/* * TiVo ty stream demuxer * Copyright (c) 2005 VLC authors and VideoLAN * Copyright (c) 2005 by Neal Symms (tivo@freakinzoo.com) - February 2005 * based on code by Christopher Wingert for tivo-mplayer * tivo(at)wingert.org, February 2003 * Copyright (c) 2017 Paul B Mahol * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "libavutil/intreadwrite.h" #include "libavutil/mem.h" #include "avformat.h" #include "demux.h" #include "internal.h" #include "mpeg.h" #define SERIES1_PES_LENGTH 11 /* length of audio PES hdr on S1 */ #define SERIES2_PES_LENGTH 16 /* length of audio PES hdr on S2 */ #define AC3_PES_LENGTH 14 /* length of audio PES hdr for AC3 */ #define VIDEO_PES_LENGTH 16 /* length of video PES header */ #define DTIVO_PTS_OFFSET 6 /* offs into PES for MPEG PTS on DTivo */ #define SA_PTS_OFFSET 9 /* offset into PES for MPEG PTS on SA */ #define AC3_PTS_OFFSET 9 /* offset into PES for AC3 PTS on DTivo */ #define VIDEO_PTS_OFFSET 9 /* offset into PES for video PTS on all */ #define AC3_PKT_LENGTH 1536 /* size of TiVo AC3 pkts (w/o PES hdr) */ static const uint8_t ty_VideoPacket[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xe0 }; static const uint8_t ty_MPEGAudioPacket[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0 }; static const uint8_t ty_AC3AudioPacket[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xbd }; #define TIVO_PES_FILEID 0xf5467abd #define CHUNK_SIZE (128 * 1024) #define CHUNK_PEEK_COUNT 3 /* number of chunks to probe */ typedef struct TyRecHdr { int32_t rec_size; uint8_t ex[2]; uint8_t rec_type; uint8_t subrec_type; uint64_t ty_pts; /* TY PTS in the record header */ } TyRecHdr; typedef enum { TIVO_TYPE_UNKNOWN, TIVO_TYPE_SA, TIVO_TYPE_DTIVO } TiVo_type; typedef enum { TIVO_SERIES_UNKNOWN, TIVO_SERIES1, TIVO_SERIES2 } TiVo_series; typedef enum { TIVO_AUDIO_UNKNOWN, TIVO_AUDIO_AC3, TIVO_AUDIO_MPEG } TiVo_audio; typedef struct TYDemuxContext { unsigned cur_chunk; unsigned cur_chunk_pos; int64_t cur_pos; TiVo_type tivo_type; /* TiVo type (SA / DTiVo) */ TiVo_series tivo_series; /* Series1 or Series2 */ TiVo_audio audio_type; /* AC3 or MPEG */ int pes_length; /* Length of Audio PES header */ int pts_offset; /* offset into audio PES of PTS */ uint8_t pes_buffer[20]; /* holds incomplete pes headers */ int pes_buf_cnt; /* how many bytes in our buffer */ size_t ac3_pkt_size; /* length of ac3 pkt we've seen so far */ uint64_t last_ty_pts; /* last TY timestamp we've seen */ int64_t first_audio_pts; int64_t last_audio_pts; int64_t last_video_pts; TyRecHdr *rec_hdrs; /* record headers array */ int cur_rec; /* current record in this chunk */ int num_recs; /* number of recs in this chunk */ int first_chunk; uint8_t chunk[CHUNK_SIZE]; } TYDemuxContext; static int ty_probe(const AVProbeData *p) { int i; for (i = 0; i + 12 < p->buf_size; i += CHUNK_SIZE) { if (AV_RB32(p->buf + i) == TIVO_PES_FILEID && AV_RB32(p->buf + i + 4) == 0x02 && AV_RB32(p->buf + i + 8) == CHUNK_SIZE) { return AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX; } } return 0; } static TyRecHdr *parse_chunk_headers(const uint8_t *buf, int num_recs) { TyRecHdr *hdrs, *rec_hdr; int i; hdrs = av_calloc(num_recs, sizeof(TyRecHdr)); if (!hdrs) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < num_recs; i++) { const uint8_t *record_header = buf + (i * 16); rec_hdr = &hdrs[i]; /* for brevity */ rec_hdr->rec_type = record_header[3]; rec_hdr->subrec_type = record_header[2] & 0x0f; if ((record_header[0] & 0x80) == 0x80) { uint8_t b1, b2; /* marker bit 2 set, so read extended data */ b1 = (((record_header[0] & 0x0f) << 4) | ((record_header[1] & 0xf0) >> 4)); b2 = (((record_header[1] & 0x0f) << 4) | ((record_header[2] & 0xf0) >> 4)); rec_hdr->ex[0] = b1; rec_hdr->ex[1] = b2; rec_hdr->rec_size = 0; rec_hdr->ty_pts = 0; } else { rec_hdr->rec_size = (record_header[0] << 8 | record_header[1]) << 4 | (record_header[2] >> 4); rec_hdr->ty_pts = AV_RB64(&record_header[8]); } } return hdrs; } static int find_es_header(const uint8_t *header, const uint8_t *buffer, int search_len) { int count; for (count = 0; count < search_len; count++) { if (!memcmp(&buffer[count], header, 4)) return count; } return -1; } static int analyze_chunk(AVFormatContext *s, const uint8_t *chunk) { TYDemuxContext *ty = s->priv_data; int num_recs, i; TyRecHdr *hdrs; int num_6e0, num_be0, num_9c0, num_3c0; /* skip if it's a Part header */ if (AV_RB32(&chunk[0]) == TIVO_PES_FILEID) return 0; /* number of records in chunk (we ignore high order byte; * rarely are there > 256 chunks & we don't need that many anyway) */ num_recs = chunk[0]; if (num_recs < 5) { /* try again with the next chunk. Sometimes there are dead ones */ return 0; } chunk += 4; /* skip past rec count & SEQ bytes */ ff_dlog(s, "probe: chunk has %d recs\n", num_recs); hdrs = parse_chunk_headers(chunk, num_recs); if (!hdrs) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); /* scan headers. * 1. check video packets. Presence of 0x6e0 means S1. * No 6e0 but have be0 means S2. * 2. probe for audio 0x9c0 vs 0x3c0 (AC3 vs Mpeg) * If AC-3, then we have DTivo. * If MPEG, search for PTS offset. This will determine SA vs. DTivo. */ num_6e0 = num_be0 = num_9c0 = num_3c0 = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_recs; i++) { switch (hdrs[i].subrec_type << 8 | hdrs[i].rec_type) { case 0x6e0: num_6e0++; break; case 0xbe0: num_be0++; break; case 0x3c0: num_3c0++; break; case 0x9c0: num_9c0++; break; } } ff_dlog(s, "probe: chunk has %d 0x6e0 recs, %d 0xbe0 recs.\n", num_6e0, num_be0); /* set up our variables */ if (num_6e0 > 0) { ff_dlog(s, "detected Series 1 Tivo\n"); ty->tivo_series = TIVO_SERIES1; ty->pes_length = SERIES1_PES_LENGTH; } else if (num_be0 > 0) { ff_dlog(s, "detected Series 2 Tivo\n"); ty->tivo_series = TIVO_SERIES2; ty->pes_length = SERIES2_PES_LENGTH; } if (num_9c0 > 0) { ff_dlog(s, "detected AC-3 Audio (DTivo)\n"); ty->audio_type = TIVO_AUDIO_AC3; ty->tivo_type = TIVO_TYPE_DTIVO; ty->pts_offset = AC3_PTS_OFFSET; ty->pes_length = AC3_PES_LENGTH; } else if (num_3c0 > 0) { ty->audio_type = TIVO_AUDIO_MPEG; ff_dlog(s, "detected MPEG Audio\n"); } /* if tivo_type still unknown, we can check PTS location * in MPEG packets to determine tivo_type */ if (ty->tivo_type == TIVO_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { uint32_t data_offset = 16 * num_recs; for (i = 0; i < num_recs; i++) { if (data_offset + hdrs[i].rec_size > CHUNK_SIZE) break; if ((hdrs[i].subrec_type << 8 | hdrs[i].rec_type) == 0x3c0 && hdrs[i].rec_size > 15) { /* first make sure we're aligned */ int pes_offset = find_es_header(ty_MPEGAudioPacket, &chunk[data_offset], 5); if (pes_offset >= 0) { /* pes found. on SA, PES has hdr data at offset 6, not PTS. */ if ((chunk[data_offset + 6 + pes_offset] & 0x80) == 0x80) { /* S1SA or S2(any) Mpeg Audio (PES hdr, not a PTS start) */ if (ty->tivo_series == TIVO_SERIES1) ff_dlog(s, "detected Stand-Alone