter,
const int16_t *filterPos, int filterSize)
int i;
int32_t *dst = (int32_t *) _dst;
const uint16_t *src = (const uint16_t *) _src;
int bits = av_pix_fmt_descriptors[c->srcFormat].comp[0].depth_minus1;
int sh = bits - 4;
2011-07-03 00:08:45 +00:00
if((isAnyRGB(c->srcFormat) || c->srcFormat==PIX_FMT_PAL8) && av_pix_fmt_descriptors[c->srcFormat].comp[0].depth_minus1<15)
sh= 9;
for (i = 0; i < dstW; i++) {
int j;
int srcPos = filterPos[i];
int val = 0;
for (j = 0; j < filterSize; j++) {
val += src[srcPos + j] * filter[filterSize * i + j];
// filter=14 bit, input=16 bit, output=30 bit, >> 11 makes 19 bit
dst[i] = FFMIN(val >> sh, (1 << 19) - 1);
static void hScale16To15_c(SwsContext *c, int16_t *dst, int dstW, const uint8_t *_src,
const int16_t *filter,
const int16_t *filterPos, int filterSize)
int i;
const uint16_t *src = (const uint16_t *) _src;
int sh = av_pix_fmt_descriptors[c->srcFormat].comp[0].depth_minus1;
sh= isAnyRGB(c->srcFormat) || c->srcFormat==PIX_FMT_PAL8 ? 13 : av_pix_fmt_descriptors[c->srcFormat].comp[0].depth_minus1;
for (i = 0; i < dstW; i++) {
int j;
int srcPos = filterPos[i];
int val = 0;
for (j = 0; j < filterSize; j++) {
val += src[srcPos + j] * filter[filterSize * i + j];
// filter=14 bit, input=16 bit, output=30 bit, >> 15 makes 15 bit
dst[i] = FFMIN(val >> sh, (1 << 15) - 1);
// bilinear / bicubic scaling
static void hScale8To15_c(SwsContext *c, int16_t *dst, int dstW, const uint8_t *src,
const int16_t *filter, const int16_t *filterPos,
int filterSize)
int i;
for (i=0; i<dstW; i++) {
int j;
int srcPos= filterPos[i];
int val=0;
for (j=0; j<filterSize; j++) {
val += ((int)src[srcPos + j])*filter[filterSize*i + j];
//filter += hFilterSize;
dst[i] = FFMIN(val>>7, (1<<15)-1); // the cubic equation does overflow ...
//dst[i] = val>>7;
static void hScale8To19_c(SwsContext *c, int16_t *_dst, int dstW, const uint8_t *src,
const int16_t *filter, const int16_t *filterPos,
int filterSize)
int i;
int32_t *dst = (int32_t *) _dst;
for (i=0; i<dstW; i++) {
int j;
int srcPos= filterPos[i];
int val=0;
for (j=0; j<filterSize; j++) {
val += ((int)src[srcPos + j])*filter[filterSize*i + j];
//filter += hFilterSize;
dst[i] = FFMIN(val>>3, (1<<19)-1); // the cubic equation does overflow ...
//dst[i] = val>>7;
//FIXME all pal and rgb srcFormats could do this convertion as well
//FIXME all scalers more complex than bilinear could do half of this transform
static void chrRangeToJpeg_c(int16_t *dstU, int16_t *dstV, int width)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
dstU[i] = (FFMIN(dstU[i],30775)*4663 - 9289992)>>12; //-264
dstV[i] = (FFMIN(dstV[i],30775)*4663 - 9289992)>>12; //-264
static void chrRangeFromJpeg_c(int16_t *dstU, int16_t *dstV, int width)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
dstU[i] = (dstU[i]*1799 + 4081085)>>11; //1469
dstV[i] = (dstV[i]*1799 + 4081085)>>11; //1469
static void lumRangeToJpeg_c(int16_t *dst, int width)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
dst[i] = (FFMIN(dst[i],30189)*19077 - 39057361)>>14;
static void lumRangeFromJpeg_c(int16_t *dst, int width)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
dst[i] = (dst[i]*14071 + 33561947)>>14;
static void chrRangeToJpeg16_c(int16_t *_dstU, int16_t *_dstV, int width)
int i;
int32_t *dstU = (int32_t *) _dstU;
int32_t *dstV = (int32_t *) _dstV;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
dstU[i] = (FFMIN(dstU[i],30775<<4)*4663 - (9289992<<4))>>12; //-264
dstV[i] = (FFMIN(dstV[i],30775<<4)*4663 - (9289992<<4))>>12; //-264
static void chrRangeFromJpeg16_c(int16_t *_dstU, int16_t *_dstV, int width)
int i;
int32_t *dstU = (int32_t *) _dstU;
int32_t *dstV = (int32_t *) _dstV;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
dstU[i] = (dstU[i]*1799 + (4081085<<4))>>11; //1469
dstV[i] = (dstV[i]*1799 + (4081085<<4))>>11; //1469
static void lumRangeToJpeg16_c(int16_t *_dst, int width)
int i;
int32_t *dst = (int32_t *) _dst;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
dst[i] = (FFMIN(dst[i],30189<<4)*4769 - (39057361<<2))>>12;
static void lumRangeFromJpeg16_c(int16_t *_dst, int width)
int i;
int32_t *dst = (int32_t *) _dst;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
dst[i] = (dst[i]*(14071/4) + (33561947<<4)/4)>>12;
static void hyscale_fast_c(SwsContext *c, int16_t *dst, int dstWidth,
const uint8_t *src, int srcW, int xInc)
int i;
unsigned int xpos=0;
for (i=0;i<dstWidth;i++) {
register unsigned int xx=xpos>>16;
register unsigned int xalpha=(xpos&0xFFFF)>>9;
dst[i]= (src[xx]<<7) + (src[xx+1] - src[xx])*xalpha;
for (i=dstWidth-1; (i*xInc)>>16 >=srcW-1; i--)
dst[i] = src[srcW-1]*128;
// *** horizontal scale Y line to temp buffer
static av_always_inline void hyscale(SwsContext *c, int16_t *dst, int dstWidth,
const uint8_t *src_in[4], int srcW, int xInc,
const int16_t *hLumFilter,
const int16_t *hLumFilterPos, int hLumFilterSize,
uint8_t *formatConvBuffer,
uint32_t *pal, int isAlpha)
void (*toYV12)(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, int, uint32_t *) = isAlpha ? c->alpToYV12 : c->lumToYV12;
void (*convertRange)(int16_t *, int) = isAlpha ? NULL : c->lumConvertRange;
const uint8_t *src = src_in[isAlpha ? 3 : 0];
if (toYV12) {
toYV12(formatConvBuffer, src, src_in[1], src_in[2], srcW, pal);
src= formatConvBuffer;
} else if (c->readLumPlanar && !isAlpha) {
c->readLumPlanar(formatConvBuffer, src_in, srcW);
src = formatConvBuffer;
