mirror of git://jb55.com/damus synced 2024-09-18 19:23:49 +00:00
William Casarin 7040235605 refactor: add Pubkey, Privkey, NoteId string aliases
This is a non-behavioral change in preparation for the actual switchover
from Strings to Ids. The purpose of this kit is to reduce the size of
the switchover commit which is going to be very large.
2023-07-31 05:38:19 -07:00

407 lines
11 KiB

// NdbNote.swift
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2023-07-21.
import Foundation
import NaturalLanguage
struct NdbStr {
let note: NdbNote
let str: UnsafePointer<CChar>
struct NdbId {
let note: NdbNote
let id: Data
enum NdbData {
case id(NdbId)
case str(NdbStr)
init(note: NdbNote, str: ndb_str) {
guard str.flag == NDB_PACKED_ID else {
self = .str(NdbStr(note: note, str: str.str))
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: str.id, count: 32)
self = .id(NdbId(note: note, id: Data(buffer: buffer)))
class NdbNote: Equatable, Hashable {
// we can have owned notes, but we can also have lmdb virtual-memory mapped notes so its optional
private let owned: Bool
let count: Int
let note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>
// cached stuff (TODO: remove these)
private var _event_refs: [EventRef]? = nil
var decrypted_content: String? = nil
private var _blocks: Blocks? = nil
private lazy var inner_event: NdbNote? = {
return NdbNote.owned_from_json_cstr(json: content_raw, json_len: content_len)
init(note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>, owned_size: Int?) {
self.note = note
self.owned = owned_size != nil
self.count = owned_size ?? 0
var content: String {
String(cString: content_raw, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
var content_raw: UnsafePointer<CChar> {
var content_len: UInt32 {
/// NDBTODO: make this into data
var id: String {
hex_encode(Data(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: ndb_note_id(note), count: 32)))
/// NDBTODO: make this into data
var pubkey: String {
hex_encode(Data(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: ndb_note_pubkey(note), count: 32)))
var created_at: UInt32 {
var kind: UInt32 {
var tags: TagsSequence {
.init(note: self)
deinit {
if self.owned {
static func == (lhs: NdbNote, rhs: NdbNote) -> Bool {
return lhs.id == rhs.id
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
static let max_note_size: Int = 2 << 18
init?(content: String, keypair: Keypair, kind: UInt32 = 1, tags: [[String]] = [], createdAt: UInt32 = UInt32(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)) {
var builder = ndb_builder()
let buflen = MAX_NOTE_SIZE
let buf = malloc(buflen)
let idbuf = malloc(buflen)
ndb_builder_init(&builder, buf, Int32(buflen))
guard var pk_raw = hex_decode(keypair.pubkey) else { return nil }
ndb_builder_set_pubkey(&builder, &pk_raw)
ndb_builder_set_kind(&builder, UInt32(kind))
ndb_builder_set_created_at(&builder, createdAt)
for tag in tags {
for elem in tag {
_ = elem.withCString { eptr in
ndb_builder_push_tag_str(&builder, eptr, Int32(elem.utf8.count))
_ = content.withCString { cptr in
ndb_builder_set_content(&builder, content, Int32(content.utf8.count));
var n = UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>?(nil)
let keypair = keypair.privkey.map { sec in
var kp = ndb_keypair()
return sec.withCString { secptr in
ndb_decode_key(secptr, &kp)
return kp
var len: Int32 = 0
if var keypair {
len = ndb_builder_finalize(&builder, &n, &keypair)
} else {
len = ndb_builder_finalize(&builder, &n, nil)
self.owned = true
self.count = Int(len)
self.note = realloc(n, Int(len)).assumingMemoryBound(to: ndb_note.self)
static func owned_from_json(json: String, bufsize: Int = 2 << 18) -> NdbNote? {
return json.withCString { cstr in
return NdbNote.owned_from_json_cstr(
json: cstr, json_len: UInt32(json.utf8.count), bufsize: bufsize)
static func owned_from_json_cstr(json: UnsafePointer<CChar>, json_len: UInt32, bufsize: Int = 2 << 18) -> NdbNote? {
let data = malloc(bufsize)
//guard var json_cstr = json.cString(using: .utf8) else { return nil }
var note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>?
