mirror of git://jb55.com/damus synced 2024-09-29 08:20:45 +00:00
William Casarin e3642b92d1 txn: fix subtle transaction inheritence bugs
This fixes subtle bugs with transaction inheritence. Since we were not
passing the inherited state to moved value, we were sometimes committing
transactions more than once.

Changelog-Fixed: Fix many nostrdb transaction related crashes
2024-01-26 14:03:49 -08:00

481 lines
16 KiB

// Ndb.swift
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2023-08-25.
import Foundation
import OSLog
fileprivate let APPLICATION_GROUP_IDENTIFIER = "group.com.damus"
enum NdbSearchOrder {
case oldest_first
case newest_first
enum DatabaseError: Error {
case failed_open
var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .failed_open:
return "Failed to open database"
class Ndb {
var ndb: ndb_t
let path: String?
let owns_db: Bool
var generation: Int
private var closed: Bool
var is_closed: Bool {
self.closed || self.ndb.ndb == nil
static func safemode() -> Ndb? {
guard let path = db_path ?? old_db_path else { return nil }
// delete the database and start fresh
if Self.db_files_exist(path: path) {
let file_manager = FileManager.default
for db_file in db_files {
try? file_manager.removeItem(atPath: "\(path)/\(db_file)")
guard let ndb = Ndb(path: path) else {
return nil
return ndb
// NostrDB used to be stored on the app container's document directory
static private var old_db_path: String? {
guard let path = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first?.absoluteString else {
return nil
return remove_file_prefix(path)
static var db_path: String? {
// Use the `group.com.damus` container, so that it can be accessible from other targets
// e.g. The notification service extension needs to access Ndb data, which is done through this shared file container.
guard let containerURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: APPLICATION_GROUP_IDENTIFIER) else {
return nil
return remove_file_prefix(containerURL.absoluteString)
static private var db_files: [String] = ["data.mdb", "lock.mdb"]
static var empty: Ndb {
print("txn: NOSTRDB EMPTY")
return Ndb(ndb: ndb_t(ndb: nil))
static func open(path: String? = nil, owns_db_file: Bool = true) -> ndb_t? {
var ndb_p: OpaquePointer? = nil
let ingest_threads: Int32 = 4
var mapsize: Int = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 32
if path == nil && owns_db_file {
// `nil` path indicates the default path will be used.
// The default path changed over time, so migrate the database to the new location if needed
do {
try Self.migrate_db_location_if_needed()
catch {
// If it fails to migrate, the app can still run without serious consequences. Log instead.
Log.error("Error migrating NostrDB to new file container", for: .storage)
guard let db_path = Self.db_path,
owns_db_file || Self.db_files_exist(path: db_path) else {
return nil // If the caller claims to not own the DB file, and the DB files do not exist, then we should not initialize Ndb
guard let path = path.map(remove_file_prefix) ?? Ndb.db_path else {
return nil
let ok = path.withCString { testdir in
var ok = false
while !ok && mapsize > 1024 * 1024 * 700 {
var cfg = ndb_config(flags: 0, ingester_threads: ingest_threads, mapsize: mapsize, filter_context: nil, ingest_filter: nil)
ok = ndb_init(&ndb_p, testdir, &cfg) != 0
if !ok {
mapsize /= 2
return ok
if !ok {
return nil
return ndb_t(ndb: ndb_p)
init?(path: String? = nil, owns_db_file: Bool = true) {
guard let db = Self.open(path: path, owns_db_file: owns_db_file) else {
return nil
self.generation = 0
self.path = path
self.owns_db = owns_db_file
self.ndb = db
self.closed = false
private static func migrate_db_location_if_needed() throws {
guard let old_db_path, let db_path else {
throw Errors.cannot_find_db_path
let file_manager = FileManager.default
let old_db_files_exist = Self.db_files_exist(path: old_db_path)
let new_db_files_exist = Self.db_files_exist(path: db_path)
// Migration rules:
// 1. If DB files exist in the old path but not the new one, move files to the new path
// 2. If files do not exist anywhere, do nothing (let new DB be initialized)
// 3. If files exist in the new path, but not the old one, nothing needs to be done
// 4. If files exist on both, do nothing.
// Scenario 4 likely means that user has downgraded and re-upgraded.
// Although it might make sense to get the most recent DB, it might lead to data loss.
