vf_hqdn3d: cosmetics

Change code style to match the rest of libav.

Signed-off-by: Ronald S. Bultje <rsbultje@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Loren Merritt 2012-07-26 22:51:13 +00:00 committed by Ronald S. Bultje
parent dcb7ef5483
commit 60b9785530

View File

@ -32,165 +32,161 @@
#include "video.h"
typedef struct {
int Coefs[4][512*16];
unsigned int *Line;
unsigned short *Frame[3];
int coefs[4][512*16];
uint32_t *line;
uint16_t *frame_prev[3];
int hsub, vsub;
} HQDN3DContext;
static inline unsigned int LowPassMul(unsigned int PrevMul, unsigned int CurrMul, int *Coef)
static inline uint32_t lowpass(unsigned int prev, unsigned int cur, int *coef)
// int dMul= (PrevMul&0xFFFFFF)-(CurrMul&0xFFFFFF);
int dMul= PrevMul-CurrMul;
unsigned int d=((dMul+0x10007FF)>>12);
return CurrMul + Coef[d];
int dmul = prev-cur;
unsigned int d = (dmul+0x10007FF)>>12; // 0x1000 to convert to unsigned, 7FF for rounding
return cur + coef[d];
static void deNoiseTemporal(unsigned char *FrameSrc,
unsigned char *FrameDest,
unsigned short *FrameAnt,
int W, int H, int sStride, int dStride,
int *Temporal)
static void denoise_temporal(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dst,
uint16_t *frame_ant,
int w, int h, int sstride, int dstride,
int *temporal)
long X, Y;
unsigned int PixelDst;
long x, y;
uint32_t pixel;
for (Y = 0; Y < H; Y++) {
for (X = 0; X < W; X++) {
PixelDst = LowPassMul(FrameAnt[X]<<8, FrameSrc[X]<<16, Temporal);
FrameAnt[X] = ((PixelDst+0x1000007F)>>8);
FrameDest[X]= ((PixelDst+0x10007FFF)>>16);
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
pixel = lowpass(frame_ant[x]<<8, src[x]<<16, temporal);
frame_ant[x] = ((pixel+0x1000007F)>>8);
dst[x]= ((pixel+0x10007FFF)>>16);
FrameSrc += sStride;
FrameDest += dStride;
FrameAnt += W;
src += sstride;
dst += dstride;
frame_ant += w;
static void deNoiseSpacial(unsigned char *Frame,
unsigned char *FrameDest,
unsigned int *LineAnt,
int W, int H, int sStride, int dStride,
int *Horizontal, int *Vertical)
static void denoise_spatial(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dst,
uint32_t *line_ant,
int w, int h, int sstride, int dstride,
int *horizontal, int *vertical)
long X, Y;
long sLineOffs = 0, dLineOffs = 0;
unsigned int PixelAnt;
unsigned int PixelDst;
long x, y;
long sline_offs = 0, dline_offs = 0;
uint32_t pixel_ant;
uint32_t pixel;
/* First pixel has no left nor top neighbor. */
PixelDst = LineAnt[0] = PixelAnt = Frame[0]<<16;
FrameDest[0]= ((PixelDst+0x10007FFF)>>16);
pixel = line_ant[0] = pixel_ant = src[0]<<16;
dst[0]= ((pixel+0x10007FFF)>>16);
/* First line has no top neighbor, only left. */
for (X = 1; X < W; X++) {
PixelDst = LineAnt[X] = LowPassMul(PixelAnt, Frame[X]<<16, Horizontal);
FrameDest[X]= ((PixelDst+0x10007FFF)>>16);
for (x = 1; x < w; x++) {
pixel = line_ant[x] = lowpass(pixel_ant, src[x]<<16, horizontal);
dst[x]= ((pixel+0x10007FFF)>>16);
for (Y = 1; Y < H; Y++) {
unsigned int PixelAnt;
sLineOffs += sStride, dLineOffs += dStride;
for (y = 1; y < h; y++) {
uint32_t pixel_ant;
sline_offs += sstride, dline_offs += dstride;
