mirror of git://jb55.com/damus synced 2024-09-30 00:40:45 +00:00

Make NostrDB (and related) code build under the new extension target as well.

This change includes several source files related to NostrDB into the extension target as well, so that we can use it from that context (and thus enable more advanced push notification formatting and suppression)

To make this change possible, I had to split some source files as well as to move some functions to different files, to ensure we don't have to pull too much unnecessary code into the extension.



Device: iPhone 15 Pro simulator
iOS: 17.0.1
Damus: This commit
Test steps:
1. Build DamusNotificationService. Should succeed. PASS
2. Build Damus (the app). PASS
3. Run app, scroll around some notes, go to a few different views, post a note. Should work as normal. PASS
This commit is contained in:
Daniel D’Aquino 2023-11-15 18:09:28 -08:00 committed by William Casarin
parent ad75d8546c
commit 87860a7151
13 changed files with 438 additions and 257 deletions

View File

@ -445,10 +445,89 @@
D7870BC12AC4750B0080BA88 /* MentionView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D7870BC02AC4750B0080BA88 /* MentionView.swift */; };
D7870BC32AC47EBC0080BA88 /* EventLoaderView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D7870BC22AC47EBC0080BA88 /* EventLoaderView.swift */; };
D789D1202AFEFBF20083A7AB /* secp256k1 in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = D789D11F2AFEFBF20083A7AB /* secp256k1 */; };
D798D21A2B0856CC00234419 /* Mentions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C7FF7D42823313F009601DB /* Mentions.swift */; };
D798D21B2B0856F200234419 /* NdbTagsIterator.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4CDD1AE12A6B3074001CD4DF /* NdbTagsIterator.swift */; };
D798D21C2B0857E400234419 /* Bech32Object.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4CF0ABEF29857E9200D66079 /* Bech32Object.swift */; };
D798D21E2B0858BB00234419 /* MigratedTypes.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D798D21D2B0858BB00234419 /* MigratedTypes.swift */; };
D798D21F2B0858D600234419 /* MigratedTypes.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D798D21D2B0858BB00234419 /* MigratedTypes.swift */; };
D798D2202B08592000234419 /* NdbTagIterator.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C9054882A6AED4700811EEC /* NdbTagIterator.swift */; };
D798D2212B08594800234419 /* NdbTagElem.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4CDD1ADF2A6B305F001CD4DF /* NdbTagElem.swift */; };
D798D2222B08598A00234419 /* ReferencedId.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C28A4112A6D03D200C1A7A5 /* ReferencedId.swift */; };
D798D2232B0859B700234419 /* KeychainStorage.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 501F8C7F2A0220E1001AFC1D /* KeychainStorage.swift */; };
D798D2242B0859C900234419 /* LocalizationUtil.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3A3040F029A8FF97008A0F29 /* LocalizationUtil.swift */; };
D798D2252B0859D700234419 /* Post.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C363A93282704FA006E126D /* Post.swift */; };
D798D2262B085C4200234419 /* Bech32.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C90BD19283AA67F008EE7EF /* Bech32.swift */; };
D798D2282B085CDA00234419 /* NdbNote+.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D798D2272B085CDA00234419 /* NdbNote+.swift */; };
D798D2292B08686C00234419 /* ContentParsing.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C4DD3DA2A6CA7E8005B4E85 /* ContentParsing.swift */; };
D798D22C2B086C7400234419 /* NostrEvent+.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D798D22B2B086C7400234419 /* NostrEvent+.swift */; };
D798D22D2B086DC400234419 /* NostrEvent.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C75EFB228049D640006080F /* NostrEvent.swift */; };
D798D22E2B086E4800234419 /* NostrResponse.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C75EFB028049D510006080F /* NostrResponse.swift */; };
D79C4C172AFEB061003A41B4 /* NotificationService.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D79C4C162AFEB061003A41B4 /* NotificationService.swift */; };
D79C4C1B2AFEB061003A41B4 /* DamusNotificationService.appex in Embed Foundation Extensions */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D79C4C142AFEB061003A41B4 /* DamusNotificationService.appex */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
D7A343EE2AD0D77C00CED48B /* InlineSnapshotTesting in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = D7A343ED2AD0D77C00CED48B /* InlineSnapshotTesting */; };
D7A343F02AD0D77C00CED48B /* SnapshotTesting in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = D7A343EF2AD0D77C00CED48B /* SnapshotTesting */; };
D7CCFC072B05833200323D86 /* NdbNote.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C90548A2A6AEDEE00811EEC /* NdbNote.swift */; };
D7CCFC082B05834500323D86 /* NoteId.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4CC14FF42A740BB7007AEB17 /* NoteId.swift */; };
D7CCFC0B2B0585EA00323D86 /* nostrdb.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4CE9FBB82A6B3B26007E485C /* nostrdb.c */; settings = {COMPILER_FLAGS = "-w"; }; };
D7CCFC0E2B0587C300323D86 /* EventRef.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C363A9B282838B9006E126D /* EventRef.swift */; };
D7CCFC0F2B0587F600323D86 /* Keys.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C285C8B28398BC6008A31F1 /* Keys.swift */; };
D7CCFC102B05880F00323D86 /* Id.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C2B7BF12A71B6540049DEE7 /* Id.swift */; };
D7CCFC112B05884E00323D86 /* AsciiCharacter.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C5D5C9C2A6B2CB40024563C /* AsciiCharacter.swift */; };
D7CCFC122B05886D00323D86 /* IdType.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4CC14FEE2A73FCCB007AEB17 /* IdType.swift */; };
D7CCFC132B05887C00323D86 /* ProofOfWork.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C75EFBA2804A34C0006080F /* ProofOfWork.swift */; };
D7CCFC152B05891000323D86 /* Referenced.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4CC14FF82A741939007AEB17 /* Referenced.swift */; };
D7CCFC162B05894300323D86 /* Pubkey.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4CC14FF02A73FCDB007AEB17 /* Pubkey.swift */; };