Merge remote branch 'qatar/master' * qatar/master: (33 commits) rtpdec_qdm2: Don't try to parse data packet if no configuration is received ac3enc: put the counting of stereo rematrixing bits in the same place to make the code easier to understand. ac3enc: clean up count_frame_bits() and count_frame_bits_fixed() mpegvideo: make FF_DEBUG_DCT_COEFF output coeffs via av_log() instead of just via AVFrame. srtdec: make sure we don't write past the end of buffer wmaenc: improve channel count and bitrate error handling in encode_init() matroskaenc: make sure we don't produce invalid file with no codec ID matroskadec: check that pointers were initialized before accessing them lavf: fix function name in compute_pkt_fields2 av_dlog message lavf: fix av_find_best_stream when providing a wanted stream. lavf: fix av_find_best_stream when decoder_ret is given and using a related stream. ffmpeg: factorize quality calculation tiff: add support for SamplesPerPixel tag in tiff_decode_tag() tiff: Prefer enum TiffCompr over int for TiffContext.compr. mov: Support edit list atom version 1. configure: Enable libpostproc automatically if GPL code is enabled. Cosmetics: fix prototypes in oggdec oggdec: fix memleak with continuous streams. matroskaenc: add missing new line in av_log() call dnxhdenc: add AVClass in private context. ... swscale changes largely rewritten by me or replaced by baptsites due to lots of bugs in ronalds code. Above code is also just in case its not obvios to a large extended duplicates that where cherry picked from ffmpeg. Conflicts: configure ffmpeg.c libavformat/matroskaenc.c libavutil/pixfmt.h libswscale/ppc/swscale_template.c libswscale/swscale.c libswscale/swscale_template.c libswscale/utils.c libswscale/x86/swscale_template.c tests/fate/h264.mak tests/ref/lavfi/pixdesc_le tests/ref/lavfi/pixfmts_copy_le tests/ref/lavfi/pixfmts_null_le tests/ref/lavfi/pixfmts_scale_le tests/ref/lavfi/pixfmts_vflip_le Merged-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
2011-05-13 02:40:40 +00:00
if (!c->hyscale_fast) {
c->hyScale(c, dst, dstWidth, src, hLumFilter, hLumFilterPos, hLumFilterSize);
} else { // fast bilinear upscale / crap downscale
c->hyscale_fast(c, dst, dstWidth, src, srcW, xInc);
if (convertRange)
convertRange(dst, dstWidth);
static void hcscale_fast_c(SwsContext *c, int16_t *dst1, int16_t *dst2,
int dstWidth, const uint8_t *src1,
const uint8_t *src2, int srcW, int xInc)
int i;
unsigned int xpos=0;
for (i=0;i<dstWidth;i++) {
register unsigned int xx=xpos>>16;
register unsigned int xalpha=(xpos&0xFFFF)>>9;
for (i=dstWidth-1; (i*xInc)>>16 >=srcW-1; i--) {
dst1[i] = src1[srcW-1]*128;
dst2[i] = src2[srcW-1]*128;
static av_always_inline void hcscale(SwsContext *c, int16_t *dst1, int16_t *dst2, int dstWidth,
const uint8_t *src_in[4],
int srcW, int xInc, const int16_t *hChrFilter,
const int16_t *hChrFilterPos, int hChrFilterSize,
uint8_t *formatConvBuffer, uint32_t *pal)
const uint8_t *src1 = src_in[1], *src2 = src_in[2];
if (c->chrToYV12) {
uint8_t *buf2 = formatConvBuffer + FFALIGN(srcW*2+78, 16);
c->chrToYV12(formatConvBuffer, buf2, src_in[0], src1, src2, srcW, pal);
src1= formatConvBuffer;
src2= buf2;
} else if (c->readChrPlanar) {
uint8_t *buf2 = formatConvBuffer + FFALIGN(srcW*2+78, 16);
c->readChrPlanar(formatConvBuffer, buf2, src_in, srcW);
src1= formatConvBuffer;
src2= buf2;
if (!c->hcscale_fast) {
c->hcScale(c, dst1, dstWidth, src1, hChrFilter, hChrFilterPos, hChrFilterSize);
c->hcScale(c, dst2, dstWidth, src2, hChrFilter, hChrFilterPos, hChrFilterSize);
} else { // fast bilinear upscale / crap downscale
c->hcscale_fast(c, dst1, dst2, dstWidth, src1, src2, srcW, xInc);
if (c->chrConvertRange)
c->chrConvertRange(dst1, dst2, dstWidth);
static av_always_inline void
find_c_packed_planar_out_funcs(SwsContext *c,
yuv2planar1_fn *yuv2plane1, yuv2planarX_fn *yuv2planeX,
yuv2interleavedX_fn *yuv2nv12cX,
yuv2packed1_fn *yuv2packed1, yuv2packed2_fn *yuv2packed2,
yuv2packedX_fn *yuv2packedX)
enum PixelFormat dstFormat = c->dstFormat;
if (is16BPS(dstFormat)) {
*yuv2planeX = isBE(dstFormat) ? yuv2planeX_16BE_c : yuv2planeX_16LE_c;
*yuv2plane1 = isBE(dstFormat) ? yuv2plane1_16BE_c : yuv2plane1_16LE_c;
} else if (is9_OR_10BPS(dstFormat)) {
if (av_pix_fmt_descriptors[dstFormat].comp[0].depth_minus1 == 8) {
*yuv2planeX = isBE(dstFormat) ? yuv2planeX_9BE_c : yuv2planeX_9LE_c;
*yuv2plane1 = isBE(dstFormat) ? yuv2plane1_9BE_c : yuv2plane1_9LE_c;
} else {
*yuv2planeX = isBE(dstFormat) ? yuv2planeX_10BE_c : yuv2planeX_10LE_c;
*yuv2plane1 = isBE(dstFormat) ? yuv2plane1_10BE_c : yuv2plane1_10LE_c;
} else {
*yuv2plane1 = yuv2plane1_8_c;
*yuv2planeX = yuv2planeX_8_c;
if (dstFormat == PIX_FMT_NV12 || dstFormat == PIX_FMT_NV21)
*yuv2nv12cX = yuv2nv12cX_c;
if(c->flags & SWS_FULL_CHR_H_INT) {
switch (dstFormat) {
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgba32_full_X_c;
if (c->alpPixBuf) {
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgba32_full_X_c;
} else
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgbx32_full_X_c;
#endif /* !CONFIG_SMALL */
*yuv2packedX = yuv2argb32_full_X_c;
if (c->alpPixBuf) {
*yuv2packedX = yuv2argb32_full_X_c;
} else
*yuv2packedX = yuv2xrgb32_full_X_c;
#endif /* !CONFIG_SMALL */
*yuv2packedX = yuv2bgra32_full_X_c;
if (c->alpPixBuf) {
*yuv2packedX = yuv2bgra32_full_X_c;
} else
*yuv2packedX = yuv2bgrx32_full_X_c;
#endif /* !CONFIG_SMALL */