/* First pixel on each line doesn't have previous pixel */
PixelAnt = Frame[sLineOffs]<<16;
PixelDst = LineAnt[0] = LowPassMul(LineAnt[0], PixelAnt, Vertical);
FrameDest[dLineOffs]= ((PixelDst+0x10007FFF)>>16);
pixel_ant = src[sline_offs]<<16;
pixel = line_ant[0] = lowpass(line_ant[0], pixel_ant, vertical);
dst[dline_offs]= ((pixel+0x10007FFF)>>16);
for (X = 1; X < W; X++) {
unsigned int PixelDst;
for (x = 1; x < w; x++) {
uint32_t pixel;
/* The rest are normal */
PixelAnt = LowPassMul(PixelAnt, Frame[sLineOffs+X]<<16, Horizontal);
PixelDst = LineAnt[X] = LowPassMul(LineAnt[X], PixelAnt, Vertical);
FrameDest[dLineOffs+X]= ((PixelDst+0x10007FFF)>>16);
pixel_ant = lowpass(pixel_ant, src[sline_offs+x]<<16, horizontal);
pixel = line_ant[x] = lowpass(line_ant[x], pixel_ant, vertical);
dst[dline_offs+x]= ((pixel+0x10007FFF)>>16);
static void deNoise(unsigned char *Frame,
unsigned char *FrameDest,
unsigned int *LineAnt,
unsigned short **FrameAntPtr,
int W, int H, int sStride, int dStride,
int *Horizontal, int *Vertical, int *Temporal)
static void denoise(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dst,
uint32_t *line_ant, uint16_t **frame_ant_ptr,
int w, int h, int sstride, int dstride,
int *horizontal, int *vertical, int *temporal)
long X, Y;
long sLineOffs = 0, dLineOffs = 0;
unsigned int PixelAnt;
unsigned int PixelDst;
unsigned short* FrameAnt=(*FrameAntPtr);
long x, y;
long sline_offs = 0, dline_offs = 0;
uint32_t pixel_ant;
uint32_t pixel;
uint16_t *frame_ant = *frame_ant_ptr;
if (!FrameAnt) {
(*FrameAntPtr) = FrameAnt = av_malloc(W*H*sizeof(unsigned short));
for (Y = 0; Y < H; Y++) {
unsigned short* dst=&FrameAnt[Y*W];
unsigned char* src=Frame+Y*sStride;
for (X = 0; X < W; X++) dst[X]=src[X]<<8;
if (!frame_ant) {
*frame_ant_ptr = frame_ant = av_malloc(w*h*sizeof(uint16_t));
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
uint16_t *frame_dst = frame_ant+y*w;
uint8_t *frame_src = src+y*sstride;
for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
frame_dst[x] = frame_src[x]<<8;
if (!Horizontal[0] && !Vertical[0]) {
deNoiseTemporal(Frame, FrameDest, FrameAnt,
W, H, sStride, dStride, Temporal);
if (!horizontal[0] && !vertical[0]) {
denoise_temporal(src, dst, frame_ant,
w, h, sstride, dstride, temporal);
if (!Temporal[0]) {
deNoiseSpacial(Frame, FrameDest, LineAnt,
W, H, sStride, dStride, Horizontal, Vertical);
if (!temporal[0]) {
denoise_spatial(src, dst, line_ant,
w, h, sstride, dstride, horizontal, vertical);
/* First pixel has no left nor top neighbor. Only previous frame */
LineAnt[0] = PixelAnt = Frame[0]<<16;
PixelDst = LowPassMul(FrameAnt[0]<<8, PixelAnt, Temporal);
FrameAnt[0] = ((PixelDst+0x1000007F)>>8);
FrameDest[0]= ((PixelDst+0x10007FFF)>>16);
line_ant[0] = pixel_ant = src[0]<<16;
pixel = lowpass(frame_ant[0]<<8, pixel_ant, temporal);
frame_ant[0] = ((pixel+0x1000007F)>>8);
dst[0]= ((pixel+0x10007FFF)>>16);
/* First line has no top neighbor. Only left one for each pixel and
* last frame */
for (X = 1; X < W; X++) {
LineAnt[X] = PixelAnt = LowPassMul(PixelAnt, Frame[X]<<16, Horizontal);
