## @snort/system-react React hooks for @snort/system ### Available hooks #### `useRequestBuilder(NoteStore, RequestBuilder)` The main hook which allows you to subscribe to nostr relays and returns a reactive store. #### `useUserProfile(pubkey: string | undefined)` Profile hook, profile loading is automated, this hook will return the profile from cache and also refresh the cache in the background (`stale-while-revalidate`) #### `useEventFeed(NostrLink)` / `useEventsFeed(Array)` A simple hook which can load events using the `NostrLink` class, this class contains one NIP-19 entity `nevent/naddr` etc. #### `useReactions(id, Array)` Loads reactions for a set of events, this can be a set of posts on a profile or an arbitary list of events. #### `useEventReactions(NostrLink, Array)` Process a set of related events (usually results from `useReactions`) and return likes/dislikes/reposts/zaps #### `useUserSearch()` Search for profiles in the profile cache, this also returns exact links if they match #### `useSystemState(System)` Hook state of the nostr system ## Example: ```js import { useMemo } from "react"; import { SnortContext, useRequestBuilder, useUserProfile } from "@snort/system-react"; import { NostrSystem, NoteCollection, RequestBuilder, TaggedNostrEvent } from "@snort/system"; const System = new NostrSystem({}); // some bootstrap relays ["wss://relay.snort.social", "wss://nos.lol"].forEach(r => System.ConnectToRelay(r, { read: true, write: false })); export function Note({ ev }: { ev: TaggedNostrEvent }) { const profile = useUserProfile(ev.pubkey); return (
Post by: {profile.name ?? profile.display_name}


); } export function UserPosts(props: { pubkey: string }) { const sub = useMemo(() => { const rb = new RequestBuilder("get-posts"); rb.withFilter().authors([props.pubkey]).kinds([1]).limit(10); return rb; }, [props.pubkey]); const data = useRequestBuilder(NoteCollection, sub); return ( <> {data.data.map(a => ( ))} ); } export function MyApp() { return ( ); } ```