*yuv2packedX = yuv2abgr32_full_X_c;
if (c->alpPixBuf) {
*yuv2packedX = yuv2abgr32_full_X_c;
} else
*yuv2packedX = yuv2xbgr32_full_X_c;
#endif /* !CONFIG_SMALL */
case PIX_FMT_RGB24:
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb24_full_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_BGR24:
*yuv2packedX = yuv2bgr24_full_X_c;
Merge remote-tracking branch 'qatar/master' * qatar/master: (21 commits) swscale: Add Doxygen for hyscale_fast/hScale. fate: enable lavfi-pixmt tests on big endian systems PPC: swscale: disable altivec functions for unsupported formats fate: merge identical pixdesc_be/le tests swscale: Add Doxygen for yuv2planar*/yuv2packed* functions. build: call texi2pod.pl with full path instead of symlink build: include sub-makefiles using full path instead of symlinks swscale: update big endian reference values after dff5a835. wavpack: skip blocks with no samples cosmetics: remove outdated comment that is no longer true build: replace some addprefix/addsuffix with substitution refs avutil: Remove unused arbitrary precision integer code. configure: Drop check for availability of ten assembler operands. aacenc: Save channel configuration for later use. aacenc: Fix codebook trellising for zeroed bands. swscale: change prototypes of scaled YUV output functions. swscale: re-add support for non-native endianness. swscale: disentangle yuv2rgbX_c_full() into small functions. swscale: split yuv2packed[12X]_c() remainders into small functions. swscale: split yuv2packedX_altivec in smaller functions. ... Conflicts: Makefile configure libavcodec/x86/dsputil_mmx.c libavfilter/Makefile libavformat/Makefile libavutil/integer.c libavutil/integer.h libswscale/swscale.c libswscale/swscale_internal.h libswscale/x86/swscale_template.c tests/ref/lavfi/pixdesc_le tests/ref/lavfi/pixfmts_scale Merged-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
2011-06-29 02:08:31 +00:00
} else {
Merge remote-tracking branch 'qatar/master' * qatar/master: (21 commits) swscale: Add Doxygen for hyscale_fast/hScale. fate: enable lavfi-pixmt tests on big endian systems PPC: swscale: disable altivec functions for unsupported formats fate: merge identical pixdesc_be/le tests swscale: Add Doxygen for yuv2planar*/yuv2packed* functions. build: call texi2pod.pl with full path instead of symlink build: include sub-makefiles using full path instead of symlinks swscale: update big endian reference values after dff5a835. wavpack: skip blocks with no samples cosmetics: remove outdated comment that is no longer true build: replace some addprefix/addsuffix with substitution refs avutil: Remove unused arbitrary precision integer code. configure: Drop check for availability of ten assembler operands. aacenc: Save channel configuration for later use. aacenc: Fix codebook trellising for zeroed bands. swscale: change prototypes of scaled YUV output functions. swscale: re-add support for non-native endianness. swscale: disentangle yuv2rgbX_c_full() into small functions. swscale: split yuv2packed[12X]_c() remainders into small functions. swscale: split yuv2packedX_altivec in smaller functions. ... Conflicts: Makefile configure libavcodec/x86/dsputil_mmx.c libavfilter/Makefile libavformat/Makefile libavutil/integer.c libavutil/integer.h libswscale/swscale.c libswscale/swscale_internal.h libswscale/x86/swscale_template.c tests/ref/lavfi/pixdesc_le tests/ref/lavfi/pixfmts_scale Merged-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
2011-06-29 02:08:31 +00:00
switch (dstFormat) {
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2gray16BE_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2gray16BE_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2gray16BE_X_c;
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2gray16LE_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2gray16LE_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2gray16LE_X_c;
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2monowhite_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2monowhite_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2monowhite_X_c;
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2monoblack_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2monoblack_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2monoblack_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_YUYV422:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2yuyv422_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2yuyv422_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2yuyv422_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_UYVY422:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2uyvy422_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2uyvy422_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2uyvy422_X_c;
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb48le_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb48le_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb48le_X_c;
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb48be_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb48be_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb48be_X_c;
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2bgr48le_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2bgr48le_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2bgr48le_X_c;