D7CCFC192B058A3F00323D86 /* Block.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7527271D2A93FF0100214108 /* Block.swift */; };
D7CE1B182B0BDFDD002EDAD4 /* mdb.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C4793002A993B9A00489948 /* mdb.c */; };
D7CE1B192B0BE132002EDAD4 /* builder.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C4792942A9939BD00489948 /* builder.c */; };
D7CE1B1A2B0BE135002EDAD4 /* json_parser.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C4792C82A9939BD00489948 /* json_parser.c */; };
D7CE1B1B2B0BE144002EDAD4 /* emitter.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C4792CF2A9939BD00489948 /* emitter.c */; };
D7CE1B1C2B0BE147002EDAD4 /* refmap.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C4792D12A9939BD00489948 /* refmap.c */; };
D7CE1B1D2B0BE14A002EDAD4 /* verifier.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C4792D42A9939BD00489948 /* verifier.c */; };
D7CE1B1E2B0BE190002EDAD4 /* midl.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C4793032A993DB900489948 /* midl.c */; };
D7CE1B1F2B0BE1B8002EDAD4 /* damus.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C06670A28FDE64700038D2A /* damus.c */; };
D7CE1B202B0BE1C8002EDAD4 /* error.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C9146FF2A2A891E00DDEA40 /* error.c */; };
D7CE1B212B0BE1CB002EDAD4 /* wasm.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4CA9276E2A2A5D110098A105 /* wasm.c */; };
D7CE1B222B0BE1EB002EDAD4 /* utf8.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C06670D28FDEAA000038D2A /* utf8.c */; };
D7CE1B232B0BE1EE002EDAD4 /* bolt11.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA63C28FF52D600C48A62 /* bolt11.c */; };
D7CE1B242B0BE1F1002EDAD4 /* hash_u5.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA64028FF553900C48A62 /* hash_u5.c */; };
D7CE1B252B0BE1F4002EDAD4 /* sha256.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA64328FF558100C48A62 /* sha256.c */; };
D7CE1B262B0BE1F8002EDAD4 /* bech32.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA64828FF597700C48A62 /* bech32.c */; };
D7CE1B272B0BE224002EDAD4 /* bech32_util.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA64B28FF59AC00C48A62 /* bech32_util.c */; };
D7CE1B282B0BE226002EDAD4 /* tal.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA64E28FF59F200C48A62 /* tal.c */; };
D7CE1B292B0BE239002EDAD4 /* node_id.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA65F28FF5E7700C48A62 /* node_id.c */; };
D7CE1B2A2B0BE23E002EDAD4 /* mem.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA66428FF5F6800C48A62 /* mem.c */; };
D7CE1B2B2B0BE243002EDAD4 /* hex.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA66728FF5F9900C48A62 /* hex.c */; };
D7CE1B2C2B0BE24B002EDAD4 /* amount.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA66C28FF782800C48A62 /* amount.c */; };
D7CE1B2D2B0BE250002EDAD4 /* take.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA67428FF7A5A00C48A62 /* take.c */; };
D7CE1B2E2B0BE25C002EDAD4 /* talstr.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA67628FF7A9800C48A62 /* talstr.c */; };
D7CE1B2F2B0BE260002EDAD4 /* list.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3EA67828FF7ABF00C48A62 /* list.c */; };
D7CE1B302B0BE263002EDAD4 /* nostr_bech32.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C8D00CE29E38B950036AF10 /* nostr_bech32.c */; };
D7CE1B312B0BE69D002EDAD4 /* Ndb.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C478E242A9932C100489948 /* Ndb.swift */; };
D7CE1B322B0BE6C3002EDAD4 /* NdbTxn.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3DCC752A9FC2030091E592 /* NdbTxn.swift */; };
D7CE1B332B0BE6DE002EDAD4 /* Nostr.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C75EFA527FF87A20006080F /* Nostr.swift */; };
D7CE1B342B0BE6EE002EDAD4 /* NdbProfile.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C478E2C2A9935D300489948 /* NdbProfile.swift */; };
D7CE1B352B0BE6FA002EDAD4 /* ByteBuffer.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9402A9AD44700DC3548 /* ByteBuffer.swift */; };
D7CE1B362B0BE702002EDAD4 /* FbConstants.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9372A9AD44700DC3548 /* FbConstants.swift */; };
D7CE1B372B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Verifier.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B93E2A9AD44700DC3548 /* Verifier.swift */; };
D7CE1B382B0BE719002EDAD4 /* VeriferOptions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9432A9AD44700DC3548 /* VeriferOptions.swift */; };
D7CE1B392B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Table.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9442A9AD44700DC3548 /* Table.swift */; };
D7CE1B3A2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Struct.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B94B2A9AD44700DC3548 /* Struct.swift */; };
D7CE1B3B2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Int+extension.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B93A2A9AD44700DC3548 /* Int+extension.swift */; };
D7CE1B3C2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* TableVerifier.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9412A9AD44700DC3548 /* TableVerifier.swift */; };
D7CE1B3D2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Verifiable.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9452A9AD44700DC3548 /* Verifiable.swift */; };
D7CE1B3E2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* FlatbuffersErrors.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B93C2A9AD44700DC3548 /* FlatbuffersErrors.swift */; };
D7CE1B3F2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Enum.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B94A2A9AD44700DC3548 /* Enum.swift */; };
D7CE1B402B0BE719002EDAD4 /* FlatBufferObject.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9492A9AD44700DC3548 /* FlatBufferObject.swift */; };
D7CE1B412B0BE719002EDAD4 /* FlatBuffersUtils.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B93F2A9AD44700DC3548 /* FlatBuffersUtils.swift */; };
D7CE1B422B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Offset.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9382A9AD44700DC3548 /* Offset.swift */; };
