import { PublicKey } from "@blowater/nostr-sdk"; import { NostrAccountContext, NostrEvent, NostrKind } from "@blowater/nostr-sdk"; import { InvalidEvent } from "../features/dm.ts"; import { getTags } from "../nostr.ts"; import { UserBlocker } from "./app_update.tsx"; import { ConversationListRetriever, ConversationType, NewMessageChecker } from "./conversation-list.tsx"; import { RelayRecordGetter } from "../database.ts"; import { ValueSet } from "@blowater/collections"; import { url_identity } from "./_helper.ts"; export interface ConversationSummary { readonly pubkey: PublicKey; newestEventSendByMe?: NostrEvent; newestEventReceivedByMe?: NostrEvent; relays: ValueSet; } export class DM_List implements ConversationListRetriever, NewMessageChecker, UserBlocker { readonly convoSummaries = new Map(); readonly newMessages = new Map(); constructor( public readonly ctx: NostrAccountContext, private readonly relayRecordGetter: RelayRecordGetter, ) {} newNessageCount(pubkey: PublicKey): number { return this.newMessages.get(pubkey.bech32()) || 0; } markRead(pubkey: PublicKey): void { this.newMessages.set(pubkey.bech32(), 0); } getConversationList = (space?: URL) => { const convs = []; for (const convo of this.convoSummaries.values()) { if ( convo.newestEventReceivedByMe != undefined || convo.newestEventSendByMe != undefined ) { if (!space) { convs.push(convo); } else { const recordedByRelay = convo.relays.has(space); if (recordedByRelay) { convs.push(convo); } } } } return convs; }; *getStrangers() { for (const convoSummary of this.convoSummaries.values()) { if ( ( convoSummary.newestEventReceivedByMe == undefined || convoSummary.newestEventSendByMe == undefined ) && !( convoSummary.newestEventReceivedByMe == undefined && convoSummary.newestEventSendByMe == undefined ) ) { if (this.isUserBlocked(convoSummary.pubkey)) { continue; } yield convoSummary; } } } *getContacts() { for (const userInfo of this.convoSummaries.values()) { if ( userInfo.newestEventReceivedByMe != undefined && userInfo.newestEventSendByMe != undefined ) { if (this.isUserBlocked(userInfo.pubkey)) { continue; } yield userInfo; } } } getConversationType(pubkey: PublicKey): ConversationType { const contact = this.convoSummaries.get(pubkey.bech32()); if (contact == undefined) { return "strangers"; } if (this.isUserBlocked(pubkey)) { return "blocked"; } if ( contact.newestEventReceivedByMe == undefined || contact.newestEventSendByMe == undefined ) { return "strangers"; } else { return "contacts"; } } *getConversations(keys: Iterable): Iterable { for (const key of keys) { const convo = this.convoSummaries.get(key); if (convo) { yield convo; } } } /////////////////////////// // implement UserBlocker // /////////////////////////// blockUser(pubkey: PublicKey): void { let blockedUsers = this.getBlockedUsers(); blockedUsers.add(pubkey.bech32()); localStorage.setItem("blocked-users", JSON.stringify(Array.from(blockedUsers))); } unblockUser(pubkey: PublicKey): void { let blockedUsers = this.getBlockedUsers(); blockedUsers.delete(pubkey.bech32()); localStorage.setItem("blocked-users", JSON.stringify(Array.from(blockedUsers))); } isUserBlocked = (pubkey: PublicKey): boolean => { const blockedUsers = this.getBlockedUsers(); return blockedUsers.has(pubkey.bech32()); }; getBlockedUsers() { let blockedUsers: string | null = localStorage.getItem("blocked-users"); if (blockedUsers == null) { blockedUsers = "[]"; } return new Set(JSON.parse(blockedUsers) as string[]); } // end // ///////// addEvents( events: NostrEvent[], newEvents: boolean, ) { for (const event of events) { if (event.kind != NostrKind.DIRECT_MESSAGE) { continue; } const err = this.addEvent({ ...event, kind: event.kind, }, newEvents); if (err instanceof Error) { return err; } } } private addEvent(event: NostrEvent, newEvent: boolean) { let pubkey_I_TalkingTo; { let whoAm_I_TalkingTo = ""; if (event.pubkey == this.ctx.publicKey.hex) { // I am the sender whoAm_I_TalkingTo = getTags(event).p[0]; if (whoAm_I_TalkingTo == undefined) { return new InvalidEvent(event, `event ${} does not have p tags`); } } else if (getTags(event).p[0] == this.ctx.publicKey.hex) { // I am the receiver whoAm_I_TalkingTo = event.pubkey; } else { // I am neither. Possible because other user has used this device before return; } pubkey_I_TalkingTo = PublicKey.FromHex(whoAm_I_TalkingTo); if (pubkey_I_TalkingTo instanceof Error) { return new InvalidEvent(event, pubkey_I_TalkingTo.message); } } if (newEvent && this.ctx.publicKey.hex != event.pubkey) { this.newMessages.set( pubkey_I_TalkingTo.bech32(), this.newNessageCount(pubkey_I_TalkingTo) + 1, ); } const userInfo = this.convoSummaries.get(pubkey_I_TalkingTo.bech32()); if (userInfo) { const spaceURLs = this.relayRecordGetter.getRelayRecord(; if (spaceURLs.size > 0) { for (const url of spaceURLs) { userInfo.relays.add(url); } } if (pubkey_I_TalkingTo.hex == this.ctx.publicKey.hex) { // talking to myself if (userInfo.newestEventSendByMe) { if (event.created_at > userInfo.newestEventSendByMe?.created_at) { userInfo.newestEventSendByMe = event; userInfo.newestEventReceivedByMe = event; } } else { userInfo.newestEventSendByMe = event; userInfo.newestEventReceivedByMe = event; } } else { if (this.ctx.publicKey.hex == event.pubkey) { // I am the sender if (userInfo.newestEventSendByMe) { if (event.created_at > userInfo.newestEventSendByMe.created_at) { userInfo.newestEventSendByMe = event; } } else { userInfo.newestEventSendByMe = event; } } else { // I am the receiver if (userInfo.newestEventReceivedByMe) { if (event.created_at > userInfo.newestEventReceivedByMe.created_at) { userInfo.newestEventReceivedByMe = event; } } else { userInfo.newestEventReceivedByMe = event; } } } } else { const newUserInfo: ConversationSummary = { pubkey: pubkey_I_TalkingTo, newestEventReceivedByMe: undefined, newestEventSendByMe: undefined, relays: new ValueSet(url_identity), }; const spaceURLs = this.relayRecordGetter.getRelayRecord(; if (spaceURLs.size > 0) { for (const url of spaceURLs) { newUserInfo.relays.add(url); } } if (pubkey_I_TalkingTo.hex == this.ctx.publicKey.hex) { // talking to myself newUserInfo.newestEventSendByMe = event; newUserInfo.newestEventReceivedByMe = event; } else { if (this.ctx.publicKey.hex == event.pubkey) { // I am the sender newUserInfo.newestEventSendByMe = event; } else { // I am the receiver newUserInfo.newestEventReceivedByMe = event; } } this.convoSummaries.set(pubkey_I_TalkingTo.bech32(), newUserInfo); } } } export const sortUserInfo = (a: ConversationSummary, b: ConversationSummary) => { return sortScore(b) - sortScore(a); }; function sortScore(contact: ConversationSummary) { let score = 0; if (contact.newestEventSendByMe !== undefined) { score += contact.newestEventSendByMe.created_at; } if (contact.newestEventReceivedByMe !== undefined) { score += contact.newestEventReceivedByMe.created_at; } return score; }