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2bgr48be_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2bgr48be_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2bgr48be_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_RGB32:
case PIX_FMT_BGR32:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb32_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb32_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb32_X_c;
if (c->alpPixBuf) {
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgba32_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgba32_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgba32_X_c;
} else
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgbx32_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgbx32_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgbx32_X_c;
#endif /* !CONFIG_SMALL */
case PIX_FMT_RGB32_1:
case PIX_FMT_BGR32_1:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb32_1_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb32_1_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb32_1_X_c;
if (c->alpPixBuf) {
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgba32_1_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgba32_1_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgba32_1_X_c;
} else
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgbx32_1_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgbx32_1_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgbx32_1_X_c;
#endif /* !CONFIG_SMALL */
case PIX_FMT_RGB24:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb24_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb24_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb24_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_BGR24:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2bgr24_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2bgr24_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2bgr24_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_RGB565LE:
case PIX_FMT_RGB565BE:
case PIX_FMT_BGR565LE:
case PIX_FMT_BGR565BE:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb16_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb16_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb16_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_RGB555LE:
case PIX_FMT_RGB555BE:
case PIX_FMT_BGR555LE:
case PIX_FMT_BGR555BE:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb15_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb15_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb15_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_RGB444LE:
case PIX_FMT_RGB444BE:
case PIX_FMT_BGR444LE:
case PIX_FMT_BGR444BE:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb12_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb12_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb12_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_RGB8:
case PIX_FMT_BGR8:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb8_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb8_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb8_X_c;
case PIX_FMT_RGB4:
case PIX_FMT_BGR4:
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb4_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb4_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb4_X_c;
*yuv2packed1 = yuv2rgb4b_1_c;
*yuv2packed2 = yuv2rgb4b_2_c;
*yuv2packedX = yuv2rgb4b_X_c;
static int swScale(SwsContext *c, const uint8_t* src[],
int srcStride[], int srcSliceY,
int srcSliceH, uint8_t* dst[], int dstStride[])
/* load a few things into local vars to make the code more readable? and faster */
const int srcW= c->srcW;
const int dstW= c->dstW;
const int dstH= c->dstH;
const int chrDstW= c->chrDstW;
const int chrSrcW= c->chrSrcW;
const int lumXInc= c->lumXInc;
const int chrXInc= c->chrXInc;
const enum PixelFormat dstFormat= c->dstFormat;
const int flags= c->flags;
int16_t *vLumFilterPos= c->vLumFilterPos;
int16_t *vChrFilterPos= c->vChrFilterPos;
int16_t *hLumFilterPos= c->hLumFilterPos;
int16_t *hChrFilterPos= c->hChrFilterPos;
int16_t *hLumFilter= c->hLumFilter;
int16_t *hChrFilter= c->hChrFilter;
int32_t *lumMmxFilter= c->lumMmxFilter;
int32_t *chrMmxFilter= c->chrMmxFilter;
int32_t av_unused *alpMmxFilter= c->alpMmxFilter;
const int vLumFilterSize= c->vLumFilterSize;
const int vChrFilterSize= c->vChrFilterSize;
const int hLumFilterSize= c->hLumFilterSize;
const int hChrFilterSize= c->hChrFilterSize;
int16_t **lumPixBuf= c->lumPixBuf;
int16_t **chrUPixBuf= c->chrUPixBuf;
int16_t **chrVPixBuf= c->chrVPixBuf;
int16_t **alpPixBuf= c->alpPixBuf;
const int vLumBufSize= c->vLumBufSize;
const int vChrBufSize= c->vChrBufSize;
uint8_t *formatConvBuffer= c->formatConvBuffer;
const int chrSrcSliceY= srcSliceY >> c->chrSrcVSubSample;
const int chrSrcSliceH= -((-srcSliceH) >> c->chrSrcVSubSample);
int lastDstY;
uint32_t *pal=c->pal_yuv;
int should_dither= isNBPS(c->srcFormat) || is16BPS(c->srcFormat);
yuv2planar1_fn yuv2plane1 = c->yuv2plane1;
yuv2planarX_fn yuv2planeX = c->yuv2planeX;
yuv2interleavedX_fn yuv2nv12cX = c->yuv2nv12cX;
yuv2packed1_fn yuv2packed1 = c->yuv2packed1;
yuv2packed2_fn yuv2packed2 = c->yuv2packed2;
yuv2packedX_fn yuv2packedX = c->yuv2packedX;
/* vars which will change and which we need to store back in the context */
int dstY= c->dstY;
int lumBufIndex= c->lumBufIndex;
int chrBufIndex= c->chrBufIndex;
int lastInLumBuf= c->lastInLumBuf;