D7CE1B432B0BE719002EDAD4 /* String+extension.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9472A9AD44700DC3548 /* String+extension.swift */; };
D7CE1B442B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Mutable.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9392A9AD44700DC3548 /* Mutable.swift */; };
D7CE1B452B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Root.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9422A9AD44700DC3548 /* Root.swift */; };
D7CE1B462B0BE719002EDAD4 /* FlatBufferBuilder.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B93B2A9AD44700DC3548 /* FlatBufferBuilder.swift */; };
D7CE1B472B0BE719002EDAD4 /* NativeObject.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B9462A9AD44700DC3548 /* NativeObject.swift */; };
D7CE1B482B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Message.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C32B93D2A9AD44700DC3548 /* Message.swift */; };
D7CE1B492B0BE729002EDAD4 /* DisplayName.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C9BB83029C0ED4F00FC4E37 /* DisplayName.swift */; };
D7DBD41F2B02F15E002A6197 /* NostrKind.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4C3BEFD32819DE8F00B3DE84 /* NostrKind.swift */; };
D7DBD4202B0307C7002A6197 /* NostrEventInfoFromPushNotification.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D70A3B182B02DD2D008BD568 /* NostrEventInfoFromPushNotification.swift */; };
D7DEEF2F2A8C021E00E0C99F /* NostrEventTests.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D7DEEF2E2A8C021E00E0C99F /* NostrEventTests.swift */; };
@ -1173,6 +1252,9 @@
D78525242A7B2EA4002FA637 /* NoteContentViewTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = NoteContentViewTests.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D7870BC02AC4750B0080BA88 /* MentionView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = MentionView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D7870BC22AC47EBC0080BA88 /* EventLoaderView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = EventLoaderView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D798D21D2B0858BB00234419 /* MigratedTypes.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = MigratedTypes.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D798D2272B085CDA00234419 /* NdbNote+.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "NdbNote+.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D798D22B2B086C7400234419 /* NostrEvent+.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "NostrEvent+.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D79C4C142AFEB061003A41B4 /* DamusNotificationService.appex */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "wrapper.app-extension"; includeInIndex = 0; path = DamusNotificationService.appex; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
D79C4C162AFEB061003A41B4 /* NotificationService.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = NotificationService.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
D79C4C182AFEB061003A41B4 /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -1797,6 +1879,7 @@
4C28A4112A6D03D200C1A7A5 /* ReferencedId.swift */,
4C2B7BF12A71B6540049DEE7 /* Id.swift */,
D7FF93FF2AC7AC5200FD969D /* RelayURL.swift */,
D798D22B2B086C7400234419 /* NostrEvent+.swift */,
path = Nostr;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -1929,6 +2012,7 @@
4C78EFD72A707C4D007E8197 /* secp256k1_schnorrsig.h */,
4C78EFDA2A707C67007E8197 /* secp256k1_extrakeys.h */,
4C78EFD92A707C4D007E8197 /* secp256k1.h */,
D798D2272B085CDA00234419 /* NdbNote+.swift */,
path = nostrdb;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -2061,6 +2145,7 @@
children = (
4CC14FED2A73FCBB007AEB17 /* Ids */,
7527271D2A93FF0100214108 /* Block.swift */,
D798D21D2B0858BB00234419 /* MigratedTypes.swift */,
path = Types;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -2702,6 +2787,7 @@
4C5C7E68284ED36500A22DF5 /* SearchHomeModel.swift in Sources */,
4C54AA0C29A5543C003E4487 /* ZapGroup.swift in Sources */,
4C190F202A535FC200027FD5 /* CustomizeZapModel.swift in Sources */,
D798D22C2B086C7400234419 /* NostrEvent+.swift in Sources */,
4C75EFB728049D990006080F /* RelayPool.swift in Sources */,
F757933A29D7AECD007DEAC1 /* ImagePicker.swift in Sources */,
4CF0ABEE29844B5500D66079 /* AnyEncodable.swift in Sources */,
@ -2717,6 +2803,7 @@
D7870BC12AC4750B0080BA88 /* MentionView.swift in Sources */,
4CB55EF5295E679D007FD187 /* UserRelaysView.swift in Sources */,
4C363AA228296A7E006E126D /* SearchView.swift in Sources */,
D798D2282B085CDA00234419 /* NdbNote+.swift in Sources */,
4CC7AAED297F0B9E00430951 /* Highlight.swift in Sources */,
4C1253662A76D0FF0004F4B8 /* OnlyZapsNotify.swift in Sources */,
4CA927652A290F1A0098A105 /* TimeDot.swift in Sources */,
@ -2835,6 +2922,7 @@
D7315A2A2ACDF3B70036E30A /* DamusCacheManager.swift in Sources */,
4C7D09682A0AE9B200943473 /* NWCScannerView.swift in Sources */,
4CA352A42A76AFF3003BB08B /* UpdateStatsNotify.swift in Sources */,
D798D21E2B0858BB00234419 /* MigratedTypes.swift in Sources */,
4C0A3F93280F66F5000448DE /* ReplyMap.swift in Sources */,
4C2B7BF22A71B6540049DEE7 /* Id.swift in Sources */,
7C95CAEE299DCEF1009DCB67 /* KFOptionSetter+.swift in Sources */,
@ -3126,10 +3214,86 @@
isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
D798D21F2B0858D600234419 /* MigratedTypes.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B472B0BE719002EDAD4 /* NativeObject.swift in Sources */,
D7CCFC0E2B0587C300323D86 /* EventRef.swift in Sources */,
D7CCFC192B058A3F00323D86 /* Block.swift in Sources */,
D7CCFC112B05884E00323D86 /* AsciiCharacter.swift in Sources */,
D798D2202B08592000234419 /* NdbTagIterator.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B1D2B0BE14A002EDAD4 /* verifier.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B1F2B0BE1B8002EDAD4 /* damus.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B1B2B0BE144002EDAD4 /* emitter.c in Sources */,
D798D21C2B0857E400234419 /* Bech32Object.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B402B0BE719002EDAD4 /* FlatBufferObject.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B442B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Mutable.swift in Sources */,