Tivo\n"); ty->tivo_type = TIVO_TYPE_SA; ty->pts_offset = SA_PTS_OFFSET; } else { if (ty->tivo_series == TIVO_SERIES1) ff_dlog(s, "detected DirecTV Tivo\n"); ty->tivo_type = TIVO_TYPE_DTIVO; ty->pts_offset = DTIVO_PTS_OFFSET; } break; } } data_offset += hdrs[i].rec_size; } } av_free(hdrs); return 0; } static int ty_read_header(AVFormatContext *s) { TYDemuxContext *ty = s->priv_data; AVIOContext *pb = s->pb; AVStream *st, *ast; int i, ret = 0; ty->first_audio_pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; ty->last_audio_pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; ty->last_video_pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; for (i = 0; i < CHUNK_PEEK_COUNT; i++) { avio_read(pb, ty->chunk, CHUNK_SIZE); ret = analyze_chunk(s, ty->chunk); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (ty->tivo_series != TIVO_SERIES_UNKNOWN && ty->audio_type != TIVO_AUDIO_UNKNOWN && ty->tivo_type != TIVO_TYPE_UNKNOWN) break; } if (ty->tivo_series == TIVO_SERIES_UNKNOWN || ty->audio_type == TIVO_AUDIO_UNKNOWN || ty->tivo_type == TIVO_TYPE_UNKNOWN) return AVERROR(EIO); st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL); if (!st) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); st->codecpar->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO; ffstream(st)->need_parsing = AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_RAW; avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, 90000); ast = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL); if (!ast) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); ast->codecpar->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; if (ty->audio_type == TIVO_AUDIO_MPEG) { ast->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MP2; ffstream(ast)->need_parsing = AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_RAW; } else { ast->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AC3; } avpriv_set_pts_info(ast, 64, 1, 90000); ty->first_chunk = 1; avio_seek(pb, 0, SEEK_SET); return 0; } static int get_chunk(AVFormatContext *s) { TYDemuxContext *ty = s->priv_data; AVIOContext *pb = s->pb; int read_size, num_recs; ff_dlog(s, "parsing ty chunk #%d\n", ty->cur_chunk); /* if we have left-over filler space from the last chunk, get that */ if (avio_feof(pb)) return AVERROR_EOF; /* read the TY packet header */ read_size = avio_read(pb, ty->chunk, CHUNK_SIZE); ty->cur_chunk++; if ((read_size < 4) || (AV_RB32(ty->chunk) == 0)) { return AVERROR_EOF; } /* check if it's a PART Header */ if (AV_RB32(ty->chunk) == TIVO_PES_FILEID) { /* skip master chunk and read new chunk */ return get_chunk(s); } /* number of records in chunk (8- or 16-bit number) */ if (ty->chunk[3] & 0x80) { /* 16 bit rec cnt */ ty->num_recs = num_recs = (ty->chunk[1] << 8) + ty->chunk[0]; } else { /* 8 bit reclen - TiVo 1.3 format */ ty->num_recs = num_recs = ty->chunk[0]; } ty->cur_rec = 0; ty->first_chunk = 0; ff_dlog(s, "chunk has %d records\n", num_recs); ty->cur_chunk_pos = 4; av_freep(&ty->rec_hdrs); if (num_recs * 16 >= CHUNK_SIZE - 4) return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; ty->rec_hdrs = parse_chunk_headers(ty->chunk + 4, num_recs); if (!ty->rec_hdrs) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); ty->cur_chunk_pos += 16 * num_recs; return 0; } static int demux_video(AVFormatContext *s, TyRecHdr *rec_hdr, AVPacket *pkt) { TYDemuxContext *ty = s->priv_data; const int subrec_type = rec_hdr->subrec_type; const