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2023-07-21 21:54:03 +00:00
// NdbNote.swift
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2023-07-21.
import Foundation
import NaturalLanguage
import CommonCrypto
import secp256k1
import secp256k1_implementation
import CryptoKit
2023-07-21 21:54:03 +00:00
let MAX_NOTE_SIZE: Int = 2 << 18
struct NdbStr {
let note: NdbNote
let str: UnsafePointer<CChar>
struct NdbId {
let note: NdbNote
let id: Data
enum NdbData {
case id(NdbId)
case str(NdbStr)
init(note: NdbNote, str: ndb_str) {
guard str.flag == NDB_PACKED_ID else {
self = .str(NdbStr(note: note, str: str.str))
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: str.id, count: 32)
self = .id(NdbId(note: note, id: Data(buffer: buffer)))
class NdbNote: Encodable, Equatable, Hashable {
2023-07-21 23:01:28 +00:00
// we can have owned notes, but we can also have lmdb virtual-memory mapped notes so its optional
let owned: Bool
let count: Int
let key: NoteKey?
2023-07-21 21:54:03 +00:00
let note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>
// cached stuff (TODO: remove these)
var decrypted_content: String? = nil
Bring local notification logic into the push notification target This commit brings key local notification logic into the notification extension target to allow the extension to reuse much of the functionality surrounding the processing and formatting of notifications. More specifically, the functions `process_local_notification` and `create_local_notification` were brought into the extension target. This will enable us to reuse much of the pre-existing notification logic (and avoid having to reimplement all of that) However, those functions had high dependencies on other parts of the code, so significant refactorings were needed to make this happen: - `create_local_notification` and `process_local_notification` had its function signatures changed to avoid the need to `DamusState` (which pulls too many other dependecies) - Other necessary dependencies, such as `Profiles`, `UserSettingsStore` had to be pulled into the extension target. Subsequently, sub-dependencies of those items had to be pulled in as well - In several cases, files were split to avoid pulling too many dependencies (e.g. Some Model files depended on some functions in View files, so in those cases I moved those functions into their own separate file to avoid pulling in view logic into the extension target) - Notification processing logic was changed a bit to remove dependency on `EventCache` in favor of using ndb directly (As instructed in a TODO comment in EventCache, and because EventCache has too many other dependencies) tldr: A LOT of things were moved around, a bit of logic was changed around local notifications to avoid using `EventCache`, but otherwise this commit is meant to be a no-op without any new features or user-facing functional changes. Testing ------- Device: iPhone 15 Pro iOS: 17.0.1 Damus: This commit Coverage: 1. Ran unit tests to check for regressions (none detected) 2. Launched the app and navigated around and did some interactions to perform a quick functional smoke test (no regressions found) 3. Sent a few push notifications to check they still work as expected (PASS) Signed-off-by: Daniel D’Aquino <daniel@daquino.me> Signed-off-by: William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com>
2023-12-01 21:26:06 +00:00
private var inner_event: NdbNote? {
get {
return NdbNote.owned_from_json_cstr(json: content_raw, json_len: content_len)
init(note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>, size: Int, owned: Bool, key: NoteKey?) {
2023-07-21 23:01:28 +00:00
self.note = note
self.owned = owned
self.count = size
self.key = key
if let owned_size {
NdbNote.total_ndb_size += Int(owned_size)
NdbNote.notes_created += 1
print("\(NdbNote.notes_created) ndb_notes, \(NdbNote.total_ndb_size) bytes")
2023-07-22 14:40:20 +00:00
func to_owned() -> NdbNote {
if self.owned {
return self
let buf = malloc(self.count)!