// If we leave both intact, it makes it easier to fix later, as no data loss would occur.
if old_db_files_exist && !new_db_files_exist {
Log.info("Migrating NostrDB to new file location…", for: .storage)
do {
try db_files.forEach { db_file in
let old_path = "\(old_db_path)/\(db_file)"
let new_path = "\(db_path)/\(db_file)"
try file_manager.moveItem(atPath: old_path, toPath: new_path)
Log.info("NostrDB files successfully migrated to the new location", for: .storage)
} catch {
throw Errors.db_file_migration_error
private static func db_files_exist(path: String) -> Bool {
return db_files.allSatisfy { FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: "\(path)/\($0)") }
init(ndb: ndb_t) {
self.ndb = ndb
self.generation = 0
self.path = nil
self.owns_db = true
self.closed = false
func close() {
guard !self.is_closed else { return }
self.closed = true
print("txn: CLOSING NOSTRDB")
self.generation += 1
print("txn: NOSTRDB CLOSED")
func reopen() -> Bool {
guard self.is_closed,
let db = Self.open(path: self.path, owns_db_file: self.owns_db) else {
return false
print("txn: NOSTRDB REOPENED (gen \(generation))")
self.closed = false
self.ndb = db
return true
func lookup_note_by_key_with_txn<Y>(_ key: NoteKey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> NdbNote? {
var size: Int = 0
guard let note_p = ndb_get_note_by_key(&txn.txn, key, &size) else {
return nil
return NdbNote(note: note_p, size: size, owned: false, key: key)
func text_search(query: String, limit: Int = 32, order: NdbSearchOrder = .newest_first) -> [NoteKey] {
guard let txn = NdbTxn(ndb: self) else { return [] }
var results = ndb_text_search_results()
let res = query.withCString { q in
let order = order == .newest_first ? NDB_ORDER_DESCENDING : NDB_ORDER_ASCENDING
var config = ndb_text_search_config(order: order, limit: Int32(limit))
return ndb_text_search(&txn.txn, q, &results, &config)
if res == 0 {
return []
var note_ids = [NoteKey]()
for i in 0..<results.num_results {
// seriously wtf
switch i {
case 0: note_ids.append(results.results.0.key.note_id)
case 1: note_ids.append(results.results.1.key.note_id)
case 2: note_ids.append(results.results.2.key.note_id)
case 3: note_ids.append(results.results.3.key.note_id)
case 4: note_ids.append(results.results.4.key.note_id)
case 5: note_ids.append(results.results.5.key.note_id)
case 6: note_ids.append(results.results.6.key.note_id)
case 7: note_ids.append(results.results.7.key.note_id)
case 8: note_ids.append(results.results.8.key.note_id)
case 9: note_ids.append(results.results.9.key.note_id)
case 10: note_ids.append(results.results.10.key.note_id)
case 11: note_ids.append(results.results.11.key.note_id)
case 12: note_ids.append(results.results.12.key.note_id)
case 13: note_ids.append(results.results.13.key.note_id)
case 14: note_ids.append(results.results.14.key.note_id)
case 15: note_ids.append(results.results.15.key.note_id)
case 16: note_ids.append(results.results.16.key.note_id)
case 17: note_ids.append(results.results.17.key.note_id)
case 18: note_ids.append(results.results.18.key.note_id)
case 19: note_ids.append(results.results.19.key.note_id)
case 20: note_ids.append(results.results.20.key.note_id)
return note_ids
func lookup_note_by_key(_ key: NoteKey) -> NdbTxn<NdbNote?>? {
return NdbTxn(ndb: self) { txn in
lookup_note_by_key_with_txn(key, txn: txn)
private func lookup_profile_by_key_inner<Y>(_ key: ProfileKey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileRecord? {
var size: Int = 0
guard let profile_p = ndb_get_profile_by_key(&txn.txn, key, &size) else {
return nil
return profile_flatbuf_to_record(ptr: profile_p, size: size, key: key)
private func profile_flatbuf_to_record(ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, size: Int, key: UInt64) -> ProfileRecord? {
do {
var buf = ByteBuffer(assumingMemoryBound: ptr, capacity: size)
let rec: NdbProfileRecord = try getDebugCheckedRoot(byteBuffer: &buf)
return ProfileRecord(data: rec, key: key)
} catch {
// Handle error appropriately
print("UNUSUAL: \(error)")
return nil
private func lookup_note_with_txn_inner<Y>(id: NoteId, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> NdbNote? {
return id.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> NdbNote? in
var key: UInt64 = 0
var size: Int = 0
guard let baseAddress = ptr.baseAddress,
let note_p = ndb_get_note_by_id(&txn.txn, baseAddress, &size, &key) else {
return nil
return NdbNote(note: note_p, size: size, owned: false, key: key)
private func lookup_profile_with_txn_inner<Y>(pubkey: Pubkey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileRecord? {
