mirror of git://jb55.com/damus synced 2024-09-18 19:23:49 +00:00
2023-07-24 10:55:34 -07:00

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// NdbNote.swift
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2023-07-21.
import Foundation
struct NdbStr {
let note: NdbNote
let str: UnsafePointer<CChar>
struct NdbId {
let note: NdbNote
let id: Data
enum NdbData {
case id(NdbId)
case str(NdbStr)
init(note: NdbNote, str: ndb_str) {
guard str.flag == NDB_PACKED_ID else {
self = .str(NdbStr(note: note, str: str.str))
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: str.id, count: 32)
self = .id(NdbId(note: note, id: Data(buffer: buffer)))
class NdbNote {
// we can have owned notes, but we can also have lmdb virtual-memory mapped notes so its optional
private let owned: Bool
let count: Int
let note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>
// cached stuff (TODO: remove these)
private var _event_refs: [EventRef]? = nil
var decrypted_content: String? = nil
private var _blocks: Blocks? = nil
private lazy var inner_event: NdbNote? = {
return NdbNote.owned_from_json_cstr(json: content_raw, json_len: content_len)
init(note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>, owned_size: Int?) {
self.note = note
self.owned = owned_size != nil
self.count = owned_size ?? 0
var content: String {
String(cString: content_raw, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
var content_raw: UnsafePointer<CChar> {
var content_len: UInt32 {
/// These are unsafe if working on owned data and if this outlives the NdbNote
var id: Data {
Data(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: ndb_note_id(note), count: 32))
/// Make a copy if this outlives the note and the note has owned data!
var pubkey: Data {
Data(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: ndb_note_pubkey(note), count: 32))
var created_at: UInt32 {
var kind: UInt32 {
func tags() -> TagsSequence {
return .init(note: self)
deinit {
if self.owned {
static func owned_from_json(json: String, bufsize: Int = 2 << 18) -> NdbNote? {
return json.withCString { cstr in
return NdbNote.owned_from_json_cstr(
json: cstr, json_len: UInt32(json.utf8.count), bufsize: bufsize)
static func owned_from_json_cstr(json: UnsafePointer<CChar>, json_len: UInt32, bufsize: Int = 2 << 18) -> NdbNote? {
let data = malloc(bufsize)
//guard var json_cstr = json.cString(using: .utf8) else { return nil }
var note: UnsafeMutablePointer<ndb_note>?
let len = ndb_note_from_json(json, Int32(json_len), &note, data, Int32(bufsize))
if len == 0 {
return nil
// Create new Data with just the valid bytes
guard let note_data = realloc(data, Int(len)) else { return nil }
let new_note = note_data.assumingMemoryBound(to: ndb_note.self)
return NdbNote(note: new_note, owned_size: Int(len))
// NostrEvent compat
extension NdbNote {
var is_textlike: Bool {
return kind == 1 || kind == 42 || kind == 30023
var known_kind: NostrKind? {
return NostrKind.init(rawValue: Int(kind))
var too_big: Bool {
return known_kind != .longform && self.content_len > 16000
var should_show_event: Bool {
return !too_big
//var is_valid_id: Bool {
// return calculate_event_id(ev: self) == self.id
func get_blocks(content: String) -> Blocks {
return parse_note_content_ndb(note: self)
func get_inner_event(cache: EventCache) -> NostrEvent? {
guard self.known_kind == .boost else {
return nil
if self.content == "", let ref = self.referenced_ids.first {
// TODO: raw id cache lookups
let id = ref.id.string()
return cache.lookup(id)
// TODO: how to handle inner events?
