/* Extension to common Nostr types */ import { PrivateKey, PublicKey } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlowaterNostr/nostr.ts/main/key.ts"; import * as nostr from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlowaterNostr/nostr.ts/main/nostr.ts"; import { groupBy, NostrKind, prepareEncryptedNostrEvent, prepareNormalNostrEvent, TagPubKey, } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlowaterNostr/nostr.ts/main/nostr.ts"; type TotolChunks = string; type ChunkIndex = string; // 0-indexed type GroupLeadEventID = string; export type TagImage = ["image", GroupLeadEventID, TotolChunks, ChunkIndex]; export type TagClient = ["client", "blowater"]; export type TagLamportTimestamp = ["lamport", string]; export type TagReply = ["e", nostr.EventID, RelayURL, Marker]; type Marker = "reply" | "root" | "mention"; type RelayURL = string; export type Tag = nostr.Tag | TagImage | TagClient | TagLamportTimestamp | TagReply; type Tags = { image?: [GroupLeadEventID, TotolChunks, ChunkIndex]; lamport_timestamp?: number; reply?: [nostr.EventID, RelayURL, "reply"]; root?: [nostr.EventID, RelayURL, "root"]; } & nostr.Tags; type Event = nostr.NostrEvent; type UnsignedEvent = nostr.UnsignedNostrEvent; export function getTags(event: Event): Tags { const tags: Tags = { p: [], e: [], }; for (const tag of event.tags) { switch (tag[0]) { case "p": tags.p.push(tag[1]); break; case "e": if (tag[3] == "reply") { const [_1, EventID, RelayURL, _2] = tag; tags.reply = [EventID, RelayURL as string, "reply"]; } else if (tag[3] == "root") { const [_1, EventID, RelayURL, _2] = tag; tags.root = [EventID, RelayURL as string, "root"]; } else if (tag[1] != "") { tags.e.push(tag[1]); } break; case "image": const [_, GroupLeadEventID, TotolChunks, ChunkIndex] = tag; tags.image = [GroupLeadEventID, TotolChunks, ChunkIndex]; break; case "client": tags.client = tag[1]; break; case "lamport": tags.lamport_timestamp = Number(tag[1]); break; } } return tags; } export async function prepareNostrImageEvents( sender: nostr.NostrAccountContext, receiverPublicKey: PublicKey, blob: Blob, kind: nostr.NostrKind, tags?: Tag[], ): Promise<[nostr.NostrEvent[], string] | Error> { // prepare nostr event // read the blob const binaryContent = await nostr.blobToBase64(blob); const chunkSize = 32 * 1024; const chunkCount = Math.ceil(binaryContent.length / chunkSize); const events: nostr.NostrEvent[] = []; let groupLeadEventID = PrivateKey.Generate().hex; for (let i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) { const chunk = binaryContent.slice(i * chunkSize, (i + 1) * chunkSize); // encryption const encrypted = await sender.encrypt(receiverPublicKey.hex, chunk); if (encrypted instanceof Error) { return encrypted; } const event: UnsignedEvent = { created_at: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), kind: kind, pubkey: sender.publicKey.hex, tags: [ ["p", receiverPublicKey.hex], ["image", groupLeadEventID, String(chunkCount), String(i)], ...(tags || []), ], content: encrypted, }; events.push(await sender.signEvent(event)); } return [events, groupLeadEventID]; } export function reassembleBase64ImageFromEvents( events: nostr.NostrEvent[], ) { if (events.length === 0) { return ""; } const firstEvent = events[0]; const imageTag = getTags(firstEvent).image; if (imageTag == undefined) { return new Error(`${firstEvent.id} is not an image event`); } const [_2, chunkCount, _4] = imageTag; const chunks = new Array(Number(chunkCount)); chunks.fill(null); for (const event of events) { const imageTag = getTags(event).image; if (imageTag == undefined) { return new Error(`${event.id} is not an image event`); } const [_2, _3, chunkIndex] = imageTag; const cIndex = Number(chunkIndex); chunks[cIndex] = event.content; } if (chunks.includes(null)) { const miss = chunks.filter((c) => c === null).length; return new Error( `not enough chunks for image event ${firstEvent.id}, need ${Number(chunkCount)}, miss ${miss}`, ); } return chunks.join(""); } export function groupImageEvents(events: Iterable) { return