mirror of git://jb55.com/damus synced 2024-09-21 04:27:31 +00:00
Daniel D’Aquino ad75d8546c Add experimental push notification support
I added support for the experimental push notifications feature. There are many improvements to be made, so this feature is currently opt-in only. If the user does not opt-in, their device tokens will not be sent out and thus they will receive no push notifications.

We should perform more testing on real-life staging environments before fully releasing this feature.


Testing was done gradually during development.

Device: iOS simulators
iOS: 17
Damus version: A few different but recent prototypes
Rough coverage:
1. Checked that no device tokens are sent out when setting is off
2. Checked that I can successfully receive device tokens when feature is ON and set to localhost.
3. Checked sending test push notifications of types "note" (kind: 1), reaction (kind: 7) and DMs (kind 4) works and shows a generic but reasonable push notification message
4. Checked that clicking on the notifications above take the user to the correct screen

Closes: https://github.com/damus-io/damus/issues/67
Changelog-Added: Add experimental push notification support
Signed-off-by: Daniel D’Aquino <daniel@daquino.me>
Signed-off-by: William Casarin <jb55@jb55.com>
2023-11-20 10:32:33 -08:00

101 lines
3.8 KiB

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