import { PublicKey } from ""; import { MessageThread } from "./dm.tsx"; import { NostrEvent } from ""; export function* parseContent(content: string) { // URLs yield* match(/https?:\/\/[^\s]+/g, content, "url"); // npubs yield* match(/nostr:npub[0-9a-z]{59}/g, content, "npub"); // tags yield* match(/#\[[0-9]+\]/g, content, "tag"); } function* match(regex: RegExp, content: string, type: ItemType): Generator { let match; // // If the match succeeds, the exec() method returns an array and // updates the lastIndex property of the regular expression object. while ((match = regex.exec(content)) !== null) { const urlStartPosition = match.index; if (urlStartPosition == undefined) { return; } const urlEndPosition = urlStartPosition + match[0].length - 1; yield { type: type, start: urlStartPosition, end: urlEndPosition, }; } } type ItemType = "url" | "npub" | "tag"; export type ContentItem = { type: ItemType; start: number; end: number; }; // Think of ChatMessage as an materialized view of NostrEvent export interface ChatMessage { readonly event: NostrEvent; readonly type: "image" | "text"; readonly created_at: Date; readonly lamport: number | undefined; readonly author: { pubkey: PublicKey; name?: string; picture?: string; }; content: string; } export function isImage(message: ChatMessage) { if (message.type === "image") { return true; } const trimmed = message.content.trim(); try { new URL(trimmed); // is URL otherwise throw a TypeError if (!urlIsImage(trimmed)) { return false; } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } export function urlIsImage(url: string) { const trimmed = url.trim(); const parts = trimmed.split("."); return ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"].includes(parts[parts.length - 1]); } export function* groupContinuousMessages( seq: Iterable, checker: (previousItem: T, currentItem: T) => boolean, ) { let previousItem: T | undefined; let group: T[] = []; for (const currentItem of seq) { if (previousItem == undefined || checker(previousItem, currentItem)) { group.push(currentItem); } else { yield group; group = [currentItem]; } previousItem = currentItem; } yield group; } export function sortMessage(messages: MessageThread[]) { return messages .sort((m1, m2) => { if (m1.root.lamport && m2.root.lamport) { if (m1.root.lamport == m2.root.lamport) { return m2.root.created_at.getTime() - m1.root.created_at.getTime(); } else { return m2.root.lamport - m1.root.lamport; } } return m2.root.created_at.getTime() - m1.root.created_at.getTime(); }); }