PixelDst = LowPassMul(FrameAnt[X]<<8, PixelAnt, Temporal);
FrameAnt[X] = ((PixelDst+0x1000007F)>>8);
FrameDest[X]= ((PixelDst+0x10007FFF)>>16);
for (x = 1; x < w; x++) {
line_ant[x] = pixel_ant = lowpass(pixel_ant, src[x]<<16, horizontal);
pixel = lowpass(frame_ant[x]<<8, pixel_ant, temporal);
frame_ant[x] = ((pixel+0x1000007F)>>8);
dst[x]= ((pixel+0x10007FFF)>>16);
for (Y = 1; Y < H; Y++) {
unsigned int PixelAnt;
unsigned short* LinePrev=&FrameAnt[Y*W];
sLineOffs += sStride, dLineOffs += dStride;
for (y = 1; y < h; y++) {
uint32_t pixel_ant;
uint16_t *line_prev = frame_ant+y*w;
sline_offs += sstride, dline_offs += dstride;
/* First pixel on each line doesn't have previous pixel */
PixelAnt = Frame[sLineOffs]<<16;
LineAnt[0] = LowPassMul(LineAnt[0], PixelAnt, Vertical);
PixelDst = LowPassMul(LinePrev[0]<<8, LineAnt[0], Temporal);
LinePrev[0] = ((PixelDst+0x1000007F)>>8);
FrameDest[dLineOffs]= ((PixelDst+0x10007FFF)>>16);
pixel_ant = src[sline_offs]<<16;
line_ant[0] = lowpass(line_ant[0], pixel_ant, vertical);
pixel = lowpass(line_prev[0]<<8, line_ant[0], temporal);
line_prev[0] = ((pixel+0x1000007F)>>8);
dst[dline_offs]= ((pixel+0x10007FFF)>>16);
for (X = 1; X < W; X++) {
unsigned int PixelDst;
for (x = 1; x < w; x++) {
uint32_t pixel;
/* The rest are normal */
PixelAnt = LowPassMul(PixelAnt, Frame[sLineOffs+X]<<16, Horizontal);
LineAnt[X] = LowPassMul(LineAnt[X], PixelAnt, Vertical);
PixelDst = LowPassMul(LinePrev[X]<<8, LineAnt[X], Temporal);
LinePrev[X] = ((PixelDst+0x1000007F)>>8);
FrameDest[dLineOffs+X]= ((PixelDst+0x10007FFF)>>16);
pixel_ant = lowpass(pixel_ant, src[sline_offs+x]<<16, horizontal);
line_ant[x] = lowpass(line_ant[x], pixel_ant, vertical);
pixel = lowpass(line_prev[x]<<8, line_ant[x], temporal);
line_prev[x] = ((pixel+0x1000007F)>>8);
dst[dline_offs+x]= ((pixel+0x10007FFF)>>16);
static void PrecalcCoefs(int *Ct, double Dist25)
static void precalc_coefs(int *ct, double dist25)
int i;
double Gamma, Simil, C;
double gamma, simil, C;
Gamma = log(0.25) / log(1.0 - Dist25/255.0 - 0.00001);
gamma = log(0.25) / log(1.0 - dist25/255.0 - 0.00001);
for (i = -255*16; i <= 255*16; i++) {
Simil = 1.0 - FFABS(i) / (16*255.0);
C = pow(Simil, Gamma) * 65536.0 * i / 16.0;
Ct[16*256+i] = lrint(C);
simil = 1.0 - FFABS(i) / (16*255.0);
C = pow(simil, gamma) * 65536.0 * i / 16.0;
ct[16*256+i] = lrint(C);
Ct[0] = !!Dist25;
ct[0] = !!dist25;
#define PARAM1_DEFAULT 4.0
@ -200,57 +196,57 @@ static void PrecalcCoefs(int *Ct, double Dist25)
static int init(AVFilterContext *ctx, const char *args)
HQDN3DContext *hqdn3d = ctx->priv;
double LumSpac, LumTmp, ChromSpac, ChromTmp;
double Param1, Param2, Param3, Param4;
double lum_spac, lum_tmp, chrom_spac, chrom_tmp;
double param1, param2, param3, param4;
ChromTmp = LumTmp * ChromSpac / LumSpac;
lum_spac = PARAM1_DEFAULT;
chrom_spac = PARAM2_DEFAULT;
lum_tmp = PARAM3_DEFAULT;
chrom_tmp = lum_tmp * chrom_spac / lum_spac;
if (args) {
switch (sscanf(args, "%lf:%lf:%lf:%lf",
&Param1, &Param2, &Param3, &Param4)) {
&param1, &param2, &param3, &param4)) {
case 1:
LumSpac = Param1;
ChromTmp = LumTmp * ChromSpac / LumSpac;
lum_spac = param1;
chrom_spac = PARAM2_DEFAULT * param1 / PARAM1_DEFAULT;
lum_tmp = PARAM3_DEFAULT * param1 / PARAM1_DEFAULT;
chrom_tmp = lum_tmp * chrom_spac / lum_spac;
case 2:
LumSpac = Param1;
ChromSpac = Param2;
ChromTmp = LumTmp * ChromSpac / LumSpac;
lum_spac = param1;
chrom_spac = param2;
lum_tmp = PARAM3_DEFAULT * param1 / PARAM1_DEFAULT;
chrom_tmp = lum_tmp * chrom_spac / lum_spac;
case 3:
LumSpac = Param1;
ChromSpac = Param2;
LumTmp = Param3;
ChromTmp = LumTmp * ChromSpac / LumSpac;
lum_spac = param1;
chrom_spac = param2;
lum_tmp = param3;
chrom_tmp = lum_tmp * chrom_spac / lum_spac;
case 4:
LumSpac = Param1;
ChromSpac = Param2;
LumTmp = Param3;
ChromTmp = Param4;
lum_spac = param1;
chrom_spac = param2;
lum_tmp = param3;
chrom_tmp = param4;
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "ls:%lf cs:%lf lt:%lf ct:%lf\n",
LumSpac, ChromSpac, LumTmp, ChromTmp);
if (LumSpac < 0 || ChromSpac < 0 || isnan(ChromTmp)) {
lum_spac, chrom_spac, lum_tmp, chrom_tmp);
if (lum_spac < 0 || chrom_spac < 0 || isnan(chrom_tmp)) {
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
"Invalid negative value for luma or chroma spatial strength, "
"or resulting value for chroma temporal strength is nan.\n");
PrecalcCoefs(hqdn3d->Coefs[0], LumSpac);
PrecalcCoefs(hqdn3d->Coefs[1], LumTmp);
PrecalcCoefs(hqdn3d->Coefs[2], ChromSpac);
PrecalcCoefs(hqdn3d->Coefs[3], ChromTmp);
precalc_coefs(hqdn3d->coefs[0], lum_spac);
precalc_coefs(hqdn3d->coefs[1], lum_tmp);
precalc_coefs(hqdn3d->coefs[2], chrom_spac);
precalc_coefs(hqdn3d->coefs[3], chrom_tmp);
return 0;
@ -259,10 +255,10 @@ static void uninit(AVFilterContext *ctx)
HQDN3DContext *hqdn3d = ctx->priv;
static int query_formats(AVFilterContext *ctx)
@ -283,8 +279,8 @@ static int config_input(AVFilterLink *inlink)
hqdn3d->hsub = av_pix_fmt_descriptors[inlink->format].log2_chroma_w;
hqdn3d->vsub = av_pix_fmt_descriptors[inlink->format].log2_chroma_h;
hqdn3d->Line = av_malloc(inlink->w * sizeof(*hqdn3d->Line));
if (!hqdn3d->Line)
hqdn3d->line = av_malloc(inlink->w * sizeof(*hqdn3d->line));
if (!hqdn3d->line)
return 0;
@ -305,24 +301,24 @@ static int end_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink)
int ch = inpic->video->h >> hqdn3d->vsub;
int ret;
deNoise(inpic->data[0], outpic->data[0],
hqdn3d->Line, &hqdn3d->Frame[0], inpic->video->w, inpic->video->h,
denoise(inpic->data[0], outpic->data[0],
hqdn3d->line, &hqdn3d->frame_prev[0], inpic->video->w, inpic->video->h,
inpic->linesize[0], outpic->linesize[0],
deNoise(inpic->data[1], outpic->data[1],
hqdn3d->Line, &hqdn3d->Frame[1], cw, ch,
denoise(inpic->data[1], outpic->data[1],
hqdn3d->line, &hqdn3d->frame_prev[1], cw, ch,
inpic->linesize[1], outpic->linesize[1],
deNoise(inpic->data[2], outpic->data[2],
hqdn3d->Line, &hqdn3d->Frame[2], cw, ch,
denoise(inpic->data[2], outpic->data[2],
hqdn3d->line, &hqdn3d->frame_prev[2], cw, ch,
inpic->linesize[2], outpic->linesize[2],
if ((ret = ff_draw_slice(outlink, 0, inpic->video->h, 1)) < 0 ||
(ret = ff_end_frame(outlink)) < 0)