/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Thilo Borgmann * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * @file * Video processing based on Apple's CoreImage API */ #import #import #include "avfilter.h" #include "filters.h" #include "formats.h" #include "video.h" #include "libavutil/internal.h" #include "libavutil/mem.h" #include "libavutil/opt.h" #include "libavutil/pixdesc.h" typedef struct CoreImageContext { const AVClass *class; int is_video_source; ///< filter is used as video source int w, h; ///< video size AVRational sar; ///< sample aspect ratio AVRational frame_rate; ///< video frame rate AVRational time_base; ///< stream time base int64_t duration; ///< duration expressed in microseconds int64_t pts; ///< increasing presentation time stamp AVFrame *picref; ///< cached reference containing the painted picture CFTypeRef glctx; ///< OpenGL context CGContextRef cgctx; ///< Bitmap context for image copy CFTypeRef input_image; ///< Input image container for passing into Core Image API CGColorSpaceRef color_space; ///< Common color space for input image and cgcontext int bits_per_component; ///< Shared bpc for input-output operation char *filter_string; ///< The complete user provided filter definition CFTypeRef *filters; ///< CIFilter object for all requested filters int num_filters; ///< Amount of filters in *filters char *output_rect; ///< Rectangle to be filled with filter intput int list_filters; ///< Option used to list all available filters including generators int list_generators; ///< Option used to list all available generators } CoreImageContext; static int config_output(AVFilterLink *link) { FilterLink *l = ff_filter_link(link); CoreImageContext *ctx = link->src->priv; link->w = ctx->w; link->h = ctx->h; link->sample_aspect_ratio = ctx->sar; l->frame_rate = ctx->frame_rate; link->time_base = ctx->time_base; const AVPixFmtDescriptor *desc = av_pix_fmt_desc_get(link->format); ctx->bits_per_component = av_get_bits_per_pixel(desc) / desc->nb_components; return 0; } /** Determine image properties from input link of filter chain. */ static int config_input(AVFilterLink *link) { CoreImageContext *ctx = link->dst->priv; const AVPixFmtDescriptor *desc = av_pix_fmt_desc_get(link->format); ctx->bits_per_component = av_get_bits_per_pixel(desc) / desc->nb_components; return 0; } /** Print a list of all available filters including options and respective value ranges and defaults. */ static void list_filters(CoreImageContext *ctx) { // querying filters and attributes NSArray *filter_categories = nil; if (ctx->list_generators && !ctx->list_filters) { filter_categories = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:kCICategoryGenerator, nil]; } NSArray *filter_names = [CIFilter filterNamesInCategories:filter_categories]; NSEnumerator *filters = [filter_names objectEnumerator]; NSString *filter_name; while (filter_name = [filters nextObject]) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Filter: %s\n", [filter_name UTF8String]); NSString *input; CIFilter *filter = [CIFilter filterWithName:filter_name]; NSDictionary *filter_attribs = [filter attributes]; // NSArray *filter_inputs = [filter inputKeys]; // for (input in filter_inputs) { NSDictionary *input_attribs = [filter_attribs valueForKey:input]; NSString *input_class = [input_attribs valueForKey:kCIAttributeClass]; if ([input_class isEqualToString:@"NSNumber"]) { NSNumber *value_default = [input_attribs valueForKey:kCIAttributeDefault]; NSNumber *value_min = [input_attribs valueForKey:kCIAttributeSliderMin]; NSNumber *value_max = [input_attribs valueForKey:kCIAttributeSliderMax]; av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "\tOption: %s\t[%s]\t[%s %s][%s]\n", [input UTF8String], [input_class UTF8String], [[value_min stringValue] UTF8String], [[value_max stringValue] UTF8String], [[value_default stringValue] UTF8String]); } else { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "\tOption: %s\t[%s]\n", [input UTF8String], [input_class UTF8String]); } } } } static int apply_filter(CoreImageContext *ctx, AVFilterLink *link, AVFrame *frame) { int i; // (re-)initialize input image const CGSize frame_size = { frame->width, frame->height }; NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:frame->data[0] length:frame->height*frame->linesize[0] freeWhenDone:NO]; CIImage *ret = [(__bridge CIImage*)ctx->input_image initWithBitmapData:data bytesPerRow:frame->linesize[0] size:frame_size format:kCIFormatARGB8 colorSpace:ctx->color_space]; //kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB if (!ret) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Input image could not be initialized.