int64_t rec_size = rec_hdr->rec_size; int es_offset1, ret; int got_packet = 0; if (subrec_type != 0x02 && subrec_type != 0x0c && subrec_type != 0x08 && rec_size > 4) { /* get the PTS from this packet if it has one. * on S1, only 0x06 has PES. On S2, however, most all do. * Do NOT Pass the PES Header to the MPEG2 codec */ es_offset1 = find_es_header(ty_VideoPacket, ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos, 5); if (es_offset1 != -1) { ty->last_video_pts = ff_parse_pes_pts( ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos + es_offset1 + VIDEO_PTS_OFFSET); if (subrec_type != 0x06) { /* if we found a PES, and it's not type 6, then we're S2 */ /* The packet will have video data (& other headers) so we * chop out the PES header and send the rest */ if (rec_size >= VIDEO_PES_LENGTH + es_offset1) { int size = rec_hdr->rec_size - VIDEO_PES_LENGTH - es_offset1; ty->cur_chunk_pos += VIDEO_PES_LENGTH + es_offset1; if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, size)) < 0) return ret; memcpy(pkt->data, ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos, size); ty->cur_chunk_pos += size; pkt->stream_index = 0; got_packet = 1; } else { ff_dlog(s, "video rec type 0x%02x has short PES" " (%"PRId64" bytes)\n", subrec_type, rec_size); /* nuke this block; it's too short, but has PES marker */ ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec_size; return 0; } } } } if (subrec_type == 0x06) { /* type 6 (S1 DTivo) has no data, so we're done */ ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec_size; return 0; } if (!got_packet) { if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, rec_size)) < 0) return ret; memcpy(pkt->data, ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos, rec_size); ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec_size; pkt->stream_index = 0; got_packet = 1; } /* if it's not a continue blk, then set PTS */ if (subrec_type != 0x02) { if (subrec_type == 0x0c && pkt->size >= 6) pkt->data[5] |= 0x08; if (subrec_type == 0x07) { ty->last_ty_pts = rec_hdr->ty_pts; } else { /* yes I know this is a cheap hack. It's the timestamp used for display and skipping fwd/back, so it doesn't have to be accurate to the millisecond. I adjust it here by roughly one 1/30 sec. Yes it will be slightly off for UK streams, but it's OK. */ ty->last_ty_pts += 35000000; //ty->last_ty_pts += 33366667; } /* set PTS for this block before we send */ if (ty->last_video_pts > AV_NOPTS_VALUE) { pkt->pts = ty->last_video_pts; /* PTS gets used ONCE. * Any subsequent frames we get BEFORE next PES * header will have their PTS computed in the codec */ ty->last_video_pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; } } return got_packet; } static int check_sync_pes(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt, int32_t offset, int32_t rec_len) { TYDemuxContext *ty = s->priv_data; if (offset < 0 || offset + ty->pes_length > rec_len) { /* entire PES header not present */ ff_dlog(s, "PES header at %"PRId32" not complete in record. storing.\n", offset); /* save the partial pes header */ if (offset < 0) { /* no header found, fake some 00's (this works, believe me) */ memset(ty->pes_buffer, 0, 4); ty->pes_buf_cnt = 4; if (rec_len > 4) ff_dlog(s, "PES header not found in record of %"PRId32" bytes!