int lastInChrBuf= c->lastInChrBuf;
if (isPacked(c->srcFormat)) {
src[3]= src[0];
srcStride[3]= srcStride[0];
srcStride[1]<<= c->vChrDrop;
srcStride[2]<<= c->vChrDrop;
DEBUG_BUFFERS("swScale() %p[%d] %p[%d] %p[%d] %p[%d] -> %p[%d] %p[%d] %p[%d] %p[%d]\n",
src[0], srcStride[0], src[1], srcStride[1], src[2], srcStride[2], src[3], srcStride[3],
dst[0], dstStride[0], dst[1], dstStride[1], dst[2], dstStride[2], dst[3], dstStride[3]);
DEBUG_BUFFERS("srcSliceY: %d srcSliceH: %d dstY: %d dstH: %d\n",
srcSliceY, srcSliceH, dstY, dstH);
DEBUG_BUFFERS("vLumFilterSize: %d vLumBufSize: %d vChrFilterSize: %d vChrBufSize: %d\n",
vLumFilterSize, vLumBufSize, vChrFilterSize, vChrBufSize);
if (dstStride[0]%16 !=0 || dstStride[1]%16 !=0 || dstStride[2]%16 !=0 || dstStride[3]%16 != 0) {
static int warnedAlready=0; //FIXME move this into the context perhaps
if (flags & SWS_PRINT_INFO && !warnedAlready) {
av_log(c, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Warning: dstStride is not aligned!\n"
" ->cannot do aligned memory accesses anymore\n");
if ((int)dst[0]%16 || (int)dst[1]%16 || (int)dst[2]%16 || (int)src[0]%16 || (int)src[1]%16 || (int)src[2]%16
|| dstStride[0]%16 || dstStride[1]%16 || dstStride[2]%16 || dstStride[3]%16
|| srcStride[0]%16 || srcStride[1]%16 || srcStride[2]%16 || srcStride[3]%16
) {
static int warnedAlready=0;
int cpu_flags = av_get_cpu_flags();
if (HAVE_MMX2 && (cpu_flags & AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE2) && !warnedAlready){
av_log(c, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Warning: data is not aligned! This can lead to a speedloss\n");
/* Note the user might start scaling the picture in the middle so this
will not get executed. This is not really intended but works
currently, so people might do it. */
if (srcSliceY ==0) {
lastInLumBuf= -1;
lastInChrBuf= -1;
if (!should_dither) {
c->chrDither8 = c->lumDither8 = ff_sws_pb_64;
lastDstY= dstY;
for (;dstY < dstH; dstY++) {
const int chrDstY= dstY>>c->chrDstVSubSample;
uint8_t *dest[4] = {
dst[0] + dstStride[0] * dstY,
dst[1] + dstStride[1] * chrDstY,
dst[2] + dstStride[2] * chrDstY,
(CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && alpPixBuf) ? dst[3] + dstStride[3] * dstY : NULL,
int use_mmx_vfilter= c->use_mmx_vfilter;
const int firstLumSrcY= vLumFilterPos[dstY]; //First line needed as input
const int firstLumSrcY2= vLumFilterPos[FFMIN(dstY | ((1<<c->chrDstVSubSample) - 1), dstH-1)];
const int firstChrSrcY= vChrFilterPos[chrDstY]; //First line needed as input
int lastLumSrcY= firstLumSrcY + vLumFilterSize -1; // Last line needed as input
int lastLumSrcY2=firstLumSrcY2+ vLumFilterSize -1; // Last line needed as input
int lastChrSrcY= firstChrSrcY + vChrFilterSize -1; // Last line needed as input
int enough_lines;
//handle holes (FAST_BILINEAR & weird filters)
if (firstLumSrcY > lastInLumBuf) lastInLumBuf= firstLumSrcY-1;
if (firstChrSrcY > lastInChrBuf) lastInChrBuf= firstChrSrcY-1;
assert(firstLumSrcY >= lastInLumBuf - vLumBufSize + 1);
assert(firstChrSrcY >= lastInChrBuf - vChrBufSize + 1);
DEBUG_BUFFERS("dstY: %d\n", dstY);
DEBUG_BUFFERS("\tfirstLumSrcY: %d lastLumSrcY: %d lastInLumBuf: %d\n",
firstLumSrcY, lastLumSrcY, lastInLumBuf);
DEBUG_BUFFERS("\tfirstChrSrcY: %d lastChrSrcY: %d lastInChrBuf: %d\n",
firstChrSrcY, lastChrSrcY, lastInChrBuf);
// Do we have enough lines in this slice to output the dstY line
enough_lines = lastLumSrcY2 < srcSliceY + srcSliceH && lastChrSrcY < -((-srcSliceY - srcSliceH)>>c->chrSrcVSubSample);
if (!enough_lines) {
lastLumSrcY = srcSliceY + srcSliceH - 1;
lastChrSrcY = chrSrcSliceY + chrSrcSliceH - 1;
DEBUG_BUFFERS("buffering slice: lastLumSrcY %d lastChrSrcY %d\n",
lastLumSrcY, lastChrSrcY);
//Do horizontal scaling
while(lastInLumBuf < lastLumSrcY) {
const uint8_t *src1[4] = {
src[0] + (lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY) * srcStride[0],
src[1] + (lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY) * srcStride[1],
src[2] + (lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY) * srcStride[2],
src[3] + (lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY) * srcStride[3],
assert(lumBufIndex < 2*vLumBufSize);
assert(lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY < srcSliceH);
assert(lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY >= 0);
hyscale(c, lumPixBuf[ lumBufIndex ], dstW, src1, srcW, lumXInc,
hLumFilter, hLumFilterPos, hLumFilterSize,
pal, 0);
hyscale(c, alpPixBuf[ lumBufIndex ], dstW, src1, srcW,
lumXInc, hLumFilter, hLumFilterPos, hLumFilterSize,
pal, 1);
DEBUG_BUFFERS("\t\tlumBufIndex %d: lastInLumBuf: %d\n",
lumBufIndex, lastInLumBuf);
while(lastInChrBuf < lastChrSrcY) {
const uint8_t *src1[4] = {
src[0] + (lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY) * srcStride[0],
src[1] + (lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY) * srcStride[1],
src[2] + (lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY) * srcStride[2],
src[3] + (lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY) * srcStride[3],
assert(chrBufIndex < 2*vChrBufSize);
assert(lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY < (chrSrcSliceH));
assert(lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY >= 0);
//FIXME replace parameters through context struct (some at least)
if (c->needs_hcscale)
hcscale(c, chrUPixBuf[chrBufIndex], chrVPixBuf[chrBufIndex],