let len = ndb_note_from_json(json, Int32(json_len), &note, data, Int32(bufsize))
if len == 0 {
return nil
// Create new Data with just the valid bytes
guard let note_data = realloc(data, Int(len)) else { return nil }
let new_note = note_data.assumingMemoryBound(to: ndb_note.self)
return NdbNote(note: new_note, owned_size: Int(len))
// NostrEvent compat
extension NdbNote {
var is_textlike: Bool {
return kind == 1 || kind == 42 || kind == 30023
var known_kind: NostrKind? {
return NostrKind.init(rawValue: kind)
var too_big: Bool {
return known_kind != .longform && self.content_len > 16000
var should_show_event: Bool {
return !too_big
//var is_valid_id: Bool {
// return calculate_event_id(ev: self) == self.id
func get_blocks(content: String) -> Blocks {
return parse_note_content_ndb(note: self)
func get_inner_event(cache: EventCache) -> NostrEvent? {
guard self.known_kind == .boost else {
return nil
if self.content == "", let ref = self.referenced_ids.first {
// TODO: raw id cache lookups
let id = ref.id.string()
return cache.lookup(id)
// TODO: how to handle inner events?
return nil
//return self.inner_event
// TODO: References iterator
public var referenced_ids: LazyFilterSequence<References> {
References.ids(tags: self.tags)
public var referenced_pubkeys: LazyFilterSequence<References> {
References.pubkeys(tags: self.tags)
public var referenced_hashtags: LazyFilterSequence<References> {
References.hashtags(tags: self.tags)
func event_refs(_ privkey: Privkey?) -> [EventRef] {
if let rs = _event_refs {
return rs
let refs = interpret_event_refs_ndb(blocks: self.blocks(privkey).blocks, tags: self.tags)
self._event_refs = refs
return refs
func get_content(_ privkey: Privkey?) -> String {
if known_kind == .dm {
return decrypted(privkey: privkey) ?? "*failed to decrypt content*"
return content
func blocks(_ privkey: Privkey?) -> Blocks {
if let bs = _blocks { return bs }
let blocks = get_blocks(content: self.get_content(privkey))
self._blocks = blocks
return blocks
// NDBTODO: switch this to operating on bytes not strings
func decrypted(privkey: Privkey?) -> String? {
if let decrypted_content {
return decrypted_content
guard let key = privkey else {
return nil
guard let our_pubkey = privkey_to_pubkey(privkey: key) else {
return nil
// NDBTODO: don't hex encode
var pubkey = self.pubkey
// This is our DM, we need to use the pubkey of the person we're talking to instead
if our_pubkey == pubkey {
guard let refkey = self.referenced_pubkeys.first else {
return nil
pubkey = refkey.ref_id.string()
// NDBTODO: pass data to pubkey
let dec = decrypt_dm(key, pubkey: pubkey, content: self.content, encoding: .base64)
self.decrypted_content = dec
return dec
var description: String {
return "NostrEvent { id: \(id) pubkey \(pubkey) kind \(kind) tags \(tags) content '\(content)' }"
// Not sure I should implement this
private func get_referenced_ids(key: String) -> [ReferencedId] {
return damus.get_referenced_ids(tags: self.tags, key: key)
public func direct_replies(_ privkey: Privkey?) -> [ReferencedId] {
return event_refs(privkey).reduce(into: []) { acc, evref in
if let direct_reply = evref.is_direct_reply {
// NDBTODO: just use Id
public func thread_id(privkey: Privkey?) -> NoteId {
for ref in event_refs(privkey) {
if let thread_id = ref.is_thread_id {
return thread_id.ref_id
return self.id
public func last_refid() -> ReferencedId? {
return self.referenced_ids.last?.to_referenced_id()
// NDBTODO: id -> data
public func references(id: String, key: AsciiCharacter) -> Bool {
for ref in References(tags: self.tags) {
if ref.key == key && ref.id.string() == id {
return true
return false
func is_reply(_ privkey: Privkey?) -> Bool {
return event_is_reply(self.event_refs(privkey))
func note_language(_ privkey: Privkey?) async -> String? {
let t = Task.detached {
// Rely on Apple's NLLanguageRecognizer to tell us which language it thinks the note is in
// and filter on only the text portions of the content as URLs and hashtags confuse the language recognizer.
let originalBlocks = self.blocks(privkey).blocks
let originalOnlyText = originalBlocks.compactMap { $0.is_text }.joined(separator: " ")
// Only accept language recognition hypothesis if there's at least a 50% probability that it's accurate.
let languageRecognizer = NLLanguageRecognizer()
guard let locale = languageRecognizer.languageHypotheses(withMaximum: 1).first(where: { $0.value >= 0.5 })?.key.rawValue else {
let nstr: String? = nil
return nstr
// Remove the variant component and just take the language part as translation services typically only supports the variant-less language.
// Moreover, speakers of one variant can generally understand other variants.
return localeToLanguage(locale)
return await t.value
func calculate_id() {
self.id = calculate_event_id(ev: self)
func sign(privkey: String) {
self.sig = sign_event(privkey: privkey, ev: self)
var age: TimeInterval {
let event_date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(created_at))
return Date.now.timeIntervalSince(event_date)
extension LazyFilterSequence {
var first: Element? {
self.first(where: { _ in true })
var last: Element? {
var ev: Element? = nil
for e in self {
ev = e
return ev