\n"); return AVERROR_EXTERNAL; } CIFilter *filter = NULL; CIImage *filter_input = (__bridge CIImage*)ctx->input_image; CIImage *filter_output = NULL; // successively apply all filters for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_filters; i++) { if (i) { // set filter input to previous filter output filter_input = [(__bridge CIImage*)ctx->filters[i-1] valueForKey:kCIOutputImageKey]; CGRect out_rect = [filter_input extent]; if (out_rect.size.width > frame->width || out_rect.size.height > frame->height) { // do not keep padded image regions after filtering out_rect.origin.x = 0.0f; out_rect.origin.y = 0.0f; out_rect.size.width = frame->width; out_rect.size.height = frame->height; } filter_input = [filter_input imageByCroppingToRect:out_rect]; } filter = (__bridge CIFilter*)ctx->filters[i]; // do not set input image for the first filter if used as video source if (!ctx->is_video_source || i) { @try { [filter setValue:filter_input forKey:kCIInputImageKey]; } @catch (NSException *exception) { if (![[exception name] isEqualToString:NSUndefinedKeyException]) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "An error occurred: %s.", [exception.reason UTF8String]); return AVERROR_EXTERNAL; } else { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Selected filter does not accept an input image.\n"); } } } } // get output of last filter filter_output = [filter valueForKey:kCIOutputImageKey]; if (!filter_output) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Filter output not available.\n"); return AVERROR_EXTERNAL; } // do not keep padded image regions after filtering CGRect out_rect = [filter_output extent]; if (out_rect.size.width > frame->width || out_rect.size.height > frame->height) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Cropping output image.\n"); out_rect.origin.x = 0.0f; out_rect.origin.y = 0.0f; out_rect.size.width = frame->width; out_rect.size.height = frame->height; } CGImageRef out = [(__bridge CIContext*)ctx->glctx createCGImage:filter_output fromRect:out_rect]; if (!out) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot create valid output image.\n"); } // create bitmap context on the fly for rendering into current frame->data[] if (ctx->cgctx) { CGContextRelease(ctx->cgctx); ctx->cgctx = NULL; } size_t out_width = CGImageGetWidth(out); size_t out_height = CGImageGetHeight(out); if (out_width > frame->width || out_height > frame->height) { // this might result in segfault av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Output image has unexpected size: %lux%lu (expected: %ix%i). This may crash...\n", out_width, out_height, frame->width, frame->height); } ctx->cgctx = CGBitmapContextCreate(frame->data[0], frame->width, frame->height, ctx->bits_per_component, frame->linesize[0], ctx->color_space, (uint32_t)kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst); // ARGB if (!ctx->cgctx) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "CGBitmap context cannot be created.\n"); return AVERROR_EXTERNAL; } // copy ("draw") the output image into the frame data CGRect rect = {{0,0},{frame->width, frame->height}}; if (ctx->output_rect) { @try { NSString *tmp_string = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ctx->output_rect]; NSRect tmp = NSRectFromString(tmp_string); rect = NSRectToCGRect(tmp); } @catch (NSException *exception) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "An error occurred: %s.", [exception.reason UTF8String]); return AVERROR_EXTERNAL; } if (rect.size.width == 0.0f) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Width of output rect is zero.\n"); } if (rect.size.height == 0.0f) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Height of output rect is zero.