memcpy(buf, &self.note.pointee, self.count)
let new_note = buf.assumingMemoryBound(to: ndb_note.self)
return NdbNote(note: new_note, size: self.count, owned: true, key: self.key)
2023-07-22 14:40:20 +00:00
var content: String {
String(cString: content_raw, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
var content_raw: UnsafePointer<CChar> {
var content_len: UInt32 {
2023-07-22 14:40:20 +00:00
/// NDBTODO: make this into data
var id: NoteId {
.init(Data(bytes: ndb_note_id(note), count: 32))
var sig: Signature {
.init(Data(bytes: ndb_note_sig(note), count: 64))
2023-07-21 21:54:03 +00:00
/// NDBTODO: make this into data
var pubkey: Pubkey {
.init(Data(bytes: ndb_note_pubkey(note), count: 32))
2023-07-21 23:01:28 +00:00
var created_at: UInt32 {
var kind: UInt32 {
var tags: TagsSequence {
.init(note: self)
2023-07-21 21:54:03 +00:00
deinit {
if self.owned {
NdbNote.total_ndb_size -= Int(count)
NdbNote.notes_created -= 1
print("\(NdbNote.notes_created) ndb_notes, \(NdbNote.total_ndb_size) bytes")
static func == (lhs: NdbNote, rhs: NdbNote) -> Bool {
return lhs.id == rhs.id
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id, sig, tags, pubkey, created_at, kind, content
// Implement the `Encodable` protocol
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(hex_encode(id.id), forKey: .id)
try container.encode(hex_encode(sig.data), forKey: .sig)
try container.encode(pubkey, forKey: .pubkey)
try container.encode(created_at, forKey: .created_at)
try container.encode(kind, forKey: .kind)
try container.encode(content, forKey: .content)
try container.encode(tags, forKey: .tags)
static var total_ndb_size: Int = 0
static var notes_created: Int = 0
init?(content: String, keypair: Keypair, kind: UInt32 = 1, tags: [[String]] = [], createdAt: UInt32 = UInt32(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)) {
var builder = ndb_builder()
let buflen = MAX_NOTE_SIZE
let buf = malloc(buflen)
ndb_builder_init(&builder, buf, Int32(buflen))
var pk_raw = keypair.pubkey.bytes
ndb_builder_set_pubkey(&builder, &pk_raw)
ndb_builder_set_kind(&builder, UInt32(kind))
ndb_builder_set_created_at(&builder, UInt64(createdAt))
var ok = true
for tag in tags {
for elem in tag {
ok = elem.withCString({ eptr in
return ndb_builder_push_tag_str(&builder, eptr, Int32(elem.utf8.count)) > 0
if !ok {
return nil
ok = content.withCString { cptr in
return ndb_builder_set_content(&builder, cptr, Int32(content.utf8.count)) > 0
if !ok {
return nil
var n = UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>?(nil)
var the_kp: ndb_keypair? = nil
if let sec = keypair.privkey {
var kp = ndb_keypair()
memcpy(&kp.secret.0, sec.id.bytes, 32);
if ndb_create_keypair(&kp) <= 0 {
print("bad keypair")
} else {
the_kp = kp
var len: Int32 = 0
if var the_kp {
len = ndb_builder_finalize(&builder, &n, &the_kp)
} else {
len = ndb_builder_finalize(&builder, &n, nil)
if len <= 0 {
return nil
//guard let n else { return nil }
self.owned = true
self.count = Int(len)
//self.note = n
let r = realloc(buf, Int(len))
guard let r else {
return nil
self.note = r.assumingMemoryBound(to: ndb_note.self)
self.key = nil
2023-07-21 21:54:03 +00:00
static func owned_from_json(json: String, bufsize: Int = 2 << 18) -> NdbNote? {
return json.withCString { cstr in
return NdbNote.owned_from_json_cstr(
json: cstr, json_len: UInt32(json.utf8.count), bufsize: bufsize)
static func owned_from_json_cstr(json: UnsafePointer<CChar>, json_len: UInt32, bufsize: Int = 2 << 18) -> NdbNote? {
let data = malloc(bufsize)
//guard var json_cstr = json.cString(using: .utf8) else { return nil }
2023-07-21 21:54:03 +00:00
var note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>?
let len = ndb_note_from_json(json, Int32(json_len), &note, data, Int32(bufsize))
if len == 0 {
return nil
2023-07-21 21:54:03 +00:00
2023-07-21 21:54:03 +00:00
// Create new Data with just the valid bytes
guard let note_data = realloc(data, Int(len)) else { return nil }
let new_note = note_data.assumingMemoryBound(to: ndb_note.self)
return NdbNote(note: new_note, size: Int(len), owned: true, key: nil)
Bring local notification logic into the push notification target This commit brings key local notification logic into the notification extension target to allow the extension to reuse much of the functionality surrounding the processing and formatting of notifications. More specifically, the functions `process_local_notification` and `create_local_notification` were brought into the extension target. This will enable us to reuse much of the pre-existing notification logic (and avoid having to reimplement all of that) However, those functions had high dependencies on other parts of the code, so significant refactorings were needed to make this happen: - `create_local_notification` and `process_local_notification` had its function signatures changed to avoid the need to `DamusState` (which pulls too many other dependecies) - Other necessary dependencies, such as `Profiles`, `UserSettingsStore` had to be pulled into