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// Ndb.swift
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2023-08-25.
import Foundation
import OSLog
fileprivate let APPLICATION_GROUP_IDENTIFIER = "group.com.damus"
enum NdbSearchOrder {
case oldest_first
case newest_first
class Ndb {
let ndb: ndb_t
static func safemode() -> Ndb? {
guard let path = db_path ?? old_db_path else { return nil }
// delete the database and start fresh
if Self.db_files_exist(path: path) {
let file_manager = FileManager.default
for db_file in db_files {
try? file_manager.removeItem(atPath: "\(path)/\(db_file)")
guard let ndb = Ndb(path: path) else {
return nil
return ndb
// NostrDB used to be stored on the app container's document directory
static private var old_db_path: String? {
guard let path = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first?.absoluteString else {
return nil
return remove_file_prefix(path)
static var db_path: String? {
// Use the `group.com.damus` container, so that it can be accessible from other targets
// e.g. The notification service extension needs to access Ndb data, which is done through this shared file container.
guard let containerURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: APPLICATION_GROUP_IDENTIFIER) else {
return nil
return remove_file_prefix(containerURL.absoluteString)
static private var db_files: [String] = ["data.mdb", "lock.mdb"]
static var empty: Ndb {
Ndb(ndb: ndb_t(ndb: nil))
init?(path: String? = nil, owns_db_file: Bool = true) {
var ndb_p: OpaquePointer? = nil
let ingest_threads: Int32 = 4
var mapsize: Int = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 32
if path == nil && owns_db_file {
// `nil` path indicates the default path will be used.
// The default path changed over time, so migrate the database to the new location if needed
do {
try Self.migrate_db_location_if_needed()
catch {
// If it fails to migrate, the app can still run without serious consequences. Log instead.
Log.error("Error migrating NostrDB to new file container", for: .storage)
guard let db_path = Self.db_path,
owns_db_file || Self.db_files_exist(path: db_path) else {
return nil // If the caller claims to not own the DB file, and the DB files do not exist, then we should not initialize Ndb
guard let path = path.map(remove_file_prefix) ?? Ndb.db_path else {
return nil
let ok = path.withCString { testdir in
var ok = false
while !ok && mapsize > 1024 * 1024 * 700 {
var cfg = ndb_config(flags: 0, ingester_threads: ingest_threads, mapsize: mapsize, filter_context: nil, ingest_filter: nil)
ok = ndb_init(&ndb_p, testdir, &cfg) != 0
if !ok {
mapsize /= 2
return ok
if !ok {
return nil
self.ndb = ndb_t(ndb: ndb_p)
private static func migrate_db_location_if_needed() throws {
guard let old_db_path, let db_path else {
throw Errors.cannot_find_db_path
let file_manager = FileManager.default
let old_db_files_exist = Self.db_files_exist(path: old_db_path)
let new_db_files_exist = Self.db_files_exist(path: db_path)
// Migration rules:
// 1. If DB files exist in the old path but not the new one, move files to the new path
// 2. If files do not exist anywhere, do nothing (let new DB be initialized)
// 3. If files exist in the new path, but not the old one, nothing needs to be done
// 4. If files exist on both, do nothing.
// Scenario 4 likely means that user has downgraded and re-upgraded.
// Although it might make sense to get the most recent DB, it might lead to data loss.
// If we leave both intact, it makes it easier to fix later, as no data loss would occur.