\n"); } } CGContextDrawImage(ctx->cgctx, rect, out); return ff_filter_frame(link, frame); } /** Apply all valid filters successively to the input image. * The final output image is copied from the GPU by "drawing" using a bitmap context. */ static int filter_frame(AVFilterLink *link, AVFrame *frame) { return apply_filter(link->dst->priv, link->dst->outputs[0], frame); } static int request_frame(AVFilterLink *link) { CoreImageContext *ctx = link->src->priv; AVFrame *frame; if (ctx->duration >= 0 && av_rescale_q(ctx->pts, ctx->time_base, AV_TIME_BASE_Q) >= ctx->duration) { return AVERROR_EOF; } if (!ctx->picref) { ctx->picref = ff_get_video_buffer(link, ctx->w, ctx->h); if (!ctx->picref) { return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } } frame = av_frame_clone(ctx->picref); if (!frame) { return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } frame->pts = ctx->pts; frame->duration = 1; #if FF_API_FRAME_KEY frame->key_frame = 1; #endif frame->flags |= AV_FRAME_FLAG_KEY; #if FF_API_INTERLACED_FRAME frame->interlaced_frame = 0; #endif frame->flags &= ~AV_FRAME_FLAG_INTERLACED; frame->pict_type = AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I; frame->sample_aspect_ratio = ctx->sar; ctx->pts++; return apply_filter(ctx, link, frame); } /** Set an option of the given filter to the provided key-value pair. */ static void set_option(CoreImageContext *ctx, CIFilter *filter, const char *key, const char *value) { NSString *input_key = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:key]; NSString *input_val = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:value]; NSDictionary *filter_attribs = [filter attributes]; // NSDictionary *input_attribs = [filter_attribs valueForKey:input_key]; NSString *input_class = [input_attribs valueForKey:kCIAttributeClass]; NSString *input_type = [input_attribs valueForKey:kCIAttributeType]; if (!input_attribs) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Skipping unknown option: \"%s\".\n", [input_key UTF8String]); // [[filter name] UTF8String]) not currently defined... return; } av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "key: %s, val: %s, #attribs: %lu, class: %s, type: %s\n", [input_key UTF8String], [input_val UTF8String], input_attribs ? (unsigned long)[input_attribs count] : -1, [input_class UTF8String], [input_type UTF8String]); if ([input_class isEqualToString:@"NSNumber"]) { float input = input_val.floatValue; NSNumber *max_value = [input_attribs valueForKey:kCIAttributeSliderMax]; NSNumber *min_value = [input_attribs valueForKey:kCIAttributeSliderMin]; NSNumber *used_value = nil; #define CLAMP_WARNING do { \ av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Value of \"%f\" for option \"%s\" is out of range [%f %f], clamping to \"%f\".\n", \ input, \ [input_key UTF8String], \ min_value.floatValue, \ max_value.floatValue, \ used_value.floatValue); \ } while(0) if (input > max_value.floatValue) { used_value = max_value; CLAMP_WARNING; } else if (input < min_value.floatValue) { used_value = min_value; CLAMP_WARNING; } else { used_value = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:input]; } [filter setValue:used_value forKey:input_key]; } else if ([input_class isEqualToString:@"CIVector"]) { CIVector *input = [CIVector vectorWithString:input_val]; if (!input) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Skipping invalid CIVctor description: \"%s\".\n", [input_val UTF8String]); return; } [filter setValue:input forKey:input_key]; } else if ([input_class isEqualToString:@"CIColor"]) { CIColor *input = [CIColor colorWithString:input_val]; if (!input) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Skipping invalid CIColor description: \"%s\".\n", [input_val UTF8String]); return; } [filter setValue:input forKey:input_key]; } else if ([input_class isEqualToString:@"NSString"]) { // set display name as string with latin1 encoding [filter setValue:input_val forKey:input_key]; } else if ([input_class isEqualToString:@"NSData"]) { // set display name as string with latin1 encoding NSData *input = [NSData dataWithBytes:(const void*)[input_val cStringUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding] length:[input_val lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]]; if (!input) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Skipping invalid NSData description: \"%s\".