D798D2212B08594800234419 /* NdbTagElem.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B432B0BE719002EDAD4 /* String+extension.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B1C2B0BE147002EDAD4 /* refmap.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B242B0BE1F1002EDAD4 /* hash_u5.c in Sources */,
D79C4C172AFEB061003A41B4 /* NotificationService.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B362B0BE702002EDAD4 /* FbConstants.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B222B0BE1EB002EDAD4 /* utf8.c in Sources */,
D7CCFC072B05833200323D86 /* NdbNote.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B3F2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Enum.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B422B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Offset.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B232B0BE1EE002EDAD4 /* bolt11.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B182B0BDFDD002EDAD4 /* mdb.c in Sources */,
D7CCFC162B05894300323D86 /* Pubkey.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B292B0BE239002EDAD4 /* node_id.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B2E2B0BE25C002EDAD4 /* talstr.c in Sources */,
D798D2292B08686C00234419 /* ContentParsing.swift in Sources */,
D70A3B192B02DD2D008BD568 /* NostrEventInfoFromPushNotification.swift in Sources */,
D798D2242B0859C900234419 /* LocalizationUtil.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B322B0BE6C3002EDAD4 /* NdbTxn.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B372B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Verifier.swift in Sources */,
D798D21A2B0856CC00234419 /* Mentions.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B212B0BE1CB002EDAD4 /* wasm.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B3B2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Int+extension.swift in Sources */,
D7CCFC0B2B0585EA00323D86 /* nostrdb.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B252B0BE1F4002EDAD4 /* sha256.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B262B0BE1F8002EDAD4 /* bech32.c in Sources */,
D798D21B2B0856F200234419 /* NdbTagsIterator.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B352B0BE6FA002EDAD4 /* ByteBuffer.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B2F2B0BE260002EDAD4 /* list.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B342B0BE6EE002EDAD4 /* NdbProfile.swift in Sources */,
D7DBD41F2B02F15E002A6197 /* NostrKind.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B3C2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* TableVerifier.swift in Sources */,
D7CCFC082B05834500323D86 /* NoteId.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B1A2B0BE135002EDAD4 /* json_parser.c in Sources */,
D798D2252B0859D700234419 /* Post.swift in Sources */,
D7CCFC0F2B0587F600323D86 /* Keys.swift in Sources */,
D798D2232B0859B700234419 /* KeychainStorage.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B272B0BE224002EDAD4 /* bech32_util.c in Sources */,
D7CCFC102B05880F00323D86 /* Id.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B2A2B0BE23E002EDAD4 /* mem.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B332B0BE6DE002EDAD4 /* Nostr.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B3D2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Verifiable.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B382B0BE719002EDAD4 /* VeriferOptions.swift in Sources */,
D7CCFC152B05891000323D86 /* Referenced.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B2B2B0BE243002EDAD4 /* hex.c in Sources */,
D798D2222B08598A00234419 /* ReferencedId.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B492B0BE729002EDAD4 /* DisplayName.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B192B0BE132002EDAD4 /* builder.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B282B0BE226002EDAD4 /* tal.c in Sources */,
D7CCFC122B05886D00323D86 /* IdType.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B312B0BE69D002EDAD4 /* Ndb.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B3A2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Struct.swift in Sources */,
D70A3B172B02DCE5008BD568 /* NotificationFormatter.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B462B0BE719002EDAD4 /* FlatBufferBuilder.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B3E2B0BE719002EDAD4 /* FlatbuffersErrors.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B2C2B0BE24B002EDAD4 /* amount.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B202B0BE1C8002EDAD4 /* error.c in Sources */,
D798D22D2B086DC400234419 /* NostrEvent.swift in Sources */,
D798D22E2B086E4800234419 /* NostrResponse.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B302B0BE263002EDAD4 /* nostr_bech32.c in Sources */,
D7CCFC132B05887C00323D86 /* ProofOfWork.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B392B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Table.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B452B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Root.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B412B0BE719002EDAD4 /* FlatBuffersUtils.swift in Sources */,
D798D2262B085C4200234419 /* Bech32.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B482B0BE719002EDAD4 /* Message.swift in Sources */,
D7CE1B1E2B0BE190002EDAD4 /* midl.c in Sources */,
D7CE1B2D2B0BE250002EDAD4 /* take.c in Sources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@ -3566,13 +3730,13 @@
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = DamusNotificationService/DamusNotificationService.entitlements;
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
INFOPLIST_FILE = DamusNotificationService/Info.plist;
INFOPLIST_KEY_CFBundleDisplayName = DamusNotificationService;
@ -3591,6 +3755,7 @@
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "damus-c/damus-Bridging-Header.h";
@ -3600,13 +3765,13 @@
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = DamusNotificationService/DamusNotificationService.entitlements;
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
INFOPLIST_FILE = DamusNotificationService/Info.plist;
INFOPLIST_KEY_CFBundleDisplayName = DamusNotificationService;
@ -3624,6 +3789,7 @@
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "damus-c/damus-Bridging-Header.h";