if old_db_files_exist && !new_db_files_exist {
Log.info("Migrating NostrDB to new file location…", for: .storage)
do {
try db_files.forEach { db_file in
let old_path = "\(old_db_path)/\(db_file)"
let new_path = "\(db_path)/\(db_file)"
try file_manager.moveItem(atPath: old_path, toPath: new_path)
Log.info("NostrDB files successfully migrated to the new location", for: .storage)
} catch {
throw Errors.db_file_migration_error
private static func db_files_exist(path: String) -> Bool {
return db_files.allSatisfy { FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: "\(path)/\($0)") }
init(ndb: ndb_t) {
self.ndb = ndb
func lookup_note_by_key_with_txn<Y>(_ key: NoteKey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> NdbNote? {
var size: Int = 0
guard let note_p = ndb_get_note_by_key(&txn.txn, key, &size) else {
return nil
return NdbNote(note: note_p, size: size, owned: false, key: key)
func text_search(query: String, limit: Int = 32, order: NdbSearchOrder = .newest_first) -> [NoteKey] {
let txn = NdbTxn(ndb: self)
var results = ndb_text_search_results()
let res = query.withCString { q in
let order = order == .newest_first ? NDB_ORDER_DESCENDING : NDB_ORDER_ASCENDING
var config = ndb_text_search_config(order: order, limit: Int32(limit))
return ndb_text_search(&txn.txn, q, &results, &config)
if res == 0 {
return []
var note_ids = [NoteKey]()
for i in 0..<results.num_results {
// seriously wtf
switch i {
case 0: note_ids.append(results.results.0.key.note_id)
case 1: note_ids.append(results.results.1.key.note_id)
case 2: note_ids.append(results.results.2.key.note_id)
case 3: note_ids.append(results.results.3.key.note_id)
case 4: note_ids.append(results.results.4.key.note_id)
case 5: note_ids.append(results.results.5.key.note_id)
case 6: note_ids.append(results.results.6.key.note_id)
case 7: note_ids.append(results.results.7.key.note_id)
case 8: note_ids.append(results.results.8.key.note_id)
case 9: note_ids.append(results.results.9.key.note_id)
case 10: note_ids.append(results.results.10.key.note_id)
case 11: note_ids.append(results.results.11.key.note_id)
case 12: note_ids.append(results.results.12.key.note_id)
case 13: note_ids.append(results.results.13.key.note_id)
case 14: note_ids.append(results.results.14.key.note_id)
case 15: note_ids.append(results.results.15.key.note_id)
case 16: note_ids.append(results.results.16.key.note_id)
case 17: note_ids.append(results.results.17.key.note_id)
case 18: note_ids.append(results.results.18.key.note_id)
case 19: note_ids.append(results.results.19.key.note_id)
case 20: note_ids.append(results.results.20.key.note_id)
return note_ids
func lookup_note_by_key(_ key: NoteKey) -> NdbTxn<NdbNote?> {
return NdbTxn(ndb: self) { txn in
lookup_note_by_key_with_txn(key, txn: txn)
private func lookup_profile_by_key_inner<Y>(_ key: ProfileKey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileRecord? {
var size: Int = 0
guard let profile_p = ndb_get_profile_by_key(&txn.txn, key, &size) else {
return nil
return profile_flatbuf_to_record(ptr: profile_p, size: size, key: key)
private func profile_flatbuf_to_record(ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, size: Int, key: UInt64) -> ProfileRecord? {
do {
var buf = ByteBuffer(assumingMemoryBound: ptr, capacity: size)
let rec: NdbProfileRecord = try getDebugCheckedRoot(byteBuffer: &buf)
return ProfileRecord(data: rec, key: key)
} catch {
// Handle error appropriately
print("UNUSUAL: \(error)")
return nil
private func lookup_note_with_txn_inner<Y>(id: NoteId, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> NdbNote? {
return id.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> NdbNote? in
var key: UInt64 = 0
var size: Int = 0
guard let baseAddress = ptr.baseAddress,
let note_p = ndb_get_note_by_id(&txn.txn, baseAddress, &size, &key) else {
return nil
return NdbNote(note: note_p, size: size, owned: false, key: key)
private func lookup_profile_with_txn_inner<Y>(pubkey: Pubkey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileRecord? {
return pubkey.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> ProfileRecord? in
