forked from Kieran/snort

chore: Update translations

This commit is contained in:
Martti Malmi 2024-01-08 13:47:40 +00:00
parent d3bc1b1c1d
commit add3b45fcd
21 changed files with 21 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "مبلغ زابي الافتراضي الخاص بك هو {number} جلسة، على سبيل المثال يتم حساب القيم من هذا.",
"XrSk2j": "Redeem",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "رابط الخدمة",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "تمكين التفاعل",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Von <b>{wallet}</b> senden",
"Xopqkl": "Dein standardmäßiger Zap-Betrag ist {number} sats, Beispielwerte werden daraus berechnet.",
"XrSk2j": "Einlösen",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL des Dienstes",
"YR2I9M": "Keine Schlüssel, kein {app}. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, sie zurückzusetzen, wenn du keine Sicherungskopie gemacht hast. Es dauert nur eine Minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Reaktionen aktivieren",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Tu cantidad de zap por defecto es {number} sats, los valores de ejemplo se calculan a partir de esto.",
"XrSk2j": "Canjear",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL del Servicio",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Activar reacciones",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "مبلغ پیش فرض زپ شما {number} ساتوشی است، مقادیر نمونه از روی این محاسبه شده اند.",
"XrSk2j": "بازخرید",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "خدمات URL",
"YR2I9M": "بدون کلید نمی توانید از {app} استفاده کنید، اگر از کلیدها پشتیبان نگیرید هیچ راهی برای بازیابی وجود ندارد. این کار فقط یک دقیقه وقت شما را می گیرد.",
"YXA3AH": "فعال سازی واکنش ها",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Oletus zap-määräsi on {number} satsia, esimerkit on laskettu tämän mukaan.",
"XrSk2j": "Lunasta",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "Palvelun URL",
"YR2I9M": "Ei avaimia, ei {app}, Avaimia ei voi palauttaa, ellet tee niistä varmuuskopiota. Se vie vain minuutin.",
"YXA3AH": "Ota reaktiot käyttöön",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Votre montant de zap par défaut est {number} sats, les valeurs d'exemple sont calculées à partir de ceci.",
"XrSk2j": "Retirer",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL de service",
"YR2I9M": "Pas de clés, pas de {app}, il n'y a aucun moyen de le réinitialiser si vous ne sauvegardez pas. Cela ne prend qu'une minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Activer les réactions",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Your default zap amount is {number} sats, example values are calculated from this.",
"XrSk2j": "Redeem",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL usluge",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Omogući reakcije",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Az alapértelmezett zap összeg {number} sats, a példaértékek kiszámítása ebből történik.",
"XrSk2j": "Beváltás",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "Szervíz cím",
"YR2I9M": "Nincsenek kulcsok, nincs {app}, Nincs mód a visszaállításra, ha nem készítesz biztonsági mentést. Csak egy percet vesz igénybe.",
"YXA3AH": "Reakciók engedélyezése",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Jumlah zap default Anda adalah {number} sats, nilai contoh dihitung dari ini.",
"XrSk2j": "Tebus",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL layanan",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Aktifkan reaksi",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "La quantità di zap predefinita è {number} sats, i valori di esempio sono calcolati da questo valore.",
"XrSk2j": "Riscatto",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL del servizio",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Abilita reazioni",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "デフォルトのザップ量は{number} satsで、例示された値はここから算出されます。",
"XrSk2j": "交換",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "サービスURL",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "リアクションを有効にする",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Your default zap amount is {number} sats, example values are calculated from this.",
"XrSk2j": "Redeem",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL app layanan",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Aktifkan kiriman Emojis",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Uw standaard zap bedrag is {number} sats, voorbeeldwaarden worden hiermee berekend.",
"XrSk2j": "Inwisselen",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "Service-URL",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Reacties inschakelen",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Sua quantidade padrão de zap é de {number} sats, valores de exemplo são calculados a partir disso.",
"XrSk2j": "Resgatar",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL do serviço",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Habilitar reações",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "По умолчанию величина zap равна {number} sats, примерные значения рассчитываются исходя из этого.",
"XrSk2j": "Получить",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL-адрес сервиса",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Включить реакции",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Ditt förvalda zap-belopp är {number} sats, exempelvärden beräknas utifrån detta.",
"XrSk2j": "Lös in",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "Service URL",
"YR2I9M": "Inga nycklar, ingen {app}, Det finns inget sätt att återställa den om du inte säkerhetskopierar. Det tar bara en minut.",
"YXA3AH": "Aktivera reaktioner",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Kiasi chako chaguo-msingi cha zap ni {number} sats, thamani zilizopo zinakadiriwa kutoka hapo.",
"XrSk2j": "Kukomboa",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "URL ya Huduma",
"YR2I9M": "Hakuna ufunguo, hakuna {app}, Hakuna njia ya kuzirejesha ikiwa haujafanya nakala rudufu. Inachukua dakika tu.",
"YXA3AH": "Washa Mijibu",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "Your default zap amount is {number} sats, example values are calculated from this.",
"XrSk2j": "Redeem",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "சேவை URL",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "எதிர்வினைகளை அனுமதி",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "จํานวน zap เริ่มต้นของคุณคือ {number} sats ค่าตัวอย่างคํานวณจากสิ่งนี้",
"XrSk2j": "รับคืน",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "Service URL",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "เปิดใช้งาน reactions",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "你的默认打闪金额是 {number} 聪,示例值是以此计算的。",
"XrSk2j": "兑现",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "服务网址",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "启用回应",

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
"Xnimz0": "Sending from <b>{wallet}</b>",
"Xopqkl": "你的默認打閃金額是 {number} 聰,示例值是以此計算的。",
"XrSk2j": "兌現",
"Y7FG5M": "Image not available",
"YDURw6": "服務 URL",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "启用回應",