return pubkey.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> ProfileRecord? in
var size: Int = 0
var key: UInt64 = 0
guard let baseAddress = ptr.baseAddress,
let profile_p = ndb_get_profile_by_pubkey(&txn.txn, baseAddress, &size, &key)
else {
return nil
return profile_flatbuf_to_record(ptr: profile_p, size: size, key: key)
func lookup_profile_by_key_with_txn<Y>(key: ProfileKey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileRecord? {
lookup_profile_by_key_inner(key, txn: txn)
func lookup_profile_by_key(key: ProfileKey) -> NdbTxn<ProfileRecord?>? {
return NdbTxn(ndb: self) { txn in
lookup_profile_by_key_inner(key, txn: txn)
func lookup_note_with_txn<Y>(id: NoteId, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> NdbNote? {
lookup_note_with_txn_inner(id: id, txn: txn)
func lookup_profile_key(_ pubkey: Pubkey) -> ProfileKey? {
guard let txn = NdbTxn(ndb: self, with: { txn in
lookup_profile_key_with_txn(pubkey, txn: txn)
}) else {
return nil
return txn.value
func lookup_profile_key_with_txn<Y>(_ pubkey: Pubkey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileKey? {
return pubkey.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> NoteKey? in
guard let p = ptr.baseAddress else { return nil }
let r = ndb_get_profilekey_by_pubkey(&txn.txn, p)
if r == 0 {
return nil
return r
func lookup_note_key_with_txn<Y>(_ id: NoteId, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> NoteKey? {
return id.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> NoteKey? in
guard let p = ptr.baseAddress else {
return nil
let r = ndb_get_notekey_by_id(&txn.txn, p)
if r == 0 {
return nil
return r
func lookup_note_key(_ id: NoteId) -> NoteKey? {
guard let txn = NdbTxn(ndb: self, with: { txn in
lookup_note_key_with_txn(id, txn: txn)
}) else {
return nil
return txn.value
func lookup_note(_ id: NoteId, txn_name: String? = nil) -> NdbTxn<NdbNote?>? {
NdbTxn(ndb: self, name: txn_name) { txn in
lookup_note_with_txn_inner(id: id, txn: txn)
func lookup_profile(_ pubkey: Pubkey, txn_name: String? = nil) -> NdbTxn<ProfileRecord?>? {
NdbTxn(ndb: self, name: txn_name) { txn in
lookup_profile_with_txn_inner(pubkey: pubkey, txn: txn)
func lookup_profile_with_txn<Y>(_ pubkey: Pubkey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileRecord? {
lookup_profile_with_txn_inner(pubkey: pubkey, txn: txn)
func process_client_event(_ str: String) -> Bool {
guard !self.is_closed else { return false }
return str.withCString { cstr in
return ndb_process_client_event(ndb.ndb, cstr, Int32(str.utf8.count)) != 0
func write_profile_last_fetched(pubkey: Pubkey, fetched_at: UInt64) {
let _ = pubkey.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> () in
guard let p = ptr.baseAddress else { return }
ndb_write_last_profile_fetch(ndb.ndb, p, fetched_at)
func read_profile_last_fetched<Y>(txn: NdbTxn<Y>, pubkey: Pubkey) -> UInt64? {
return pubkey.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> UInt64? in
guard let p = ptr.baseAddress else { return nil }
let res = ndb_read_last_profile_fetch(&txn.txn, p)
if res == 0 {
return nil
return res
func process_event(_ str: String) -> Bool {
guard !is_closed else { return false }
return str.withCString { cstr in
return ndb_process_event(ndb.ndb, cstr, Int32(str.utf8.count)) != 0
func process_events(_ str: String) -> Bool {
guard !is_closed else { return false }
return str.withCString { cstr in
return ndb_process_events(ndb.ndb, cstr, str.utf8.count) != 0
func search_profile<Y>(_ search: String, limit: Int, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> [Pubkey] {
var pks = Array<Pubkey>()
return search.withCString { q in
var s = ndb_search()
guard ndb_search_profile(&txn.txn, &s, q) != 0 else {
return pks
defer { ndb_search_profile_end(&s) }
pks.append(Pubkey(Data(bytes: &s.key.pointee.id.0, count: 32)))
var n = limit
while n > 0 {
guard ndb_search_profile_next(&s) != 0 else {
return pks
pks.append(Pubkey(Data(bytes: &s.key.pointee.id.0, count: 32)))
n -= 1
return pks
enum Errors: Error {
case cannot_find_db_path
case db_file_migration_error
deinit {
print("txn: Ndb de-init")
func getDebugCheckedRoot<T: FlatBufferObject>(byteBuffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> T {
return getRoot(byteBuffer: &byteBuffer)
func getDebugCheckedRoot<T: FlatBufferObject>(byteBuffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> T {
return getRoot(byteBuffer: &byteBuffer)
func remove_file_prefix(_ str: String) -> String {
return str.replacingOccurrences(of: "file://", with: "")