mirror of git://jb55.com/damus synced 2024-09-19 11:43:44 +00:00

Extend user tagging search to all local profiles

Changelog-Added: Extend user tagging search to all local profiles
Changelog-Fixed: Show @ mentions for users with display_names and no username
Changelog-Fixed: Make user search case insensitive
This commit is contained in:
William Casarin 2023-03-15 08:44:03 -06:00
parent c05223ca2b
commit 1533be77d8
2 changed files with 72 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ struct UserSearch: View {
var users: [SearchedUser] {
guard let contacts = damus_state.contacts.event else {
return []
return search_profiles(profiles: damus_state.profiles, search: search)
return search_users(profiles: damus_state.profiles, tags: contacts.tags, search: search)
return search_users_for_autocomplete(profiles: damus_state.profiles, tags: contacts.tags, search: search)
func on_user_tapped(user: SearchedUser) {
@ -36,21 +36,35 @@ struct UserSearch: View {
// Remove all characters after the last '@'
// Create and append the user tag
let tagAttributedString = createUserTag(for: user, with: pk)
private func removeCharactersAfterLastAtSymbol() {
while post.string.last != "@" {
post.deleteCharacters(in: NSRange(location: post.length - 1, length: 1))
post.deleteCharacters(in: NSRange(location: post.length - 1, length: 1))
private func createUserTag(for user: SearchedUser, with pk: String) -> NSMutableAttributedString {
let name = Profile.displayName(profile: user.profile, pubkey: pk).username
let tagString = "@\(name)\u{200B} "
var tagString = ""
if let name = user.profile?.name {
tagString = "@\(name)\u{200B} "
let tagAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: tagString,
attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18.0),
NSAttributedString.Key.link: "@\(pk)"])
attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18.0),
NSAttributedString.Key.link: "@\(pk)"])
tagAttributedString.removeAttribute(.link, range: NSRange(location: tagAttributedString.length - 2, length: 2))
tagAttributedString.addAttributes([NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.label], range: NSRange(location: tagAttributedString.length - 2, length: 2))
return tagAttributedString
private func appendUserTag(_ tagAttributedString: NSMutableAttributedString) {
let mutableString = NSMutableAttributedString()
@ -81,11 +95,11 @@ struct UserSearch_Previews: PreviewProvider {
func search_users(profiles: Profiles, tags: [[String]], search _search: String) -> [SearchedUser] {
func search_users_for_autocomplete(profiles: Profiles, tags: [[String]], search _search: String) -> [SearchedUser] {
var seen_user = Set<String>()
let search = _search.lowercased()
return tags.reduce(into: Array<SearchedUser>()) { arr, tag in
var matches = tags.reduce(into: Array<SearchedUser>()) { arr, tag in
guard tag.count >= 2 && tag[0] == "p" else {
@ -103,11 +117,29 @@ func search_users(profiles: Profiles, tags: [[String]], search _search: String)
let profile = profiles.lookup(id: pubkey)
guard ((petname?.lowercased().hasPrefix(search) ?? false) || (profile?.name?.lowercased().hasPrefix(search) ?? false)) else {
guard ((petname?.lowercased().hasPrefix(search) ?? false) ||
(profile?.name?.lowercased().hasPrefix(search) ?? false) ||
(profile?.display_name?.lowercased().hasPrefix(search) ?? false)) else {
let searched_user = SearchedUser(petname: petname, profile: profile, pubkey: pubkey)
// search profile cache as well
for tup in profiles.profiles.enumerated() {
let pk = tup.element.key
let prof = tup.element.value.profile
guard !seen_user.contains(pk) else {
if let match = profile_search_matches(profiles: profiles, profile: prof, pubkey: pk, search: search) {
return matches

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import SwiftUI
enum Search {
case profiles([(String, Profile)])
case profiles([SearchedUser])
case hashtag(String)
case profile(String)
case note(String)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ struct SearchResultsView: View {
@State var result: Search? = nil
func ProfileSearchResult(pk: String, res: Profile) -> some View {
func ProfileSearchResult(pk: String) -> some View {
FollowUserView(target: .pubkey(pk), damus_state: damus_state)
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ struct SearchResultsView: View {
switch result {
case .profiles(let results):
LazyVStack {
ForEach(results, id: \.0) { prof in
ProfileSearchResult(pk: prof.0, res: prof.1)
ForEach(results) { prof in
ProfileSearchResult(pk: prof.pubkey)
case .hashtag(let ht):
@ -119,22 +119,34 @@ func search_for_string(profiles: Profiles, _ new: String) -> Search? {
return .profiles(search_profiles(profiles: profiles, search: new))
func search_profiles(profiles: Profiles, search new: String) -> [(String, Profile)] {
func search_profiles(profiles: Profiles, search: String) -> [SearchedUser] {
let new = search.lowercased()
return profiles.profiles.enumerated().reduce(into: []) { acc, els in
let pk = els.element.key
let prof = els.element.value.profile
let lowname = prof.name.map { $0.lowercased() }
let lownip05 = profiles.is_validated(pk).map { $0.host.lowercased() }
let lowdisp = prof.display_name.map { $0.lowercased() }
let ok = new.count == 1 ?
((lowname?.starts(with: new) ?? false) ||
(lownip05?.starts(with: new) ?? false) ||
(lowdisp?.starts(with: new) ?? false)) : (pk.starts(with: new) || String(new.dropFirst()) == pk
|| lowname?.contains(new) ?? false
|| lownip05?.contains(new) ?? false
|| lowdisp?.contains(new) ?? false)
if ok {
acc.append((pk, prof))
if let searched = profile_search_matches(profiles: profiles, profile: prof, pubkey: pk, search: new) {
func profile_search_matches(profiles: Profiles, profile prof: Profile, pubkey pk: String, search new: String) -> SearchedUser? {
let lowname = prof.name.map { $0.lowercased() }
let lownip05 = profiles.is_validated(pk).map { $0.host.lowercased() }
let lowdisp = prof.display_name.map { $0.lowercased() }
let ok = new.count == 1 ?
((lowname?.starts(with: new) ?? false) ||
(lownip05?.starts(with: new) ?? false) ||
(lowdisp?.starts(with: new) ?? false)) : (pk.starts(with: new) || String(new.dropFirst()) == pk
|| lowname?.contains(new) ?? false
|| lownip05?.contains(new) ?? false
|| lowdisp?.contains(new) ?? false)
if ok {
return SearchedUser(petname: nil, profile: prof, pubkey: pk)
return nil