the extension target. Subsequently, sub-dependencies of those items had to be pulled in as well - In several cases, files were split to avoid pulling too many dependencies (e.g. Some Model files depended on some functions in View files, so in those cases I moved those functions into their own separate file to avoid pulling in view logic into the extension target) - Notification processing logic was changed a bit to remove dependency on `EventCache` in favor of using ndb directly (As instructed in a TODO comment in EventCache, and because EventCache has too many other dependencies) tldr: A LOT of things were moved around, a bit of logic was changed around local notifications to avoid using `EventCache`, but otherwise this commit is meant to be a no-op without any new features or user-facing functional changes. Testing ------- Device: iPhone 15 Pro iOS: 17.0.1 Damus: This commit Coverage: 1. Ran unit tests to check for regressions (none detected) 2. Launched the app and navigated around and did some interactions to perform a quick functional smoke test (no regressions found) 3. Sent a few push notifications to check they still work as expected (PASS) Signed-off-by: Daniel D’Aquino <daniel@daquino.me> Signed-off-by: William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com>
2023-12-01 21:26:06 +00:00
func get_inner_event() -> NdbNote? {
return self.inner_event
// Extension to make NdbNote compatible with NostrEvent's original API
extension NdbNote {
var is_textlike: Bool {
return kind == 1 || kind == 42 || kind == 30023
var is_quote_repost: NoteId? {
guard kind == 1, let quoted_note_id = referenced_quote_ids.first else {
return nil
return quoted_note_id.note_id
var known_kind: NostrKind? {
return NostrKind.init(rawValue: kind)
var too_big: Bool {
return known_kind != .longform && self.content_len > 16000
var should_show_event: Bool {
return !too_big
func get_blocks(keypair: Keypair) -> Blocks {
return parse_note_content(content: .init(note: self, keypair: keypair))
// TODO: References iterator
public var referenced_ids: References<NoteId> {
References<NoteId>(tags: self.tags)
network: Broadcast quoted notes when posting a note with quotes This change addresses an issue where notes with quotes sometimes are not loaded correctly because the quoted note was not available in the same relay. Now whenever a user posts a note with a quoted note, the quoted note is also broadcast to the user's selected relays. Issue repro ----------- ISSUE REPRODUCED Device: iPhone 14 Pro Simulator iOS: 17.0 Damus: `1fabd4c0fe98d1f47b1fa0f76984ad78095bd49c` Setup: - Make sure you have a debugger connected - Have a test note that you can quote Steps: 1. Start Damus and let logs settle 2. Observe where the last log is 3. Quote the test note 4. Copy newly generated logs and paste on a text editor. 5. Analyze those logs. Pay attention to the new note id, as well as the note id of the quoted event (`["q", <QUOTED_NOTE_ID>]`) Results: Logs show that the newly posted event is being flushed to the relays, but not the note that is being quoted. Testing of the fix ------------------ PASS Device: iPhone 14 Pro Simulator iOS: 17.0 Damus: This commit Setup: - Make sure you have a debugger connected - Have a test note that you can quote Steps: 1. Start Damus and let logs settle 2. Observe where the last log is 3. Quote the test note 4. Copy newly generated logs and paste on a text editor. 5. Analyze those logs. Pay attention to the new note id, as well as the note id of the quoted event (`["q", <QUOTED_NOTE_ID>]`) Results: - Logs show the new event being flushed to the relays. PASS - Logs show the quoted event also being flushed to the relays. PASS Closes: https://github.com/damus-io/damus/issues/1495 Changelog-Fixed: Broadcast quoted notes when posting a note with quotes Signed-off-by: Daniel D’Aquino <daniel@daquino.me> Reviewed-by: William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com> Signed-off-by: William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com>
2023-10-06 22:54:05 +00:00
public var referenced_quote_ids: References<QuoteId> {
References<QuoteId>(tags: self.tags)
public var referenced_noterefs: References<NoteRef> {
References<NoteRef>(tags: self.tags)
public var referenced_follows: References<FollowRef> {
References<FollowRef>(tags: self.tags)
public var referenced_pubkeys: References<Pubkey> {
References<Pubkey>(tags: self.tags)
public var referenced_hashtags: References<Hashtag> {
References<Hashtag>(tags: self.tags)
public var referenced_params: References<ReplaceableParam> {
References<ReplaceableParam>(tags: self.tags)
public var referenced_mute_items: References<MuteItem> {
References<MuteItem>(tags: self.tags)
public var references: References<RefId> {
References<RefId>(tags: self.tags)
func event_refs(_ keypair: Keypair) -> [EventRef] {
let refs = interpret_event_refs_ndb(blocks: self.blocks(keypair).blocks, tags: self.tags)
return refs
func get_content(_ keypair: Keypair) -> String {
