## Worker Relay Worker relay is a Nostr relay built on `sqlite-wasm` `WorkerRelayInterface` is the class which accepts the URL of the worker script `sqlite-wasm` uses OFPS in order to persist the database. OPFS requires special headers to be present when serving your application. Read more about it [here](https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/trunk/persistence.md#opfs) ``` Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp ``` ### Usage (Vite) ```typescript import WorkerRelayPath from "@snort/worker-relay/dist/worker?worker&url"; ``` ### Example ```typescript const relay = new WorkerRelayInterface(WorkerRelayPath); // load sqlite database and run migrations await relay.init(); // Query worker relay with regular nostr REQ command const results = await relay.query(["REQ", "1", { kinds: [1], limit: 10 }]); // publish a new event to the relay const myEvent = { kind: 1, content: "test", }; if (await relay.event(myEvent)) { console.log("Success"); } ```