chrDstW, src1, chrSrcW, chrXInc,
hChrFilter, hChrFilterPos, hChrFilterSize,
formatConvBuffer, pal);
DEBUG_BUFFERS("\t\tchrBufIndex %d: lastInChrBuf: %d\n",
chrBufIndex, lastInChrBuf);
//wrap buf index around to stay inside the ring buffer
if (lumBufIndex >= vLumBufSize) lumBufIndex-= vLumBufSize;
if (chrBufIndex >= vChrBufSize) chrBufIndex-= vChrBufSize;
if (!enough_lines)
break; //we can't output a dstY line so let's try with the next slice
updateMMXDitherTables(c, dstY, lumBufIndex, chrBufIndex, lastInLumBuf, lastInChrBuf);
if (should_dither) {
c->chrDither8 = dither_8x8_128[chrDstY & 7];
c->lumDither8 = dither_8x8_128[dstY & 7];
if (dstY >= dstH-2) {
// hmm looks like we can't use MMX here without overwriting this array's tail
find_c_packed_planar_out_funcs(c, &yuv2plane1, &yuv2planeX, &yuv2nv12cX,
&yuv2packed1, &yuv2packed2, &yuv2packedX);
use_mmx_vfilter= 0;
const int16_t **lumSrcPtr= (const int16_t **)(void*) lumPixBuf + lumBufIndex + firstLumSrcY - lastInLumBuf + vLumBufSize;
const int16_t **chrUSrcPtr= (const int16_t **)(void*) chrUPixBuf + chrBufIndex + firstChrSrcY - lastInChrBuf + vChrBufSize;
const int16_t **chrVSrcPtr= (const int16_t **)(void*) chrVPixBuf + chrBufIndex + firstChrSrcY - lastInChrBuf + vChrBufSize;
const int16_t **alpSrcPtr= (CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && alpPixBuf) ? (const int16_t **)(void*) alpPixBuf + lumBufIndex + firstLumSrcY - lastInLumBuf + vLumBufSize : NULL;
int16_t *vLumFilter= c->vLumFilter;
int16_t *vChrFilter= c->vChrFilter;
if (isPlanarYUV(dstFormat) || dstFormat==PIX_FMT_GRAY8) { //YV12 like
const int chrSkipMask= (1<<c->chrDstVSubSample)-1;
vLumFilter += dstY * vLumFilterSize;
vChrFilter += chrDstY * vChrFilterSize;
av_assert0(use_mmx_vfilter != (
yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_10BE_c
|| yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_10LE_c
|| yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_9BE_c
|| yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_9LE_c
|| yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_16BE_c
|| yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_16LE_c
|| yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_8_c) || !ARCH_X86);
vLumFilter= c->lumMmxFilter;
vChrFilter= c->chrMmxFilter;
if (vLumFilterSize == 1) {
yuv2plane1(lumSrcPtr[0], dest[0], dstW, c->lumDither8, 0);
} else {
yuv2planeX(vLumFilter, vLumFilterSize,
lumSrcPtr, dest[0], dstW, c->lumDither8, 0);
if (!((dstY&chrSkipMask) || isGray(dstFormat))) {
if (yuv2nv12cX) {
yuv2nv12cX(c, vChrFilter, vChrFilterSize, chrUSrcPtr, chrVSrcPtr, dest[1], chrDstW);
} else if (vChrFilterSize == 1) {
yuv2plane1(chrUSrcPtr[0], dest[1], chrDstW, c->chrDither8, 0);
yuv2plane1(chrVSrcPtr[0], dest[2], chrDstW, c->chrDither8, 3);
} else {
yuv2planeX(vChrFilter, vChrFilterSize,
chrUSrcPtr, dest[1], chrDstW, c->chrDither8, 0);
yuv2planeX(vChrFilter, vChrFilterSize,
chrVSrcPtr, dest[2], chrDstW, c->chrDither8, use_mmx_vfilter ? (c->uv_offx2 >> 1) : 3);
vLumFilter= c->alpMmxFilter;
if (vLumFilterSize == 1) {
yuv2plane1(alpSrcPtr[0], dest[3], dstW, c->lumDither8, 0);
} else {
yuv2planeX(vLumFilter, vLumFilterSize,
alpSrcPtr, dest[3], dstW, c->lumDither8, 0);
} else {
assert(lumSrcPtr + vLumFilterSize - 1 < lumPixBuf + vLumBufSize*2);
assert(chrUSrcPtr + vChrFilterSize - 1 < chrUPixBuf + vChrBufSize*2);
if (c->yuv2packed1 && vLumFilterSize == 1 && vChrFilterSize == 2) { //unscaled RGB
int chrAlpha = vChrFilter[2 * dstY + 1];
yuv2packed1(c, *lumSrcPtr, chrUSrcPtr, chrVSrcPtr,
alpPixBuf ? *alpSrcPtr : NULL,
dest[0], dstW, chrAlpha, dstY);
} else if (c->yuv2packed2 && vLumFilterSize == 2 && vChrFilterSize == 2) { //bilinear upscale RGB
int lumAlpha = vLumFilter[2 * dstY + 1];
int chrAlpha = vChrFilter[2 * dstY + 1];
lumMmxFilter[2] =
lumMmxFilter[3] = vLumFilter[2 * dstY ] * 0x10001;
chrMmxFilter[2] =
chrMmxFilter[3] = vChrFilter[2 * chrDstY] * 0x10001;
yuv2packed2(c, lumSrcPtr, chrUSrcPtr, chrVSrcPtr,
alpPixBuf ? alpSrcPtr : NULL,
dest[0], dstW, lumAlpha, chrAlpha, dstY);
} else { //general RGB
yuv2packedX(c, vLumFilter + dstY * vLumFilterSize,
lumSrcPtr, vLumFilterSize,
vChrFilter + dstY * vChrFilterSize,
chrUSrcPtr, chrVSrcPtr, vChrFilterSize,
alpSrcPtr, dest[0], dstW, dstY);
if ((dstFormat == PIX_FMT_YUVA420P) && !alpPixBuf)
fillPlane(dst[3], dstStride[3], dstW, dstY-lastDstY, lastDstY, 255);
if (av_get_cpu_flags() & AV_CPU_FLAG_MMX2)
__asm__ volatile("sfence":::"memory");
/* store changed local vars back in the context */
c->dstY= dstY;
c->lumBufIndex= lumBufIndex;
c->chrBufIndex= chrBufIndex;
c->lastInLumBuf= lastInLumBuf;
c->lastInChrBuf= lastInChrBuf;
return dstY - lastDstY;
static av_cold void sws_init_swScale_c(SwsContext *c)
enum PixelFormat srcFormat = c->srcFormat;
find_c_packed_planar_out_funcs(c, &c->yuv2plane1, &c->yuv2planeX,
&c->yuv2nv12cX, &c->yuv2packed1, &c->yuv2packed2,
c->chrToYV12 = NULL;
switch(srcFormat) {
case PIX_FMT_YUYV422 : c->chrToYV12 = yuy2ToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_UYVY422 : c->chrToYV12 = uyvyToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_NV12 : c->chrToYV12 = nv12ToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_NV21 : c->chrToYV12 = nv21ToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB8 :
case PIX_FMT_BGR8 :
case PIX_FMT_PAL8 :
case PIX_FMT_RGB4_BYTE: c->chrToYV12 = palToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_GBRP16LE: c->readChrPlanar = planar_rgb16le_to_uv; break;
