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* Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if !os(WASI)
import Foundation
import SwiftOverlayShims
/// `TableVerifier` verifies a table object is within a provided memory.
/// It checks if all the objects for a specific generated table, are within
/// the bounds of the buffer, aligned.
public struct TableVerifier {
/// position of current table in `ByteBuffer`
fileprivate var _position: Int
/// Current VTable position
fileprivate var _vtable: Int
/// Length of current VTable
fileprivate var _vtableLength: Int
/// `Verifier` object created in the base verifable call.
fileprivate var _verifier: Verifier
/// Creates a `TableVerifier` verifier that allows the Flatbuffer object
/// to verify the buffer before accessing any of the data.
/// - Parameters:
/// - position: Current table Position
/// - vtable: Current `VTable` position
/// - vtableLength: Current `VTable` length
/// - verifier: `Verifier` Object that caches the data of the verifiable object
internal init(
position: Int,
vtable: Int,
vtableLength: Int,
verifier: inout Verifier)
_position = position
_vtable = vtable
_vtableLength = vtableLength
_verifier = verifier
/// Dereference the current object position from the `VTable`
/// - Parameter field: Current VTable refrence to position.
/// - Throws: A `FlatbuffersErrors` incase the voffset is not aligned/outOfBounds/apparentSizeTooLarge
/// - Returns: An optional position for current field
internal mutating func dereference(_ field: VOffset) throws -> Int? {
if field >= _vtableLength {
return nil
/// Reading the offset for the field needs to be read.
let offset: VOffset = try _verifier.getValue(
at: Int(clamping: _vtable &+ Int(field)))
if offset > 0 {
return Int(clamping: _position &+ Int(offset))
return nil
/// Visits all the fields within the table to validate the integrity
/// of the data
/// - Parameters:
/// - field: voffset of the current field to be read
/// - fieldName: fieldname to report data Errors.
/// - required: If the field has to be available in the buffer
/// - type: Type of field to be read
/// - Throws: A `FlatbuffersErrors` where the field is corrupt
public mutating func visit<T>(
field: VOffset,
fieldName: String,
required: Bool,
type: T.Type) throws where T: Verifiable
let derefValue = try dereference(field)
if let value = derefValue {
try T.verify(&_verifier, at: value, of: T.self)
if required {
throw FlatbuffersErrors.requiredFieldDoesntExist(
position: field,
name: fieldName)
/// Visits all the fields for a union object within the table to
/// validate the integrity of the data
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: Current Key Voffset
/// - field: Current field Voffset
/// - unionKeyName: Union key name
/// - fieldName: Field key name
/// - required: indicates if an object is required to be present
/// - completion: Completion is a handler that WILL be called in the generated
/// - Throws: A `FlatbuffersErrors` where the field is corrupt
public mutating func visit<T>(
unionKey key: VOffset,
unionField field: VOffset,
unionKeyName: String,
fieldName: String,
required: Bool,
completion: @escaping (inout Verifier, T, Int) throws -> Void) throws
where T: UnionEnum
let keyPos = try dereference(key)
let valPos = try dereference(field)
if keyPos == nil && valPos == nil {
if required {
throw FlatbuffersErrors.requiredFieldDoesntExist(
position: key,
name: unionKeyName)
if let _key = keyPos,
let _val = valPos
/// verifiying that the key is within the buffer
try T.T.verify(&_verifier, at: _key, of: T.T.self)
guard let _enum = try T.init(value: _verifier._buffer.read(
def: T.T.self,
position: _key)) else
throw FlatbuffersErrors.unknownUnionCase
/// we are assuming that Unions will always be of type Uint8
try completion(
throw FlatbuffersErrors.valueNotFound(
key: keyPos,
keyName: unionKeyName,
field: valPos,
fieldName: fieldName)
/// Visits and validates all the objects within a union vector
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: Current Key Voffset
/// - field: Current field Voffset
/// - unionKeyName: Union key name
/// - fieldName: Field key name
/// - required: indicates if an object is required to be present
/// - completion: Completion is a handler that WILL be called in the generated
/// - Throws: A `FlatbuffersErrors` where the field is corrupt
public mutating func visitUnionVector<T>(
unionKey key: VOffset,
unionField field: VOffset,
unionKeyName: String,
fieldName: String,
required: Bool,
completion: @escaping (inout Verifier, T, Int) throws -> Void) throws
where T: UnionEnum
let keyVectorPosition = try dereference(key)
let offsetVectorPosition = try dereference(field)
if let keyPos = keyVectorPosition,
let valPos = offsetVectorPosition
try UnionVector<T>.verify(
keyPosition: keyPos,
fieldPosition: valPos,
unionKeyName: unionKeyName,
fieldName: fieldName,
completion: completion)
if required {
throw FlatbuffersErrors.requiredFieldDoesntExist(
position: field,
name: fieldName)
/// Finishs the current Table verifier, and subtracts the current
/// table from the incremented depth.
public mutating func finish() {