View File

@ -145,4 +145,3 @@ func event_is_reply(_ refs: [EventRef]) -> Bool {
return evref.is_reply != nil

View File

@ -123,11 +123,6 @@ struct LightningInvoice<T> {
struct Blocks: Equatable {
let words: Int
let blocks: [Block]
func maybe_pointee<T>(_ p: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>!) -> T? {
guard p != nil else {
return nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
// NostrEvent+.swift
// damus
// Created by Daniel DAquino on 2023-11-17.
import Foundation
func make_zap_request_event(keypair: FullKeypair, content: String, relays: [RelayDescriptor], target: ZapTarget, zap_type: ZapType) -> MakeZapRequest? {
var tags = zap_target_to_tags(target)
var relay_tag = ["relays"]
relay_tag.append(contentsOf: relays.map { $0.url.id })
var kp = keypair
let now = UInt32(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
var privzap_req: PrivateZapRequest?
var message = content
switch zap_type {
case .pub:
case .non_zap:
case .anon:
kp = generate_new_keypair()
case .priv:
guard let priv_kp = generate_private_keypair(our_privkey: keypair.privkey, id: NoteId(target.id), created_at: now) else {
return nil
kp = priv_kp
guard let privreq = make_private_zap_request_event(identity: keypair, enc_key: kp, target: target, message: message) else {
return nil
tags.append(["anon", privreq.enc])
message = ""
privzap_req = privreq
guard let ev = NostrEvent(content: message, keypair: kp.to_keypair(), kind: 9734, tags: tags, createdAt: now) else {
return nil
let zapreq = ZapRequest(ev: ev)
if let privzap_req {
return .priv(zapreq, privzap_req)
} else {
return .normal(zapreq)
func zap_target_to_tags(_ target: ZapTarget) -> [[String]] {
switch target {
case .profile(let pk):
return [["p", pk.hex()]]
case .note(let note_target):
return [["e", note_target.note_id.hex()],
["p", note_target.author.hex()]]
struct PrivateZapRequest {
let req: ZapRequest
let enc: String
func make_private_zap_request_event(identity: FullKeypair, enc_key: FullKeypair, target: ZapTarget, message: String) -> PrivateZapRequest? {
// target tags must be the same as zap request target tags
let tags = zap_target_to_tags(target)
guard let note = NostrEvent(content: message, keypair: identity.to_keypair(), kind: 9733, tags: tags),
let note_json = encode_json(note),
let enc = encrypt_message(message: note_json, privkey: enc_key.privkey, to_pk: target.pubkey, encoding: .bech32)
else {
return nil
return PrivateZapRequest(req: ZapRequest(ev: note), enc: enc)
func decrypt_private_zap(our_privkey: Privkey, zapreq: NostrEvent, target: ZapTarget) -> NostrEvent? {
guard let anon_tag = zapreq.tags.first(where: { t in
t.count >= 2 && t[0].matches_str("anon")
}) else {
return nil
let enc_note = anon_tag[1].string()
var note = decrypt_note(our_privkey: our_privkey, their_pubkey: zapreq.pubkey, enc_note: enc_note, encoding: .bech32)
// check to see if the private note was from us
if note == nil {
guard let our_private_keypair = generate_private_keypair(our_privkey: our_privkey, id: NoteId(target.id), created_at: zapreq.created_at) else {
return nil
// use our private keypair and their pubkey to get the shared secret
note = decrypt_note(our_privkey: our_private_keypair.privkey, their_pubkey: target.pubkey, enc_note: enc_note, encoding: .bech32)
guard let note else {
return nil
guard note.kind == 9733 else {
return nil
let zr_etag = zapreq.referenced_ids.first
let note_etag = note.referenced_ids.first
guard zr_etag == note_etag else {
return nil
let zr_ptag = zapreq.referenced_pubkeys.first
let note_ptag = note.referenced_pubkeys.first
guard let zr_ptag, let note_ptag, zr_ptag == note_ptag else {
return nil
guard validate_event(ev: note) == .ok else {
return nil
return note
enum MakeZapRequest {
case priv(ZapRequest, PrivateZapRequest)
case normal(ZapRequest)
var private_inner_request: ZapRequest {
switch self {
case .priv(_, let pzr):
return pzr.req
case .normal(let zr):
return zr
var potentially_anon_outer_request: ZapRequest {
switch self {
case .priv(let zr, _):
return zr
case .normal(let zr):
return zr
func make_first_contact_event(keypair: Keypair) -> NostrEvent? {
let bootstrap_relays = load_bootstrap_relays(pubkey: keypair.pubkey)
let rw_relay_info = RelayInfo(read: true, write: true)
var relays: [String: RelayInfo] = [:]
for relay in bootstrap_relays {
relays[relay] = rw_relay_info
let relay_json = encode_json(relays)!
let damus_pubkey = "3efdaebb1d8923ebd99c9e7ace3b4194ab45512e2be79c1b7d68d9243e0d2681"
let tags = [
["p", damus_pubkey],
["p", keypair.pubkey.hex()] // you're a friend of yourself!
return NostrEvent(content: relay_json, keypair: keypair, kind: NostrKind.contacts.rawValue, tags: tags)
func make_metadata_event(keypair: FullKeypair, metadata: Profile) -> NostrEvent? {
guard let metadata_json = encode_json(metadata) else {
return nil
return NostrEvent(content: metadata_json, keypair: keypair.to_keypair(), kind: NostrKind.metadata.rawValue, tags: [])