case PIX_FMT_GBRP16BE: c->readChrPlanar = planar_rgb16be_to_uv; break;
case PIX_FMT_GBRP: c->readChrPlanar = planar_rgb_to_uv; break;
Merge remote-tracking branch 'qatar/master' * qatar/master: bitstream: Properly promote av_reverse values before shifting. libavutil/swscale: YUV444P10/YUV444P9 support. H.264: Fix high bit depth explicit biweight h264: Fix 10-bit H.264 x86 chroma v loopfilter asm. Replace DEBUG_SEEK/DEBUG_SI + av_log combinations by av_dlog. Update copyright year for ac3enc_opts_template.c. adts: Adjust frame size mask to follow the specification. movenc: Add RTP muxer/hinter options movenc: Pass the RTP AVFormatContext to the SDP generation rtspenc: Add RTP muxer options rtspenc: Add an AVClass for setting muxer specific options rtpenc_chain: Pass the rtpflags options through to the chained muxer rtpenc: Declare the rtp flags private AVOptions in rtpenc.h sdp: Reindent after the previous commit rtpenc: MP4A-LATM payload support avoptions: Add an av_opt_flag_is_set function for inspecting flag fields sdp: Allow passing an AVFormatContext to the SDP generation mov: Fix wrong timestamp generation for fragmented movies that have time offset caused by the first edit list entry. mpeg12: more advanced ffmpeg mpeg2 aspect guessing code. swscale: split YUYV output out of yuv2packed[12X]_c(). Conflicts: doc/APIchanges libavcodec/Makefile libavcodec/h264dsp_template.c libavcodec/mpeg12.c libavformat/aacdec.c libavformat/avidec.c libavformat/internal.h libavformat/movenc.c libavformat/rtpenc.c libavformat/rtpenc_latm.c libavformat/sdp.c libavformat/version.h libavutil/avutil.h libavutil/pixfmt.h libswscale/swscale.c Merged-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
2011-06-11 01:51:36 +00:00
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P9LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P9LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P9LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P10LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P10LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P10LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P16LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P16LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P16LE: c->chrToYV12 = bswap16UV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P9BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P9BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P9BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P10BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P10BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P10BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P16BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P16BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P16BE: c->chrToYV12 = bswap16UV_c; break;
if (c->chrSrcHSubSample) {
switch(srcFormat) {
case PIX_FMT_RGB48BE : c->chrToYV12 = rgb48BEToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB48LE : c->chrToYV12 = rgb48LEToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR48BE : c->chrToYV12 = bgr48BEToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR48LE : c->chrToYV12 = bgr48LEToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB32 : c->chrToYV12 = bgr32ToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB32_1 : c->chrToYV12 = bgr321ToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR24 : c->chrToYV12 = bgr24ToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR565LE: c->chrToYV12 = bgr16leToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR565BE: c->chrToYV12 = bgr16beToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR555LE: c->chrToYV12 = bgr15leToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR555BE: c->chrToYV12 = bgr15beToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR32 : c->chrToYV12 = rgb32ToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR32_1 : c->chrToYV12 = rgb321ToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB24 : c->chrToYV12 = rgb24ToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB565LE: c->chrToYV12 = rgb16leToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB565BE: c->chrToYV12 = rgb16beToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB555LE: c->chrToYV12 = rgb15leToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB555BE: c->chrToYV12 = rgb15beToUV_half_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_GBR24P : c->chrToYV12 = gbr24pToUV_half_c; break;
} else {
switch(srcFormat) {
case PIX_FMT_RGB48BE : c->chrToYV12 = rgb48BEToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB48LE : c->chrToYV12 = rgb48LEToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR48BE : c->chrToYV12 = bgr48BEToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR48LE : c->chrToYV12 = bgr48LEToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB32 : c->chrToYV12 = bgr32ToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB32_1 : c->chrToYV12 = bgr321ToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR24 : c->chrToYV12 = bgr24ToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR565LE: c->chrToYV12 = bgr16leToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR565BE: c->chrToYV12 = bgr16beToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR555LE: c->chrToYV12 = bgr15leToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR555BE: c->chrToYV12 = bgr15beToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR32 : c->chrToYV12 = rgb32ToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR32_1 : c->chrToYV12 = rgb321ToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB24 : c->chrToYV12 = rgb24ToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB565LE: c->chrToYV12 = rgb16leToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB565BE: c->chrToYV12 = rgb16beToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB555LE: c->chrToYV12 = rgb15leToUV_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB555BE: c->chrToYV12 = rgb15beToUV_c; break;