var size: Int = 0
var key: UInt64 = 0
guard let baseAddress = ptr.baseAddress,
let profile_p = ndb_get_profile_by_pubkey(&txn.txn, baseAddress, &size, &key)
else {
return nil
return profile_flatbuf_to_record(ptr: profile_p, size: size, key: key)
func lookup_profile_by_key_with_txn<Y>(key: ProfileKey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileRecord? {
lookup_profile_by_key_inner(key, txn: txn)
func lookup_profile_by_key(key: ProfileKey) -> NdbTxn<ProfileRecord?> {
return NdbTxn(ndb: self) { txn in
lookup_profile_by_key_inner(key, txn: txn)
func lookup_note_with_txn<Y>(id: NoteId, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> NdbNote? {
lookup_note_with_txn_inner(id: id, txn: txn)
func lookup_profile_key(_ pubkey: Pubkey) -> ProfileKey? {
return NdbTxn(ndb: self) { txn in
lookup_profile_key_with_txn(pubkey, txn: txn)
func lookup_profile_key_with_txn<Y>(_ pubkey: Pubkey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileKey? {
return pubkey.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> NoteKey? in
guard let p = ptr.baseAddress else { return nil }
let r = ndb_get_profilekey_by_pubkey(&txn.txn, p)
if r == 0 {
return nil
return r
func lookup_note_key_with_txn<Y>(_ id: NoteId, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> NoteKey? {
return id.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> NoteKey? in
guard let p = ptr.baseAddress else {
return nil
let r = ndb_get_notekey_by_id(&txn.txn, p)
if r == 0 {
return nil
return r
func lookup_note_key(_ id: NoteId) -> NoteKey? {
NdbTxn(ndb: self, with: { txn in lookup_note_key_with_txn(id, txn: txn) }).value
func lookup_note(_ id: NoteId) -> NdbTxn<NdbNote?> {
return NdbTxn(ndb: self) { txn in
lookup_note_with_txn_inner(id: id, txn: txn)
func lookup_profile(_ pubkey: Pubkey) -> NdbTxn<ProfileRecord?> {
return NdbTxn(ndb: self) { txn in
lookup_profile_with_txn_inner(pubkey: pubkey, txn: txn)
func lookup_profile_with_txn<Y>(_ pubkey: Pubkey, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> ProfileRecord? {
lookup_profile_with_txn_inner(pubkey: pubkey, txn: txn)
func process_client_event(_ str: String) -> Bool {
return str.withCString { cstr in
return ndb_process_client_event(ndb.ndb, cstr, Int32(str.utf8.count)) != 0
func write_profile_last_fetched(pubkey: Pubkey, fetched_at: UInt64) {
let _ = pubkey.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> () in
guard let p = ptr.baseAddress else { return }
ndb_write_last_profile_fetch(ndb.ndb, p, fetched_at)
func read_profile_last_fetched<Y>(txn: NdbTxn<Y>, pubkey: Pubkey) -> UInt64? {
return pubkey.id.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> UInt64? in
guard let p = ptr.baseAddress else { return nil }
let res = ndb_read_last_profile_fetch(&txn.txn, p)
if res == 0 {
return nil
return res
func process_event(_ str: String) -> Bool {
return str.withCString { cstr in
return ndb_process_event(ndb.ndb, cstr, Int32(str.utf8.count)) != 0
func process_events(_ str: String) -> Bool {
return str.withCString { cstr in
return ndb_process_events(ndb.ndb, cstr, str.utf8.count) != 0
func search_profile<Y>(_ search: String, limit: Int, txn: NdbTxn<Y>) -> [Pubkey] {
var pks = Array<Pubkey>()
return search.withCString { q in
var s = ndb_search()
guard ndb_search_profile(&txn.txn, &s, q) != 0 else {
return pks
defer { ndb_search_profile_end(&s) }
pks.append(Pubkey(Data(bytes: &s.key.pointee.id.0, count: 32)))
var n = limit
while n > 0 {
guard ndb_search_profile_next(&s) != 0 else {
return pks
pks.append(Pubkey(Data(bytes: &s.key.pointee.id.0, count: 32)))
n -= 1
return pks
enum Errors: Error {
case cannot_find_db_path
case db_file_migration_error
deinit {
func getDebugCheckedRoot<T: FlatBufferObject>(byteBuffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> T {
return getRoot(byteBuffer: &byteBuffer)
func getDebugCheckedRoot<T: FlatBufferObject>(byteBuffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> T {
return getRoot(byteBuffer: &byteBuffer)
func remove_file_prefix(_ str: String) -> String {
return str.replacingOccurrences(of: "file://", with: "")