View File

@ -20,17 +20,6 @@ enum ValidationResult: Decodable {
case bad_sig
typealias NostrEvent = NdbNote
typealias TagElem = NdbTagElem
typealias Tag = TagSequence
typealias Tags = TagsSequence
//typealias TagElem = String
//typealias Tag = [TagElem]
//typealias Tags = [Tag]
//typealias NostrEvent = NostrEventOld
let MAX_NOTE_SIZE: Int = 2 << 18
class NostrEventOld: Codable, Identifiable, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable, Hashable, Comparable {
// TODO: memory mapped db events
@ -427,19 +416,6 @@ func hexchar(_ val: UInt8) -> UInt8 {
return 0
func hex_encode(_ data: Data) -> String {
var str = ""
for c in data {
let c1 = hexchar(c >> 4)
let c2 = hexchar(c & 0xF)
return str
func random_bytes(count: Int) -> Data {
var bytes = [Int8](repeating: 0, count: count)
@ -450,32 +426,6 @@ func random_bytes(count: Int) -> Data {
return Data(bytes: bytes, count: count)
func make_first_contact_event(keypair: Keypair) -> NostrEvent? {
let bootstrap_relays = load_bootstrap_relays(pubkey: keypair.pubkey)
let rw_relay_info = RelayInfo(read: true, write: true)
var relays: [String: RelayInfo] = [:]
for relay in bootstrap_relays {
relays[relay] = rw_relay_info
let relay_json = encode_json(relays)!
let damus_pubkey = "3efdaebb1d8923ebd99c9e7ace3b4194ab45512e2be79c1b7d68d9243e0d2681"
let tags = [
["p", damus_pubkey],
["p", keypair.pubkey.hex()] // you're a friend of yourself!
return NostrEvent(content: relay_json, keypair: keypair, kind: NostrKind.contacts.rawValue, tags: tags)
func make_metadata_event(keypair: FullKeypair, metadata: Profile) -> NostrEvent? {
guard let metadata_json = encode_json(metadata) else {
return nil
return NostrEvent(content: metadata_json, keypair: keypair.to_keypair(), kind: NostrKind.metadata.rawValue, tags: [])
func make_boost_event(keypair: FullKeypair, boosted: NostrEvent) -> NostrEvent? {
var tags = Array(boosted.referenced_pubkeys).map({ pk in pk.tag })
@ -501,84 +451,6 @@ func make_like_event(keypair: FullKeypair, liked: NostrEvent, content: String =
return NostrEvent(content: content, keypair: keypair.to_keypair(), kind: 7, tags: tags)
func zap_target_to_tags(_ target: ZapTarget) -> [[String]] {
switch target {
case .profile(let pk):
return [["p", pk.hex()]]
case .note(let note_target):
return [["e", note_target.note_id.hex()],
["p", note_target.author.hex()]]
struct PrivateZapRequest {
let req: ZapRequest
let enc: String
func make_private_zap_request_event(identity: FullKeypair, enc_key: FullKeypair, target: ZapTarget, message: String) -> PrivateZapRequest? {
// target tags must be the same as zap request target tags
let tags = zap_target_to_tags(target)
guard let note = NostrEvent(content: message, keypair: identity.to_keypair(), kind: 9733, tags: tags),
let note_json = encode_json(note),
let enc = encrypt_message(message: note_json, privkey: enc_key.privkey, to_pk: target.pubkey, encoding: .bech32)
else {
return nil
return PrivateZapRequest(req: ZapRequest(ev: note), enc: enc)
func decrypt_private_zap(our_privkey: Privkey, zapreq: NostrEvent, target: ZapTarget) -> NostrEvent? {
guard let anon_tag = zapreq.tags.first(where: { t in
t.count >= 2 && t[0].matches_str("anon")
}) else {
return nil
let enc_note = anon_tag[1].string()
var note = decrypt_note(our_privkey: our_privkey, their_pubkey: zapreq.pubkey, enc_note: enc_note, encoding: .bech32)
// check to see if the private note was from us
if note == nil {
guard let our_private_keypair = generate_private_keypair(our_privkey: our_privkey, id: NoteId(target.id), created_at: zapreq.created_at) else {
