# Current - [ ] Fix anon/new user experience - [ ] Clicking stuff that would publish kicks you to the login page, we should open a modal instead. - [ ] Separate user info and relays so we can still select/figure out relays for anons - [ ] Separate petnames out as well so anons can follow people - [ ] Initial user load doesn't have any relays, cache user or wait for people db to be loaded - nip07.getRelays, nip05, relay.nostr.band - [ ] Fix bugs on bugsnag # Snacks - [ ] DM/chat read status in encrypted note - [ ] Relay recommendations based on follows/followers - [ ] Pinned posts ala snort - [ ] Likes list on note detail. Maybe a sidebar or header for note detail page? - [ ] Support key delegation - https://github.com/nbd-wtf/nostr-tools/blob/master/nip26.ts - [ ] Add keyword mutes - [ ] Add encrypted settings storage using nostr events - [ ] Attachments (a tag w/content type and url) - [ ] Linkify bech32 entities w/ NIP 21 https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/21.md - [ ] Sign in as user with one click to view things from their pubkey's perspective - do this with multiple accounts - nevent1qqsyyxtrhpsqeqaqgucd6uzpyh8eq2hkfgr0yzr7ku7tgyl5cn9jw5qpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzvuq3gamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7l564wx - [ ] Search by nip05 alias - nevent1qqsdt4ux9c0zvd6hzpwnzznjsmd7a337mpxdspu9wd4fq8drvqejdmqpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dsffemjp - [ ] Show options on note detail for retrieving replies - Replies from user's network - All replies from author's + user's read relays, including spam # Missions - [ ] Make feeds page customizable. This could potentially use the "lists" NIP - nevent1qqspjcqw2hu5gfcpkrjhs0aqvxuzjgtp50l375mcqjfpmk48cg5hevgpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6un9d3shjtnhd3m8xtnnwpskxegpzamhxue69uhkummnw3ezuendwsh8w6t69e3xj7spramhxue69uhkummnw3ez6un9d3shjtnwdahxxefwv93kzer9d4usz9rhwden5te0wfjkccte9ejxzmt4wvhxjmcpr9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuer9d3hjuum0ve68wctjv5n8hwfg - [ ] Click through on relays page to view a feed for only that relay. - [ ] Custom views should combine pubkeys, relays, event ids, and topics - [ ] Topics/hashtag views - [ ] Support paid relays - atlas.nostr.land - eden.nostr.land - [ ] Re-license using https://polyformproject.org/ - [ ] Image uploads - Default will charge via lightning and have a tos, others can self-host and skip that. - Add banner field to profile - Linode/Digital Ocean - https://github.com/brandonsavage/Upload - https://github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs - https://github.com/cubefs/cubefs - [ ] Support relay auth - [ ] Support invoices, tips, zaps https://twitter.com/jb55/status/1604131336247476224 - nevent1qqsd0x0xzfwtppu0n52ngw0zhynlwv0sjsr77aflcpufms2wrl3v8mspr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctv9uqs7amnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wd4hk6d7ewgp - [ ] Separate settings for read, write, and broadcast relays based on NIP 65 - [ ] Release to android - https://svelte-native.technology/docs - https://ionic.io/blog/capacitor-everything-youve-ever-wanted-to-know - [ ] Add no-relay gossip - Capture certain events in a local db - File import/export from db, NFC transfer - Save user notes to db # Maintenance - [ ] Keep track of all relays an event was seen on - [ ] Don't waste space caching rooms, load those lazily - [ ] Normalize relay urls (lowercase, strip trailing slash) - [ ] Use nip 56 for reporting - https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/205#issuecomment-1419234230 - [ ] Sync mentions box and in-reply mentions - [ ] Channels - [ ] Damus has chats divided into DMs and requests - [ ] Ability to leave/mute DM conversation - [ ] Add petnames for channels - [ ] Add notifications for chat messages