return nil
//return self.inner_event
// TODO: References iterator
public var referenced_ids: LazyFilterSequence<References> {
References(tags: self.tags()).ids()
public var referenced_pubkeys: LazyFilterSequence<References> {
References(tags: self.tags()).pubkeys()
func event_refs(_ privkey: String?) -> [EventRef] {
if let rs = _event_refs {
return rs
let refs = interpret_event_refs_ndb(blocks: self.blocks(privkey).blocks, tags: self.tags())
self._event_refs = refs
return refs
func get_content(_ privkey: String?) -> String {
if known_kind == .dm {
return decrypted(privkey: privkey) ?? "*failed to decrypt content*"
return content
func blocks(_ privkey: String?) -> Blocks {
if let bs = _blocks { return bs }
let blocks = get_blocks(content: self.get_content(privkey))
self._blocks = blocks
return blocks
// NDBTODO: switch this to operating on bytes not strings
func decrypted(privkey: String?) -> String? {
if let decrypted_content = decrypted_content {
return decrypted_content
guard let key = privkey else {
return nil
guard let our_pubkey = privkey_to_pubkey(privkey: key) else {
return nil
// NDBTODO: don't hex encode
var pubkey = hex_encode(self.pubkey)
// This is our DM, we need to use the pubkey of the person we're talking to instead
if our_pubkey == pubkey {
guard let refkey = self.referenced_pubkeys.first else {
return nil
pubkey = refkey.ref_id.string()
// NDBTODO: pass data to pubkey
let dec = decrypt_dm(key, pubkey: pubkey, content: self.content, encoding: .base64)
self.decrypted_content = dec
return dec
var description: String {
return "NostrEvent { id: \(id) pubkey \(pubkey) kind \(kind) tags \(tags) content '\(content)' }"
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id, sig, tags, pubkey, created_at, kind, content
private func get_referenced_ids(key: String) -> [ReferencedId] {
return damus.get_referenced_ids(tags: self.tags, key: key)
public func direct_replies(_ privkey: String?) -> [ReferencedId] {
return event_refs(privkey).reduce(into: []) { acc, evref in
if let direct_reply = evref.is_direct_reply {
public func thread_id(privkey: String?) -> String {
for ref in event_refs(privkey) {
if let thread_id = ref.is_thread_id {
return thread_id.ref_id
return self.id
public func last_refid() -> ReferencedId? {
var mlast: Int? = nil
var i: Int = 0
for tag in tags {
if tag.count >= 2 && tag[0] == "e" {
mlast = i
i += 1
guard let last = mlast else {
return nil
return tag_to_refid(tags[last])
public func references(id: String, key: String) -> Bool {
for tag in tags {
if tag.count >= 2 && tag[0] == key {
if tag[1] == id {
return true
return false
func is_reply(_ privkey: String?) -> Bool {
return event_is_reply(self, privkey: privkey)
func note_language(_ privkey: String?) -> String? {
// Rely on Apple's NLLanguageRecognizer to tell us which language it thinks the note is in
// and filter on only the text portions of the content as URLs and hashtags confuse the language recognizer.
let originalBlocks = blocks(privkey).blocks
let originalOnlyText = originalBlocks.compactMap { $0.is_text }.joined(separator: " ")
// Only accept language recognition hypothesis if there's at least a 50% probability that it's accurate.
let languageRecognizer = NLLanguageRecognizer()
guard let locale = languageRecognizer.languageHypotheses(withMaximum: 1).first(where: { $0.value >= 0.5 })?.key.rawValue else {
return nil
// Remove the variant component and just take the language part as translation services typically only supports the variant-less language.
// Moreover, speakers of one variant can generally understand other variants.
return localeToLanguage(locale)
public var referenced_ids: [ReferencedId] {
return get_referenced_ids(key: "e")
public var referenced_pubkeys: [ReferencedId] {
return get_referenced_ids(key: "p")
public var is_local: Bool {
return (self.flags & 1) != 0
func calculate_id() {
self.id = calculate_event_id(ev: self)
func sign(privkey: String) {
self.sig = sign_event(privkey: privkey, ev: self)
var age: TimeInterval {
let event_date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(created_at))
return Date.now.timeIntervalSince(event_date)
extension LazyFilterSequence {
var first: Element? {
self.first(where: { _ in true })