return nil
// use our private keypair and their pubkey to get the shared secret
note = decrypt_note(our_privkey: our_private_keypair.privkey, their_pubkey: target.pubkey, enc_note: enc_note, encoding: .bech32)
guard let note else {
return nil
guard note.kind == 9733 else {
return nil
let zr_etag = zapreq.referenced_ids.first
let note_etag = note.referenced_ids.first
guard zr_etag == note_etag else {
return nil
let zr_ptag = zapreq.referenced_pubkeys.first
let note_ptag = note.referenced_pubkeys.first
guard let zr_ptag, let note_ptag, zr_ptag == note_ptag else {
return nil
guard validate_event(ev: note) == .ok else {
return nil
return note
func generate_private_keypair(our_privkey: Privkey, id: NoteId, created_at: UInt32) -> FullKeypair? {
let to_hash = our_privkey.hex() + id.hex() + String(created_at)
guard let dat = to_hash.data(using: .utf8) else {
@ -591,74 +463,6 @@ func generate_private_keypair(our_privkey: Privkey, id: NoteId, created_at: UInt
return FullKeypair(pubkey: pubkey, privkey: privkey)
enum MakeZapRequest {
case priv(ZapRequest, PrivateZapRequest)
case normal(ZapRequest)
var private_inner_request: ZapRequest {
switch self {
case .priv(_, let pzr):
return pzr.req
case .normal(let zr):
return zr
var potentially_anon_outer_request: ZapRequest {
switch self {
case .priv(let zr, _):
return zr
case .normal(let zr):
return zr
func make_zap_request_event(keypair: FullKeypair, content: String, relays: [RelayDescriptor], target: ZapTarget, zap_type: ZapType) -> MakeZapRequest? {
var tags = zap_target_to_tags(target)
var relay_tag = ["relays"]
relay_tag.append(contentsOf: relays.map { $0.url.id })
var kp = keypair
let now = UInt32(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
var privzap_req: PrivateZapRequest?
var message = content
switch zap_type {
case .pub:
case .non_zap:
case .anon:
kp = generate_new_keypair()
case .priv:
guard let priv_kp = generate_private_keypair(our_privkey: keypair.privkey, id: NoteId(target.id), created_at: now) else {
return nil
kp = priv_kp
guard let privreq = make_private_zap_request_event(identity: keypair, enc_key: kp, target: target, message: message) else {
return nil
tags.append(["anon", privreq.enc])
message = ""
privzap_req = privreq
guard let ev = NostrEvent(content: message, keypair: kp.to_keypair(), kind: 9734, tags: tags, createdAt: now) else {
return nil
let zapreq = ZapRequest(ev: ev)
if let privzap_req {
return .priv(zapreq, privzap_req)
} else {
return .normal(zapreq)
func uniq<T: Hashable>(_ xs: [T]) -> [T] {
var s = Set<T>()
var ys: [T] = []
@ -777,6 +581,11 @@ func get_shared_secret(privkey: Privkey, pubkey: Pubkey) -> [UInt8]? {
return shared_secret
enum EncEncoding {
case base64
case bech32
struct DirectMessageBase64 {
let content: [UInt8]
let iv: [UInt8]
@ -949,19 +758,6 @@ func first_eref_mention(ev: NostrEvent, keypair: Keypair) -> Mention<NoteId>? {
return nil
func separate_images(ev: NostrEvent, keypair: Keypair) -> [MediaUrl]? {
let urlBlocks: [URL] = ev.blocks(keypair).blocks.reduce(into: []) { urls, block in
guard case .url(let url) = block else {
if classify_url(url).is_img != nil {
let mediaUrls = urlBlocks.map { MediaUrl.image($0) }
return mediaUrls.isEmpty ? nil : mediaUrls
func separate_invoices(ev: NostrEvent, keypair: Keypair) -> [Invoice]? {
let invoiceBlocks: [Invoice] = ev.blocks(keypair).blocks.reduce(into: []) { invoices, block in
guard case .invoice(let invoice) = block else {