\n", rec_len); return -1; } /* copy the partial pes header we found */ memcpy(ty->pes_buffer, pkt->data + offset, rec_len - offset); ty->pes_buf_cnt = rec_len - offset; if (offset > 0) { /* PES Header was found, but not complete, so trim the end of this record */ pkt->size -= rec_len - offset; return 1; } return -1; /* partial PES, no audio data */ } /* full PES header present, extract PTS */ ty->last_audio_pts = ff_parse_pes_pts(&pkt->data[ offset + ty->pts_offset]); if (ty->first_audio_pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) ty->first_audio_pts = ty->last_audio_pts; pkt->pts = ty->last_audio_pts; memmove(pkt->data + offset, pkt->data + offset + ty->pes_length, rec_len - ty->pes_length); pkt->size -= ty->pes_length; return 0; } static int demux_audio(AVFormatContext *s, TyRecHdr *rec_hdr, AVPacket *pkt) { TYDemuxContext *ty = s->priv_data; const int subrec_type = rec_hdr->subrec_type; const int64_t rec_size = rec_hdr->rec_size; int es_offset1, ret; if (subrec_type == 2) { int need = 0; /* SA or DTiVo Audio Data, no PES (continued block) * ================================================ */ /* continue PES if previous was incomplete */ if (ty->pes_buf_cnt > 0) { need = ty->pes_length - ty->pes_buf_cnt; ff_dlog(s, "continuing PES header\n"); /* do we have enough data to complete? */ if (need >= rec_size) { /* don't have complete PES hdr; save what we have and return */ memcpy(ty->pes_buffer + ty->pes_buf_cnt, ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos, rec_size); ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec_size; ty->pes_buf_cnt += rec_size; return 0; } /* we have enough; reconstruct this frame with the new hdr */ memcpy(ty->pes_buffer + ty->pes_buf_cnt, ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos, need); ty->cur_chunk_pos += need; /* get the PTS out of this PES header (MPEG or AC3) */ if (ty->audio_type == TIVO_AUDIO_MPEG) { es_offset1 = find_es_header(ty_MPEGAudioPacket, ty->pes_buffer, 5); } else { es_offset1 = find_es_header(ty_AC3AudioPacket, ty->pes_buffer, 5); } if (es_offset1 < 0) { ff_dlog(s, "Can't find audio PES header in packet.\n"); } else { ty->last_audio_pts = ff_parse_pes_pts( &ty->pes_buffer[es_offset1 + ty->pts_offset]); pkt->pts = ty->last_audio_pts; } ty->pes_buf_cnt = 0; } if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, rec_size - need)) < 0) return ret; memcpy(pkt->data, ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos, rec_size - need); ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec_size - need; pkt->stream_index = 1; /* S2 DTivo has AC3 packets with 2 padding bytes at end. This is * not allowed in the AC3 spec and will cause problems. So here * we try to trim things. */ /* Also, S1 DTivo has alternating short / long AC3 packets. That * is, one packet is short (incomplete) and the next packet has * the first one's missing data, plus all of its own. Strange. */ if (ty->audio_type == TIVO_AUDIO_AC3 && ty->tivo_series == TIVO_SERIES2) { if (ty->ac3_pkt_size + pkt->size > AC3_PKT_LENGTH) { pkt->size -= 2; ty->ac3_pkt_size = 0; } else { ty->ac3_pkt_size += pkt->size; } } } else if (subrec_type == 0x03) { if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, rec_size)) < 0) return ret; memcpy(pkt->data, ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos, rec_size); ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec_size; pkt->stream_index = 1; /* MPEG Audio with PES Header, either SA or DTiVo */ /* ================================================ */ es_offset1 = find_es_header(ty_MPEGAudioPacket, pkt->data, 5); /* SA PES