c->lumToYV12 = NULL;
c->alpToYV12 = NULL;
switch (srcFormat) {
case PIX_FMT_GBRP16LE: c->readLumPlanar = planar_rgb16le_to_y; break;
case PIX_FMT_GBRP16BE: c->readLumPlanar = planar_rgb16be_to_y; break;
case PIX_FMT_GBRP: c->readLumPlanar = planar_rgb_to_y; break;
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P9LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P9LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P9LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P10LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P10LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P10LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P16LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P16LE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P16LE:
case PIX_FMT_GRAY16LE: c->lumToYV12 = bswap16Y_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P9BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P9BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P9BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P10BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P10BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P10BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV420P16BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV422P16BE:
case PIX_FMT_YUV444P16BE:
case PIX_FMT_GRAY16BE: c->lumToYV12 = bswap16Y_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_YUYV422 :
case PIX_FMT_Y400A : c->lumToYV12 = yuy2ToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_UYVY422 : c->lumToYV12 = uyvyToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR24 : c->lumToYV12 = bgr24ToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR565LE : c->lumToYV12 = bgr16leToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR565BE : c->lumToYV12 = bgr16beToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR555LE : c->lumToYV12 = bgr15leToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR555BE : c->lumToYV12 = bgr15beToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB24 : c->lumToYV12 = rgb24ToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB565LE : c->lumToYV12 = rgb16leToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB565BE : c->lumToYV12 = rgb16beToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB555LE : c->lumToYV12 = rgb15leToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB555BE : c->lumToYV12 = rgb15beToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB8 :
case PIX_FMT_BGR8 :
case PIX_FMT_PAL8 :
case PIX_FMT_RGB4_BYTE: c->lumToYV12 = palToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_MONOBLACK: c->lumToYV12 = monoblack2Y_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_MONOWHITE: c->lumToYV12 = monowhite2Y_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB32 : c->lumToYV12 = bgr32ToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB32_1: c->lumToYV12 = bgr321ToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR32 : c->lumToYV12 = rgb32ToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR32_1: c->lumToYV12 = rgb321ToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB48BE: c->lumToYV12 = rgb48BEToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_RGB48LE: c->lumToYV12 = rgb48LEToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR48BE: c->lumToYV12 = bgr48BEToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_BGR48LE: c->lumToYV12 = bgr48LEToY_c; break;
if (c->alpPixBuf) {
switch (srcFormat) {
case PIX_FMT_RGBA: c->alpToYV12 = rgbaToA_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_ARGB: c->alpToYV12 = abgrToA_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_Y400A: c->alpToYV12 = uyvyToY_c; break;
case PIX_FMT_PAL8 : c->alpToYV12 = palToA_c; break;
if (c->srcBpc == 8) {
if (c->dstBpc <= 10) {
c->hyScale = c->hcScale = hScale8To15_c;
if (c->flags & SWS_FAST_BILINEAR) {
c->hyscale_fast = hyscale_fast_c;
c->hcscale_fast = hcscale_fast_c;
} else {
c->hyScale = c->hcScale = hScale8To19_c;
} else {
c->hyScale = c->hcScale = c->dstBpc > 10 ? hScale16To19_c : hScale16To15_c;
if (c->srcRange != c->dstRange && !isAnyRGB(c->dstFormat)) {
if (c->dstBpc <= 10) {
if (c->srcRange) {
c->lumConvertRange = lumRangeFromJpeg_c;
c->chrConvertRange = chrRangeFromJpeg_c;
} else {
c->lumConvertRange = lumRangeToJpeg_c;
c->chrConvertRange = chrRangeToJpeg_c;
} else {
if (c->srcRange) {
c->lumConvertRange = lumRangeFromJpeg16_c;
c->chrConvertRange = chrRangeFromJpeg16_c;
} else {
c->lumConvertRange = lumRangeToJpeg16_c;
c->chrConvertRange = chrRangeToJpeg16_c;
if (!(isGray(srcFormat) || isGray(c->dstFormat) ||
srcFormat == PIX_FMT_MONOBLACK || srcFormat == PIX_FMT_MONOWHITE))
c->needs_hcscale = 1;
SwsFunc ff_getSwsFunc(SwsContext *c)
return swScale;