View File

@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ enum Block: Equatable {
case invoice(Invoice)
case relay(String)
struct Blocks: Equatable {
let words: Int
let blocks: [Block]
extension Block {
/// Failable initializer for the C-backed type `block_t`. This initializer will inspect
/// the underlying block type and build the appropriate enum value as needed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// MigratedTypes.swift
// damus
// Created by Daniel DAquino on 2023-11-17.
typealias NostrEvent = NdbNote
typealias TagElem = NdbTagElem
typealias Tag = TagSequence
typealias Tags = TagsSequence

View File

@ -57,3 +57,7 @@ func parse_display_name(profile: Profile?, pubkey: Pubkey) -> DisplayName {
func abbrev_bech32_pubkey(pubkey: Pubkey) -> String {
return abbrev_pubkey(String(pubkey.npub.dropFirst(4)))
func abbrev_pubkey(_ pubkey: String, amount: Int = 8) -> String {
return pubkey.prefix(amount) + ":" + pubkey.suffix(amount)

View File

@ -186,11 +186,6 @@ struct DMChatView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
enum EncEncoding {
case base64
case bech32
func encrypt_message(message: String, privkey: Privkey, to_pk: Pubkey, encoding: EncEncoding = .base64) -> String? {
let iv = random_bytes(count: 16).bytes
guard let shared_sec = get_shared_secret(privkey: privkey, pubkey: to_pk) else {

View File

@ -669,3 +669,16 @@ func count_markdown_words(blocks: [BlockNode]) -> Int {
func separate_images(ev: NostrEvent, keypair: Keypair) -> [MediaUrl]? {
let urlBlocks: [URL] = ev.blocks(keypair).blocks.reduce(into: []) { urls, block in
guard case .url(let url) = block else {
if classify_url(url).is_img != nil {
let mediaUrls = urlBlocks.map { MediaUrl.image($0) }
return mediaUrls.isEmpty ? nil : mediaUrls

View File

@ -89,7 +89,3 @@ struct PubkeyView: View {
#Preview {
PubkeyView(pubkey: test_pubkey)
func abbrev_pubkey(_ pubkey: String, amount: Int = 8) -> String {
return pubkey.prefix(amount) + ":" + pubkey.suffix(amount)

nostrdb/NdbNote+.swift Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
// NdbNote+.swift
// damus
// Created by Daniel DAquino on 2023-11-17.
import Foundation
// Extension to make NdbNote compatible with NostrEvent's original API
extension NdbNote {
private var inner_event: NdbNote? {
get {
return NdbNote.owned_from_json_cstr(json: content_raw, json_len: content_len)
func get_inner_event(cache: EventCache) -> NdbNote? {
guard self.known_kind == .boost else {
return nil
if self.content_len == 0, let id = self.referenced_ids.first {
// TODO: raw id cache lookups
return cache.lookup(id)
return self.inner_event

View File

@ -7,7 +7,12 @@
import Foundation
import NaturalLanguage
import CommonCrypto
import secp256k1
import secp256k1_implementation
import CryptoKit
let MAX_NOTE_SIZE: Int = 2 << 18
struct NdbStr {
let note: NdbNote
@ -42,12 +47,7 @@ class NdbNote: Encodable, Equatable, Hashable {
let note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>
// cached stuff (TODO: remove these)
private var _event_refs: [EventRef]? = nil
var decrypted_content: String? = nil
private var _blocks: Blocks? = nil
private lazy var inner_event: NdbNote? = {
return NdbNote.owned_from_json_cstr(json: content_raw, json_len: content_len)
init(note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>, owned_size: Int?, key: NoteKey?) {
self.note = note
@ -252,8 +252,7 @@ class NdbNote: Encodable, Equatable, Hashable {
// NostrEvent compat
// Extension to make NdbNote compatible with NostrEvent's original API
extension NdbNote {
var is_textlike: Bool {
return kind == 1 || kind == 42 || kind == 30023
@ -275,19 +274,6 @@ extension NdbNote {
return parse_note_content(content: .init(note: self, keypair: keypair))
func get_inner_event(cache: EventCache) -> NostrEvent? {
guard self.known_kind == .boost else {
return nil
if self.content_len == 0, let id = self.referenced_ids.first {
// TODO: raw id cache lookups
return cache.lookup(id)
return self.inner_event
// TODO: References iterator
public var referenced_ids: References<NoteId> {
References<NoteId>(tags: self.tags)
@ -322,11 +308,7 @@ extension NdbNote {
func event_refs(_ keypair: Keypair) -> [EventRef] {
if let rs = _event_refs {
return rs
let refs = interpret_event_refs_ndb(blocks: self.blocks(keypair).blocks, tags: self.tags)
self._event_refs = refs
return refs
@ -339,11 +321,7 @@ extension NdbNote {
func blocks(_ keypair: Keypair) -> Blocks {
if let bs = _blocks { return bs }
let blocks = get_blocks(keypair: keypair)
self._blocks = blocks
return blocks
return get_blocks(keypair: keypair)
// NDBTODO: switch this to operating on bytes not strings
@ -448,3 +426,15 @@ extension NdbNote {
return Date.now.timeIntervalSince(event_date)
func hex_encode(_ data: Data) -> String {
var str = ""
for c in data {
let c1 = hexchar(c >> 4)
let c2 = hexchar(c & 0xF)
return str