mirror of git://jb55.com/damus synced 2024-09-29 00:10:43 +00:00

394 lines
8.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// damus.c
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2022-10-17.
#include "damus.h"
#include "cursor.h"
#include "bolt11.h"
#include "bech32.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
2023-05-15 16:59:10 +00:00
static int parse_digit(struct cursor *cur, int *digit) {
int c;
if ((c = peek_char(cur, 0)) == -1)
return 0;
c -= '0';
if (c >= 0 && c <= 9) {
*digit = c;
return 1;
return 0;
static int parse_mention_index(struct cursor *cur, struct note_block *block) {
int d1, d2, d3, ind;
u8 *start = cur->p;
if (!parse_str(cur, "#["))
return 0;
if (!parse_digit(cur, &d1)) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
ind = d1;
if (parse_digit(cur, &d2))
ind = (d1 * 10) + d2;
if (parse_digit(cur, &d3))
ind = (d1 * 100) + (d2 * 10) + d3;
if (!parse_char(cur, ']')) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
block->type = BLOCK_MENTION_INDEX;
block->block.mention_index = ind;
return 1;
static int parse_hashtag(struct cursor *cur, struct note_block *block) {
int c;
u8 *start = cur->p;
if (!parse_char(cur, '#'))
return 0;
c = peek_char(cur, 0);
if (c == -1 || is_whitespace(c) || c == '#') {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
block->type = BLOCK_HASHTAG;
block->block.str.start = (const char*)(start + 1);
block->block.str.end = (const char*)cur->p;
return 1;
static int add_block(struct note_blocks *blocks, struct note_block block)
if (blocks->num_blocks + 1 >= MAX_BLOCKS)
return 0;
blocks->blocks[blocks->num_blocks++] = block;
return 1;
static int add_text_block(struct note_blocks *blocks, const u8 *start, const u8 *end)
struct note_block b;
if (start == end)
return 1;
b.type = BLOCK_TEXT;
b.block.str.start = (const char*)start;
b.block.str.end = (const char*)end;
return add_block(blocks, b);
static int consume_url_fragment(struct cursor *cur)
int c;
if ((c = peek_char(cur, 0)) < 0)
return 1;
if (c != '#' && c != '?') {
return 1;
return consume_until_end_url(cur, 1);
static int consume_url_path(struct cursor *cur)
int c;
if ((c = peek_char(cur, 0)) < 0)
return 1;
if (c != '/') {
return 1;
while (cur->p < cur->end) {
c = *cur->p;
if (c == '?' || c == '#' || is_final_url_char(cur->p, cur->end)) {
return 1;
return 1;
static int consume_url_host(struct cursor *cur)
char c;
int count = 0;
while (cur->p < cur->end) {
c = *cur->p;
// TODO: handle IDNs
if ((is_alphanumeric(c) || c == '.' || c == '-') && !is_final_url_char(cur->p, cur->end))
return count != 0;
// this means the end of the URL hostname is the end of the buffer and we finished
return count != 0;
static int parse_url(struct cursor *cur, struct note_block *block) {
u8 *start = cur->p;
u8 *host;
int host_len;
struct cursor path_cur;
if (!parse_str(cur, "http"))
return 0;
if (parse_char(cur, 's') || parse_char(cur, 'S')) {
if (!parse_str(cur, "://")) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
} else {
if (!parse_str(cur, "://")) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
// make sure to save the hostname. We will use this to detect damus.io links
host = cur->p;
if (!consume_url_host(cur)) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
// get the length of the host string
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host_len = (int)(cur->p - host);
// save the current parse state so that we can continue from here when
// parsing the bech32 in the damus.io link if we have it
copy_cursor(cur, &path_cur);
// skip leading /
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cursor_skip(&path_cur, 1);
if (!consume_url_path(cur)) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
if (!consume_url_fragment(cur)) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