if known_kind == .dm {
return decrypted(keypair: keypair) ?? "*failed to decrypt content*"
return content
func maybe_get_content(_ keypair: Keypair) -> String? {
if known_kind == .dm {
return decrypted(keypair: keypair)
return content
func blocks(_ keypair: Keypair) -> Blocks {
return get_blocks(keypair: keypair)
// NDBTODO: switch this to operating on bytes not strings
func decrypted(keypair: Keypair) -> String? {
if let decrypted_content {
return decrypted_content
let our_pubkey = keypair.pubkey
// NDBTODO: don't hex encode
var pubkey = self.pubkey
// This is our DM, we need to use the pubkey of the person we're talking to instead
if our_pubkey == pubkey, let pk = self.referenced_pubkeys.first {
pubkey = pk
// NDBTODO: pass data to pubkey
let dec = decrypt_dm(keypair.privkey, pubkey: pubkey, content: self.content, encoding: .base64)
self.decrypted_content = dec
return dec
public func direct_replies(_ keypair: Keypair) -> [NoteId] {
return event_refs(keypair).reduce(into: []) { acc, evref in
if let direct_reply = evref.is_direct_reply {
// NDBTODO: just use Id
public func thread_id(keypair: Keypair) -> NoteId {
for ref in event_refs(keypair) {
if let thread_id = ref.is_thread_id {
return thread_id.note_id
return self.id
public func last_refid() -> NoteId? {
return self.referenced_ids.last
// NDBTODO: id -> data
public func references(id: String, key: AsciiCharacter) -> Bool {
var matcher: (Reference) -> Bool = { ref in ref.ref_id.matches_str(id) }
if id.count == 64, let decoded = hex_decode(id) {
matcher = { ref in ref.ref_id.matches_id(decoded) }
for ref in References(tags: self.tags) {
if ref.key == key && matcher(ref) {
return true
return false
func is_reply(_ keypair: Keypair) -> Bool {
return event_is_reply(self.event_refs(keypair))
func note_language(_ keypair: Keypair) -> String? {
assert(!Thread.isMainThread, "This function must not be run on the main thread.")
// Rely on Apple's NLLanguageRecognizer to tell us which language it thinks the note is in
// and filter on only the text portions of the content as URLs and hashtags confuse the language recognizer.
let originalBlocks = self.blocks(keypair).blocks
let originalOnlyText = originalBlocks.compactMap {
if case .text(let txt) = $0 {
// Replacing right single quotation marks () with "typewriter or ASCII apostrophes" (')
// as a workaround to get Apple's language recognizer to predict language the correctly.
// It is important to add this workaround to get the language right because it wastes users' money to send translation requests.
// Until Apple fixes their language model, this workaround will be kept in place.
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostrophe#Unicode for an explanation of the differences between the two characters.
// For example,
// "nevent1qqs0wsknetaju06xk39cv8sttd064amkykqalvfue7ydtg3p0lyfksqzyrhxagf6h8l9cjngatumrg60uq22v66qz979pm32v985ek54ndh8gj42wtp"
// has the note content "Its a meme".
// Without the character replacement, it is 61% confident that the text is in Turkish (tr) and 8% confident that the text is in English (en),
// which is a wildly incorrect hypothesis.
// With the character replacement, it is 65% confident that the text is in English (en) and 24% confident that the text is in Turkish (tr), which is more accurate.
// Similarly,
// "nevent1qqspjqlln6wvxrqg6kzl2p7gk0rgr5stc7zz5sstl34cxlw55gvtylgpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6ur4vgh8wetvd3hhyer9wghxuet5qy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnwdaehgu3wvfnsygpx6655ve67vqlcme9ld7ww73pqx7msclhwzu8lqmkhvuluxnyc7yhf3xut"
// has the note content "Youre funner".
// Without the character replacement, it is 52% confident that the text is in Norwegian Bokmål (nb) and 41% confident that the text is in English (en).
// With the character replacement, it is 93% confident that the text is in English (en) and 4% confident that the text is in Norwegian Bokmål (nb).
return txt.replacingOccurrences(of: "", with: "'")
else {
return nil
.joined(separator: " ")
// If there is no text, there's nothing to use to detect language.
guard !originalOnlyText.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty else {
return nil
let languageRecognizer = NLLanguageRecognizer()
// Only accept language recognition hypothesis if there's at least a 50% probability that it's accurate.
guard let locale = languageRecognizer.languageHypotheses(withMaximum: 1).first(where: { $0.value >= 0.5 })?.key.rawValue else {
return nil
// Remove the variant component and just take the language part as translation services typically only supports the variant-less language.
// Moreover, speakers of one variant can generally understand other variants.
return localeToLanguage(locale)
var age: TimeInterval {
let event_date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(created_at))
return Date.now.timeIntervalSince(event_date)
func hex_encode(_ data: Data) -> String {
var str = ""
for c in data {
let c1 = hexchar(c >> 4)
let c2 = hexchar(c & 0xF)
return str