\n", [input_val UTF8String]); return; } [filter setValue:input forKey:input_key]; } else { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Skipping unsupported option class: \"%s\".\n", [input_class UTF8String]); avpriv_report_missing_feature(ctx, "Handling of some option classes"); return; } } /** Create a filter object by a given name and set all options to defaults. * Overwrite any option given by the user to the provided value in filter_options. */ static CIFilter* create_filter(CoreImageContext *ctx, const char *filter_name, AVDictionary *filter_options) { // create filter object CIFilter *filter = [CIFilter filterWithName:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:filter_name]]; // set default options [filter setDefaults]; // set user options if (filter_options) { const AVDictionaryEntry *o = NULL; while ((o = av_dict_iterate(filter_options, o))) { set_option(ctx, filter, o->key, o->value); } } return filter; } static av_cold int init(AVFilterContext *fctx) { CoreImageContext *ctx = fctx->priv; AVDictionary *filter_dict = NULL; const AVDictionaryEntry *f = NULL; const AVDictionaryEntry *o = NULL; int ret; int i; if (ctx->list_filters || ctx->list_generators) { list_filters(ctx); return AVERROR_EXIT; } if (ctx->filter_string) { // parse filter string (filter=name@opt=val@opt2=val2#name2@opt3=val3) for filters separated by # av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Filter_string: %s\n", ctx->filter_string); ret = av_dict_parse_string(&filter_dict, ctx->filter_string, "@", "#", AV_DICT_MULTIKEY); // parse filter_name:all_filter_options if (ret) { av_dict_free(&filter_dict); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Parsing of filters failed.\n"); return AVERROR(EIO); } ctx->num_filters = av_dict_count(filter_dict); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Filter count: %i\n", ctx->num_filters); // allocate CIFilter array ctx->filters = av_calloc(ctx->num_filters, sizeof(CIFilter*)); if (!ctx->filters) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Could not allocate filter array.\n"); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } // parse filters for option key-value pairs (opt=val@opt2=val2) separated by @ i = 0; while ((f = av_dict_iterate(filter_dict, f))) { AVDictionary *filter_options = NULL; if (strncmp(f->value, "default", 7)) { // not default ret = av_dict_parse_string(&filter_options, f->value, "=", "@", 0); // parse option_name:option_value if (ret) { av_dict_free(&filter_options); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Parsing of filter options for \"%s\" failed.\n", f->key); return AVERROR(EIO); } } if (av_log_get_level() >= AV_LOG_DEBUG) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Creating filter %i: \"%s\":\n", i, f->key); if (!filter_options) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "\tusing default options\n"); } else { while ((o = av_dict_iterate(filter_options, o))) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "\t%s: %s\n", o->key, o->value); } } } ctx->filters[i] = CFBridgingRetain(create_filter(ctx, f->key, filter_options)); if (!ctx->filters[i]) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Could not create filter \"%s\".\n", f->key); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } i++; } } else { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No filters specified.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } // create GPU context on OSX const NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attr[] = { NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated, NSOpenGLPFANoRecovery, NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 32, 0 }; NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixel_format = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:(void *)&attr]; ctx->color_space = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB); ctx->glctx = CFBridgingRetain([CIContext contextWithCGLContext:CGLGetCurrentContext() pixelFormat:[pixel_format CGLPixelFormatObj] colorSpace:ctx->color_space options:nil]); if (!ctx->glctx) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "CIContext not created.