import { assertEquals, fail } from ""; import { OtherConfig } from "./config-other.ts"; import { InMemoryAccountContext, NostrEvent } from "@blowater/nostr-sdk"; import { Channel } from "@blowater/csp"; import { LamportTime } from "../time.ts"; Deno.test("Pin List", async () => { const ctx = InMemoryAccountContext.Generate(); const pusher = new Channel(); const _ = new Channel(); const lamport = new LamportTime(); const config = OtherConfig.Empty(pusher, ctx, lamport); await config.addPin("a"); assertEquals(config.getPinList(), new Set(["a"])); await config.addPin("b"); assertEquals(config.getPinList(), new Set(["a", "b"])); // able to restore the config from local storage { const config2 = await OtherConfig.FromLocalStorage(ctx, _, lamport); assertEquals(config2.getPinList(), new Set(["a", "b"])); assertEquals(config2.getPinList(), config.getPinList()); } // remove 1 pin from config1 await config.removePin("a"); assertEquals(config.getPinList(), new Set(["b"])); // config3 is able to sync with config1 // able to restore the config from event logs const config3 = OtherConfig.Empty(_, ctx, lamport); const event1 = await pusher.pop() as NostrEvent; // +a const event2 = await pusher.pop() as NostrEvent; // +b const event3 = await pusher.pop() as NostrEvent; // -a { const err = await config3.addEvent(event2); if (err instanceof Error) fail(err.message); } assertEquals(config3.getPinList(), new Set(["b"])); // apply -a before +a { const err = await config3.addEvent(event3); if (err instanceof Error) fail(err.message); } { const err = await config3.addEvent(event1); if (err instanceof Error) fail(err.message); } assertEquals(config3.getPinList(), new Set(["b"])); // +a again await config.addPin("a"); assertEquals(config.getPinList(), new Set(["a", "b"])); const event4 = await pusher.pop() as NostrEvent; { const err = await config3.addEvent(event4); if (err instanceof Error) fail(err.message); assertEquals(config3.getPinList(), new Set(["a", "b"])); } });