mirror of git://jb55.com/damus synced 2024-09-18 19:23:49 +00:00

Add setting to hide reactions

Changelog-Added: Add setting to hide reactions
This commit is contained in:
Terry Yiu 2023-04-17 03:04:18 +02:00 committed by William Casarin
parent 681e0f0be9
commit 66641fc9ae
14 changed files with 84 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -467,13 +467,13 @@ struct ContentView: View {
.onReceive(handle_notify(.new_mutes)) { notif in
.onReceive(handle_notify(.mute_thread)) { notif in
.onReceive(handle_notify(.unmute_thread)) { notif in
.onReceive(handle_notify(.local_notification)) { notif in
@ -498,6 +498,9 @@ struct ContentView: View {
open_event(ev: target)
.onReceive(handle_notify(.hide_reactions)) { notif in
.alert(NSLocalizedString("Deleted Account", comment: "Alert message to indicate this is a deleted account"), isPresented: $is_deleted_account) {
Button(NSLocalizedString("Logout", comment: "Button to close the alert that informs that the current account has been deleted.")) {
is_deleted_account = false
@ -841,7 +844,7 @@ func find_event(state: DamusState, evid: String, search_type: SearchType, find_f
var filter = search_type == .event ? NostrFilter.filter_ids([ evid ]) : NostrFilter.filter_authors([ evid ])
if search_type == .profile {
filter.kinds = [0]
filter.kinds = [NostrKind.metadata.rawValue]
filter.limit = 1

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class FollowingModel {
func get_filter() -> NostrFilter {
var f = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([0])
var f = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([NostrKind.metadata.rawValue])
f.authors = self.contacts.reduce(into: Array<String>()) { acc, pk in
// don't fetch profiles we already have
if damus_state.profiles.lookup(id: pk) != nil {

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class HomeModel: ObservableObject {
init() {
self.damus_state = DamusState.empty
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class HomeModel: ObservableObject {
func handle_channel_meta(_ ev: NostrEvent) {
func filter_muted() {
func filter_events() {
events.filter { ev in
@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ class HomeModel: ObservableObject {
notifications.filter { ev in
!damus_state.contacts.is_muted(ev.pubkey) &&
!damus_state.muted_threads.isMutedThread(ev, privkey: damus_state.keypair.privkey)
!damus_state.muted_threads.isMutedThread(ev, privkey: damus_state.keypair.privkey) &&
(ev.kind != NostrKind.like.rawValue || !damus_state.settings.hide_reactions)
@ -258,6 +259,10 @@ class HomeModel: ObservableObject {
if damus_state.settings.hide_reactions {
switch damus_state.likes.add_event(ev, target: e.ref_id) {
case .already_counted:
@ -353,13 +358,13 @@ class HomeModel: ObservableObject {
var friends = damus_state.contacts.get_friend_list()
var contacts_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([0])
var contacts_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([NostrKind.metadata.rawValue])
contacts_filter.authors = friends
var our_contacts_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([3, 0])
var our_contacts_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([NostrKind.contacts.rawValue, NostrKind.metadata.rawValue])
our_contacts_filter.authors = [damus_state.pubkey]
var our_blocklist_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([30000])
var our_blocklist_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([NostrKind.list.rawValue])
our_blocklist_filter.parameter = ["mute"]
our_blocklist_filter.authors = [damus_state.pubkey]
@ -378,21 +383,27 @@ class HomeModel: ObservableObject {
our_dms_filter.authors = [ damus_state.pubkey ]
// TODO: separate likes?
var home_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([
var home_filter_kinds = [
if !damus_state.settings.hide_reactions {
var home_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds(home_filter_kinds)
// include our pubkey as well even if we're not technically a friend
home_filter.authors = friends
home_filter.limit = 500
var notifications_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([
var notifications_filter_kinds = [
if !damus_state.settings.hide_reactions {
var notifications_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds(notifications_filter_kinds)
notifications_filter.pubkeys = [damus_state.pubkey]
notifications_filter.limit = 500

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class SearchHomeModel: ObservableObject {
func get_base_filter() -> NostrFilter {
var filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([1, 42])
var filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([NostrKind.text.rawValue, NostrKind.chat.rawValue])
filter.limit = self.limit
filter.until = Int64(Date.now.timeIntervalSince1970)
return filter

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class SearchModel: ObservableObject {
func subscribe() {
// since 1 month
search.limit = self.limit
search.kinds = [1,5,7]
search.kinds = [NostrKind.text.rawValue, NostrKind.delete.rawValue, NostrKind.like.rawValue]
//likes_filter.ids = ref_events.referenced_ids!

View File

@ -77,18 +77,23 @@ class ThreadModel: ObservableObject {
var meta_events = NostrFilter()
var event_filter = NostrFilter()
var ref_events = NostrFilter()
//var likes_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds(7])
let thread_id = event.thread_id(privkey: nil)
ref_events.referenced_ids = [thread_id, event.id]
ref_events.kinds = [1]
ref_events.kinds = [NostrKind.text.rawValue]
ref_events.limit = 1000
event_filter.ids = [thread_id, event.id]
meta_events.referenced_ids = [event.id]
meta_events.kinds = [9735, 1, 6, 7]
var kinds = [NostrKind.zap.rawValue, NostrKind.text.rawValue, NostrKind.boost.rawValue]
if !damus_state.settings.hide_reactions {
meta_events.kinds = kinds
meta_events.limit = 1000

View File

@ -202,6 +202,12 @@ class UserSettingsStore: ObservableObject {
@Published var hide_reactions: Bool {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(hide_reactions, forKey: "hide_reactions")
@Published var translation_service: TranslationService {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(translation_service.rawValue, forKey: "translation_service")
@ -296,6 +302,7 @@ class UserSettingsStore: ObservableObject {
disable_animation = should_disable_image_animation()
auto_translate = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "auto_translate") as? Bool ?? true
show_only_preferred_languages = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "show_only_preferred_languages") as? Bool ?? false
hide_reactions = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "hide_reactions") as? Bool ?? false
// Note from @tyiu:
// Default translation service is disabled by default for now until we gain some confidence that it is working well in production.