Header, No Audio Data */ /* ================================================ */ if ((es_offset1 == 0) && (rec_size == 16)) { ty->last_audio_pts = ff_parse_pes_pts(&pkt->data[SA_PTS_OFFSET]); if (ty->first_audio_pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) ty->first_audio_pts = ty->last_audio_pts; av_packet_unref(pkt); return 0; } /* DTiVo Audio with PES Header */ /* ================================================ */ /* Check for complete PES */ if (check_sync_pes(s, pkt, es_offset1, rec_size) == -1) { /* partial PES header found, nothing else. * we're done. */ av_packet_unref(pkt); return 0; } } else if (subrec_type == 0x04) { /* SA Audio with no PES Header */ /* ================================================ */ if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, rec_size)) < 0) return ret; memcpy(pkt->data, ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos, rec_size); ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec_size; pkt->stream_index = 1; pkt->pts = ty->last_audio_pts; } else if (subrec_type == 0x09) { if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, rec_size)) < 0) return ret; memcpy(pkt->data, ty->chunk + ty->cur_chunk_pos, rec_size); ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec_size ; pkt->stream_index = 1; /* DTiVo AC3 Audio Data with PES Header */ /* ================================================ */ es_offset1 = find_es_header(ty_AC3AudioPacket, pkt->data, 5); /* Check for complete PES */ if (check_sync_pes(s, pkt, es_offset1, rec_size) == -1) { /* partial PES header found, nothing else. we're done. */ av_packet_unref(pkt); return 0; } /* S2 DTivo has invalid long AC3 packets */ if (ty->tivo_series == TIVO_SERIES2) { if (pkt->size > AC3_PKT_LENGTH) { pkt->size -= 2; ty->ac3_pkt_size = 0; } else { ty->ac3_pkt_size = pkt->size; } } } else { /* Unsupported/Unknown */ ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec_size; return 0; } return 1; } static int ty_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt) { TYDemuxContext *ty = s->priv_data; AVIOContext *pb = s->pb; TyRecHdr *rec; int64_t rec_size = 0; int ret = 0; if (avio_feof(pb)) return AVERROR_EOF; while (ret <= 0) { if (!ty->rec_hdrs || ty->first_chunk || ty->cur_rec >= ty->num_recs) { if (get_chunk(s) < 0 || ty->num_recs <= 0) return AVERROR_EOF; } rec = &ty->rec_hdrs[ty->cur_rec]; rec_size = rec->rec_size; ty->cur_rec++; if (rec_size <= 0) continue; if (ty->cur_chunk_pos + rec->rec_size > CHUNK_SIZE) return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; if (avio_feof(pb)) return AVERROR_EOF; switch (rec->rec_type) { case VIDEO_ID: ret = demux_video(s, rec, pkt); break; case AUDIO_ID: ret = demux_audio(s, rec, pkt); break; default: ff_dlog(s, "Invalid record type 0x%02x\n", rec->rec_type); case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x03: /* TiVo data services */ case 0x05: /* unknown, but seen regularly */ ty->cur_chunk_pos += rec->rec_size; break; } } return 0; } static int ty_read_close(AVFormatContext *s) { TYDemuxContext *ty = s->priv_data; av_freep(&ty->rec_hdrs); return 0; } const FFInputFormat ff_ty_demuxer = { .p.name = "ty", .p.long_name = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("TiVo TY Stream"), .p.extensions = "ty,ty+", .p.flags = AVFMT_TS_DISCONT, .priv_data_size = sizeof(TYDemuxContext), .read_probe = ty_probe, .read_header = ty_read_header, .read_packet = ty_read_packet, .read_close = ty_read_close, };