import { z } from ""; import { Channel, semaphore } from ""; import { ChatMessagesGetter } from "../UI/app_update.tsx"; import { ConversationSummary } from "../UI/conversation-list.ts"; import { GroupMessageListGetter } from "../UI/conversation-list.tsx"; import { ChatMessage } from "../UI/message.ts"; import { Datebase_View } from "../database.ts"; import { prepareEncryptedNostrEvent } from "../lib/nostr-ts/event.ts"; import { PrivateKey, PublicKey } from "../lib/nostr-ts/key.ts"; import { blobToBase64, InMemoryAccountContext, NostrAccountContext, NostrEvent, NostrKind, } from "../lib/nostr-ts/nostr.ts"; import { ConnectionPool } from "../lib/nostr-ts/relay-pool.ts"; import { getTags, Parsed_Event, Tag } from "../nostr.ts"; import { parseJSON } from "./profile.ts"; import { NewMessageListener } from "../UI/message-panel.tsx"; export type GM_Types = "gm_creation" | "gm_message" | "gm_invitation"; export type GroupMessage = { event: NostrEvent; }; export type gm_Creation = { cipherKey: InMemoryAccountContext; groupKey: InMemoryAccountContext; }; export type gm_Invitation = { cipherKey: InMemoryAccountContext; groupAddr: PublicKey; }; export interface GroupChatAdder { add(key: string): void; } export interface ProfileAdder { add(key: string): void; } export class GroupMessageController implements ChatMessagesGetter, GroupMessageListGetter, NewMessageListener { private created_groups = new Map(); private invitations = new Map(); private messages = new Map(); constructor( private readonly ctx: NostrAccountContext, private readonly groupSyncer: GroupChatAdder, private readonly profileSyncer: ProfileAdder, ) {} getConversationList() { const conversations = new Map(); for (const v of this.created_groups.values()) { conversations.set(v.groupKey.publicKey.bech32(), { pubkey: v.groupKey.publicKey, }); } for (const v of this.invitations.values()) { conversations.set(v.groupAddr.bech32(), { pubkey: v.groupAddr, }); } return Array.from(conversations.values()); } getChatMessages(publicKey: string): ChatMessage[] { const msgs = this.messages.get(publicKey); return msgs ? msgs : []; } async encodeCreationToNostrEvent(groupCreation: gm_Creation) { const event = prepareEncryptedNostrEvent(this.ctx, { encryptKey: this.ctx.publicKey, kind: NostrKind.Group_Message, tags: [], content: JSON.stringify({ type: "gm_creation", cipherKey: groupCreation.cipherKey.privateKey.bech32, groupKey: groupCreation.groupKey.privateKey.bech32, }), }); return event; } async prepareGroupMessageEvent(groupAddr: PublicKey, message: string | Blob) { const groupCtx = this.getGroupChatCtx(groupAddr); if (groupCtx == undefined) { return new Error(`group ctx for ${groupAddr.bech32()} is empty`); } let text: string; let kind: "text" | "image"; if (message instanceof Blob) { kind = "image"; text = await blobToBase64(message); } else { kind = "text"; text = message; } const event = await prepareEncryptedNostrEvent( this.ctx, { content: JSON.stringify({ type: "gm_message", text: text, kind: kind, }), kind: NostrKind.Group_Message, tags: [ ["p", groupAddr.hex], ], encryptKey: groupCtx.publicKey, }, ); return event; } createGroupChat() { const groupChatCreation: gm_Creation = { cipherKey: InMemoryAccountContext.New(PrivateKey.Generate()), groupKey: InMemoryAccountContext.New(PrivateKey.Generate()), }; this.created_groups.set(groupChatCreation.groupKey.publicKey.bech32(), groupChatCreation); this.groupSyncer.add(groupChatCreation.groupKey.publicKey.hex); this.profileSyncer.add(groupChatCreation.groupKey.publicKey.hex); return groupChatCreation; } async addEvent(event: Parsed_Event) { const type = await gmEventType(this.ctx, event); if (type == "gm_creation") { return await this.handleCreation(event); } else if (type == "gm_message") { return await