\n"); return AVERROR_EXTERNAL; } // Creating an empty input image as input container for the context ctx->input_image = CFBridgingRetain([CIImage emptyImage]); return 0; } static av_cold int init_src(AVFilterContext *fctx) { CoreImageContext *ctx = fctx->priv; ctx->is_video_source = 1; ctx->time_base = av_inv_q(ctx->frame_rate); ctx->pts = 0; return init(fctx); } static av_cold void uninit(AVFilterContext *fctx) { #define SafeCFRelease(ptr) do { \ if (ptr) { \ CFRelease(ptr); \ ptr = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) CoreImageContext *ctx = fctx->priv; SafeCFRelease(ctx->glctx); SafeCFRelease(ctx->cgctx); SafeCFRelease(ctx->color_space); SafeCFRelease(ctx->input_image); if (ctx->filters) { for (int i = 0; i < ctx->num_filters; i++) { SafeCFRelease(ctx->filters[i]); } av_freep(&ctx->filters); } av_frame_free(&ctx->picref); } static const AVFilterPad vf_coreimage_inputs[] = { { .name = "default", .type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, .filter_frame = filter_frame, .config_props = config_input, }, }; static const AVFilterPad vf_coreimage_outputs[] = { { .name = "default", .type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, }, }; static const AVFilterPad vsrc_coreimagesrc_outputs[] = { { .name = "default", .type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, .request_frame = request_frame, .config_props = config_output, }, }; #define OFFSET(x) offsetof(CoreImageContext, x) #define FLAGS AV_OPT_FLAG_VIDEO_PARAM|AV_OPT_FLAG_FILTERING_PARAM #define GENERATOR_OPTIONS \ {"size", "set video size", OFFSET(w), AV_OPT_TYPE_IMAGE_SIZE, {.str = "320x240"}, 0, 0, FLAGS}, \ {"s", "set video size", OFFSET(w), AV_OPT_TYPE_IMAGE_SIZE, {.str = "320x240"}, 0, 0, FLAGS}, \ {"rate", "set video rate", OFFSET(frame_rate), AV_OPT_TYPE_VIDEO_RATE, {.str = "25"}, 0, INT_MAX, FLAGS}, \ {"r", "set video rate", OFFSET(frame_rate), AV_OPT_TYPE_VIDEO_RATE, {.str = "25"}, 0, INT_MAX, FLAGS}, \ {"duration", "set video duration", OFFSET(duration), AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, {.i64 = -1}, -1, INT64_MAX, FLAGS}, \ {"d", "set video duration", OFFSET(duration), AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION, {.i64 = -1}, -1, INT64_MAX, FLAGS}, \ {"sar", "set video sample aspect ratio", OFFSET(sar), AV_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL, {.dbl = 1}, 0, INT_MAX, FLAGS}, #define FILTER_OPTIONS \ {"list_filters", "list available filters", OFFSET(list_filters), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, {.i64 = 0}, 0, 1, .flags = FLAGS}, \ {"list_generators", "list available generators", OFFSET(list_generators), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, {.i64 = 0}, 0, 1, .flags = FLAGS}, \ {"filter", "names and options of filters to apply", OFFSET(filter_string), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL}, .flags = FLAGS}, \ {"output_rect", "output rectangle within output image", OFFSET(output_rect), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL}, .flags = FLAGS}, // definitions for coreimage video filter static const AVOption coreimage_options[] = { FILTER_OPTIONS { NULL } }; AVFILTER_DEFINE_CLASS(coreimage); const AVFilter ff_vf_coreimage = { .name = "coreimage", .description = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Video filtering using CoreImage API."), .init = init, .uninit = uninit, .priv_size = sizeof(CoreImageContext), .priv_class = &coreimage_class, FILTER_INPUTS(vf_coreimage_inputs), FILTER_OUTPUTS(vf_coreimage_outputs), FILTER_SINGLE_PIXFMT(AV_PIX_FMT_ARGB), }; // definitions for coreimagesrc video source static const AVOption coreimagesrc_options[] = { GENERATOR_OPTIONS FILTER_OPTIONS { NULL } }; AVFILTER_DEFINE_CLASS(coreimagesrc); const AVFilter ff_vsrc_coreimagesrc = { .name = "coreimagesrc", .description = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Video source using image generators of CoreImage API."), .init = init_src, .uninit = uninit, .priv_size = sizeof(CoreImageContext), .priv_class = &coreimagesrc_class, .inputs = NULL, FILTER_OUTPUTS(vsrc_coreimagesrc_outputs), FILTER_SINGLE_PIXFMT(AV_PIX_FMT_ARGB), };