// smart parens
if (start - 1 >= 0 &&
start < cur->end &&
*(start - 1) == '(' &&
(cur->p - 1) < cur->end &&
*(cur->p - 1) == ')')
// save the bech32 string pos in case we hit a damus.io link
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block->block.str.start = (const char *)path_cur.p;
// if we have a damus link, make it a mention
if (host_len == 8
2023-12-04 21:25:02 +00:00
&& !strncmp((const char *)host, "damus.io", 8)
&& parse_nostr_bech32(&path_cur, &block->block.mention_bech32.bech32))
2023-12-04 21:25:02 +00:00
block->block.str.end = (const char *)path_cur.p;
block->type = BLOCK_MENTION_BECH32;
return 1;
block->type = BLOCK_URL;
block->block.str.start = (const char *)start;
block->block.str.end = (const char *)cur->p;
return 1;
static int parse_invoice(struct cursor *cur, struct note_block *block) {
u8 *start, *end;
char *fail;
struct bolt11 *bolt11;
// optional
parse_str(cur, "lightning:");
start = cur->p;
if (!parse_str(cur, "lnbc"))
return 0;
if (!consume_until_whitespace(cur, 1)) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
end = cur->p;
char str[end - start + 1];
str[end - start] = 0;
memcpy(str, start, end - start);
if (!(bolt11 = bolt11_decode(NULL, str, &fail))) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
block->type = BLOCK_INVOICE;
block->block.invoice.invstr.start = (const char*)start;
block->block.invoice.invstr.end = (const char*)end;
block->block.invoice.bolt11 = bolt11;
cur->p = end;
return 1;
static int parse_mention_bech32(struct cursor *cur, struct note_block *block) {
u8 *start = cur->p;
parse_char(cur, '@');
parse_str(cur, "nostr:");
2023-04-11 17:03:48 +00:00
block->block.str.start = (const char *)cur->p;
if (!parse_nostr_bech32(cur, &block->block.mention_bech32.bech32)) {
cur->p = start;
return 0;
2023-04-11 17:03:48 +00:00
block->block.str.end = (const char *)cur->p;
block->type = BLOCK_MENTION_BECH32;
return 1;
static int add_text_then_block(struct cursor *cur, struct note_blocks *blocks, struct note_block block, u8 **start, const u8 *pre_mention)
if (!add_text_block(blocks, *start, pre_mention))
return 0;
*start = (u8*)cur->p;
if (!add_block(blocks, block))
return 0;
return 1;
int damus_parse_content(struct note_blocks *blocks, const char *content) {
int cp, c;
struct cursor cur;
struct note_block block;
u8 *start, *pre_mention;
blocks->words = 0;
blocks->num_blocks = 0;
make_cursor((u8*)content, (u8*)content + strlen(content), &cur);
start = cur.p;
while (cur.p < cur.end && blocks->num_blocks < MAX_BLOCKS) {
cp = peek_char(&cur, -1);
c = peek_char(&cur, 0);
// new word
if (is_whitespace(cp) && !is_whitespace(c)) {
pre_mention = cur.p;
if (cp == -1 || is_left_boundary(cp) || c == '#') {
if (c == '#' && (parse_mention_index(&cur, &block) || parse_hashtag(&cur, &block))) {
if (!add_text_then_block(&cur, blocks, block, &start, pre_mention))
return 0;
} else if ((c == 'h' || c == 'H') && parse_url(&cur, &block)) {
if (!add_text_then_block(&cur, blocks, block, &start, pre_mention))
return 0;
} else if ((c == 'l' || c == 'L') && parse_invoice(&cur, &block)) {
if (!add_text_then_block(&cur, blocks, block, &start, pre_mention))
return 0;
} else if ((c == 'n' || c == '@') && parse_mention_bech32(&cur, &block)) {
if (!add_text_then_block(&cur, blocks, block, &start, pre_mention))
return 0;
if (cur.p - start > 0) {
if (!add_text_block(blocks, start, cur.p))
return 0;
return 1;
void blocks_init(struct note_blocks *blocks) {
blocks->blocks = malloc(sizeof(struct note_block) * MAX_BLOCKS);
blocks->num_blocks = 0;
void blocks_free(struct note_blocks *blocks) {
if (!blocks->blocks) {
for (int i = 0; i < blocks->num_blocks; ++i) {
if (blocks->blocks[i].type == BLOCK_MENTION_BECH32) {
blocks->blocks[i].block.mention_bech32.bech32.buffer = NULL;
blocks->num_blocks = 0;