this.handleMessage(event); } else if (type == "gm_invitation") { return await this.handleInvitation(event); } else { console.log(, "ignore", event, "type", type); } } private async handleInvitation(event: NostrEvent) { if (event.pubkey == this.ctx.publicKey.hex) { return; // ignore this case because this is an invitation created by me } const invitation = await decodeInvitation(this.ctx, event); if (invitation instanceof Error) { return invitation; } this.invitations.set(invitation.groupAddr.bech32(), invitation); this.groupSyncer.add(invitation.groupAddr.hex); this.profileSyncer.add(invitation.groupAddr.hex); } private async handleMessage(event: Parsed_Event) { const groupAddr = event.parsedTags.p[0]; const groupAddrPubkey = PublicKey.FromHex(groupAddr); if (groupAddrPubkey instanceof Error) { return groupAddrPubkey; } const groupChatCtx = this.getGroupChatCtx(groupAddrPubkey); if (groupChatCtx == undefined) { return new Error(`group ${groupAddr} does not have me in it`); } const decryptedContent = await groupChatCtx.decrypt(event.pubkey, event.content); if (decryptedContent instanceof Error) { return decryptedContent; } const json = parseJSON(decryptedContent); if (json instanceof Error) { return json; } const author = PublicKey.FromHex(event.pubkey); if (author instanceof Error) { return author; } let message; try { message = z.object({ type: z.string(), text: z.string(), kind: z.string(), }).parse(json); } catch (e) { return e as Error; } if (message instanceof Error) { return message; } if (message.kind != "text" && message.kind != "image") { return new Error(`invalid kind: ${message.kind}`); } const chatMessage: ChatMessage = { type: message.kind, event: event, author: author, content: message.text, created_at: new Date(event.created_at * 1000), lamport: event.parsedTags.lamport_timestamp, }; const messages = this.messages.get(groupAddr); if (messages) { messages.push(chatMessage); } else { this.messages.set(groupAddr, [chatMessage]); } } private async handleCreation(event: NostrEvent) { const decryptedContent = await this.ctx.decrypt(event.pubkey, event.content); if (decryptedContent instanceof Error) { return decryptedContent; } const json = parseJSON(decryptedContent); if (json instanceof Error) { return json; } try { const schema = z.object({ type: z.string(), }); const content = schema.parse(json); if (content.type == "gm_creation") { const schema = z.object({ type: z.string(), cipherKey: z.string(), groupKey: z.string(), }); const content = schema.parse(json); const groupKey = PrivateKey.FromString(content.groupKey); if (groupKey instanceof Error) { return groupKey; } const cipherKey = PrivateKey.FromString(content.cipherKey); if (cipherKey instanceof Error) { return cipherKey; } const groupChatCreation = { groupKey: InMemoryAccountContext.New(groupKey), cipherKey: InMemoryAccountContext.New(cipherKey), }; this.created_groups.set(groupKey.toPublicKey().bech32(), groupChatCreation); this.groupSyncer.add(groupKey.toPublicKey().hex); this.profileSyncer.add(groupKey.toPublicKey().hex); // this.conversationLists.addGroupCreation(groupChatCreation); } else if (content.type == "gm_message") { console.log(content); } } catch (e) { return e as Error; } } getGroupChatCtx(group_addr: PublicKey): InMemoryAccountContext | undefined { const creation = this.created_groups.get(group_addr.bech32()); if (creation == undefined) { const invitation = this.invitations.get(group_addr.bech32()); if (invitation == undefined) { return undefined; } return invitation.cipherKey; } return creation.cipherKey; } getGroupAdminCtx(group_addr: PublicKey): InMemoryAccountContext | undefined { const creation = this.created_groups.get(group_addr.bech32()); if (!creation) { return; } return creation.groupKey; } async createInvitation(groupAddr: PublicKey, invitee: PublicKey) { // It has to be a group that I created const group = this.created_groups.get(groupAddr.bech32()); if (group == undefined) { return new Error(`You are not the admin of ${groupAddr.bech32()}`); } // create the invitation event const invitation = { type: "gm_invitation", cipherKey: group.cipherKey.privateKey.bech32, groupAddr: group.groupKey.publicKey.bech32(), }; const event = await prepareEncryptedNostrEvent(this.ctx, { encryptKey: invitee, kind: NostrKind.Group_Message, content: JSON.stringify(invitation), tags: [ ["p", invitee.hex], ], }); return event; } onChange(): Channel { // todo: Group Chat is currently disabled // so no implementation in this method yet return new Channel(); } } export async function group_GM_events(ctx: NostrAccountContext, events: Parsed_Event[]) { const invites = []; const messages = []; const creataions = []; for (const event of events) { if (event.kind != NostrKind.Group_Message) { continue; } const gmEvent = { ...event, kind: event.kind }; const type = await gmEventType(ctx, gmEvent); if (type == "gm_creation") { creataions.push(gmEvent); } else if (type == "gm_invitation") { invites.push(gmEvent); } else { messages.push(gmEvent); } } return { creataions, invites, messages, }; } export async function gmEventType( ctx: NostrAccountContext, event: NostrEvent, ): Promise { if (event.tags.length == 0) { return "gm_creation"; } const receiver = getTags(event).p[0]; if (receiver == ctx.publicKey.hex) { return "gm_invitation"; // received by me } if (ctx.publicKey.hex == event.pubkey) { // I sent if (await ctx.decrypt(receiver, event.content) instanceof Error) { return "gm_message"; } return "gm_invitation"; } return "gm_message"; } export class GroupChatSyncer implements GroupChatAdder { readonly groupAddrSet = new Set(); private readonly lock = semaphore(1); constructor( private readonly database: Datebase_View, private readonly pool: ConnectionPool, ) { } async add(...groupAddresses: string[]) { const size = this.groupAddrSet.size; for (const groupAddr of groupAddresses) { this.groupAddrSet.add(groupAddr); } if (this.groupAddrSet.size == size) { return; } const resp = await this.lock(async () => { await this.pool.closeSub(; const resp = await this.pool.newSub(, { "#p": Array.from(this.groupAddrSet), kinds: [NostrKind.Group_Message], }); return resp; }); if (resp instanceof Error) { console.log(resp); return; } for await (let { res: nostrMessage, url: relayUrl } of resp.chan) { if (nostrMessage.type === "EVENT" && nostrMessage.event.content) { this.database.addEvent(nostrMessage.event, relayUrl); } } } } export async function decodeInvitation(ctx: NostrAccountContext, event: NostrEvent) { let decryptedContent; const pTags = getTags(event).p; if (pTags.length > 0 && pTags[0] != ctx.publicKey.hex) { // I sent decryptedContent = await ctx.decrypt(pTags[0], event.content); } else { decryptedContent = await ctx.decrypt(event.pubkey, event.content); } if (decryptedContent instanceof Error) { return decryptedContent; } const json = parseJSON(decryptedContent); if (json instanceof Error) { return json; } const author = PublicKey.FromHex(event.pubkey); if (author instanceof Error) { return author; } let message: { type: string; cipherKey: string; groupAddr: string; }; try { message = z.object({ type: z.string(), cipherKey: z.string(), groupAddr: z.string(), }).parse(json); } catch (e) { return e as Error; } // add invitations const cipherKey = PrivateKey.FromBech32(message.cipherKey); if (cipherKey instanceof Error) { return cipherKey; } const groupAddr = PublicKey.FromBech32(message.groupAddr); if (groupAddr instanceof Error) { return groupAddr; } const invitation: gm_Invitation = { cipherKey: InMemoryAccountContext.New(cipherKey), groupAddr, }; return invitation; }