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class ZapsModel: ObservableObject {
func subscribe() {
var filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([9735])
var filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([NostrKind.zap.rawValue])
switch target {
case .profile(let profile_id):
filter.pubkeys = [profile_id]

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct NostrFilter: Codable, Equatable {
public static var filter_text: NostrFilter {
return filter_kinds([1])
return filter_kinds([NostrKind.text.rawValue])
public static func filter_ids(_ ids: [String]) -> NostrFilter {
@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ struct NostrFilter: Codable, Equatable {
public static var filter_profiles: NostrFilter {
return filter_kinds([0])
return filter_kinds([NostrKind.metadata.rawValue])
public static var filter_contacts: NostrFilter {
return filter_kinds([3])
return filter_kinds([NostrKind.contacts.rawValue])
public static func filter_authors(_ authors: [String]) -> NostrFilter {

View File

@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ extension Notification.Name {
static var local_notification: Notification.Name {
return Notification.Name("local_notification")
static var hide_reactions: Notification.Name {
return Notification.Name("hide_reactions")
func handle_notify(_ name: Notification.Name) -> NotificationCenter.Publisher {

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ struct EventActionBar: View {
@State var show_share_action: Bool = false
@ObservedObject var bar: ActionBarModel
@ObservedObject var settings: UserSettingsStore
@Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ struct EventActionBar: View {
self.event = event
self.test_lnurl = test_lnurl
_bar = ObservedObject(wrappedValue: bar ?? make_actionbar_model(ev: event.id, damus: damus_state))
_settings = ObservedObject(wrappedValue: damus_state.settings)
var lnurl: String? {
@ -72,22 +74,25 @@ struct EventActionBar: View {
.foregroundColor(bar.boosted ? Color.green : Color.gray)
HStack(spacing: 4) {
LikeButton(liked: bar.liked) {
if bar.liked {
notify(.delete, bar.our_like)
} else {
if !settings.hide_reactions {
HStack(spacing: 4) {
LikeButton(liked: bar.liked) {
if bar.liked {
notify(.delete, bar.our_like)
} else {
Text(verbatim: "\(bar.likes > 0 ? "\(bar.likes)" : "")")
.nip05_colorized(gradient: bar.liked)
Text(verbatim: "\(bar.likes > 0 ? "\(bar.likes)" : "")")
.nip05_colorized(gradient: bar.liked)
if let lnurl = self.lnurl {
ZapButton(damus_state: damus_state, event: event, lnurl: lnurl, bar: bar)

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ struct EventDetailBar: View {
if bar.likes > 0 {
if bar.likes > 0 && !state.settings.hide_reactions {
NavigationLink(destination: ReactionsView(damus_state: state, model: ReactionsModel(state: state, target: target))) {
let noun = Text(verbatim: "\(reactionsCountString(bar.likes))").foregroundColor(.gray)
Text("\(Text("\(bar.likes)").font(.body.bold())) \(noun)", comment: "Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reactions there are on a post. In source English, the first variable is the number of reactions, and the second variable is 'Reaction' or 'Reactions'.")

View File

@ -14,6 +14,14 @@ struct AppearanceSettingsView: View {
var body: some View {
Form {
Section(header: Text(NSLocalizedString("Reactions", comment: "Section header for reaction settings"))) {
Toggle(NSLocalizedString("Hide Reactions", comment: "Setting to hide reactions."), isOn: $settings.hide_reactions)
.onChange(of: settings.hide_reactions) { newVal in
notify(.hide_reactions, newVal)
Section(header: Text(NSLocalizedString("Text Truncation", comment: "Section header for damus text truncation user configuration"))) {
Toggle(NSLocalizedString("Truncate timeline text", comment: "Setting to truncate text in timeline"), isOn: $settings.truncate_timeline_text)

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ final class RequestTests: XCTestCase {
func testMakeSubscriptionRequest() {
let filter = NostrFilter(kinds: [3], limit: 1, authors: ["d9fa34214aa9d151c4f4db843e9c2af4f246bab4205137731f91bcfa44d66a62"])
let filter = NostrFilter(kinds: [NostrKind.contacts.rawValue], limit: 1, authors: ["d9fa34214aa9d151c4f4db843e9c2af4f246bab4205137731f91bcfa44d66a62"])
let subscribe = NostrSubscribe(filters: [filter], sub_id: "31C737B7-C8F9-41DD-8707-325974F279A4")
let result = make_nostr_req(.subscribe(subscribe))
let expectedResult = "[\"REQ\",\"31C737B7-C8F9-41DD-8707-325974F279A4\",{\"kinds\":[3],\"authors\":[\"d9fa34214aa9d151c4f4db843e9c2af4f246bab4205137731f91bcfa44d66a62\"],\"limit\":1}]"