groupBy(events, (event) => { const tags = getTags(event); const imageTag = tags.image; if (imageTag == undefined) { return undefined; } const groupID = imageTag[0]; return groupID; }); } export function prepareReplyEvent( sender: nostr.NostrAccountContext, targetEvent: nostr.NostrEvent, tags: Tag[], content: string, ): Promise { const ps = getTags(targetEvent).p; if (targetEvent.kind == NostrKind.DIRECT_MESSAGE) { return prepareEncryptedNostrEvent( sender, targetEvent.pubkey, targetEvent.kind, [ [ "e", targetEvent.id, "", "reply", ], ...ps.map((p) => [ "p", p, ] as TagPubKey ), ...tags, ], content, ); } return prepareNormalNostrEvent( sender, targetEvent.kind, [ [ "e", targetEvent.id, "", "reply", ], ...ps.map((p) => [ "p", p, ] as TagPubKey ), ...tags, ], content, ); } export function compare(a: ParsedTag_Nostr_Event, b: ParsedTag_Nostr_Event) { if (a.parsedTags.lamport_timestamp && b.parsedTags.lamport_timestamp) { return a.parsedTags.lamport_timestamp - b.parsedTags.lamport_timestamp; } return a.created_at - b.created_at; } export type ParsedTag_Nostr_Event = nostr.NostrEvent & { readonly parsedTags: Tags; }; export function computeThreads(events: ParsedTag_Nostr_Event[]) { events.sort(compare); const idsMap = new Map(); for (const event of events) { if (!idsMap.has(event.id)) { idsMap.set(event.id, event); } const tags = event.parsedTags; if (tags.image && tags.image[2] == "0" && !idsMap.has(tags.image[0])) { idsMap.set(tags.image[0], event); } } const relationsMap = new Map(); for (const event of events) { let id = event.id; const replyTags = event.parsedTags.root || event.parsedTags.reply || event.parsedTags.e; const imageTags = event.parsedTags.image; if (replyTags && replyTags.length > 0) { id = replyTags[0]; } else if (imageTags && imageTags.length > 0) { id = imageTags[0]; } const idsEvent = idsMap.get(id); if (idsEvent) { const relationEvent = relationsMap.get(idsEvent); if (!relationEvent) { relationsMap.set(event, idsEvent); } else { relationsMap.set(event, relationEvent); } } else { relationsMap.set(event, id); } } const resMap = new Map(); for (const event of events) { const relationEvent = relationsMap.get(event); if (!relationEvent) { throw Error("Impossible"); } const id = typeof relationEvent == "string" ? relationEvent : relationEvent.id; const res = resMap.get(id); if (res) { res.push(event); } else { resMap.set(id, [event]); } } return Array.from(resMap.values()); } export interface Signed_CustomAppData_Typed_Event { readonly id: nostr.EventID; readonly sig: string; readonly pubkey: string; readonly kind: nostr.NostrKind.CustomAppData; readonly created_at: number; readonly tags: Tag[]; readonly content: CustomAppData; } export interface Unsigned_CustomAppData_Typed_Event { readonly pubkey: string; readonly kind: nostr.NostrKind.CustomAppData; readonly created_at: number; readonly content: CustomAppData; } export type Decrypted_Nostr_Event = { readonly id: nostr.EventID; readonly sig: string; readonly pubkey: string; readonly kind: nostr.NostrKind.CustomAppData; readonly created_at: number; readonly tags: Tag[]; readonly parsedTags: Tags; readonly content: string; readonly decryptedContent: string; }; export type Decryptable_Nostr_Event = { readonly id: nostr.EventID; readonly sig: string; readonly pubkey: string; readonly kind: nostr.NostrKind.CustomAppData; readonly created_at: number; readonly tags: Tag[]; readonly content: string; }; export type PlainText_Nostr_Event = { readonly id: nostr.EventID; readonly sig: string; readonly pubkey: string; readonly kind: | NostrKind.DIRECT_MESSAGE | NostrKind.CONTACTS | NostrKind.DELETE | NostrKind.META_DATA | NostrKind.TEXT_NOTE | NostrKind.RECOMMED_SERVER; readonly created_at: number; readonly tags: Tag[]; readonly parsedTags: Tags; readonly content: string; }; export type CustomAppData = PinContact | UnpinContact | UserLogin; export type PinContact = { type: "PinContact"; pubkey: string; }; export type UnpinContact = { type: "UnpinContact"; pubkey: string; }; export type UserLogin = { type: "UserLogin"; };