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2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
// ProfileDatabaseTests.swift
// damusTests
// Created by Bryan Montz on 5/13/23.
import XCTest
@testable import damus
class ProfileDatabaseTests: XCTestCase {
static let cache_url = (FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first?.appendingPathComponent("test-profiles"))!
let database = ProfileDatabase(cache_url: ProfileDatabaseTests.cache_url)
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
// This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
try database.remove_all_profiles()
var test_profile: Profile {
Profile(name: "test-name",
display_name: "test-display-name",
about: "test-about",
picture: "test-picture",
banner: "test-banner",
website: "test-website",
lud06: "test-lud06",
lud16: "test-lud16",
nip05: "test-nip05",
damus_donation: 100)
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
func testStoreAndRetrieveProfile() async throws {
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
let id = "test-id"
let profile = test_profile
// make sure it's not there yet
XCTAssertNil(database.get(id: id))
// store the profile
try await database.upsert(id: id, profile: profile, last_update: .now)
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
// read the profile out of the database
let retrievedProfile = try XCTUnwrap(database.get(id: id))
XCTAssertEqual(profile.name, retrievedProfile.name)
XCTAssertEqual(profile.display_name, retrievedProfile.display_name)
XCTAssertEqual(profile.about, retrievedProfile.about)
XCTAssertEqual(profile.picture, retrievedProfile.picture)
XCTAssertEqual(profile.banner, retrievedProfile.banner)
XCTAssertEqual(profile.website, retrievedProfile.website)
XCTAssertEqual(profile.lud06, retrievedProfile.lud06)
XCTAssertEqual(profile.lud16, retrievedProfile.lud16)
XCTAssertEqual(profile.nip05, retrievedProfile.nip05)
XCTAssertEqual(profile.damus_donation, retrievedProfile.damus_donation)
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
func testRejectOutdatedProfile() async throws {
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
let id = "test-id"
// store a profile
let profile = test_profile
let profile_last_updated = Date.now
try await database.upsert(id: id, profile: profile, last_update: profile_last_updated)
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
// try to store a profile with the same id but the last_update date is older than the previously stored profile
let outdatedProfile = test_profile
let outdated_last_updated = profile_last_updated.addingTimeInterval(-60)
do {
try await database.upsert(id: id, profile: outdatedProfile, last_update: outdated_last_updated)
XCTFail("expected to throw error")
} catch let error as ProfileDatabaseError {
XCTAssertEqual(error, ProfileDatabaseError.outdated_input)
} catch {
XCTFail("not the expected error")
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
func testUpdateExistingProfile() async throws {
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
let id = "test-id"
// store a profile
let profile = test_profile
let profile_last_update = Date.now
try await database.upsert(id: id, profile: profile, last_update: profile_last_update)
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
// update the same profile
let updated_profile = test_profile
updated_profile.nip05 = "updated-nip05"
let updated_profile_last_update = profile_last_update.addingTimeInterval(60)
try await database.upsert(id: id, profile: updated_profile, last_update: updated_profile_last_update)
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
// retrieve the profile and make sure it was updated
let retrieved_profile = database.get(id: id)
XCTAssertEqual(retrieved_profile?.nip05, "updated-nip05")
func testStoreMultipleAndRemoveAllProfiles() async throws {
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
XCTAssertEqual(database.count, 0)
// store a profile
let id = "test-id"
let profile = test_profile
let profile_last_update = Date.now
try await database.upsert(id: id, profile: profile, last_update: profile_last_update)
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
XCTAssertEqual(database.count, 1)
// store another profile
let id2 = "test-id-2"
let profile2 = test_profile
let profile_last_update2 = Date.now
try await database.upsert(id: id2, profile: profile2, last_update: profile_last_update2)
2023-05-13 14:20:01 +00:00
XCTAssertEqual(database.count, 2)
try database.remove_all_profiles()
XCTAssertEqual(database.count, 0)